in theory 80% is not desert and could be used for growing food or herding.
china money called yuan around 6 per dollar now see example: china citiezen buy house from build company 12,938y (US$ 1,871.34) per square metre 12=1.7usd for example in Jiangsu province 12,938 per square metre. around Price per Square Meter to Buy Apartment in City Centre 12,000.00 ¥ Prices in Taicang, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China or Price per Square Meter to Buy Apartment Outside of Centre 7,000.00 ¥
china has one quarter desert, total of separated regions such as gobi and other see below. this total less than one third of sahara but still total China has 2.6 million square km of desert that accounts for 27 percent of the country’s total land area.
China now has the second largest desert [of hot deserts not counting cold antarctic deseret] in the world the Taklimakan desert(320,000 square km) which was big yet smaller and has grown by 21,000 square miles more desert
according to nytimes in 2016 less than 27% yet Nearly 20 percent of China is desert, and drought across the northern region is getting worse. One recent estimate said China had 21,000 square miles*2.6=54 tsk, more desert than what existed in 1975. this size is almost three times the size of a small country like israel twenty thousand and the increase is 54 thousand.
As the Tengger expands, it is merging with two other deserts[perhaps linking gobi to t?] to form a vast sea of sand that could become uninhabitable.
along rivers such as huang-he=yellow already is an agricultural zone, with hydroelectric produce electricity
conclusion: outside of cities remain 80 percent of land not desert could be used for agriculture or cattle however herding can cause desertification and government prevents herding to limit desertification while desert spreads despite this effort.
china considers important friendship with north korea more important than "dangerous neighbor" opinion and supply wih friendship dispite disputes.
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