Saturday, September 24, 2022

liberating pacific isles and africa?

 liberating pacific isles and africa?
first i will summarize the story of isles until 1944. the u.s. dangerously delayed the liberation of the pacific.... AIRFIELD danger on isles in pacific as i will specify with details. admittedly a success deserved mention: in november 1942a significant victory for allies who sank "one japanese battleship and five large cruiser" warships.... still japanese navy had 12 so more than ten armored battleships remained! 
the first step in chasing the japanese away from u.s. WOULD be wake and marshal and gilbert isles. but even in pacific same as in africa america was LAST for dumb dnc democrat president we will help australia instead of gilbert wake and marshal, whose airfields threatened the navy around hawaii but america last.
military strategy would be to demand australia FIRST help u.s. push back japanese away from hawaii BEFORE helping free solomon isle chain which they did not truly try to free just 2 of its many isles one tiny tulagi island and isle gaudalcanal. no other major landings in solomon EITHER! the next MAJOR EVENT WAS DESTROYING A CONVOY IN MARCH 1943 but they could and should have been using warplanes and warships all around the perimeter to disturb the building of defenses and sink the transports bringing reinforcements all around the perimeter from java to solomon to wake imagine how many transports and soldiers that would cost japan, and thinning japan especially in 1942 when the jap' carriers were by lanka. the strategy of c-inc dumb dnc dem president was objectively awful and did not start liberation until july 1943 long after the unjustified risk in french west africa.
in july u.s. started liberating another isle in solomon chain. capturing rendova july 2, 1943. u.s. trops helped in new gini where the japanese had already been blocked for MORE than a year since march 1942. no urgency there but america like u.s. navy by hawaii was LAST dont chase japan away from gilbert wake and ,arshal, help brits where they dont need help and help the soviets... who stole poland same as hitler! that is shame stain... only a dumb dnc dem would make america LAST like biden now and his mate obama in last decade.
in august 1943, allied efforts succeeded, another airfield again in solomon chain was captured. the goal was to supply australia ignoring the threat to hawaii that had already been attacked with loss of major battleship arizona, all liberations were in solomon and only a few of the isles while the efforts were "helping brits" in new gini not justified militarily as explained above. in sept. and oct the efforts were wrongly in new gini. an additional isle by new gini was invaded in end oct. delaying gilbert isles for nev 22 1943 almost two years after the isle war started. 
instead as soon as japan invaded wake in december 1941, u.s. could and should disturb the efforts to build defenses ans send troops and supplies to wake marshal gilberts and demand british help them in 1942 in exchange for helping solomon in 1943 AFTER brit help u.s. insted the only other isle beside solomon was by new gini in dec. 1943 ending 1943 with the acheivements of a few isles in solomon and  two isles by new gini. almost nothing all year and as above delaying gilbert until nov 22, 1943 two years after dec' 1941, insted of quickly gilbert and not delaying marshal until 1944! and wake. imagine the danger of a fictional submarine base on wake as in the "realistic" but far from accurate game.
so this summarized the first phase of liberations in 1943 almost all activity  limited to solomon isles a bit isles by new gini and most effort where not needed nor justified in new gini all this isle effort BEGINNING twenty months delay after u.s. was attacked in hawaii and wake in december 1941, most of the effort in july until nov' delaying gilbert and marhsal until nov 1943 and 1944 respectively as above.
next 1944 later. before 1944 isles i will first explain the story liberating africa. but... from who for who?
during world war one the brit buddies punished german empire for battling france. they took german colonies MANY in AFRICA, but not for freeing the locals for self rule autonomy but for brit and french to colonize. good guys? liberty? nope. 
brit buddies also took from germany isles of pacific for example, new zealand sent soldiers to a german island colony north from n.z. australia took the german part of new gini. japan with "permission" from brit buddies took many more all in the year 1914. by oct. 14 japan had taken the last of german empire isles mariana as i wrote elsewhere. that truly ENDED "world" war one no more war around world only fighting continued around turkey and germany until empires crumbled and emperors fled. germany used submarines around brit isle "despite" no bases on french coast this will be significant later here.
elected leaders lasted briefly in the danube continent.
the second "world" war started when seperate wars blended together.
a separate war between italy and ethiopia was not a world war and "we" should not risk our citizens for "them".
a separate war between japan and china stretched through the 1930 decade... unrelated from ethiopia. germany invaded austria in 1938 extinguishing that young democracy which had avoided elections that decade. next germany ate chekoslavakia in two bites getting weapon factories and tanks that they were not allowed to build. still each of these wars was separate.
the second "world" war began in sep. 1940 when japan and germany joined. then the wars in danube continent and in china became one world war. until then despite brits were warring against germany due to the partition of poland between germany and soviet... germany already lost its isles so no war "around world" until germany joined japan then the separate wars united... despite this britian did not DECLARE war on japan until AFTER japan attacked brits in the chinese colony hong kong and brits in the malaya peninsula in december 1941 so the war was not "world" until the axis joined together. then the war against china was the same group that was erasing germany's nebbors.
the amazon (atlantic) ocean had battles between german and brit boats while the pacific remained calm and pacifist for years after the war in poland and france raged... until... emperor japan felt that china was not falling and they were not growing. the emperor chose between worthless undeveloped frozen forests in siberia or island empire... he already "occupied" many isles with brit "premission" as above taking from germany and no wars were there yet. but he wanted the oil in kapuas river region called borneo. this is a problem because netherland had surrendered to the axis so their colony was axis? japan offered to "split" the netherland colony with u.s. but u.s. was nutral. japan COULD HAVE invaded borneo without attacking philipines considering u.s. was nutral but emperor wanted to "swell" an uninterrupted continuing area.
