Thursday, December 31, 2020

a NEW defense for some flaws in the book genesis

 today i thought of a way to present the claim, admittedly inconclusive, yet still MORE LIKELY, that can defend the book genesis from some issues. challenges.

when we read the book of genesis we often ASSUME that the book and the word "the earth" in first verse refers to "our planet named Earth" despite the spelling LOWER CASE not the name of the planet only dirt. the context seems to refer to the "exposing/surfacing" of the land/dirt=earth described on the third day as the beginning, meaning the first THREE three days are called the "beginning" of the week of creation.

this assumption causes our prejudice to try and match the story to our planet... and to interpret the bible based on those PRECONCEPTIONS the way evil moshe rambam corrupted many verses based on his preconception that God has no body... claiming as his basis a verse that never specified that god lacked a body but simply trying to bend toward his muslim neighbors in egypt... that is corruption. we must be different.

however, what if we remove the prejudice? those "challenges" transform into HINTS that the book refers to a DIFFERENT planet.

for example we know the order by digging of life on this planet as geology published first fish and later trees. as childrne we are INJECTED with the idea that genesis is good and true and accurate and most kids even swallow and believe the order of that book and never even NOTICE that the order in geology differs. the simple conclusion is GOD knew the correct order therefore either "geology is false" reject the science books or the book of genesis and ts authors were SEPARATE from the God who knew the correct order.

today i offer a new solution as a MORE LIKELY possibility to defend genesis as true, despite my personal faith that the authors were seperate from god and that book genesis is separate from god and therefore we must nnot MIX genesis with the holy books in the bible the way we should not inject pagan christmas into christianity using the veil of "jesus birth" similarly it would make the bible filthy to mix the lie and misleading contents of book genesis among the holy prophecys for example jeremia and isaiah. despite my personal faith i still offer middle ground as a possible defense.

for the purpose of harmony.

we know the order of life on our planet and we see the bible order differs even SPECIFYING day numbers... the third day treee before the fifth day fish yet we know tree were after fish... leading several rabbis to tell me "the truth is geology is correct but the bible is ALSO true because the fifth day was before the third day".... a healthy ming will not be fooled by such rabbis. they admit the contents in the bible are misleading and ignore the content of day numbers.

instead of rejecting geology as sheldon in the series big bang theory, i offer middle ground.

the different order is a HINT that the book is describing a different planet on which the first human was made from dirt... will that is hard to believe... God could make a human from dirt or from a dnosaur or from water or from nothing but are any of those "likely"??

god himself never said aany prophecy "god spake unto moses i created man from the dirt" and the rabbis teach not to accept this and many other details in genesis despite ALSO claiming it is the foundation of their faith so a healthy mind and logic prevets belieing both.

anyway the order is a hint that it refers to a different planet, simply REMOVE the assumption this it describes our planet and no conflict instead a hint that the book tells the correct story of a different plamnet where there trees were before fish in contrast to this palnet where the first trees were after fish. admittedly one hint alone would only be a hint and better to reject the book of genesis as above however cobined with other hints....

the STRONGEST hint is the story of "four rivers", admittedly jewish scholars published a very gentle criticism that the story of the four rivers is "less than accurate" too gentle... but that is only assuming that the story refers to our planet !! remove that assumption and prejudice... and the problem transforms into a hint that the book is describing a DIFFERENT planet where one river DID branch into four rivers all from same source and the names... of river on our planet are the same as those four rivers while we all see that the those four names do not have one river as a source but as books and maps and josephus preserve the four rivers with those name are not from one source river but we know some flow southward from a northern source the same name as euphrates and tigris flow southward from a north mountain, in contrast to the other two probably the blue nile in ethiopia and the white nile from lake victoria that attach into the nile near city khartoum.

the same names are for four rivers if we assume the same planet then as the bible scholars criticise the content is "less than accurate" but if we remove the prejudice... stop assukmng it is the SAME planet then ths problem transforms into a hint a strong hint that these four names are not the same four rivers... instead EIGHT rivers the four on that planet branch from one and our planet mimicd the names for four different rivers on our planet. again this alonse despite being a strong hint describing rivers is only a hint but this strong hint combined with the order describe a different planet and there the descriptionn of rivers was true describing that second other planet not describing our planet where those four names refer to rivers with separate sources two flowing northward from distant sources and as above two flowing southward. in contrast to the description in genesis describing different rivers with same name or our names mimic the names in the story about the other rivers.

combined with the hint of the order and the long lives hundreds of years even enoch lived over 300 years and other other slonger and even after the flood noah pronounced "naw-ay" as preserved in greek letters lived 300 years after the flood that would be "surprising" on our planet maybe "unbelievable" even after the flood and other s also lived hundreds of years after the flood... long life is only surprising if we ASSUME it describes OUR planet where lives are short.

even the claims of the apologist of the "ice dome" do not help for hundreds of year life after the flood, despite matching the idea of the hebrew word "rko" still even after the flood when the ice dome "meletd down" still noah aand others lived hundreds of years but if we CANCEL our preconception that it describes our planet then instead of unbeleivable fantasy we have another hint... and combined with the strong hint describing the planet of four rivers those rivers were on a planet with four rivers that TRULY DID branch from one and their life dffered from our planet.

abraham traveld from ur... the same name as a place in mesopotamia but based on these hints TOGETHER we have a basis that more likely than "wrongly describing" our planet the book referd to a different planet and abrams TRAVEL was not on land... but inter-planetary


this seems fantasy too... yet based on the hints it is MORE LIKELY that the book described a different panet and the source of abram was different the water flood deluge was there the long lives and four rivers were there but when he arrived on this planet the "third rock from the sun" the names were mimicd for major rivers on our planet those that the book was not describing but other rivers on a different palnet.

the land of canan was occupied by locals who he interacted with perhaps the early humans that evolved on this planet, not from "dirt" as the bible describes but evolving as we know and observed from skeletons... and abram came and interacted with them and PURCHASED Land paying for it. then on this planet abrams descendants lived shorter than abram's  ancestors due to this planet being different... yet still longer than the natives due to his genetic source of longevity. the number of years between abram and solomon would still be a problem... but het we can claim that abram traveld from ur meaning the planet that genesis described the one where the FOUR RIVERS did branch from one that planet had the long life due to its difference in characteristics and the content was true about that planet and the rivers there and from there abram came to this planet an unknown number of year before king solomon and those problems of longevity both after noah and before noah are hints that the book was describing a diffferent planet with diffferent rivers as above. so based on all these hints abraham was an alien from the planet that the bible book genesis described not our planet where the rivers, those with the same name  differ from the biblical description.

nuf for now.

time zones entering the new year

 NOW dawn in east coast of u.s. and washington d.c. is the START of the new year on the PLANET as the FIRST time zone starts the new year in tongo islands 7 degrees east from the artificial line called 180 degrees of circle from the brits. the SAME time zone in new zealand starts the new year NOW, this hour.

if you drink champagne then starting now you have your first excuse to celebrate the new year entering on the PLANET as the artificial number for the year changes and adds. the next time zone will be the east coast of russia in one hour... [in around ten minutes from this posting] so bottom's up [of the champagne glass].

because russia is not on the FAT part of the planet it WRAPS around the thin top of the orb for SEVEN time zones and contains ten time zones which leads to the inaccurate boast "russia is so LARGE" that it covers ten time zones... this

*** neither describes great length as above, due to it being on the top of the orb, 

***nor is really ten but as above seven time zones with 3 added in small bumps.

it does extend from 170w to 30e totalling 160 degrees of sphere almost half the globe but as above at the top of the orb not truly long in contrast to 160 degrees in the fat part of the orb.

anyway as each time zone counts from 11:59 to 12:00 the new year enters that time zone in the fllowing order as the YEAR NUMBER adds grows and increases.

first in new zealand near the artificial international date line and the islands north east from n.z. as above.

next the EAST coast of russia i refer to PEVEK  despite russia extending east of the artificial date line, the whole peninsula is one time zone. the boasters could claim it extends to the tonga isles time zone claing 8 or eleven time zones which do not show length at that part of the orb.

by the time the post is ready pevek will start new year. already passed.

next is the time zone for magadan north from tokyo. around one hour after this post

next is vladivostok the famous port north west from tokyo. in almost two hours.

next is yakuz made famous by the game "risk" the same time zone as tokyo they advance the year number the same time one hour BEFORE the small oblast region irkuzk.

after irkuzk zone the next two zones are tomsk and small omsk which serves the purpose of fake addition of time zone despite obviously known that "north of it, same degrees of sphere, has less time zones."

next, india starts the new year half hour after omsk, which is 2.5 hours before giant moscow.

another city ufa is in the zone west from omsk and reaches the first hour of new year 2 hours before moscow.

one hour before moscow, the zone with samara starts the new year as the year number changes.

next is moscow WITH the baltic states for example minsk. so at 23:00 in jerusalem they enter the new year followed by jerusalem, in the countrystate israel... which arab states are finally recognizing. even trump haters must admit that acheevment they spread different fear tactics to convince people trump will prevent future elections... a hiint of the plan biden harris are thinking of implementing. but back to time zones.

america starts many hours later and the west coast fresno california starts the new year eleven hours after moscow. nuf for now.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

my commentary on book hebrews, pronounce greek and more

   Hebrews [letter sent to], a commentary by a trained pastor, by n. tal

about the author: N. Tal teaches many topics. His major training was the christian evangelical tradition, which civilization worldwide, in many countries, embraces as a direction for life and faith as well as for interpretation and application of ancient texts. 

