Sunday, June 2, 2024

my cop raid *rym

my first month 
at police 
we found and arrested:
9 kidnappers
8 home burglars,

7 ter-ror-ists
6 voodoo witches,

5 money muggers
and 4 bank robbers,

3 auto *theivs
2 corpse zombies ,

and one jeweled Egyptian mummy.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

batman 2008

 the bank robbery and film summary, batman 2008

in Gotham on a sunny day, a pair slid between buildings down to a roof. #1 cut all communications before his own partner killed #1. 3 more thugs, wearing clown masks, enterd a bank n fired warning shots, to hold hostages for robbing a bank vault. #5 said that the planner who isnt participating deserved less. 

one replied, "that is why they call him '*Joker'." a pair scared the hostages but #5 came to the vault. the roof thug drilled it. #5 waited until the vault opend n asked the driller if he killd the thug, as orderd. #2 confirmed and got the same death. while 5 held the hostages, 3 n 4 filld large duffle bags with money n put them facing the door. 

a bank guy ignored the hostage situation by firing at the thugs- not standard security policy! a criminal garded this bank that held mob money. when the shots stopd, #3 asked if the shot gun was empty. #5 nodded. 3 stood and fired a burst at the mob gard who fired his last shot killing 3. 

4 asked, "will you kill me?" while following 5, who lowered his gun n retreated near the door. "no. i kill the bus driver," answerd 5. a scool bus smashed in n killd 4. the driver put the big bags in the bus. 5 neared the injured mob bank manager n showed his face: The Joker. 

Joker put a grenade into the mobber's mouth and kept his word to kill the bus driver *theif. a string attached the grenade to the bus. joker drove out so the grenade pin popd out terrifying the mobster... but it was just a gas grenade. 

at *nyt the batsignal was on clouds. in a car park tower, a guy met a thug who complained about the drug sale. some batmen fired at the criminals. Scarecrow gasd one from his cuff saying, "Batman never uses a gun" so these are fake. the Batmobile crashd throo a barricade n fired rockets at a wall, so the criminals fled. 

The real Batman came n bent the rifle barrel [same as hagrid in a recent 2002 film] of a Batman n knockd him out to prevent danger. The mobster sent dogs to attack some Batmen. Batman killed dogs but his arm got "badly bitten". Scarecrow drove a white van until Batman jumpd onto its side. 

Scarecrow swerved crashing Batman against a pillar so he fell. Scarecrow "drove down," AROUND the parking ramp so Batman dropd onto the van's roof so it crashd. He tied the Batmen "bad vigilantees" and Scarecrow n thugs for cops to arrest. Gordon n Batman came to the bank, n saw Joker on security video.

Gordon askd, "is he a threat?" Batman said that he is less priority than organized mobs. at Bruce's home, he stitched his dog bite. Alfred warnd Bruce, "know your limits."

Sunday, May 26, 2024

the exciting ending of batman 2008

the armed clowns in the building were realy hostages that snipers shot due to the trick. the thugs wore costumes so batman defeated them. he came to Joker who sent dogs to battle Batman. Joker "brutally beat Batman" using metal. On the criminal boat, a guy came to the warden and askd for the detonator to do what the warden should have done ten minutes ago. 

The warden gave it. he threw it out into the sea. even murderes only did that for their plan not stooping to the joker level. now they did not even kill to save themselves. too bad the other people did not know they were not in danger. On the ferry of innocent people, they voted: maybe the criminals won't kill us? 

most voted to kill the criminals before the criminals can kill us. yet they can't bring themselves to kill. A guy took the detonator to represent the decision but found that he can't kill people. in the building, Joker held Batman down n complaind, "neither group killed" even to save their lives (which is different than usual murders.) 

joker almost pushed his button to mass murder both non-violent groups... Batman fired his darts that *nokd the detonator away. b' threw j' out the window. j fell far but before joker died, B' used his rope shooter to save the disarmed murderer, for his rule to hurt but not kill. joker hung. cops captured him again. Batman left. 

