Thursday, March 23, 2023

fascinating festivals

 fascinating festivals
this year i wanted to celebrate holi and mahashivratri... despite i reject hindu faith, but i saved the date in the wrong month in my digital calendar and missed both! maybe i will not miss rama in a week.
full moon called purnima the one near end of winter before start of spring.
burn piles of wood and put colored powder on others' faces  
prahlad was son of a demon that was angry at him for worship of vishnu. pa sent his daughter and pra' to sit in a fire where she was safe protected by a magic cloak. pra saw safe and followed her in... into danger! so vishnu saved his follower from fire. this story source was also the source for book daniel save from fire. the fire did burn her despite cloak... the power of vishnu! when the demoness died they celebrated holi. burning fire symbolized represented burnt demoness insted of devotee and despite cloak.
also krishna colored radha= his lady lover's face. see bahagavata purana not there. krishna was dark blue in paintings and worried she would reject him for being different so he put colored powder on her face. same part of year and of month jew paint face for purim despite not in authoritative jew book of customs only from hindu. similarly same part of year jew burn wood not from jew only from hinduism.
note: hindu has "gods" the usage is immortals however they get defeated by krishna as indra one of the immortal gods god of water and clouds said in vishnu purana 5:10 i got defeated by krishna in 5.30 in vishnu purana... god indra, the one worshipped in veda, even he called krishna "the one who does the jobs of "3 gods brahma vishnu and shiva" despite one, krishna not three but one krishna doing all when vishnu in body, does all, just different name for different job like  i am a baker named baker and a rider named rider and my name is visnu similarly the one doing the job of brahma is like the baker called baker so called brahma. see  vishnu purana 5:10 despite being vishnu in krishna body one does three. book 5 chapter 30 gods fought krishna s. of devaki and k defeated god indra and immortals. if so less than god perhaps what hindu called gods are angels below the one god named krishna or vishnu or the jew name.

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