the UN claims to settle "disputes peacefully" yet we look at the history of UN horrors.
the so-called-permanent members such as US and Ussr could not reach agreement in issues of korea and vietnam and more, battling on each side.
long before this generation was born- now it is too late.
***members of the UN "commit" to "3. All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful" was egypt a member? since 1945 they committed to this member commitment above, admitted october 1945 yet after membership in 1948 egypt went to war and specifically in 1967 we see a significant horror.
not only did UN peacekeepers move out of egypt's way in 1967, instead of keeping the two sides of egypt border from war, this a specific peace-keeper failure, but also in policy, egypt itself as a member had committed not to use force. yet they sent their tanks to the border and warned the peacekeeping troops to leave=UN failed double specifically by submitting to egypt by leaving and by not expelling egypt for violating the member commitment above.
now it is too late and egypt and that specific neaighbor have a peace treaty yet we see that the UN is a house of horrors.
we will examine the problem of communist china =UN horror next.
why would france and britian not accuse egypt of violating its commitment in 1948 and 1967? what a naive silly question especially since egypt was attacking israel.
in conclusion: mentioning the membership to UN in october 1945 with committing to "settle disputes peacefully" what about the UN failure to enforce this commitment in 1948 and in 1967 etc. too late now but a subject for talk at least.
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