the RESCUE story of son and flood
do you know the story "a father agreed to kill his son for his god but the boy got saved"
the story was told by various religions for its system of religion.
in the west you probably think the father was "abraham of the bible" wrong.
in ancient times people sacrificed their son the DIFFERENCE is that the son got saved but how?
the greeks who admittedly had a culture after moses generation in 1300 before count, wrote an ancient story about their ancient gods.
"a father agreed to kill his son" is detailed that a father wed... someone amazing! her name was "nepil" the cloud goddess. then he met another lady who tempted him and he took her as a "second wife". two convinced him to offer his children as a sacrifice to the gods "pa agreed to kill his children" who were "the children of nepil" the same phrase as the hebrew "nefilim" in book genesis the children from nepil same spelling. how were the sons of nepil "saved" a winged thing "saved" the children but only the "son survived" because the daughter fell off and died.
the greek told the story that the winged flyer had gold fleece and this was the gold fleece that later jason went to get on the boat called argo and its argo-nauts.
this ancient story was preserved by greeks because the son was saved. the fathers love for the gods was stronger than his love for his kids.
moses ADJUSTED the story for his system of religion. the same ancient story "pa agreed to kill his son who got saved" moses had one god named "elohim" said to abraham take your "only son" the word yahid differs from the word ehad one from many used by rivers and for god "ehad" one from many not yahid but this son differed from god. god is not yahid but ehad one from many but this son was yahid. the liars say the bible wrote ehad for god because that was the word for yahid the bible never hass that word but it does and it was not used for god. this word yahid preserved the original ancient story when the son and daughter had "the only son" refering to the children of nepil... but moses scattered nepil to a different story and put only son in a story with two sons corrupting the story to exclude ismael who was "his son" and from "two wives" same as the original ancient story of the goddess nepil.
moses wote the story adding suspense that they "traveled" to a mountain and the kid asked for the sheep? indicating he had not agreed to "be the sacrifice". dad talked about a sheep. this obviously calmed isaac. if abraham knew god would give a sheep as his words then it was not truly agreeing to offer his son. moses you ruined the story.
moses deleted all the amazing stuff like a goddes nepil which he moved to a different section of nepil and the golden fleece and the jealous wife drama. what a jerk!
anyway how was the kid saved from the decree of the god "elohim"?
an angel of yahweh" interrupted. why not an angel of elohim? elohim was the one who sent him. rabbis said that the the two names are the same one god but that ignored the truth that abraham said the plural verb hitu they so these were two gods one decreed to kill isac but the second god opposed human sacrifice and sent an angel which has "wings" in the original story and in book isaiah but genesis angels were not described with wings and in fact genesis angels were also called men they were the form of men so wings just means the idea of winged birds that it was a flying man who saved the son. abraham could say "sorry yahweh but the other one named alohim already decreed and i agreed" the flying creature in the original story by th egreek and the angel in the genesis story was probably a visitor from another planet who interferedd to save isac life from a cruel father who "heard voices in his head". and to preventthe crime of murder at least for the preservation of the israelite nation. moses could say the angel "revived" isac returning him to life but moses served the purpose of opposing human sacrifice a message that rabbis ruined by "praising abraham the attempted murdereer" as if he was good for agreeing to kill his son to obey elohim. moses added that this was a "test" which could eaither mean he planned to stop him which does not match the story "elohim" did not stop him nor the angel of elohim but the angel of yahweh as above for polytheistic abraham they are not the same one. the test was if he would do it. abraham of teh story failed by lifting the knife instead of obaying judaism religion "lose your own life before killing" that was abrahams first sin. the crime of attempted murder. the second was not challenging the angel saying you are not god nor elohim who sent me. moses who wrote genesis according to rabbi moses rambam and rabbi moses ramban ruined the story. he shoulda prserved the original ancient story as the greeks did where god did not send him to do human sacrifice but a jealous wife. then god interfered to oppose human sacrifice that would serve that purpose, to teach god opposed but instead the winged got changed to angel of yahweh, so moses ruined the story in many ways instead of preserving the orginal ancient story of the son who survived his cold hearted harmful father.
we see fro the word "tested" that moses was trying to adjust an existing story, an ancient story before moses, that he heard but the authors adjusted to the jew system system of religion probably in the time of second temple lying that moses was the author as the two later moses preserved.
the ignorant reader meaning rabbis who forbid reading other religions such as greek goddess stories this ignorance prevent themselves and students from knowing the story of the golden fleece but that story of the goddess nepil is not only ancient but if written by moses as rabbis claim, "moses stole the name nepil" and the son story, not giving credit to the source of the essebce if the story, the son of nepil was offered but saved, instead moses is the one to blame according to the two moses rabbis, for stealing it as his own but moses broke it into two stories for other stories and adjusted the story for his system but as we see ruined it at several parts.