Although educated in a jewish family, and in the ultra-orthodox jewish schools, mr. tal searched and studied many religions, while dwelling in Israel, the holy land,  and compared them until choosing from the worlds popular religions,  the most precise and refined match: as above. Althoe born in u.s., he moved to Israel kuz his family ancestry is rooted in the jews of israel and judea until recent generations in u.s. In israel, a country where various ethnicities, cultures and faiths co-exist, with the occasional tragedy of bombs on busses... we all know which religion teaches that method, he made effort to "taste" several versions of christianity and judaism which deductively pointed back to evangelical. 

The guidance team at a certain church trained him via lessons and guidance until they decided he was worthy of the title "pastor". after that, same as with judaism, he relied on his authority and on their opinion that "he is worthy to teach" indicating they saw he correctly imterprets,  for branching away from the  system of his trainers, in a few details, while the frame is the evangelical as above. This had also occurred when ultra-orthodox rabbis approved him to be a rabbi for teaching, then he/i branched away in certain details. 

He started teaching religious books at the young age 14, around the year 1990, when rabbis decided he was worthy of teaching reliably, because he correctly understood the jewish books... which led him away from the ultra-orthodox customs and practices which sometimes differ from the contents of the traditional books. First tutoring 8th grade students and later teaching groups of students who requested to hear him teach. When they enjoyed his summaries and comments they requested more lessons after enjoying the sample lessons that attracted students in u.s. 

Around the year 2000 he taught a sample lesson to a group of adults in israel, who arranged more group lessons to hear his summaries of religious texts. both students and rabbis and later pastors too, agreed he was worthy to teach... more important than "attracting" many students from various countries is the fact that leaders approved him... until he "dared to emphasize" certain sources that grated on their familiar faiths. however, such controversial conclusions will not be included here due to the focus on the contents of the book hebrews

He has taught his unique "conclusions" which are simply emphasis on certain sources, to many adults, who often prefer their familiar teachings over the book contents,  for example a certain quote in book ephesians, that grates on the familiar faith of leaders in both christians and messianic-jews who cant bear to accept that quote. their rejection of that message, a quotation from book ephesians, led some of those leaders to expel him from several organizations and churches to prevent their students hearing the emphasis on that "troublesome" quote from ephesians. This has effectively prevented the spread of such emphasis to more students. 

in one instance of a "seemingly contradictory pair" of verses tal seekd guidance from a pastor of the evangelical tradition to seek a spiritual solution... which the pastor taught. when tal performd that method, and when the conclusion was not acceptable to the pastor, tal pointed out "you guided me in that spiritual method which you claimed is proper". however, such controversial conclusions will not be included here due to the focus on the contents of the book hebrews.

  intro: the bible book/letter of hebrews was not included in the ancient christian  lists of bible books. three lists that  agreed to include letters from Paul also agreed not to include hebrews. althoe that indicates that the book is not a priority, still we must consider that those lists were for the nations. in other words, the lists were for gentiles and that is the reason they agreed not to include the book whose audience was for hebrews. instead listing messages by paul who WAS sent to the nations. 

later generations included the book that was for hebrew audience.  so that could explain the reason a message to hebrews was not included in those christian lists. 

i claim Jesus himself wrote and authored the book hebrews about himself, based on the hints he spoke in the gospels that "he came for the jew first" and as indicated by the event when jesus hesitated before teaching the samaritan woman.  so he probably wrote a message to hebrews, and this is it. for modesty wrote about himself as if he were not the author, not writing "me". others claim luke wrote it but luke was not sent to the hebrews in the way paul was sent to the nations. also the first verse indicates that a jew wrote it so it was probably written by yesua jesus himself not by luke or any gentile.


chapter 1:1  Πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως πάλαι ὁ θεὸς λαλήσας τοῖς πατράσιν ἐν τοῖς προφήταις.


Πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως,  At various times and in various manners,

πάλαι ὁ θεὸς, God, in time past, 

λαλήσας τοῖς πατράσιν, spoke to our fore-fathers

ἐν τοῖς προφήταις, by prophets.


greek has more vowels than english and the ANCIENT sounds were preserved in encyclopedia.

in contrast to english a called "ay" like bay, lane drain, that has two sounds one same as its name and another sounds like back, bad the first of these sounds is a different letter in greek.

the vowel sound in "bob, odd, pa, father, card" one same sound is the greek letter a=α

the vowel sound in "bay, day, babe, paid" one same sound, is the greek e=ε for example θεὸς, using the 5th  letter. i was surprised that the ancient hebrews pronounced the name of "noah" with the sound of this vowel "ay" as preserved in josephus and as explained by one of the doctors in University of haifa. see endnote of this section.

the vowel sound in "bed, bet" is the greek seventh  letter with several shapes. internet shape is a stretched n=ή with that sound. the shape in encyclopedia differs but it is 7th letter and the symbol for its sound specified "bed, bet, egg", differs from the same shape in english dictionary symbol for a different sound.

the vowel sound "bit, it bib" is the greek i, 9th letter, for example kai meaning and "ko+i" the same sound as "bib, it , bit".

the vowel sound in "boat, both, bode, sofa" is the greek 15th letter o in this verse "poly" differs from english "poly" sound but the letter indicates this sound "pole".

the vowel sound in "due, dude, do, too" one same sound is greek 20th letter υ. in this verse "lu=loo". same sound as loot.

the vowel sound "all, ball, saw, soft" one same sound is the greek 24th letter. josephus preserved that the original jews used this sound in the biblical name "noah" originally pronounced "by us naw-ay". i have searched and found that several groups of jews all have differing sounds and none preserve the original except me and only for biblical reading for biblical hebrew but not for modern hebrew pronunciation which differs. 

this concludes the vowels however greeks did have the sound of "h" we know greeks had words for sun "helio" the name itself "hellenism" yet i was foold by rabbi liars that greeks have no sound for h and no letter h... i faild to notince until letters that hyrdro etc. are greek and the symbol ' two points toward the right is the sound h that greeks did have. they said the misleading trick no "letter  to prove no sound" to fool me when the greeks must have had the sound for hellenism ! and hydrogen etc. so i must make effort to distinguish that greek had sound in words such as "helles, hram" despite using a symbol but no "character" letter. such deception is disgusting and rabbis use deception very frequently so we must avoid them even when they speak half-truths it is deception. 

  note: regarding the biblical name noah, despite the 8 letter in the hebrew letters, greek did not use its 8 letter, t,  insted josephus preserved the sound that ancient hebrews spoke and heard. this differs from the sound that rabbis taught me for biblical hebrew and differs from modern hebrew and from several jewish customs that i made effort to compare and ask around. in "original" ancient hebrew the 8th hebrew letter was "only vowel" same as the first and "other hebrew letters in the same group" maybe h is an exception or maybe all four the same named aleph, hey, het, ayin same sound with perhaps one exception. hebrew a is only vowel sound with each of various vowels. hebrew h is only vowel sound at end of word as last letter and same at start of word for example truly "ab-el" despite no proof from josephus, whether first or last letter. when within the word maybe exception adding h but more likely y same only added vowel sound or possibly silent same as aleph within the word "laymar". the 8th letter in contrast to the sound that rabbis taught me was always "only vowel" as josephus preserved the ancient pronunciation with the vowel he preserved which is the sound in "lane drain". similarly the hebrew letter ayin the 16 letter is only vowel sound same as first and 8th aleph and het as rabbi david radak preserved by grouping.



