Tuesday, May 30, 2023

why are muslim daughters so many marrying outsiders?

 warning. this is only for the purpose of warning but necessary due to the errors caused by pc rules.

why are muslim daughters so many marrying outsiders? i cant tell you details but i can say a true dialog and hope the warning is not deleted kuz then no warning.
the story is, recently i visited a student in University who told me their relative died and this makes him VERY concerned about the widow.
so due to the political correctness pc  i was obligated to ask, maybe he will say something that i do not expect... so i asked "what is your concern for her?" as if i did not know...
and since he was not saying "i am better than muslim" who whatever, but within  muslim he had the luxury of free speech and protected speech with me, that we americans lost ever since faceboook twitter and worse even away from those censorship.
he said those stereotypes that we are not allowed to say and for which we get censored and punished, but sadly not false... and i can't echo the details here or this warning will get censored and deleted and then no warning... just that "the way women get respected", by mislims, and worse a widow "lacks a man to protect her" from "whatever" muslim daughters know and therefore many insisted to marry outsiders. so ESPECIALLY  now when many muslim daughters marry outsiders the muslim MEN have less available women so need to tempt non muslims and best yet naive American who are forbidden to say details about muslim culture so they say islam respected women when the word respect is different from the english term respect.

we Americans i warn pink, must be warned that when muslims "respect women" that word has a different meaning than the english word respect so if any pink is thinking they can marry a muslim man... with no worry about respect,  know that the muslim daughters many marry non muslims to flee the issues that i cant quote. this is why now the muslim men need women to marry so they try to convince outsiders that muslims respect women which truly has a different meaning than the english word respect.
in such a culture this student was worried about the lack of man to "protect her" from whatever in that muslim cilture which  i cant echo or else this warning will get deleted and you wont be warned.

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