Gordon came home n saw his family held hostage by 2 who grabd a kid. Batman came n told 2, "blame the people responsible for Rachel's death," the ones who bombed her. 2 flipd his coin that showd: shoot Batman n did that. he flipd it again, n told G', "lie to the kid 'everything will be alright', as i needed to tell Rachel knowing she will get killed." 

Batman who could afford n wore a bullet *sheild, tackld 2. they fell down a hill together. Gordon climbd down. Batman said that Joker won by turning Dent evil. later, Gordon smashd the Bat Signal. Alfred burnt Rachel's note. Lucius closed the locate machine. 

Batman explained, "If people knew the truth, then the symbol of hope would be ruind. but if people blame me for the murders, they will continue considering dent good." Batman got chased by cops n rode his Byk away.

Friday, May 24, 2024

c6 claws clause

chapter 6 andi and cloi in troy's toys

in the pet shop, cloi's cell phone rang. it was andi calling! andi said, "my older bro will drive to get u from home to go to the toy shop." conveniently it was in the same mall as that pet shop! changing the order meant that cloi claus already was in the destination. andi askd, "what will you do while you wait?" 

"i will do a claus pause!" cloi answerd. andi giggled gently but ma said "those lame puns are just claus flaws." cloi argued, "nothing forbade them in the claus laws!" andi changed the subject. "last christmas i heard about people who saw santa and then noticed items were missing!" cloi claimd, "that is impossible nobody sees santa!"

"because he was not your dad. just someone dressed as santa. he relied on christmas nyt when people see santa in the streets and expect santa in the home, to give gifts, for him to enter and steal. when they saw him they *beleived he was santa until it was too late." cloi argued again, "but they would see he was not flying."

"wadya mean?" askd andi. "i mean they would know if he opened the door to leave it would start an alarm and that he did not fly so it was not santa just a theif!" andi agreed, "he comes by the chimney because the doors are locked and the windows too." cloi added "and the chimney was built big enuf for the chimney sweep to go in to clean."

andi added, "so he used a rope to go down and in to steal and then to climb up the rope and out." cloi dramatized, "wen he flew away on his hang glider people said, "look up in the sky! it is a jay! no it is a jet! no it is santa claus!" both girls giggled until andi concluded, "but it was just a *theif. and here we are!

"we are now parking by the mall... no, in the underground parking lot. cloi told her mom, "her oops! his older bro drove him here. they are parking here." ma asked, "did andi like the puns?" cloi answerd, "sounded that way." ma listed, "gauz, applaus" so cloi joked, "when i scraped my knee, i used claus gauz."

"your art is "claus draws!"

"your pun earned my claus applaus!" +a: "when santa will hear these puns he will giv claus guffaws!" +c: "my sister clair n i are claus broads!" a:"do you know the story of 2 naughty brats who pranked people? but in december they stopd because of the claus cause!" +c: "there must be a million puns like santa broads, but which toy do you want?"

"first we will see what they sell. meet me at the toy shop named troy toy!" they did. in the shop they found various toys and even videos. someone had already used their idea. a video of a santa drawing sketch art and comics was called "santa draws". cloi argued, "your claus draws sounded better." andi found it!

the electric sport car was sold in paper boxes with thin windows. it came in only two colors red and blue. "my fave is red" andi announced as she took the red one. "dont forget batteries, for the remote" cloi commented. the car lacked a price tag. "oh dear we cant compute the budget for your toy!" whined andi.

cloi looked at the other boxes and saw they had stickers, "19$" the sticker said. "wow i recall when this tec first was produced in teh 80s it cost 100 dollars only rich kids got remote control." mom moaned, remembering. andi added, "now despite inflation 19 is enuf!" the gift certificate was 100$. andi began again:

"i got the toy i wanted now you can use the rest." +c: "really that is most of it 80!" +a: "so what i got what i wanted." c: "but if we share it should be half. you should pick something else too!" they started again looking for toys but none were attractiv! cloi felt horrible using more than she had expected, sharing half.