καὶ=ko+i [as above sounds in pa and it]


πάλαι=pa+la+i [sound pa=pop, it]

ὁ =oh

θεὸς =tay+ose

λαλήσας =la+les+as [not english "as" but sound russian da same as bob]

τοῖς =toe+is

πατράσιν =pot+ros+in

ἐν =ayn

τοῖς =toe+is


details: Πολυμερῶς=πολυμερῶς, pole-oo-may-raws, as explained above. now i add clarification: the first vowel is the sound of "toe, sofa, owe" which differs from the english parallel poly-polygon, polymer. in this word the sound is "pole". a second greek letter is also translated with the english o due to the few vowels in english only five vowels a,e,i,o,u while english o has two sounds one as above pole and the other "top" in contrast greek has two shapes in the set translated with o but their sound differs. the second in this set has the sound "soft saw raw" so in this word the final vowel is like "raw". the symbol to preserve that sound "saw," the letter o with a line differs from the same english symbol for a different sound.

the second vowel sometimes shaped as "y" differs from english poly. the sound is like "boot, due" but leaning toward french "du" which preserves the greek roots of latin, so this word "loo".

the third vowel has the sound "ay" same sound as "bay, day" which differs from the english letter e in the word bed. similarly english also differs for "th" the word theology sounds differ in contrast to greek has the vowel symbol letter in theos with the sound "ay" as in day or bay. "may" in this word and "tay" in the following word: θεὸς, its first letter sounds like the first letter in the word "top" t with an added breath, hence the added letter h in translations yet differs from the english sound "th" due to the "h" changing the t to a new sound, in contrast greek does not lose the t sound. its vowel is the sound "ay" so "tay" which differs from the english vowel e.

a different shape or symbol or letter has the sound of english "e" in the word λαλήσας, la-les-as, the first vowel is the sound of the vowel "cot" same as "pa or father" as preserved in russian "da", but the second vowel sounds same as the vowel in "met or let" hence "les" that differs from the sound with the same transliteration in polymeros. another difference is that when preserving the greek sound the e with a line differs from english same symbol. that e with a line in english is the sound when the e is paired with another vowel the sound in bee but when preserving greek that sae symbol is the sound in "bed". we know english has two sounds for e, the sound in bee and the sound for bed however greek has two letters translated with the letter e, but not with those sounds, one for the sound bed and the other with sound "ay" which in english we write "a" for eample "ace, lace bay".  greek lacks sound of "bee". another difference is that english has a unique sound for letter a in addition to "bay" for example "bat, at" but greek lacks that sound as above. also the letter i in english has two sounds "I" same as "eye or like" which greek likes even "kai" sounds different, in contrast the greek i has the sound of english i in the word "bit or bib".

another vowel "o" is used in english for two letters in greek. one greek letter preserves the sound same as the sound "toe, sofa, owe" but the other is the sound "soft saw fault".

now we can say this word "pole-oo-may-raw-s", Πολυμερῶς

2, and=καὶ=ί=ko-i, in various manners, πολυτρόπως pole+oo+tropaws.

note: sound of kai like the vowel in pop and russian "da"  same as "card" as heard in some regions and in dictionaries, plus sound "bit" ko-i.

in time past, πάλαι , pa-la-i sound: like russian da and english pa same sound as pop and fath-er+bit

 ὁ θεὸς λαλήσας τοῖς , God spoke, oh tay+ohs la+les+os toe+is, the symbol tay like "top" has a small breath added in contrast to quicker word "stop".

to fathers, πατράσ ιν=pot+ros+in, [root: πατήρ, pot+eh+r] note: the symbol e with line for sounding greek ē differs from dictionary symbol instead the sound in greek is same as in "bed egg bet". 

by, ἐν ayn 

to prophets, προφήταις , [root προφήτης], pro+pet+a+is, sound first p is sound "spin" like english but faster than second p adding breath same as "pin" source greek in encyclopedia. this differs from english when the letter h replaces the sound p with a different sound instead the p sound remains but a quick breath is added like the "sound pin that slightly differ from spin." 

  practice: 1:1  πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως πάλαι ὁ θεὸς λαλήσας τοῖς πατράσιν ἐν τοῖς προφήταις


purport: God  sent messages via prophets to our forefathers. god was active not ignoring human suffering not abandoning humans to religious leaders who often speak deception. We need these messages because our lives are filled by events that stimulate frustration and even anger. we need guidance to react properly because we see the tragic reactions when people respond to events that "differ from their hope" they perform actions or speak words which SPREAD the suffering and misery. how can we reach internal peace?

Some of the messages can guide us to use skill in our interactions for example the letters by Paul.

if you seek internal peace, and desire, despite dwelling among others who differ from yourself,  to interact with harmony, same as various instruments and differing sounds blend together in a pleasant harmony. we must avoid the two extremes when every instrument echoes the same tone, that is less beautiful than a blend, and in human interactions we must admit that differing opinions exist. yet when instruments try to blend sounds sometimes a sound that would be pleasant if alone gets combined with other sounds that do not belong together and that is not harmony. so we seek harmony despite the differences. when we interact with other people we will not "all agree" in one opinion, so how do we find harmony among the different combinations?

if we lacked food and water then our hunger would guide us to seek food. Society is arranged that basic needs, such as the animal needs common to humans are accessible so we can apply efforts to solving problems mentally and that leads to conflicts. how should we properly respond to conflicts?  when we lack internal peace, and we cant find harmony with the people we interact with, this can lead to misery inside. we have felt "agitation, or irritation" due to lack of harmony.

the method to solve arguments is "reliable quality sources" not by claims, nor "debate methods" that only win debates but sadly avoid "true conclusions" onnly presenting two sides. yet even applying the solution of "quality source" then we argue which is quality source? subjectively ridculing good sources to win a debate or subjectively claiming that a "strong" argument in the category of inconclusive "morelikely" is not strong, just to win a debate. Worse than one person suffering from misery when things are "done wrong", is the spreading of misery to others. we have all experienced the domino effect when a person feels negative emotion, the opposite of joy, that persons words and actions often spread misery to other people. worse than one person miserable is when the misery spreads to more people around them, "permeating any group" via words and actions until many people are miserable due to those words or actions. if this repeats the misery can even intensify. leading to angry arguments and emotional strain and suffering which although do not wound nor injure are far from inner peace. i emphasise a wound or injury is a measurable harm a real damage that is more important to avoid. still when people seek inner peace the stimuli in events ruin that goal so we must learn the skill to react.

each person can learn how to "react" to events so that "you" dear reader will not be the one spreading the misery to others. you can also learn how you can react when other people, admittedly beyond your control, are spreading the misery...  if you learn the art and the skill then you can react differently.

How can we acheive the goal: inner peace? we can control our reactions. Despite the fact that external causes and stimuli are often beyond our control, still our reactions are our choice and we can learn the skill or art to stay calm and avoid angry arguments with other people whether marriage partners or co-workers. i emphasize the connection between the verse about prophecy and the goal of inner peace by citing the example that jesus taught the importance of avoiding anger. s we must learn the skill not to react with anger... somehow. and as i will demostrate.

We know our nature is to seek friendship and social interaction instead of preferring isolation, not only for the need of functioning society but for our nature, yet these interactions often lead to anger when we deal with differing opinions about various issues. often the authority to decide is not our own, so we can separate from the decision process and when we think a different method is better and they reject our suggestion, we ought to consider that if they do not accept our suggestion, then we dont need to try and influence the decision, because it is beyond our control therefore calming our inner selves while avoiding angry arguments. in contrast when we have the authority to decide then we dont need to convince the other people and  in both cases calm our inner mind while avoiding angry arguments despite differing opinions. we can distinguuish between important issues such as health issues i mean health hazard and injury wounds and similar physical dangers,  in contrast to smaller issues such as the "prefferable manner" to prepare food. anything less important than health hazard is not worth arguing. good communication would be to suggest and then when the one doing the action rejects the suggestion realizing the oneperforming the action ha control and separating from the decision. another example if one spouse believes smoking meaning inhaling tobacco  smoke, is a health hazard while the other is addicted to smoking that health hazard is worth a discussion but without anger. When we feel anger we can recall the teaching of Jesus about avoiding anger. i hope other religions teach that too although i cannot think of such a source in the moses part nor in quran to switch from anger to dialog. the method is to consider if the issue is important such as a recognized health hazard or less important and therefore not worth our emotion. and as above considering if YOU dear reader have control or beyond our control. if a spouse continues such hazardous behavior, for example smoking, then the couple ought to live separately in different locations which does  cause greater expense in money yet we know that lung cancer is worse than extra rent payments. jesus taught not to divorce breaking a marriage sometimes live separately without freeing to another spouse until a spouse dies. anyway, most other issues are less important than health hazard, and we can calm ourselves by thinking "this is not important and we can let them choose because no harm, meaning health hazard, either way" and by this method calm ourselves inside while avoiding angry conflicts. those who have the books of paul and messages from jesus have an advantage over those faiths that reject the new testament, who only have moses book or  quran. anyway, when others act improperly we can choose to be the ones who do not spread misery. there are numerous possibilities so we need guidance from prophecy which loops back to verse one that God was active  to send messages for guidance.

