Monday, November 2, 2020

introduction to u.s. history

 u.s. history

short intro  before 1776: Although in schools they did teach us about ponce de leon, so although i mention him FIRST academicly, he is less famous, so before him we start with the famous one. the cause of the fame is a "federal vacation" for government,  in autumn named  colombus day. colombus was italian and found an island see below. In 1937 president Franklin d. Roosevelt-d made Columbus Day a federal holiday.

the fact that colonialism brought harm, wars and even slavery to natives,  and that fdr-d  was a democrat emphasizing colonialism is consistent with biden-d segregation accurately representing his political-party anti-equality idea veiled by the pretty name democratic, see endnote. but now about famous columbus.

c.c. went from italy, to spanish king for money to find a short way to india for spices.  the Spanish-funded boats reached islands. not exactly america. spanish made colonies on the islands for example cuba, in 1492 found for spain and conquered from natives 1511. held til 1762

also colony in florida. IN SCHOOL books, they taught about  Ponce de León led an expedition from spain to the coast of what is now Florida in 1513. in 1521, he led colonizing there. soon battled a war with the natives. he was fatally wounded dying the same year 1521. [note: about spanish colony.  colonized mexico and made war on inca too:

1, mexico land shaped like the "stem" of flowers. there maya cities from around 700 until 1300 aztec natives conquered maya. aztec ruled mexico til spanish 1520 destroyed aztec. language spanish. later they attacked inca.

2,  1450 inca cities in peru 1530 sp' battle and destroy inca. language spanish like mx n arg.]

back to u.s. 

year in 1550 france made a colony in florida but the spanish attacked and captured it, claiming all florida for spain.

from 1550 to 1750 the spanish colony made the natives with red-copper skin slaves to work the land.

around 1750 british made a war in cuba and conquered it. in 1763 exchanged, spain gave florida colony to british in exchange for cuba island.

1776 the british colonies on east coast declared independence from britian. they joined into 13 states called united states. a major war was fought tht took many years. until 1789 prez washington was first president.

part one: detais of the war.

phase 3

1800 u.s. bought luisiana and vast lands from france.

1810 u.s. invaded british florida

phase 4

later interaction the settelrs spread west until meeting natives with strange beliefs. 

region arizona: "tribe Hopi legend their ancestors came from the Pleiades" despite far another tribe confirms

region sw from lake superior river mni-sota, Dakota tribe legends stars  Pleiades, [ Tiyami], as the abode of the ancestors."

pl' near trs

may 15 sun by taurus and by pld, sunsets around 19:30 then pl near horizon 

similarly  Zuni tribe legend 'ancestors who came from the sky" matching japan korea and some china legend

but differs from dogon in africa their legend is different stars sirius in contrast the confirmation is more important.

the story continues with battle of concord

endnote about columbus day

some respond critically to emphasizing colombus day due to the wars caused by clonialism. as mentioned the spanish anslaved the natives.  the democrat party attitude is far from the idea of "equality in democracy" like equal rights for all, the name only a "pretty" veil for ideas the opposite of equality. 

fdr-d did emphasize colombus day despite spansi colony caused war and slavery and similarly biden-d continued the tradition of his political group... struggling to keep schools seperate called anti-integration. sadly 47 years later the racist not oly did not RETIRE but worse dnc VOTERS chose him as a nominee over better possibilities such as amy klaubachar, also not perfect but biden far worse yet the democrat party voters showed they liked biden more.

1 comment:

  1. the story continues with battle of concord