she could not even give her prize the 7 inch penny! cloi carefully looked at every shelf... most were stuffed pets or plastic dolls for adult characters for those creepy adults. or other stuff that babies play with them. finally she found the "sticky bricky" toy. 

chapter 7 the "sticky bricky blinky" toys

it was a set of bricks a bit different from lego style but attached in a similar way. the shop had two sets a fire base and an army base. "we need to build this together for a garage for your car" cloi insisted. the colorful carton had two stickers 79.99 on a yellow sticker and on a red sticker 59.99. either way the certificate was enuf.

the card would pay for batteries too. the sticky brick toy section also had a some small boxes. they held bricks n wheels to build a colorful motor byk with lyts and a tiny red race car, "look your fave!" gushed cloi. they sifted throo the smaller boxes and selected several that were tempting. 

they took the pile to the clerk by the pay gadget. the clerk also named cloi, started scanning the lines. the flat screen facing the pair showed:







cloi clerk asked, "didnt you see the sign 5 for 20? it is the same price!" cloi claus ran to the shelf grabd another box that she had doubted. she returned and said "thanks clerk cloi that was kind of you to remind us!" she scand the fifth box and the flat screen showed:


total 104$ "oh no!" moaned andi, "you said it was the same price. my gift certificate is not enuf!" 

clerk cloi ignored and asked "is that all?" cloi said "yes." she pushed the total and saw:


total 96$ "oh dear we forgot the batteries not included" andi moaned. clerk corrected, "here batteries are always included because different remote controls have different types of batteries you need the ddd coin for this toy and and the cc coin for the bricky byk. "cool its lyts will blink!" exclaimed cloi excitedly. 

andi handed the card to the clerk who scanned the foil sticker. the flat screen showed: 

total paid 

difference 4$ store credit.

clerk cloi asked, "it is easier for me if you use the store credit now. you can choose key chains and small stuff from those bins. cloi said "i can add one, to get another bricky byk, right?" clerk agreed, "that would be simpler than programming a new card for the difference." cloi went to the sticky brick and looked for another bricky byk.

she wanted the one with flashing lyts. but so unfortunate she could not find any. but it was such a cool flashing lyt toy so she checked each box carefully, to see each car or helicopter or a byk without flashing lyts, until she found in the back an old dusty box with "blinky bricky byk" on it the sticker said 7.99 but it was an old sticker.

she handed the dusty box to the clerk who scanned it "beeb" the screen showed 3.50! store credit 0.50. "it is close enuf" commented cloi. the clerk corrected, "really! look in the bins we have lots of small stuff and decorations for scrap books!" andi became excited, "i hav a scrap book! do you hav washi tape?" 

clerk shook her head, "the packs are 99 cents."

"wait" interupted cloi, "i already agreed to add a dollar, when i pland for the 5 dollar bricky byk! now that it is on sale discount i only need to add 50 cents and you can get washi tape too! andi argued this time, "but you cant pay for me!" cloi refuted,  "deduct it from the gift certificat as if i paid for something else!" 

"sold" agreed andi. cloi pulled out her lil wallet with fake credit cards and a few dollar bills and gave one to the clerk. she reminded them to bring the washi tape to scan it. cloi said "go choose the washi tape for your scrap book." so she did. mom finally came to the toy shop just in time. she had orderd andi's bro brad to come too!

brad said to cloi, "your mom thinks i need to watch andi." mom argued "she is only seven!" andi corrected "six n a half." cloi explained "she started first grade younger than usual." clerk cloi interrupted, "don't forget your coin change," handing back the coins. andi handed it on to cloi who argued:

"really now you spent most of the gift card on me you can keep the difference." so andi pocketed the cash and said,  "go to the car to drive to the fancy restaurant."

chapter 8 andi and cloi in roy's restront.

andi loaded the paper bag containing toys into her back bag. it barely fit due to the big boxes of the fire base and remote car! andi's bro brad led them across the mall. mom suggested, "the food court is that way." brad said, "those are regular, but today is a surprise party for andi it is her birthday!" andi argued "i didn't want a party!"

