direction for priority, fixing bad maslow pyramid
coincidence? i just watched "adrift 2018" this list is for tami the lady on the ship adrift.
list and explanation
list: water > health warmth etc. > food. resources [to get basics] > next group
group 2 getting love, self esteem, friendship, feel belonging. see explanation.
note: self esteem, which means "confidence in ability" not self admire, is more urgent than family, intimacy and reproduction.
group 3 after these we can chase intimacy, try to make a family with spouse and children
after these we can chase status... by using our abilities. respect etc. depends on others. list completed see explanation.
intro: fixing bad maslow pyramid for example "low before?" had bad order and poor wording for example everyone "actualy" has a self so i fixed his idea: "develop self to its most" also wrong just "use your abilities"
instead of a pyramid that does not narrow... six respect more than four love so use direction... for priority. what is the highest priority that would die quickly if we lacked?
our environment has the needed air with oxygen. for the "goal of satisfying" the list begins after air.
PRIORITY: 1 water
need sleep but body will, almost without decisions similarly ejecting waste from food or fluid or stuff related to "unused baby preparation" both male and female, which i HOPE he called reproduction but literal baby is not a need, nor urgent, instead often would be improper.
note: despite religions males should empty "unused" seed at a normal pace rate when not planning to make a baby... and without hurting other people such as in female rape. helpful hint: the stuff is easy to clean if ejected in a shower.
TWO: protection from cold and wind etc. clothing and shelter. this does not include clothing due to society expectations but referred to the need for warmth. this is the "health" issue that should be most basic and "safety" too before child unless he meant materials as above. simlar flaw safety after reproduction?
3 food less urgent as priority not order after.
summary: water > health warmth etc. > food.
NEXT group: aids for water clothing and shelter: SUPPLIES including items to wear etc. as movable "property" and money to get the higher priority stuff due to the punishment for stealing. NOTE: his level 2 is very wrong health should be first layer as above. ALSO people can survive without security... it is not a need in fact our lives are a constant struggle without security neither emotional nor physical which depends on others so not needed nor realistic to expect.
jobs? children and retired dont need. even work-age would be included in resources, BETTER "supplies". job not "safety".
property? does that mean owning land and house? not a need if have "shelter" even if not own.
after food "items" for use and getting the more urgent and more basic needs
NEXT group after physical needs of items, also need to get love correct but depends on others. feel belonging.
try to get friends by... acting like a friend to people who are not evil... i cant find anyone who "acts like a friend". despite low expectations.
intimacy not a need in contrast to loneliness... still alone is better than with hurtful people.
family? when young not a need instead any adult for example orphanage. when adult family is often annoying "i am so much better without you".
respect recognition depends on others but self esteem should be before.
too vague to list status? strength? freedom from what?
intimacy [if seperate from reproduction he wrongly told men to rape "must be before" intimacy so i fixed].