2,  to be continued

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

molly part 6

 molly 6

  note: this section has some rare words so a list s provided for vocab below the story if you see a rare word you can check its meaning.

continuing from part 5

Molly askd, "daryl, what are you working on?--i know that for you the main celebration is via songs is the  for you ergo i am trying to compose a poem for our new cycle celebration--that is so sweet, you show you care about things that are important to me." Daryl switjd off the music to explain "despite the fact that i differ. for me eating different than usual marks the diffference... [molly rolled her eyes] still i want our differences to be a harmony that blends peasantly together despite the differences--your actions show i am right that a song is the main thing--that would not be harmony" explaind daryl, "imagine four pianos all sounding the same key each time that is not harmony nor the art of cooperation. still since i know it is imprtant for you i will make effort for the things that are important to you and i hope you will flow with the things that are important to me." daryl concluded. molly commented "well that is a good method for dealing wth dfferences and feeling miserable--yep and i wont be the one SPREADING misery"  he explained. she then commanded "va" so he switjd on the music again. 

molly opend his closet and searched for a nice shirt to borrow. she found a blouse and started to accuse "is this CLAIRs's blouse--oof after i show you with actions that i am writing a poem for you, how can you vex me and  accuse me?--kuz that is what men do. as if you guys have a goal "sleep with the most ladys, all you can eat" like those buffes--gross, consider if a lady consents for a one-night fling, then that type of girl had been flinging with many before she met me, that is disgusting to think about. i even said a vow to only kiss the hesitant ones--but this blouse proves you had other girls sleep here--no! i left the tag on!--i ges so. also  i always take my blouses with me when i leave, so others woud too, unless the bra vanished under a couch cushion and she coud not find it"concluded molly as she searched and found the price tag, still attached to the new blouse. "thank you for buying me a blouse, i do like the lyt blue color and this vol for decoration" she added gracefully. her shoulder length jet blak hair hung down to the shoulders of the pale blue blouse with wavy fabric encircling the upper sleeve near her shoulders. then she waukd to the window and folded back the thik heavy fabric of the curtain. from the window she coud view the voe of dark water. along the narrow street below, the motion of a larj wyt van yankd her eye. she imagined a secret agent hiding in the back of the van. maybe an assassin hired by different countrys to kill spys.

she listend to daryl breathhe heavily as he strained to write a poem. which word described that?

vie? or vim or vis? they all related to strength and exertion.

daryl took a break from typing to compliment her unique eyes, "i love gazing into your eyes they are as dark brown as cola around the black pupil--and i enjoy your hair and your eyes and when we kiss i feel hypnotized" molly rymed. "hey you stole that from a hanna montana song," daryl said to give credit to the song. she askd if he woud want to own a pet. "i woud not hav time to care for it and what if it needed a vet" he explaind. sh agreed that pets shed hair and added that she does not like the way dogs wag their tails.

molly did like his hair style more than other guys he combed his dark brown hair to his ryt side. his brown eyes were boring and many red lines were visible on the wyt of his eyes which grosd her our but she had lied that she liked his eyes for the rym. his upper arms were lean and narrow but a bit muscular and the muscle often presd out from his shirt sleeves. his man nipples made small bumps in his shirt instead of "depressing" or receding under the pressure of the fabric. that was odd and unexpected kuz she HAD felt that his nipples were very soft and easily recessed so why would they bulge his shirts? but she liked seeing those little "chocolate chips" in a pair on his colorful shirts. beside the blouse in the closet hung soft cotton shirts with thik fabric each a different color one was a shade of red and several each diffferent shades of blue or shades of green. hmm she noticed no yellow nor white nor orinj. she knew he had pink sox. his pants were almost identical. many jeans and two slax one blak and a second dark blue that she never saw him wear. the music changed to the awful sound of a vox and she had the fortune that dayl skipd that song.

molly did not like that daryl's stomach was not smooth. a broad bowl seemed to hang around his belly button but men dont care about their weight the way she did. the one time she askd about his bmi he had said that he is within the range of healthy. in contrast molly spent much time each nyt before sleeping building stomach muscles. 

every nyt she squeezd her feet under a low vas, along the wall that supplys water to the vat for hot water and then she would apply  her vis with vim to acheev  fifty sit-ups and every other nyt she would add while lying on her bak, fifty leg lifts and a hundred knee folds which had evolved in one month to 250 knee folds. then she woud not have a swolled belly like daryl. she was annoyd that for him celebration meant food that woud swell his already swollen belly but as he said he was in the healthy range. she knew that despite limiting food her belly woud swell too... pregnancy woud stretch her belly and her skin would never return to her current length circumference. she knew that from a scene in gone with the wind.  daryl had a unibrow attaching over his two bloodshot eyes and she secretly liked that kuz she also naturaly had a unibrow that she plucked every nyt after exercise to give them shape.

"which shirt will you wear tonyt--i will decide based on my mood later" daryl replyd.


word list

 u va imp' continue playing music

 u van a large vehicle

 u vas a duct or tube

 u vat a large container

 u vet a pet doctor

 u vex to annoy

 u via through

 u vie to strive for superiority

 u vim exertion of strength

 u vis force and energy

 u voe a small bay or inlet

 u vol two spread wings which are joined

 u vow a solemn promise

 u vox an instrument producing tones like a human voice

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

molly part 5

after molly made lov with daryl, and daryl was asleep as common after male orgasm, molly shut her eyes and tried to sleep. but even after her orgasm she did not sleep. her mind was racing with thouts so she performd the sleep trick which teaches to breathe slowly and think the simple phrase no-o-o--thouts" repeatedly. time pasd as she did the trik but she did not doze. still she felt rested and lookd at the clok. it showd the time 11:47. since she had started the trik only six minits had passd.

she climbd out from bed and showered in the hot water. the liquid medium that deliverd the seed from daryl was dripping ut but she knew that woud noy prevent the baby that woud replace the nebbor who had died. so she cleand her whole body ad last sprayed the area of the drip. she returned the same panty that was dark gray almost like coal and added one of her pads usual for monthly bleeding but this time to catch the drip.then she puld on her jeans which were very modest covering her entire legs which was helpful in the cold of winter... was it winter? the cold of december. that idea brout to mind a rhyme that she had read on some blog: 

"in the cold month of december 

i gaze at a fiery ember--on long nyts in january

i gaze at snow that's on each tree--on short days in february

i wish from school i woud be free."

a rym bout the months of winter season.

she imagind if she woud wear any dress her feet woud feel cold. anyway the shape of jeans was a perfect match to the shape of a female body in contrast to a male body that requires space between the stomach and the jeans for the hanging PARTS. men she reasond should be the ones wearing dresses and skirts kuz they have hanging parts. such a stupid culture where men cant wear a skirt. if they do people respond with ridicule and insults when skirts are best suited for men. and in the old das they woud insult lady for wearing pants despite pants logicly the BEST match to the female shape. stupid religion... then she added "i cant believe that millions of americans and europeans are christians".

after she dryd her feet and between each toe, she grabd some starch powder from a shelf in daryls shower room and sprinkled starch on her feet to absorb sweat. she criticized god "if a creator made humans then that was stupid to plan sweat both in heat to cool from heat and when the face KNOWS its cold still sweaty foot which cols it in the cold. that proves random evolution or a stupid creator. refuting the western idea of god... maybe a weak eastern god, on the level of a christian angel, ut only of there was no spirit god over him. 

more plausible fairys tryd to make a variety of humans each type with flaws or the truth randomness which only allowd the barely functioning to survive with numerous flaws. she recald that in school almost every girl in her class wore contact lenses for vision. that meant doctors coud do a trik, and "define" good vision in a way they woud require 100% of kids to buy lenses.. but the fact is they chose a definition cald 20/20 that some humans couds ee without lenses but for the OTHERS to see as good as those, most kids  natural lenses cant see, proving again randomness or a stupid god producing eyes that are "weaker" than other humans.

at this point she had finishd spreading starch like talc between her toes to absorb the sweat that stupidly came out even when her body shoud know the cold meant no sweat, and she cusd at the stupid god again. next she puld on her pink sox. daryl also bout a par of pink sox but in the winter nobody woud see them besides her.

in the warm mist of the shower room she did not need any shirt yet so she puld her wyt boots over hir pink sox before she strapd her bra. last she switjd on the fan to pul the mist away and went to borrow a shirt from daryls closet. 

she saw daryl had awoken, so she waved. "please bring me a mint" askd daryl.

so she went to his drawers pild the correct one open and saw a note taped on the metal square of mints "marry krismas, clair" she opend it and brout him the mint silently. "daryl askd "i thout you woud like the note?" molly just shook her head no. daryl added "i remember last year that you said real christians woud be the same as the original christians in the book f acts who did not emphasize any celebration for the brth of their savior therefore if you are not christian then logicly you COUD celebrate it--still i am also not catholic and you calld me clair--oops" daryl apologized.

