Sunday, September 4, 2022

nazi story

 the CHANGE from parliament to hitler in Germany was when 441 a majority in the german  parliament granted authority to hitler. parliament gave it. [similarly in star wars 2005] hitler used authority to GRAB buildings of worker unions and political party competitors. within one year all competitors self ended only nazi political party remained

in 1934, hitler ordered killing s.a. leader rohm so s.a. shot rohm. gestapo shot dozens even 150 s.a. leaders and it was "greatly reduced" from 2 mn to only? idk size.
from 1934 to 1937 war against jews removed jews from jobs. in march 1937 nazi pressured austria to submit but austria refused until president appointed new chancellor who agreed as chancler his country should submit under hitler.
leag nations had "guaranteed" austrian existence, since separated from the crumbled austro Hungarian empire and must eject Germany but the austria leader, who president appointed, had signed the submission. 
next hitler swallowed chek szechoslovakia in two bites getting many tanks artillery and factories for more of those. in 1939 nazi and soviet grabbed poland, can hitler be blamed for any of these things? everyone else supported each of these things.
why did brits help soviets just as guilty as hitler?
u.s. after japan attacked, sent ships to help soviets who were the bad guys in finland and poland. u.s. should focus on japan and demand brit help against japan before sending people to die in Atlantic for supplying brit and soviets as above. but an American life is as worthless as a jew. they dnc president and churchil did not value any human life. nor logical military goals. instead they helped the soviets who invaded poland... at risk in ocean and not learning from the danger there.

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