"that was the surprise!" explained brad. he told cloi, "i told him" pointing at andi, "to invite one frend as a gest for lunch at the fancy roy restront! for his birthday party. more respect than a silly party!" they soon came to the glass wall of the restront named "roy restront" in red letters on the smoky brown glass wall.

they came inside and andi chose a table.


meanwhile at home cloi's cat claws was doing some magic mischif ...

coming soon !

Thursday, May 23, 2024

santa claus and his claws clause

chapter one a random raffle

the next day, cloi came home from *scool even happier, n said, "papa i won the raffle prize!" Her daddy dan answered, "not now sweety!".  cloi claus was a young girl age 7. on monday, yesterday, she had written her name on the small slip of paper. Like all the other kids in her class, she had put it in the giant glass salad bowl. 

after all the names were gatherd, principle perry picked three names. he said he would publish the names on the board, so *evryone can see in the morning. cloi n clair came home very excited. cloi hoped  that she had won the raffle. first prize was a gift certificate for a toy store. 2nd prize was a gift certificate for a pet store.

the loser prize was a big round penny on a cotton band like a necklace, in addition to the trophy everyone would get, so nobody would be left out. cloi was so sure she would win the pet she had already started celebrating. clair was a senior in 12 grade and her story and use of magic is in a past story here. cloi was her young sister.

they got adopted by dan dawson because their father, santa claus, was too busy with his elvs. clair refused to call dan dad so she calld him dan. cloi called him papa to distinguish from her real daddy. tuesday morning, they rushed in to scool and saw the paper with the three names of winners: 1, andi amawo, 2, clair claus and 3, cloi claus.

now cloi was happy that she would get the pet! in the morning, people were complaining how did two sisters win. when they saw clair, some started accusing her of cheating using magic to win. clair was too shocked to speak and ran away. cloi was devastated too! she had really felt like she would win the pet shop. 

now, she would get a useless medal. and the trophy was meaningless... because everyone got it. andi, a trans in cloi's 2nd grade class, found cloi, in the crowd. as usual she made a big fuss about his change... saying "cloi! i need to trade my prize with you, now that i am a boy." cloi was too sad to think clearly n just blinkd.

cloi tryd to clear her thouts... it still was not the pet but it was better than a medal... also it was too good to be true. "really?" asked cloi suspiciously. "zinger!" teased andi, when handing her a colord card. andi announced, "i won first prize! i can invite a friend! dont you wish you were nicer to me until now?" a bully took the bait...

he said, "congratulations andrea! or are you andrew?" nobody lafd as he had hoped. more kids came to see the list. cloi opend the card and read the girly circular script writing: "dear chloee, you were the only one in the class that was my frend from when i was a tomboy until i changed to a boy. i want you to be my guest at the restaurant..." 

cloi was confused again. the prize was for a toy shop not food! also the letter i in the word in was dotted with a small heart! cloi continued reading, starting to worry this was a date! "after we eat we will go to the toy store together and pick a toy for each of us. my prize will pay for yours too." she did not realy want to date a boy...

...and as a frend she accepted andi as a boy now, but that just made her feel more confused about hanging out. cloi decided if she traded her medal it would be okay to use the toy prize and that was no sacrifice! cloi pulld out her cheap phone and used some message ap to write, "tnx andi, from chloee, we can trade my bronz medal for part of your prize." 

before she could put the phone back in her rolling pack her phone dinged! "my pleasure dear. and sorry my mom misspelled your name. she did not believe me you like cloi." this time the word dear did not bother her. 

chapter 2 the prize ceremony

cloi went to class as usual. when she went to the mess hall for lunch clair found her n said, "i need your medal! will you trade it for the pet prize?" clair paused. cloi felt confused again. she wanted the pet very much but had planned to give her medal to andi! when cloi hesitated clair added, "you dont expect me to take care of a rabbit do you? please trade with me."

