Saturday, May 20, 2023

my improved summary and commentary to star wars 1977

 star wars, luke skywalker story. 

intro: the book about luke skywalker was published first. next the comic and after people tasted the story, the film in cinema with same story but a few differences.

when? not now in another galaxy, we would not get their transmission, nor in past when we could get message despite far in our galaxy but further in time and space: "long time ago in a galaxy far far away."

two space ships were zapping at each other... cool but why?

words crawled to explain this: the rebel ship had copies of data about the evil empire weapon. empire needed to hide the secret and find the rebel "secret base".

summary: words crawl to explain why they battle: "rebels from a secret base... the reason not to destroy the rebel space vehicle=sv, sent "data transmission" about the evil empire powerful weapon strong enough to "destroy a planet." why evil? kuz empire can ignore people no need for voters to reelect.

esv chased the rebel sv containing the data that might weaken the empire. [the rest of the crawl is problems so i did not quote.]

STORY: above a sandy desert planet and on a background of stars, one sv zapped behind itself. it got chased by an immense imperial sv that "zapped at rsv shields" to weaken them n capture the crew for questioning. the rsv was continuing to zap back but got pulled into the esv.

imperial troops=it' blasted thru a door and killed the defenders [it' did not miss until later not sincerely obey empire]. 2 droids escaped in a pod. they moved in the desert. it' stunned lady who got questioned. it' search the desert. native midgets capture an android and later zap the second. these sold droids to a farmer. LUKE [mark the main character and book title] cleaned the droids. 

the cylinder droid showed a video and later escaped. the next morning luke went to get back the droid. he got hit but ben "O.B.1" scared away the tall natives.

ben told luke about luke's father and the force "that gets created by all life" and that jedis can direct. luke flew his lil hovercraft speeder home to see it destroyed and his family dead. he returned to ben and they go to the space port to find a pilot.

in a pub two bullies bothered luke who apologized. one pushed luke and while the other pulled a blaster ray gun ben sliced off its arm so it could not shoot. the other one fled. [in book he also cut a third bully in half to death but this version not death].

they hire a smuggler. a guy tried to capture the smuggler named han so han zapped him dead. han went to his ship but it' started zapping. during this gun battle the sv flew up and into space. a pair of isv chased them and one zapd at them. they jump to light speed into "hyerspace" meaning the problem of moving further then light is by not moving in space far but in hyperspace this explains the "parsec" han said that critics pointed out parsec is distance so not match his claim of fast. but he meant using hypersapce at a rate of less than those parsecs so "0.5 faster than light in hyperspace" to go much further than in space. 

the princess did not know where the secret base was so the injection did not reveal the secret. they threaten her "we will destroy your planet unless you tell us where the secret base is" so she wanted to save her home planet and family. so she said the location of the base that she knew about.

they destroy her home planet and its population anyway. this teaches not to give evil what they want so dont even negotiate. they had offered to destroy military instead but in action destroyed the planet anyway to show the power and cause fear.

from now the it' are not sincere to obey the empire they must shoot but they do not aim anymore.

han flew a long time in hyperspace and faster than light speed. luke trained to let the force guide him and practice led to success.

han team came to princess planet place but only rocks. why? the weapon destroyed the planet. they chase isv until the sv got captured by the battle station the size of a planet. see my previous summary for size. um 100 miles?

they hid and surprised it' and commandeerd it' armor for the mission to deliver the droids. ben went to switch off the tractor beam that can pull the sv. a droid named d2 found the princess. luke swayed han to rescue her in the hope of money.

they went and freed her but it' shot lasers at them and blocked escape. they escape in a trash chute where a tentacle almost killed luke. then the trash compacter started to squeeze so predator freed luke but new danger of getting thin. droids stop the trash compacter at last moment and opened door. meanwhile ben switched off the tractor beam. he dueld his student darth vader for a long time and drew the guards attention.

han team return to sv with princess and droids. now ben can die. he stopped defending and as vader swung he VANISHED before blade hit. explanation "he joined the force" and can communicate to luke.

sv fled but got chased by a squad of 4 fighters. they zapd at each other until destroying the isv in puffs of smoke and one fireball.. they fly to the rebel base. where? if princess knew then injection would reveal? so han knew.

at rebel base they find the weakness and plan the attack with small battle vehicles.

as the weapon called death star was nearing and could kill all the rebels, the rebels try to destroy it... but even computer cant get the missile in the small tube. rebels lose more and more pilots, when vader chased and zapped them. ben told luke to use the force but vader almost killed luke but han came in his flying saucer and shot the sv chasing luke one got destroyed and the other swerved crashing into vader ruining his shot and saving luke. the force that luke directed weilded led the missiles into the tube better than computer and the weapon gets destroyed with its crew... not "act of hate targeting the crew" but targeting the weapon to stop it from killing people.

this saved the rebels but did this bring "freedom"? obviously not since empire has  a fleet of warships! they can also build a new one.

princess awarded han n luke gold medals to honor their team work in destroying the super weapon. but empire has conventional weapons to "strike back".

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