Wednesday, July 6, 2022

the PROBLEM in atheism

 the PROBLEM in atheism

firstly, proving God exists is futility

even if someone WAS ABLE to prove god exists or that a creator existed... that does not serve the purpose of ANY religion BECAUSE god has different descriptions in each religion and each say "only my description is true your faith referd to our one god".

similarly, it is fruitless because we still would not know "which" of the messages, if any, are from that god.

it would only serve to challenge athiests who would simply dig in their heels with prejudice and as one agnostic did "kept interrupting every second word" so he would not even HEAR THE BLASPHEMY TO HIS AGNOSTICISM SIMPLY REPEATING "cannot be proven" and not even hearing the claim which he might have refuted if he was not too lazy to hear it. 

agnostic and atheism now act like the catholic inquisition using the idea of politicly correct to bully people how they talk and using threats and loss of jobs if they do not lie "i am also atheist" even if it is a lie.

they even change online dictionaries using threast despite the printed dictioary preserved that atheism is an ism which is a belief and as PEGUY the philosopher wrote "denying" god is "an operation of negation". refusing to accept is an "operation" of logic they perform but not passive. if modern atheism claims "we do not accept nor deny" then they are not truly atheists but liars that claim to be atheists becaue they differ from atheism.

the few who say i deny say it baselessly and mocking with no suport for their claim. how can they be certain either way? how can they deny any spirital god any more certainly than denying the "goat on the moon that does not need oxygen".

if they went to the moon they did not see it because it hear the vehicle landing and hid in a cave.... say what??

the philosopher kant volume 42 pages 349-353 specify both that god is real  and impossible to demonstrate while emphasizing no conflict. something can exist even if someone cant prove it. why did he believe in god if he knew he cant prove it? maybe without logic and maybe because god is true and still that is FUTILE and fruitless because it still does not provide direction to any of the god faiths... just a challenge to atheists who are lazy and mock and dont have any basis anyway. they only use threats,  similar to the sword of islam, in university for the "positions of tenure and salary" to bully people to lie they are agnostics as if that helps the statistics a million agnostics... but they are bullied and lied that they are atheist only for fear of the salary and career... same as fear of islam caused people to lie they are muslim. today most of both those groups are probably as christian inside as they were when they were four years old. but they KNOW they must lie FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR FAMILY needs.

BOTH university heads only for fear of EACHother LIE THEY ARE ATHEISTS if only they did not fear each other they would say "actualy i believe in jesus and the other would say i was in the closet too. but they cant for fear so they lie they are atheists due to fear even when almost all do believe in jesus as a divinity.

___the PROBLEM or "difficulty" of atheists and atheim is:

when the soviet union TRIED to sway people away from religion with efforts in school and punishments... imprisoning rabbis if for circumcision cutting they were trying to deter harm for a child but if for trying to squelch faith they had a problem people PREFER god! even as many atheists prefer freedom to sin claiming no god... when faced with the marxist pressure to reject faith... the people prefer god... surprisingly enough when that faith limited them no fun sins... that is the problem of atheists. even if they try to convince people to be atheists for some illogical reason people prefer faith.

while they claim religion is bad and while religion is very limiting "no kissing before marriage or closer intimacy" people dont flee the religion but why?

in contrast to the past catholic no longer has inquisition only islam stil has fear... so why stay in a limiting religion? would nt they be happy to be free from the rules when marxists offered them the chance?

but marxist failed and people preferd god. maybe because they WANTED their opium??

if they ask four year olds "pray to god for ice cream now, in the name of jesus and see if he grants it the kids will see prayer does not work and the christina bible is false "ask anything in my name". they asked now. if they insist on christian stand on one side if realize god is a lie stand on the other side... and then reward ice cream to the atheist side... that is trauma and yet they failed to squelch faith so that is the problem with atheism.

in conclusion BOTH sides insist on the idea "things cannot materialize from nothing" the first law of thermodynamics about alternating forms of matter and energy... the matter will change to energy not destroyed... even in fire just smaller mass and energy... while energy can "fuse" atoms and be stored in the mass until released as in atomic bombs.

marxist say " impossible therefore the world not created" but the same logic insists that god must exist... because the universe does have a start. if matter and energy exist and impossible to materialize... then the fact they exist PROVES must be a miracle... and an infinetly old uncreated creator or else the energy is infinitely old which is false because the universe has a known computed age and still as above that does not direct to any religion and the religions conflict each other causing doubt which one is correct. can islam be correct if cchristianity rejected it? they all challenge each other even if logicly a creator god must be real and what if that creator god is simply a pair of two weak magical fairies who used magic? when we consider these possibilities we see proving a creator is futile and fruitless.

in fact when we look at the blend of beneficial systems and random ugly tree branches, in our planet, the BEST match, for the "creator that MUST exist" is the pair in the fairly odd parents wanda and cosmo. that is not a joke it is the best match.

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