the lov for a pet won so she agreed. mrs. mak announced, "now we will give the prizes to the winners. everyone at that table, line up to get your trophies while i  call the winners." the kids at the table nearest her, left their food and lined in a neat strait line by the big carton. perry peterson the principle stood giving out the small metal gilded trophies.

mrs. mak continued, "first prize of the random raffle is: "andrea amawo! let's hear hands for her" a few teachers clapped lamely but only for a moment because no kid was clapping. one brat whispered loudly "random?" andi walked from the second grade table towards the teacher mrs. mak who said "not you, sweety, andrea won." 

a few kids giggled very nervously. andi was wearing dark denim jeans and a black t-shirt with some band written on it in red and orange flaming letters. his sneakers were worn out from much running and climbing trees. his very short black hair was almost completely covered by the sports cap with the team *she had loved since age 3: mets.

she went to a baseball game, mets versus red sox, for her first time in new york, before moving to santa anna california, where most kids, including cloi, liked the san francisco team. mrs. mak was starting to panic, "andrea? where are you? i guess we will go to the second place winner." finally andi reached mak and said "please may i see the name on the paper?" 

mak handed it to him. andi spelled, "a-n-d-i is written here. not andrea." mak was suddenly pale! she looked at perry who pointed at andi so she gave him the gift certificate for the toy shop. "thank you missus mak!" andi said in a very fake hi pitched girly voice. laughter exploded. that was a good one! he swished his baseball cap n bowed to mak.

perry saw mak was still dizzy so she, oops he, announced, "second prize..." and chanted, "...i-i-i-is". he paused and stared at mak. maria mak, who was a first grade teacher as i hinted above! hence her interpretation of andrea and her expectation for the winner as she remembered andrea... read the next name:

she exclaimd "clairey klows!" in an excited tone. clair and cloi stood at the same time as planned. they both funneled in toward the path between the two rows of lunch tables. many students led by charli chelsea started a long boo-oo-oo-oo! they bood. her brother, in clair's class shouted "cheaters!" more kids joined the booing! 

together the pair came to mak. mak stammered again trying to say "ssss" like sorry dear not you... but the second surprise of 2 kids and the booing piled on the first shock, was just too much! clair had planned to say she was trading with her sister, but seeing poor mak in shock, she extended her hand for the pet shop certificate. 

mak smiled very weakly n handed it to clair. cloi simply said, "i am cloee". mak looked at the name. She lifted the medallion and handed it to cloi. but to cloi's horror, clair grabd it! cloi felt confused again because she remembered writing to andi that she would give the medal like a trade. mak also protested, "hey! dont bully your sister! you got the certificate!" 

clair handed the paper to cloi and reminded cloi, "this is what you told me, you prefer." cloi recovered and jumpd and shouted, "yay i can get a gerbil now!" this is why that day cloi came home even happier.

chapter 3 a fortunate event

as soon as they came home mom moxin was waiting on the sofa ready to take cloi to the pet shop, as she had read in the text message ap. clair n cloi put their rolling packs in their shared room in the home. clair jumped to lay on her bed and switched on the huge widescreen flat screen qled 85 inch tv! cloi ran to the home door.

mom was already there ready. "which pet do you want, dear?" asked moxin. cloi answered, "i want a gerbil, and gerbil food and a runner wheel and a water bottle and..." cloi paused to open the door of the  hybrid car. she felt in her jeans pocket that the thik paper card was still there. mom walkd around the car and opened the driver side.

"i am plugged in" announced the car. mom came to the wall in the garage and unplugged the charger. next she carried the cord to the car and pressed the button. like a vaccuum cleaner cord it sucked in the cord and rolled it. when mom sat in the driver seat, the voice continued, "i am charged 78% you can drive 94 miles out and back."

