Saturday, July 17, 2021

abortion stats

 around a million abortions listed each year in u.s. 
a. did the "u.s. constitution" say either way?
if limiting abortion is "unconstitutional" what exactly APPEARS in the document constitution on this topic? nothing !! about abortion.
the same as "me breaking your window is evil harm... same harm and worse to kill a fetus".
wat about supreme court? 7/9 s.c. ruled an escaped slave remains a slave should we keep that "judicial" supreme court precedent?
if you cant divide a line in time then do not... as soon as ma knows, then prevent harm to fetus... whether God "gave fetus life" so do not oppose. if doubt God still abortion still worse than me breaking your window.
which city in  u.s. has highest abortion rate?
new york city "wins the prize" with more aabortions in one city then almost every other larger area state in the 50 states of u.s..
which states have the most abortions?
despite the huge population in califrnia and new york states they have so many abortions that the percentage is 22% of pregnancies in ca' that means less than 80% pregnancies were "allowed to continue".
133 thousand fetuses were aborted in california in 2017 [most recent data kuz try to hide the shame ergo delay]. 22% of pregnancies. in each ten two killed.
new york state rate like n.y.c. 31% 3 in ten pregnancies killed. harm to fetus until dead.
that is not "healing" not "health care."
second most abprtions 105 thousand in nys, despite great population 31%.
third florida 71 thousand 24%.
texas 55 thousand 13% but balancing that some texan cities voted that killing a fetus is murder... but in texas no death penalty for murder unless two in the same transcation action event.
new jersey 48 thousand 32% kuz less pregnancies and population than nys.
those top five. cal' most abortions and most in single ergo matches "cali-forni-cation!"
top ten, those 5 and:
illinois 42 thousand 22%
georgia 36k 22%
pen' 31k 19%
mar' 30k 29%
n.c. 30k 20% other states less than 30 thousand and around a miilion abortions each year in u.s. 

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