an awakward silence then daryl added "well i will toss the note then. insted we can celebrate new year today--but today is the 21 of december so its too early--how can you forget molly? you said that the first of january is not the start of any cycle, therefore we shoud celebrate a week before--true-- so that woud be today on the day cald solstice... see i listen when you talk" concluded daryl. molly corected him "despite the fact that the nyts get longer until december 21 and the longest nyt is december 21 between the short days, still the new nature cycle, the birth of added lyt until less lyt and back to the new cycle of added lyt, usualy starts the day after the day THEY cal 21 so today is the last day of the year. "oops" replied daryl. molly tryd to comfort him, for trying to please her, "despite tmoro is the start of the new cycle, first day of the first month based on the natural event,  with the added lyt as defined by that idea, we coud be like chinese culture and add the last day of the year to the celebration of the new cycle--yup," agreed daryl.

then they taukd about the plans how they woud celebrate the new year that evening. molly wanted to choose songs so together they chose songs daryl sugested the song from phineas and ferb that they intended for january the civil year but relevant and apt for the cycle and molly faild to think of any other songs. she wanted daryl to hel p her write a song but daryl said that was work and maybe next year if they prepd a song a week in advance they coud acheev a song before the deadline.

daryl wanted a fancy dinner but molly wanted to swap the food part for just a song and daryl stubbornly insisted they coud do both and shoud "after all", reasond daryl, "you shoud not worry about your weit--thanx" replied mally relieved that he had not noticed that she had added 2 pounds since last winter.

daryl explaind that he already made reservations at a certain restrant and warnd her that the name of the reservation woud be clair, despite he knew her face he had swapd her name with the name in the story about clair claus the rebelious dauter of santa thatt he had read about in some blog.

but wat woud they do until the time of the dinner reservation?

daryl switjd on his thin computer to try and "hammer oyt" a new year song due to mollys insistence that a song was important fr celebration. molly took some paper from daryl to write more of her fictional novel. each workd silently for around and hour til mlly realized daryl shoud drink and shower.

"honey woud you like a drink" molly offerd. "yea i better drink. i will order room service what can i get you?--oh i ate brunch at the cafe before you showerd." daryl cald the room service in their tower of dwellers and orderd a giant non-sugar cola with a ham and cheez sanwij.


words for story


va continue playing music

van a large vehicle

vas a duct or tube

vat a large container

vet a pet doctor

vex to annoy

via through

vie to strive for superiority

vim exertion of strength

vis force and energy

voe a small bay or inlet

vol two spread wings which are joined

vow a solemn promise

vox an instrument producing tones like a human voice


[wa the cry of an infant

waa the cry of an infant v waaed like baaed]

wad a small bundle v

wag to move side to side repeatedly or up and down

wan weak and feeble or dim v to become

war hostile fighting with weapons

was had the specification (quality mentioned)

waw 'vav' a hebrew letter

wax the dull yellow solid made by bees rom esters and hydrocarbons

way a road for travel from place to place, an opening to pass

we the group including the one talking or writing

web an intricate structure like a weave, the woven fabric until removing from the loom, the tissue connecting fingers

wed took for a wife by ceremony

wee very small bit

wen a cyst which forms when a gland was blocked and it filled

wet with liquid or consisting of it, rainy weather

who tell me the person, the unknown person [the one who has five should wave]

why say the reason or cause

wig a head cover of hair

win to acheive victory

wis to have the knowledge

wit the ability to reason or remember

wiz someone very clever or skillful

 u woe intense suffering or grief, ruinous trouble >i. i feel such

wok a pan shaped like a huge bowl

won acheived victory

woo to seek affection

 u wop a tough italian

 u wot to know [I wot, but you wit]

 u wow i. i feel amazed or proud, a success, to excite enthusiastic approval

wry to twist out of shape >aj

wud 'boot' insane

wye the letter y, a y-shaped part


 u xi 'zye' a greek letter, a particle

xu 'soo' a money


yak a large ox

yam a sweet potato, the edible root of various plants

yap a quick bark, to bark insistently, to talk insistently

yaw to stray from the course

 u yea i agree> a vote yes

yen a strong desire >to desire intensely, a money

 u yep i agree

 u yes i agree, i disagree to a negative you did not see my pen? yes, what you asked is true, i think what you said is true

 u yet until now, until a certain time, despite what was mentioned

yew an evergreen tree

yin the passive principle

yip to bark quickly and continuously

yod a hebrew letter

yon at that place, those there

 u you the one or ones spoken to [no yum]

 u yup i agree

book hebrews, my commentary and introduction to bible book hebrews


intro: the bible book of hebrews was not included in the ancient lists of bible books. three lists that  agreed to include letters from Paul also agreed not to include hebrews. althoe that indicates that the book is not a priority, still we must consider that those lists were for the nations. in other words, the lists were for gentiles and that is the reason they agreed not to include the book whose audience was for hebrews. instead listing messages by paul who was sent to the nations. 

later generations included the book that was for hebrew audience.  so that could explain the reason a message to hebrews was not included. 

i claim Jesus himself wrote it about himself, based on the hints he spoke in the gospels that "he came for the jew first" and as indicated by hesitated before teaching the samaritan woman.  so he probably wrote a message to hebrews, and this is it, but for modesty wrote about himself as if he were not the author, not writing "me". others claim luke wrote it but luke was not sent to the hebrews in the way paul was sent to the nations. also the first verse indicates that a jew wrote it so it was probably written by yesua jesus himself not by luke or any gentile.

chapter 1:1  Πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως πάλαι ὁ θεὸς λαλήσας τοῖς πατράσιν ἐν τοῖς προφήταις

Πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως, in various manners and times.

πάλαι ὁ θεὸς, in time past, πάλαι , palai, God

λαλήσας τοῖς πατράσιν, spoke to our fore-fathers

ἐν τοῖς προφήταις, by prophets.


at various times=Πολυμερῶς=πολυμερῶς=polymerōs, and=καὶ=ί=kai, in various manners, πολυτρόπως polytropōs 

in time past, πάλαι , palai 

theos, God, θεὸς, 

spake λαλήσας =λαλέω=laleō 

to fathers, πατράσιν , πατήρ, patēr 

by, ἐν en 

to prophets, προφήταις , προφήτης, prophētēs 

purport: God made an effort to send messages via prophets to our forefathers.

practice: 1:1  πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως πάλαι ὁ θεὸς λαλήσας τοῖς πατράσιν ἐν τοῖς προφήταις

the natural new year

 today, in NATURE now, is a change in the cycle of the sun.

 until today the time for dark INCREASED adding dark. then the cycle from more light to less light ended. now today is the CHANGE in nature, adding light, a measurable bit of added light, changing the trend until now and starting like a BIRTH of added light as our group agreed to define, starting the cycle now as the first day of the new cycle called "tuesday, december 22," but in nature the first day of the first month in the natural solar cycle. from now the addition of light will grow. note: some years a day must be added between this event of added light until the previous meaning 366 days. this is balanced by the addition of a day in february but better to add it on the day itself so the first of the year is always DEFINED as the day of the occurrence in nature of this event as defined. in a two weeks will be the "latest sunrise," meaning more time between sunrises at dawns. however the "earliest sunset" passed already meaning "less time" between the natural events when the horizon-rising hides the sun at dusk. instead the time between horizon rise already changed to increase more time between so on the clock the sunsets are also later each day.

Friday, December 18, 2020

molly part 4

 molly 4

continuing from

part 4

daryl was crouched by alvirez crying and mourning. molly grabd daryls card that was hung by a magnet on the inside of his door. she lokd the door behind her and ran to daryl. "oh honey i see you were his close frend not just a mere nebbir", said molly sympatheticly.  he just sobd. molly did not feel any connection to the murder victim but her sense of justice was to punish the murderer for justice and to deter people who wanted to murder if they knew most murderers were caut and punishd. "lets see the video. who is the gard that can show us the closed crcuit video?--no need for any gard ! we can get that guy and i will shoot him myself in revenge" smiled daryl thru his own tears, as he spoke in an angry tone. molly held back her idea that revenge was bad. and revenge would be the victim doing revenge but the victim cant avenge hiself after he is dead so maybe the word for daryl was avenge? yet the one who does revenge is the avenger even if the victim avenges his loss he is called avenger same as the action of a non-victim such as daryl. and why did daryl say guy? it could be any man or woman... well no. only somebody in the tower at the time of the crime the other ten MILLION new-yorkers were not here and did not do it they were in a different location... everyone is innocent... but she held bak all these thouts and focusd on the goal saying "good how will we see the video?--when they instald the video camera i switched it to transmit like a radio." daryl was already bounding along the corridor eager to get to his room and see the signal that his computer got and held. he pasd her and excitedly jamd his hand into his jean pockeet  for the door card but found the pocket empty no card. daryl cusd frustrated and added i am lokd out but thank you for washing these jeans and bringing them.--your welcome but i have tyour door card, " stated molly. she lay his card on the glass and the lok beepd and unlokd.

