Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Biden did not fire a nuke atom bomb

 DISCLAIMER: all characters and events in this post even those based on real people are entirely fictional. biden has not nuked any city... yet.

story: on the date January 20, 2021, joe biden swore to uphold the constitution as president 46 of u.s.a. 

the Chinese prime minister knew that biden was a weak pushover. biden even had business connections in China which were under china government influence. that same day he ordered the first wave of atomic bomb s. now that trump  was away he knew  Biden  would not retaliate using nuclear bomb s called h-bomb or a-bomb meaning atom bomb s.

obviously he chose the u.s. capital city first but that might have protection. so he met with the war minister to plan. the war minister did not agree but he felt compelled to obey. together they assembled the list of ten targets. war insisted  3 for capital in case they had defenses. pm said i want new york too. war explained that city was very big aand would need a giant yield bomb. "what would i do without you!" pm praised.

the h-bomb for hydrogen was stronger. so that was selected. other cities would use small yeild plutonium a-bombs.

 war felt encouraged and suggested, for his own reason the 5 cities with most murder. first chicago and then.... but pm interrupted "my turn, los angeles.--now i 3, kuz you chose washington, ny and la, so i chose Chicago, Philadelphia,  Baltimore." pm nodded and added san Francisco for its naval value. war added Houston for it and the others he chose had the highest murder. these war the mist evil cities in his opinion. the fact the people there chose mayor dnc from Democratic-political party, who did not work to deter murder motivated him to choose these. pm asked if they had enuf for that many city? 3 for capital and then ny, la, sf, Chicago Philadelphia Baltimore and Houston exactly ten. perfect. 

war sent the order and the soldiers on the submarine chose the missiles with the coordinates for the city the comrades selected. war wanted to destroy  the evil city in america. 

the missile fired and then more. they arched up from the sea and flew quickly toward the cities. satellite saw  the missiles rising from the sea. norad got the warning and informed biden. biden told them mass murder was wrong morally. we must not bomb a whole city that would be "sinking" to the bad low level... as he had read in the book by clancy. 

the chinese were correct they were able to shoot without retaliation. the missiles flew in. Biden and Harris flew out from the danger zone and the Pentagon ordered  f16 b with two crew to intercept the missiles. 

before the warplanes coud jet up, san Francisco and Los Angeles were incinerated in a heat that shattered every molecule of human animal and structure for many miles. 

i was on my missile destroyer. a small warship but it had 4 atom bomb s. i also commanded my small team of two eacort submarines off the coast of la. since MY orders were to patrol la i decided i  had authority for that war. oops. 

as the missiles arched down toward the east  coast, i awaited  orders to fire for my destroyed city. the jet that shot at the Chicago missile was a sidewinder that chased heat with a sensor for infra red so exploded  in the blaze of the missile too far from the missile. the same flaw over Houston. 

the pentagon decided that they would not inform the other city and orderd sidewinders. the jets tried... at least we did something... Philadelphia and nyc changed to boiling lava instead of buildings and people. 

i was boiling too. watching many city burn. alreadt la sf Chicago Houston were burnt. maybe more. i orderd without consulting... my team of sunmarines to shoot their high yeilds at different cities in China. i ordered to select the ten industrial port cities with most people to avenge  my coastal port city and all the rest based on jet factory cities.  

the executive officer of my sub interpreted the order in 2 parts. he chose some of the ten major ports and non ports that had more population than the ports. all 22 from each of my 2 subs arched up to the 44 most populated cities. my own 4 went 2 to the capital of china and one to the capitals of each india and pakistan kuz i hated those countries. 

shanghai on the coast and all the heads of the Chinese  national government were shattered to protons kuz they had not bothered to enter the bomb shelter. correctly understood Biden who felt immoral  to use nuclear  weapons.

the 40 largest cities in china hold barely 20% of population so almost 900 million remained. with beijing flattened like a shallow plate and no communist leaders the remaining 900 decided to arrange options for a multi-party election for the first time since communism started. a communist party was allowed in case people  wanted that but also others. for the first time since communism started in china people had options besides communist. most chose the descendant of an emperor  so he won based on 63% of votes. only 2% wanted communism and the other votes were scattered to small paties. any with less than ten percent were declared illegal including communism. i had rescued china from communism.

meanwhile all 7 cities, including the 5 murder city, Chicago, new York city,  Philadelphia, Baltimore and Houston were incinerated by atom bombs. only the jet over Washington was warned not to use sidewinders. the f16 zipd up to intercept and fired radar fuided missiles at the 3 approaching missiles. sadly even radar guidance failed due to the high speed, and only one was destroyed. two detonated over Washington and although they were over the residential areas the blazes extended and melted the statue of lincoln and blasted the obelisk monument into the white house wall. which was beyond the range of the 30 kiloton bombs.

biden and harris returned to the white house and announced  we are morally holy we will not use atom bombs on cities.

needless to say based on that policy i did not "restock" since we would not shoot anyway.

the few pictures of missiles llaunched from the coast of la were "fake news" the only real news was that 63% of chinese wanted the anti-abortion group. to prevent abortion anybody requesting an abortion would be imprisoned until birth to save the fetus and the parents punished for  request. also after first birth every woman was operated to remove ovaries and egg cells to prevent abortion. 

both sides of Washington were burnt and the monument obelisk crashed thru a wall in the white house. so biden moved to a temporary bunker until it was rebuilt. when people criticized him for not retaliating biden explained "at least i am not a mass murderer". 

when the AUTHOR  of this story completed it, he decided and actually threw the only manuscript of this story into a fire. and he never wrote another copy until his death, nor told this story verbally to anybody... including myself!

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