"that does not help me!" moaned mom. as if in reply the car continued, "please enter your destination." cloi was ready with her card and read the address to patty pets on virgin street. mom entered the number and street name so the map showed the list of similar streets only virgin and surgeion were options. mom tapd virgin. 

the map showed the destination quickly calculated the possible driving paths and which was preferd at this time and situation. then the map flashed several crooked lines from the destination to the home... like the boat in the james bond film! just to be cool and show it was thinking. finally it selected a recommended route.

cloi tapd the remote control that opened the garage door. it clacked up. mom slowly and carefully backed out of the home parking garage.  she continued rolling down the tar driveway almost to the sidewalk. as the car beeped a warning. the gps map showed a kid on a bike on the sidewalk nearing the driveway.

mom let it pass. she looked at the screen and looked out the back and continued over the pavement to the street. the car announced in 17 seconds back up. mom watched on the screen as cars wizd by in both directions. she complained, "when will we hav thos eflying cars that i can just float up and spin and see?" 

"never" replied cloi realisticly. as the timer reached 3... 2... 1... mom looked at the space between the moving cars and looked behind her out the glass windows. "go" suggested the car. mom reversed n swung out back, car rear first, into the near lane going south. she stopd and changed to drive as the steer spun strait.

as a car neared behind her the car urged "go." so she pressed the pedal and shot southward. the car announced "recalculating". it had assumed the driver would go to the far lane and go north! but mom was worried about the approaching cars and chose the nearer lane! this almost caused a crash because the south bound car was near!

chapter 4 the computers compensated for human errors

the computer had calculated she would back beyond the near lane before turning, only being the in the near lane for a moment with more time until the north bound car came near! it was a crismas miracle coupled with the smart car that was driving south that had sensed the hybrid backing in to the lane and slowing, as programmed.

even before the driver realized he needed to press the brake pedal, it had computed the distance to the danger and to the car behind it, the follower, and calculated a slowing, while shining the brake lyt to the follower. the driver saw the car backing into the south lane, and felt the slowing so slammed the brakes. the computer ignored this due to the following vehicle.

this prevented a "3 car pile up". in the 1990s 3 cars would have crashed due to these human errors and at that speed 25 miles per hour, or worse... if humans chose the speed, at least 3 deaths! luckily the computer bridged, meaning compromising the will of the driver with accurate distances and rates of speed even disobeying the panicked humans.

the follower lacked a smart computer but seeing the brake lights in time and obeying the distance rule allowed him a chance to slow too! mom obeyed the computer where to turn and the car automaticly controled the speed based on the limits of each street and the cars nearby. "go faster" urged cloi. mom saw the safe speed and pressed the pedal. 

the car compromised adding to the speed until the limit but then ignoring the pedal. dam cussed mom, who was used to speeding a bit more than the limit in her previous car. after following the turns and ways they came to the patty pet shop. operated by mr. and mrs... mcpattrik. the parking lot was just a wide driveway.

rows of cars had already parked along both sides. mom told the car park here. the computer took over. it slid very near a car  on the ryt side... mom winced as she looked across and over cloi. but cloi said "3 inches" to calm her mom. then it backed into the spot in precision parallel parking as if the steer had turned at the ryt moment!

cloi opend the door and she was at the curb just one inch away a precision almost no human could park. the pair enterd the pet shop. moxin askd the clerk, "where do you keep gerbils?" alas! the clrek answerd "sorry we sold out of gerbils last month. we did not order any because people prefer rabbits and dogs." cloi was already looking at the various pets.

the glass terrariums with snakes, that were knocking their heads sideways repeatedly on the glass at the hamsters between them. the terrified hamsters were squeezed in the center away from their water bottle that was sadly completely full. how unfortunate for them! cloi gleefully shouted "gerbils!" mrs. patty said, "nope."

"we will take one of those and a glass cage", mom said. mrs. patty explained, "are you sure you want hamsters?' cloi nodded and blurted out "two of those!" mom corrected her, "just one" then to patty, "how much for the glass case and one gerbil?" the clerk who was their son pete mcpatrik said "a glass case is 75$"

when mom's eyebrows shot up, he added, "a wire cage is 55$ one gerbil is free with the cage the second is 10$. a clear plastic case is 45$ not including the gerbil for 15$ each". cloi looked sadly at the gift certificate for 50$ it would pay for most but how much was mom willing to add? and what about the run wheel and the water bottle?