FLOOD drown story
similarly the flood story which is again existing long before moses on a clay tablet from the era of sumer hundreds of years before moses, according to rabbis was later the thief stealing the existing story as his own without crediting the source the college crime called plagiarism, because according to rabbis moses led exodus around 1300 bc long after the dating of the sumer clay tablets 1700 bc which was hundreds of years before moses and after the ancient sumer kingdom in third millenia bc before 2000 bc, who preserved the flood story.
again moses is the one to blame for ruining the story as i will demonstrate.
the "skeleton of the story" is
1 a decree to kill people and animals [by god enlil or
2 someone warned a man to build a boat and save his family and some animals
3 they survive the boat ends up high on a mountain far above the sea to show it was a flood not simply a boat at sea. he offers animal sacrifice.
the original sumer story preserved that the conflict was two gods. one named "enlil" decreed destruction the other god named enki acted to prevent enlil decree. the conflict was two opposing gods but enki could not stop the floof of water. so god enki saved one family. the flood was "seven" days as confirmed in three sources including galgemis. moses edited that part for his own reference to "forty days i was on the mountain".
the greeks adjusted the story to their god zeus! and moses adjusted the story to his gods... yes moses was polytheistic with PLURAL verb niglu they, about gods until fortieth year. only then did he teach the egyptian king 1390 message of one god, a sun but not as we draw a sun with rays in all directions around but a sun disk of light only pointing DOWN rays indicating lanterns in a flying disk or saucer. since humans could not yet flu according to mainstream the flyin saucer with lanterns and rays downward was not a sun that shines around it but some OTHER visitor from outside human planetteaching the egyptian king named iknatan or aknaton in 1350 bc, teaching one god. after this in 1312-40 in 1270 bc almost a century after aknaton moses taught singular and this in 40 year after that ame year teaching, one from many "ehad" not the word of isac "yahid" which truly existed in bible in cintrast to rabbi liars who told me that word was not able to be used.... but did exist for isac but not for god who was not lone yahid but one from many same as rivers... instead later in fortieth year moses said singular "none beside him" finally teaching the gyptian monotheism preceding him in 1350 bc decades before moses who led exodus according to rabbis in 1312 bc and almost a century before he taught it. that is the rabbi number so now we must return to the topic. the lie about older than moses i refuted in a different article and briefly mentioned above so we must end the tangent now.
the place of the warning was "surpk" in three babylon versions including galgamis.
the sumer had a detailed story the king of surpuk not any man but a king. enki warned and saved him by saying buld a boat. enlil's water flooded seven "days and nights".
king met sun god... the lone god of egyptian monotheism who had the downward lamp on his fllying saucer, enlil the god who decreed destruction was angry that his plan was the conflict of destruction opposing save was two opposing gods enki opposing enlil who drowned everyone else. the rescued king "went east" moses wroting genesis moved that part of the story to adam exoelled from garden and "sent east". moses ruined the story to serve the purpose of deleting the sun god that rises in east but the saved guy went east matching the sun appearance daily. we all know the bible story of the flood and can compare and see how moses not only adjusted the existing story for his system for example changing severn to 40 days for self honor his forty days on the mountain but worse ruined the story.
like the original sumer story the conflict is two gods enlil decreed destruction and enki opposed saving simalarly moses who wrote the plural verb niglu in genesis plural they gods and chose the word ehad instead of yahid that existed for isac, named his gods yahweh the "merciful" decreed destroy in genesis 6,7 yahweh is truly the name of the judge not as rabbis wrote based on elohim being used for judges because yahweh decreed the destruction. so he was the judge not the merciful one.
the other god elohim warned noah the job of enki adjusted to the name of moses gods. moses does not want the gods arguing so he adjusted the story that yahweh the judge agreed with elohim to tell noah to enter the boat.
did they agree? someone told noa to "take two" of each animals and someone said take "seven" the god elohim said take two but the crueler god yahweh the one who decreed destruction as quoted above said take seven to kill even the survivors. this adjustment was needed because according to the sumer he saved some animals and then sacrificed them they would not remain so moses adjusted the story to seven indicating he was "responding" to a flaw in the original story while preserving two as the other god elohim wanted so in moses story the gods did not agree. one said two but the other said seven.
and i was expected to believe it was the same one god despite the plural verb niglu.
the story is EXTREMELY BURDENSOME with many repititions and interruptions ruining the story. even if we would include the dates most could be shortened. moses adjusted seven days to 40 as above moving the seven to the seven animals and a seven day warning. so he had seven days... to build the boat? in seven days build a boat 900 feet long and 90 feet across in seven days that was the seven day warning.
if you need a miracle than build it in one day but moses needed the number seven days because he changed the flood to forty rining both the boat part of the story iand the flood part.
what about the other boats? the rain flooded filling other boats from the top. thi is hinted in the part the roof one cubit" hinting this boat had a slanted roof so it did not fill with water as the other boats did.
the dates preserve the original jew calender 17 of month to 17 was 150 days so that was not a lunar calendar but dividing the year into 12 would be 30 days per month based on the number 150.
when i tried to count it on a calendar my liar father lied that i counted wrong and made me count with him and as we counted and he saw the rabbis were wrong he would say distracting words and number sand jump his fingers to the wrong week of the calendar to try to distract me from counting so i knew that he knew the rabbis were wrong but was desparate to hide the truth from me what a jerk. most of the repition isnot in jospehus but if the bible forbids work on saturday then they NEEDED a lengthy story filled with "empty fillers" to help pass the time instead of amking an interesting story with gold fleece as above. so we see moses ruined this story too switching the name of enlil and enki for his two gods elohim and yahweh but that the decree was "everybody except" noah instead of two different desires enlil destroy and enki wanted to save. so that is how moses ruined the story of the sumer history book making a fake legend that never happened and this adds to our warning to avoid the bad book genesis enough to read here the selections and why genesis is bad book which must not be included with the holy books of jeremia and ecclesiastes meaning kohelet. so that compares the saveed son story and the flood story. the wooden boat may have been a symbol for a non wooden flying cylander but the primitives changed the story to wood because they could not imagine metal floating. but it was flying like the disk with downward rays in the egyptian carving. same as the crystal car in mahbarta that could fly. so that is enough for today.