daryl squeezd past her and ran to his bedside drawers. he drew one and puld his cell phone out.

daryl moved his finger on the screen in the pattern to unlock it. molly was glad she had come now. she did not need to hurry to tell him about her nature-new-year yet.

daryl tapd his phone to open the section receiving from the camera and sending it to his dropbox and portable computer. he did not need any storage memory since a copy was at dropbox and now he did not need dropbox kuz the record was from the same day. he selected the time of the bang barely ten minutes before and watched the empty corridor.  the corridor satyd empty several minutes finally they heard the sound of voices. one vox said "which one is yours allin" but allin hadnot ansird. finally allin appeard in the video as he turnd the corner from the el-bank to the corridor leading to his pent-house. someone wearing a ski-mask of dark fabric that hid his face was leading allin at gun-point, not exactly leading but escorting. his shirt was smooth like a male not a woman. molly interjected "oof we cant see his face it could be any guy." surprisingly the guy holding the gun to allins side, jamd his black puffy glove into his mouth and bit and yankd his hand from the glove. he moved the hand with dark skin to the pistol and swapd hands. "good we are lucky" exclaimed daryl, "he left fingerprints on the murder weapon--if we can get it" she added.

molly said something based on ethnicity "now we know that despite he coud go ANYWHERE in one day flying to london or miami, anybody with a different skin color is not a suspect--yep many shades of negroes and whites are not even suspects. as the duo reajd allins home allin lay his card on the glasss screen and his door unlokd the murderer whose skin color should not matter except to  free the whites from this crime as above pushd the lever to open the door of the home "wait dont go in" protested allin "stop bossing me around" said the murderer as he slid the pistol up allins shirt to his nek then down into his shirt and BANG murdered allin. then he stepd thru the door tryd but topld back with a scream like a squeek. he ran to the el-banks and disappeard from the screen at a certain minute. 

molly suggested "we can bring your dropbox to the police and you can have revenge--that woud not be revenge unless i kild the guy who kild my frend--was he your lover?--i wish, i mean i was attracted to him but i hid that i am a bi. and cops and court would nt satusfy my desire for revenj. now i know who did it i will kill him--but without court you woud be murdering him--no molly i woud be doing justuce--i mean the cops woud accuse YOU of murder--so wat? most murders dont get caut anyway and i woud feel satisfied.

then a guy wearing a cop uniform nokd at daryls door. daryl opend the door and saw the negro cop.  his hands were the same shade of brown as in the video. "i want to question you about the murderer" said the tec. molly started to say "he was with me..." but the tec stopd her "no need for any alibi i am not accusing anybody yet. only suspects needd alibis" stated the tec fairly. 

the tec and daryl taukd about allin for several minutes. 

after several minutes a white cop finally exited the el and saw the body. he used his cell to photograph the corpse from severaal angles as he had been traind. then he walkd along the corridor to the nearest room it was located across the corridor from allins home.

he rapd on the steel door but no reply. the cop continued down the hall but there was no door until daryls door. it was nearer the crime scene than the door in the far corner by the window across from daryls long penthouse.

molly let the cop in and he announced his name was detective bob blakman and he wanted to question the nebbors to gather clues. "how did you get here? i was the one sent?"askd tec b'.

"i am perry white p-i" replied the tec with dark skin, who continued "i was not sent by cops kuz i am a p-i and i think daryl did it kuz he is the nearest--no, protested tec b', you cant accuse like that. despite anyone outside the tower at the time is innocent stilll all the people inside are also innocent" then molly added "yea and even he said he did not need any alibi." tec b' commented "by now the killer could be anywhere in the city--i know, and in a few hours fly north to boston or west to l.a--or east to nigeria" concluded tec b'. 

p-p jumpd and exclaimd "now why woud you say nigeria. this is the reason i cant work with you crazy crackers you only serve as cops to "protect your own ethnicity" not to protect everyone, and you blame innocent blaks for crimes so the white murderer wont get caut--THAT idea shows YOUR thoughts--wadya mean?--i mean that YOU want to protect your ethnicity at the expense of everyone else and based on your words you hate whites--well i hate you" concluded p-p. molly said "ethnicity shoud not matter but if the murderer was blak then this woud be a more severe hate crime--why? hate crime means the victim is black, retorted p-p. daryl added coolly "alvirez was white so if a blak killed him its a race crime--or if a white kild alvirez that is white supremacy over spics i mean hispanics concluded p-p. the two tecs left. finally molly was alne with daryl. she felt strangely in the mood to replace the life of alvirez with a baby and offerd. daryl excitedly accepted and they started making a baby. and while they had pleasure making a baby the story of the murder isnt a "crime mystery" kuz soon the cops found the murder weapon with perry the p-i fingerprints so mystery solved. that is how perry the negro was at the crime scene before the one who the cops had sent.

after the duo had pleasure molly started to tell daryl abut the sun cycle and her plans to celebrate the new year based on the nature cycle... until she noticed that typical of men after orgasm daryl was asleep. she closed her eyes too and relaxd.

to be continued.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

a critique of jules verne flaws.

a critique of jules verne flaws.

j' verne was french. when he stopd studying law he wrote imaginary fiction. his first hit was in 1861 followed by others very popular for his detailed descriptions and vivid writing. when he wrote story of the submarine in 20 thousand leaguees under the sea and other hits such as from the earth to the moon,  readers felt it was so real that they asked when the flight up would be?

there is a major flaw in chapter 3 but more blatant is the flaw in the titles.

firstly the title is flawed. the word "leagues" seem to describe "under" kuz that is the title which is misleading because the depth of the ocen is not deep enuf for such numbers. we know the depth of the sea is around ten kilometers for french measure, and even the deepest trench is less than twenty kilometers so around 5 leagues deep so the title is not about under and is a bad title. he did mean travelling 20 thousand leagues yet that is not in the title. we will see he means the distance AROUND the planet they moved 20, 000 leagues while under the sea. yet that is stupid kuz the book starts with standard voyage on the sea surface. a better title would have been "hunt for the narwhal" which is the purpose of the book leading to the surprise travel under sea. kuz that is the purpose and his title lacks "travel." similarly the bad title "from the earth" is too obvious and lengthy just "a trip to our moon" especially when the academics taut us that long titles are bad just say the purpose. and why "the moon" many planets have a moon instead to our moon to be specific after all the whole popularity as above was specifics yet he faild at specifics.

and now the less blatant flaw. in the end of chapter 3 as verne describes the trip from the coast of new york even as a child as i read it i felt there was a problem and the adults as usual and as in the myth of the naked emperor the adults blindly defended the content as real without knowing where fire island was.

so i aksd the adults idiot parents who i often caut lying to me about any topic, and who knows how many more i did not catch/realize they also lied, and gave yhem a chance to say where fire isle was and based on the goal to get to "the north pacific" in chapter 3 they guessed fire isle was south from new jersey coast. but i checked and fire isle is north from new jersey which is dumb and unreal for the goal of getting to the pacific. my idiot parents shoulda said "we dont know" but they preferd to lie and guess.

anyway a true trip to the pacific would need to go south so "from brooklyn" would go along the EAST coast of staten isle to "sandy hook" and south. but instead the FRENCHY did not look at a map of the coast of u.s. 


he has them loop two loops. iinsted of directly south to sandy hook point he has them go from brooklyn south then WEST to the joint of the hudson and east rivers  turning WEST. that is stupid he should not say they went west nor along "the coast of new jersey" until later but south along coast of staten isle until  sandy hook point insted of first to hudson.

worse flaw after telling us of sandy hook point he mentions "fire isle" far to the north east from sandy hook meaning in the story they loopd back north away from the pacific well if that is the goal then leave brooklyn going EAST to fire isle not as he wrote toward hudson. worse in the big picture  why go to fire isle if goal was pacific? either way flaw. if goal "fire" as he wrote then not hudson and if goal pacific then not north to fire isle. that is NOT real and the whole popularity was readers thout it was real. yet after all the detailed locations of where the ships sunk, verne not only errd but absurdly describes a trip west and south and then north east which is stupid. so i will fix.

the first chapter also faild to say who the story was about only telling the story of the shipwrecks. then in chapter 2 he said the pronoun "i" without telling WHO this i refers to.

so i fix: chapter one must start with who is reading the disaster news: "Professor Aronnax followed the mysterioous news of the shipwrecks sunk by a huge giant sea beast" added in the first line of chapter one and followed by the story of the shipwrecks. this is important for later the word "i" has been defined.

similarly i fix chapter 3 "the abraham lincoln would leave brooklyn soon, so professor Aronnax rushed to write a letter to his frends on fire island and near hudson river that he would go hunt the narwhal.  the ship traveld south from brooklyn along the east coast of staten island and south east around sandy hook point." this fixes the direction of travel and moves the other locations not mentioned for the boats travel but in a different manner.

molly part 3

 molly part 3

continuing from part 2

there, now part 3:

Molly waved again for the waitress who hurried to her table and waited silently. molly also waited so the waitress waited too. hence the name waiter. molly finally said "i am ready to pay--i will bring the check--no i must give a check to pay--sorry we do not take payment in checks but i will bringyou the check" the waitress meant the bill which is called a check despite the word having several meanings.