so unfortunate.

chapter 5 claws claus

cloi handed the card to moxin and asked "how much are you willing to add?" mom blurted out the question "ADD?" an awkward silence stretched... only the clock ticking tap tap... but the sales clerk did not miss a beat! "cats do not need a cage you know." mom looked at cloi almost begging. cloi felt very confused again.

she had wanted gerbils! call them hamsters that did not matter! just those cutees! the ones there! then all her hopes had shattered when she won the stupid bronz medal. then she had hope when clair offerd to trade and now just when the gerbils were in reach and she had the card and saw the gerbils the price was too much!

so unfortunate. cloi was speechless. the slick salesman offerd, "come look at the cats". finally cloi woke up and said, "yes i want to see an orange cat but sir?" she paused. pete said, "what?" cloi suggested, "please move the snakes near each other so these poor gerbils can take a drink" she begged.

for the first time pete and his mom noticed the gerbils squeezed in the center. they had not learned that the glass kept the snake away. or had, but the snakes had not learnt!  pete slid the glass case by the wall outward and lifted it. mrs. mc slid the gerbil cage to the wall. finally pete put the snake case between the cages.

now the snake was where the gerbil cage had sat. the snake inside turned to the other side and continued tapping its head on the glass diving at the gerbils... who fled to the wall where the water was and finally could drink. one hamster got there first and started gluggin the water the other tried to climb to the water too! on its room mate!

mrs. mc reached in and lifted the first hamster. and scolded it "you drank some but you need to share with your room mate too!" the other hamster drank some for the first time since the gerbils by the wall were sold yesterday! then the snake case took its place! satisfied they walked across to to the rows of cages with dogs and cats.

mom offerd, "you can hav a little kitten if you want." cloi argued, "i dont want a baby one." luckily they found a fluffy cat with hair that was brownish orange. the sign by it said "cats only 25$ one week left until sleep." the cage beside it with two black cats had a sign "cats 35$". cloi said "i want the orange one!" always the slick salesman now he said...

"the carrying case is 15$" in chorus cloi and moxin shouted "sold"! the total was 40$. moxin added "and ten dollars worth of cat food." mr. mc now got involved, "do you want wood slivers or crystals for the litter box?" mom looked sad. "honey, we will save up and get you gerbils in a few months." mr. mc wanted the sale.

he could not wait because in one week they would put the old cats to sleep to make room for the new strays. the city only gave one month budget for food for each stray. he offered. "how about 20$ for the cat, 15$ for the carry case and one litter box with a bag of wood slivers for 15$" the girls chorused "sold!"

and that is how cloi claus got her cat who she named "claws claus". the surprise was... this orange cat had belonged to a magical dwarf and could speak and knew magic just like santa claus! and clair claus and cloi claus too! so they would have some fun adventures in the following chapters!

chapter 6 andi and  cloi

just then in the pet shop, clois cell phone rang. it was andi calling!

andi said that her older bro would drive to clois home to go to the toy shop first before eating. conveniently the pet shop was in the same mall as that toy shop! so changing the order meant that cloi already was in the destination. andi askd, what will you do while you wait?" cloi answerd "i will do a claus pause!" 

andi giggled gently but ma said "those lame puns are just like sant a and his claus flaws."



Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Silmarillion summary

introduction: Silmarillion is a very complicated book with many strange names and details. it is very difficult to follow so a summary is useful.  The Silmarillion has five parts: 1, Ain', creation + Melkor made trouble. 2, Val', about the angels. 3, Que', history befor the First Age n during it. 4, Ak' age 2 history. 5, Rings, age 3 about Rings of Power. 

terms: angels Ainur include Valar and lower Maiar, created by ilu'

__c1, a creator=c first made angels. c' told them, "we will sing music together to generate the world so each one will contribute its potential." [heresy because bible said creation was "very good" so need pure, only god, but maybe genesis is a bad book. did jesus ever say by name that it was a good book? never.] 

the most powerful angels was Melkor but even he failed to generate anything. while singing he injected his ideas into the music, changing from the chorus plan. many of them stopped singing or sang with Melkor. c' ordered, "change the music to a new theme." Melkor changed the music to his different theme. c' ordered: stop.