if he would attack philipines u.s. would be angry and u.s. had three aircraft carriers in the pacific besides several old but major battleships.
so japan sent SIX all six aircraft carriers from japan leaving in november with radio silence so they could not be withdrawn to fill the pacific with war expanding the world war.
japan spread southward to java isle and westward to burma blocking china supplies. the war in china continued. not northward to soviet as above. in the end of 1941 japan called nipon spread the world war eastward attacking the u.s. navy and air in hawaii territory. they sunk a few major battleships but all but one arizona was lifted and fixed same as italy had done with its sunk battleships and similarly french sunk battleships.
japan also spread eastward taking wake island and southeast taking solomom isles chain.
they spread south taking more isles in philipines and kapuas river region.
when would u.s. respond?
if horrid dnc democrat president would not put america LAST perhaps they would focus on repelling the one WHO ATTACKED!! insead dumb dnc used it as an excuse to attack german troops in africa who had not attacked u.s. while letting japan strengthen their isles in the pacific. objectively that is bad military strategy because japan was the attacker and was strengthening the islands undusturbed while u.s. was busy sending people to die in the atlantic and soon in africa.
instead of military objectives to prioritize america by deterring its attacker dumb dnc put america last sending the effort mostly towards britain meaning to dump lives, supposedly respected in the west, and resources into the brit war.
they waited until AFTER japan strengthened their isles to liberate the isles from japan. WAIT was it liberating? yes. u.s. allowed self governemnt by locals not adding to the "states" of united states. the army presence was not to bully local government policy on most issues such as education but for gaurding. similarly later when u.s. occupied japan with admittedly less freedom as i will explain due to japan being the attacker as a bove.
what about liberating africa?
in 1942, in november a frigin YEAR after u.s. was at war they finally started helping the allies... as above they should have focussed on the one who attacked themselves, was this liberation? no. french had colonized north africa and when nazis conquered paris the west third of nile continent was axis. invading algeria to "return" it to colonial france was not liberation and as above wrongly dumped lives considered precious in the west except to dumb dnc president.... for returning the worthless desert and jungles to colonial france which did not have a governemnt yet... only a dumb dnc president would prioritize that dumping america into the european volcano.
admittedly when italy had attacked brits in northeast africa the brits quickly pushed the axis back south and back west. germany had no colonies in nile continent as above so only the italians caused war there. since algeria and french was not truly liberating the decision to "take the brit side" was not only wrong but helping colonial france that did not have a government anyway... who could be THAT stupid to that degree other than a dnc dump democrat who put american lives LAST after the whim of britian INSTEAD of sending the same warships and warplanes toward... the one who ATTACKED U.S. jeez!
if brits wanted to take west africa they should invade it themselves if they want u.s. help then FIRST the must help u.s. against its attacker japan instead of retreating its two battleships west away from india jeez.
what priority to attack west africa? to weaken germany? at the time when u.s. only joined the war due to japan? that is so dumb only a dnc democrat president who put america last would do that.
sure pbama and biden think that was correct because they too in action put america last.
so the war in africa was not truly liberation and when france was ffinally independent the locals were UNDER france that is not liberation you dumb dnc democrats. west africa was not "locally" governed until around 1960. admittedly the problems in africa of violence after france left indicated the type of monsters that the french had been suppressing but that is not the topic.
so we turn back to the pacific isles.
u.s. had been preparing soldiers and warships and warplanes but instead of landing on the japanes places they tried to "liberate" the desert and jungle worthless in terms of resources and development if nazis or italians lost.
definitely not the potential to build two tank armies as the wrong game assigned and not to britain but axis due to french surrender.
insted the u.s. warplanes could have ought to have counterattacked the japanese who attacked them. sending aircraft carriers to destroy japanese convoys around the giant perimeter of span. especially at the time when brits were fleeing the six japanese aircraft carriers by india that was the time to prevent strengthening of the pacific isles and to destroy the shipping of the japanese who had attacked u.s.
instead u.s. waited and waited until japan was strong in pacific... costing more u.s. lives apparently worthless in the eyes of dumb dnc president.
when did the u.s. start freeing pacific isles?
they waited and waited... japan's aircraft carriers chased the brits away from india and returned to midway island. in a two day battle u.s. sunk four of the six. two each day... how? probably with extraterrestrial escorts who tried to make the u.s. victory seem and appear "believable." only two per day totalling four. but that did not free any islands. in fact japan continued to invade more islands in alution chain same as they had invaded philipine and invaded guam and wake and java isles etc.
not until august 1942 u.s. sent "marines" to free some of the isles in the solomon chain. what about gilbert chain? or marshal? or caroline? u.s. led by dumb dnc democrat did not bother with that... he was trying to pour american lives into the european volcano which he had committed not to do... and a japanese attack was no excuse for risking lives against anybody besides the attacker japan.
as above after a token of some small isles in solomon in august starting a battke in guad' island the big force went to war in french west africa... did the brits need it? they were successfully defending egypt and even if not that was putting america last as above. americas need was dettering the one who attacked it.
all those warships and planes could have been to draw the japanese navy thin and scattered around its giant pacific perimeter from wake and marshal and gilbert at the japanese east edge and around solomon and java in the south all that could have been attacked forcing japan to spread thin and in numerous places SINK japanese convoys INSTEAD OF  only a few significant convoys sunk.
in march 1943 allied warplanes destroyed a significan japanese convoy  but this could and should have repeated all around the perimeter described above spreading japan thin. that would be strategic.
to be continued...

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