After molly payd using her plastic credit card she left the dim diner and walkd across the lobby to the white plastic telephone. first she presd "nine" so the device would know the following numbers were for outside the building not inside the tec tower. then she diald froom memory the number for daryl's cellular phone. she listened and counted the number of rings one pause two finally she heard daryls voice "i am not interseted in whatever you are trying to sell me" her heart trembled emotionally. as she announced "i am molly" trying to mollify him from being botherd by sales. after an awkward pause daryl askd "molly who?--molly mohhiro--oh good. when will you come?" daryl askd.

mlly was shokd. why was he expecting her? they had not spoken in several weeks. almost a full month. "um i want to meet you tomorow after work--cant you come sooner? i prefer now--uh okay i can change my schedule and come now from the hi-tec tower--and please bring my shirt--certainly i will arrive around..." but she did nt finish her sentence kuz she heard the clik indicating daryl had cut the connection, switching off the communication.

molly said aloud "i cant believe he hung up on me" and then considered that silly phrase hung up. in the age of cell phones we dont literally hang up the phone the way we did in the past when phones HUNG. now even the public phones were switched off due to the fact that everybody carried a cell phone.

molly left the warm lobby into the harsh air of the new york city winter.  she hurried along the sidewalk which had salt chunks scatterd to prevent ice. a few yards later she reached the edge of the property under the resposibility of the hi-tec tower. the sidewalk had four inches of snow same as the grass along both sides of the sidewalk. her white boots crunched into the soft snow as she rushed to her building that she rented. it was beside the hi-tec tower. she turned right from the sidewalk to hurry along the narrow paveed path to her building. the snow was only one inch deep indicating that in the morning management had removed the snow but knew snow had fallen.

she reached the door and waved at the door man. he did not open the door. molly tapd her code on the glass display, 4835, the glass had replaced the previous pad of buttons and her gloves were bigger than the squares displaying each number. the door unlocked so she yankd it open and the new guy demanded "who are you--bug off, you saw i know the code" she replied annoyed and rushed to the elevator. the new guy warnd "the elevator wont work unless you tell me who you are". she ignored him and presd the square that requested the elevator. the light surrounding the square switched off immediately as if she had not presd. so she presd again and the lyt shne but only for a second. she was forced to return to the doorman and tel him her name. "i am molly i live on the seventeenth floor--show me photo id please" he demanded. she grabd the tab for the wye of her zip and unzipd her puffy cobalt blue coat. she showed the new guy her card with a photo and her name. in an almost moanful tone the door man said "THANK you" in the tone he would say the words he wanted to say "you COULD have shown that when you first enterd."

the gard switched on the elevator to allow the doors of the entrance to open. molly hurryd from the desk of the gardturnd right and reached the 2 pairs of elevators. 2 on her ryt and 2 to her left. this time when she presd the square with the shape of an arrow that jut outward so she coul FEEL she was pressing the arrow pointing up, even thru her thik gloves, the red border around the metal square glowed and stayd lit. she had cald the elevator. she felt angry at this delay. daryl had asked her to come NOW yet the doorman had delayed her by not opening the door. she had lost time typing her code and then lost more time when the elevaotr would not accept her request and lost more time showing her card to the gard and NOW even MORE time lost WAITING for the elevator to come down to the entry corridor. she was so frustrated b ythe delay considering that daryl was willing to see her NOW... that she blurted out aloud, "there are FOUR freeking elevators how can they ALL be busy." to her surprse the gard apologized "sorry i only allowed one to come to the lobby but i will allow all four". molly opend her eyes very much in surprise raising her eyebrows that such an option was even possible. and feeling joy that soon ONE of the four would soon come so she could rejoin her lover. she considered that she had been so frustrated that she complained aloud, allowing the gard to here. a patient person would have simply waited... and waited more. the gard would never change the instructions for the computer as this guy had called all four elevator boxeswhen he heard her complaint.

finally she heard "ding" from behind her. "oof" she blurt out. the new tec HAD signald to her on the monitor the letter of the elevator but she had not looked at the monitor ! she had simply felt for the correct arrow and presd.

 she spun quickly as the doors behind her separated and slid open with a swish. she hurried in to the elevator and extended a glove to jam the button labeld 17 in thik blak digits that were not smooth but bumpy in the pattern called brail so the blind coud feel and know which number. she felt the brail bumps even thru her black cotton mitts. the elevator rushed up and she felt pressure on her feet as it acceperated upward. in the time she inhaled and exhaled she was already at her level. she had lost enuf time at least this trip was fast and uninterrupted. the dors swishd apart and she hurried out from the elevator and suddenly stopd confused. should she turn ryt or left?

she calculated if she had spun to enter this elevator that meant relative to the entrance she had enterd the LEFT pair. now the left pair was behind her she must turn LEFT twice to get to her small rented room. other days she would use the ryt pair then when she must exit ryt and then left. every day was different and she needed to keep her mind on these details. so she left towards her left, passing between two elevators and facing room 1706, kuz room 1705 was the area of the elevators that did not exist. a corridor extended in both sides, to her ryt a dark empty corridor dimly lit by lyt from the window to her left and she could barely see the decorative painting on the wall between the last two doors for rooms 1701 and 1702 the one in the row  exterior of the building. nearer her were 1703 facing 1704. she understood that the space beyond that wall with the picture was the space of a room. she did not know if the room, with the door on the ryt or the left, used that space. anyway as usual her second turn was  left toward the side with the window. she soon reachd her room 1710 that faced 1709 at the exterior corner of the tower. she presd her card on the glass screen and her door unlokd so she presd down on  the lever and opend the door.

a small lyt switchd on when she clikd the door lever. she enterd her small rental room.  three small rectangles of lyt glowed with a dull orinj lyt one under the window that faced her and the door, in addition to two more beside the doors of her clothing closet. she had not opend the curtains that coverd the window kuz she wanted to keep the heat in the room instead of cooling the air touching the cold glass windows. she switched the bryt lyt on.

the edj of the door was in the corner so the wall was by her shoulder as she enterd. the wall was coverd by soft sauft fuzzy pale gray carpet that she brushed against as she enterd. this was better than banging on the wall and helpd limit sound between the rental rooms.

she walked between the carpeted wall and the door to the toilet and realized she needed it, but she could wait until arriving quicker at daryl; but no. she did not want the first thing at daryl's room to be using the toilet. so after chekking that the door that she had enterd was lokd she pushd down on the lever on the door of the toilet room and she emptied some liquid waste from her body. then she used paper to dry her body. last she waved her hand over a sensor so the toilet flushd the paper and the liquid out into the pipes. molly thout "civilization is GOOD." on the ryt side of the toilet was a small square stall, for a shower. its floor was lower than the floor so the water woud not escape to the floor of the toilet room. stepping away from the toilet she faced a sink and the wall with a broad mirror. she lookd at her pale lips. no time for any of that,  kuz daryl had said come now.

she moved her ryt hand under a tube and the sensor pumpd out one small  jet of liquid soap. she rubbed her hands... OOF she had not yet removed her mitts.

she peeld off her gooey mitt and the other and tosd the pair into a net to wash later. considering she had accidently worn her mitts, ergo  her hands had been coverd when she used the toilet and dried herself so she coud simply wash the mitts... but she ALWAYS washd her hands so again she moved her hand to the tube that jut from the wall to get another jet with a portion of liquid soap. she rubbed the soap all around her clean hands. finally she extended her hands under the faucet and warm water, always the same temperature 105 degrees f' a bit warmer than her skin gushed out and she rubbed her soapy hands together washing off the soap and enjoying the warmth on the cold day. this was not a wash for cleanliness just for habit and she kept her hands longer for pleasure slowly counting down from ten but not longer kuz she wanted to get to daryl.

she did not even swap her shirt. 