Their music generated the world. c' allowed them to shape the world to their visions n go down into it. Many angels, including Melkor, came into the world. they used their powers to shape it. they changed chaos into the world. some ruled the wind, waters, and ground. they overcame even Melkor the most powerful. 

Melkor started to destroy their products but faild. [c2 Val'] in the world were seven Lords and their seven Queens all were angels. one, who rules the wind and weather was c's favorite. so c appointed him king, the first king of earth. His queen, Varda helpd those who cried from the darkest places. Elves praise her. 

the Lord of Waters was his closest frend. the lord of dirt shaped the land. he often battled against Melkor because almost as strong. his queen ruled animals n plants. 2 keep spirits, but 1 of them holds dead Elves in chambers until reviving in another body. one can see the future except secrets. 

his queen weaves  history into "tapestries that adorn" her palace. one care for the living. one turns grief to wisdom. One left Middle-earth. his queen opens flowers. The lower angels called Maiar are servants to the higher angels. One masters the sea. Melkor corrupted other angels.

3 [first chapter of q] angels battled Melkor in the First War. a guy joined the war. his anger caused Melkor to flee. angels caused order in the world.

מס T.B.C.

Monday, May 20, 2024

film "siege" summary

siege 1998

in Saudi Arabia, during peace, a bomb killed U.S. troops. in a desert, goats stopd a car. troops killd the driver n abducted the guilty Sheik [for trial? later we see no trial. but also not assassinate danger]. in New York City, cops came to a bus with hostages. a bomb inside it exploded... it was a paint bomb so nobody died. 

an FBI guy tony the traitor came. later, tony came to an Airport for a guy carrying major money. the claim was "for a wedding dowry" but people lie so they followd the "mule". he noticed an agent so he dropd the money case and ran. that agent got the money while tony drove to chase until mule climbed over a fence and escaped in a red van.

tony learnt that the mule was held by CIA in a house. tony's FBI team raided it n arrested a CIA gal (who was secretly muslim). tony asked her about terrorist there. She refused to answer. guess why? in a car, tony his fbi partner, h' and the gal argued. they got called to another hostage bus. suicide bombers wore bombs.

the trio came among cops n firetrucks due to expecting a bomb. snipers aimed. "tony told th terrorists", while h' translated in arabic, "your complaint surely is not with children. free them please".  tony dond a *sheild vest. again the secret muslim hid her info about terrorists. 

kids came out causing a bit of *releif. the terrorists had let all six kids free. tony said "take me as a hostage for what you want, but free them all or the ones too old for soldiers" [note young first because they will probably live more years than old will live] people were surprised the terrorists did not accept to take him as a hostage.

after all did they not want hostages to demand something? the bus doors opend again. as the older people climb down... the *releif got destroyed... to everybody's horror the terrorists did their only goal: kill people. before the old can get to a safe distance, the terrorists killed everyone with the bombs. the bus exploded in a flaming fireball. 

despite the perimeter, tony and others got injured by shrapnel. tony was very emotional about the many deaths. he orderd to pressure informants, n suspects. his nose injury reopend n started bleeding. He got a name from the carrier courier. they found the student visa sponsored by a professor at a College. elise slept with a guy.

A General told tony "the Sheik is dead." FBI learnt about an owner who rents to guys who pay cash and eat pizza. when they expect a za, fbi delivered it with a team. inside a guy who spoke arabic to his partners, opend the pizza box. this exploded a smoke grenade that knocked him down. in this distraction they raided! 

an agent smashed the door. they enter with guns yelling "fbi". Two Arab terrorists did not cooperate. they shot at the "law" who fired back. the guy stood up in the crossfire. the team killed the pair. the suspicion was correct. they found explosives. they celebrated that they stopd the terrorists. 

later, the team was at a bar. tony danced with the gal until they heard a bomb. it was at a Theatre.

nx t.b.c.