Wednesday, July 28, 2021

jewish zionism in the early 1900s

 jewish migration around year 1900
after a  wave of jew came to the "ancient land israel" in 1880's the jews debated different angles of jewish homeland.
was the solution to change the situation "in russia"? or  to find a new land in east africa? or to generate a new system of marxism in the ancient israel?
in year 1903, herzl "secured the british offer for territory in est africa." page 64. herzl met with prime ministers. land in east africa would be arranged for a jew regime there like a colony. however, these efforts were fruitless because after herzl died the zionist congress insisted on the ancient home. in 1905 decided settle there. zionists were active in mzany countrys germany russia briton and eastern european countrys. also in 1905pogroms in russia caused jews to flee some to the "holy land".
*** second [kuz first in 1880's]
 the "second" wave of aliya was from 1905 until the war, 30 k jews left europe for the "holy land". most did not stay under turks. 
jewish national fund, was an organization for dnations and "land purchase" under the turkish rule. in 1911 insisted on "extensive land purchasing". then weizman convinced others to use hebrew and zionists emphasized studying hebrew in many countrys. famed scientist einstein joined the german zionists. marxism caused a "rift" jews in the holy and who owned land felt threatend by the marxist arrivals who wanted socialism meaning public ownership. later collectivism showed success but at this time,  around 80% of the aliya enterers did not stay.
one orthodox rabbi joined the zionists: mohilever. he and reines wanted orthodox judaism as the revival of ancient israel.
jews in russia wanted jewish equality "in" russia. this cased conflict with zionists. a marxist system could be generated in the almost empty land by jordan river under turkish rule. this could blend zionism of reviving the ancient land with the popular marxism. jews could work in "all parts" of economy in contrast to the limits in russia in places to live and limited types of jobs.
in these decades over "50 thousand jews" were living in ancient israel the "holy land". rothschild had an organization pica buying land. plan to sell land to arrivals who would work their land. the plan included preparing the future farmers with training. this materialized p. 88 around 1909, as loans were used to buy land and a company sold plots to settlers. [before the plan?? in 1911 on an earlier page!!]
several "collectivist" like public ownership worked together and several such settlements succeeded. plantation settlements grew fruits and sold for profit. perhaps "talk" with prime ministers was only talk but successful settlements attracted government interests. which led to the balfor declaration in 1917 when the brits wanted help fighting ottomans. they made deals with arabs and with jews... replacing the 1903 offer mentioned above.

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