SHIRT that reminde her he had askd her to bring his shirt and she had agreed. but she did not have his shirt? she thout as  she dried her hands on the thik pink towel. as she rushed out from the toilet room she heard a clik as the auto lyt switched off behind her and the toilet room darkend. she recald back in the "dark ages" she had needed to switj the lyt ON as she enterd and later OFF as she left which became a habit and then on saturdays when she exited the lit toilet room and would switj off the lyt from habit her parents would gasp loudly she recald feeling trauma and guilt as her  fanatic parents had made her feel guilty for switching the lyt on their holy sabbath but she had not intended it was only habit but they criticized her and made her feel gulty each time she switjd the lyt just from habit and even now she even felt the shok and trauma from the sudden gasp. at least they did not HIT her as punishment. they had stopd hitting her after she had went to a nebbor home and reprted to the cops that her parents were violent and the cops had come but no time to think about that now.

she turnd ryt and stepd past the small orinj lyt at the corner of the wall and the floor. she faced the closet and realized that the space of the closet extended into the volume of the adjacent room. and that the depth of her colset must by adjacent to the the depth of her nebors closet. she imagined that NOW when she stood in her closet her nebbor floyd stood aligned with her in his closet that was beside her its depth extending until the carpeted wall by her door. as if the two rooms overlapd each other.

she grabd the jeans daryl  had left from the last time he visted that she had washed for him. she left the closet and above the second orinj lyt at the corner of the floor and carpeted wall were drawers. she opend each and flipd thru her folded clothing. she saw all were her shirts. drawer by drawer she drew each one and chekd. she did not have his shirt. she spun to her bed in the space behind the shower room. she had been in a hurry that morning and the thik quilt was tangeld but no time now to smooth it. she rushed back out the door from her room and puld it shut behind her. it clikd lockd. an electronic whirrrr sounded as bars slid into the thick steel door from all sides, like a bank vault. she had not switjd off the bryt lyt but the motion sensror would know that noone was in the room and would switj off the lyt soon.  she puld another pair of mitts from her pockets; the dark blue ones; that matched her cobalt blue coat. as she hurryd along the empty corridor to the elevator she jugled his jeans as she put on the gloves.

she reached the elevator bank and presd the square with arrow pointed up. the request registerd and the "red square" glowd. this tme she noticed the monitor which displayd "A". she lookd for the elevator labeld a and faced it; ready to go up to daryls room on the top floor, the 21 level.

she enterd the empty box which zipd her up a few levels. she turned from the elevator to the room nearest the elevator bank but it was not his room 2106. she spun back the other way to 2106 the nearest room to the elevator bank in its corridor.

she lay her card on the glass monitor and two quik beeps were heard inside. no time pasd and he had not opend the door so she flashd the card again on the glass monitor but no expected beeps. she slowly counted to ten and lay her card on the screen two more beeps. the monitor showd a message "hi clair i am in the shower". OOF who the hek was clair? the machine should know her name from the card. 

considering daryl was in the shower she puld her cell phone from her skirt pocket and opend her "photo gallery". she enjoyed looking at the many pictures and screenshots of stuff she enjoyed. but sooner than she expected the door of 2106 klikd unlokd so she jumpd and opend the door. daryl was standing his hair wet wearing a purple robe. his hairy legs both jut below the robe. molly thout "gross; men shoud also shave their legs" but stood silently. "hi clair" daryl greeted her with a wide grin. "who the hek is clair" molly snarld suspiciously. "sorry remind me your name again i thout your name was clair". molly felt so hurt that she almost left his room. how coud he forget her name. people forget stufff but was she so  trival to him?

"i am molly and i brout your jeans--thanks but i dont care about those you can keep em. where is my shirt?--i dont have your shirt--yes you do" responded daryl, his grin vanishing "i know i left my magenta shirt at your place in november. you know how much that shirt means to me kuz it was the last gift my gramma gave me and then she suddenly died a day later." molly felt shokd. she was finally with daryl and he was accusing her of losing his fave shirt. molly replyd, "i dont have it.--i cant believe you LOST my special shirt. how could you be so reckless" daryl exclaimed in an annoyed tone. molly felt angry that he was acccusing her falsely of losing his beloved shirt. but she hid her emotion and said "i chekd my drawers i dont have it." now daryl was maad. he started yelling "you lost it. you know that shirt was very important to me."

molly made up a defense "clair must have it--no you are clair i recognize you i left it at your room, it was a gift from my granny. and you agreed to bring it. molly pannikd. she knew the importance of not yelling bak at him but she coud not apologize for a false accusation. she knew she must not argue and glanced around the room in pannik. his room was much longer than hers. the width from the door to the window was the same but the length was at least 5 yards across. between the windows also coverd by curtains same as her curtains were covering the windows, was a larj frame with a picture of daryl with his boyfrend mykil. the date was in the corner of the pic 12.12.20 molly thout "saved" and pointed to the pic. "you took it with you last week when you slept with your bi frend mykl". daryl ignored her and her pointing finger and shouted more "molly you stubid beech you gotta take care of other peopls stuff !! and mykil is not a bi he is GAY i am the one who is bi... and how do you know i slept with him last week??" he concluded and fnally followed her blue mitt pointing at his photo a larj photo in a fancy cyan-blue frame. yes there was his magenta short, the one granny gave him, the last gift before her sudden death, and he WORE it on the trip to mykil. he recald the fun weekend playing golf like prezident trump did and the pleasure of sleeping with mykil. "sorry" daryl hisd as he tryd to reverse his emotions from stormy raging anger about his shirt to mollify himself. he focussed on the fun memry of the time with mykil. and now his best frend molly was here. daryl composed himself and said in a lawyer tone " i apolgize for my words and reaction and for falsely accusing you.--apology ACCEPTED" rejoiced molly as she jumped onto his purple robe and hugd him. pressing her soft cheek jamd into his soft frreshly shaved cheek his wet hair brushed her faceand she squeezd her chest with his. after a brif hug she jumpd bak and said "now get dressd we have much to discuss".

daryl lookd sad. "after a hug like that i thout we woul NOT dress" he hinted. molly thout "ugh men they just switch from yellin at you to making babys in a blink. i dont want intimacy with a guy who just accused me that is not a frend. and worse falsely and with yelling. she needed time to switch her emotions. now she felt joy that he realized she was innocent and not reckless but intimacy should be at nyt.

she had made exceptions in the past... the guy had not even used a condom so SHE had used a pad to drip out onto same as her monthly drip... but that was gross during the day. she knew daryl would use the condom and she woud not need to drip out but still she did not feel like intimacy after she accused him. first she wanted enjoy being NEAR him. and save the iintimacy for night time.

as she thout all this daryl was pulling on his dark nlue brifs pulling up. then he shed his robe like a snake mlting its long skin and the purple robe slid to the floor showing his smooth boyish chest. she was glad that bi men shave their chest and underarms same as men expected of her. she just wished they would at least shorten their LEG hairs too same as they trimd their pyubes short. ugh she did not like thinking about pyubes.

daryl askd, "so what do you have planned" as he grabd his jeans from her arm apparently forgetting that he said she coud have 'em.

molly told him her plans. but as she talked abruptly a loud BANG it was the loudest bang molly had ever heard in her life and the sound was similar to a gunshot from tv but much louder. 

daryl ran topless out his door wearing his jeans and barefoot on the dark green carpet of the corridor and glanced along the corridor at the... corpse. his nebbir mr. Alvirez lay in a puddle of dark red blood. "oh Allin" daryl whined and ran toward the bloody corpse. he chekd allin's nek for pulse bu there was no hurt beet. blood continued flowing on his shirt but sadly it was a steady flow not pulsing from a heart beat. daryl swung abruptly from the joy of seeing his best frend molly who had not lost his shirt, and the joy that his shirt was not lost too the horror of murder and the grief of the loss of a dear frend allin who he would never talk to again. daryl burst into tears and started mourning the loss of his dear frend and a time like this even his precious shirt was not as great a loss as a dear frend. molly had followed daryl from his pent-house room on the top floor.she stood by the door and gazed.she was finally with daryl but nothing like she expected he had interrupted her with accusations, about the gift from his granny, and now interrupted by a murder. well this would be easy to solve they coud just look at the camras

to be continued.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

who wrote the bible book hebrews?

 who wrote the bible book hebrews?

other books in the new testament have a known source. the tradition taut that mathew wrote the book starting with the family lineage of jesus, called gospel according to matthew. paul wrote many short letters. tradition claims 14 letters by paul each starting with pauls name. despite this somebody who wanted to fake a letter would want and could write pauls name to cause people to accept his fraud addition.  indeed based on style some researchers claim that several of those books are not truly by the apostle. bible schools taut about the "deutero paul" like after paul only using his name to veil the fake content and get it in. some are not from the apostle.

what about hebrews? that one not even pretends to be from paul but from who?

i claim that there is a hint in the gospels who wrote the book. several times jesus said he came for the jews like hesitating to teach the samaritan woman and teaching the jew first and other examples. did he write any book? i claim based on those hints that jesus himself wrote a book to the hebrews and this is the only book jesus wrote. he wrote it anonymously and about himself for the purpose of preserving the ideas which he taut to his followers.

my commentary on the bible book hebrews will follow

molly part two

 continuing from molly in the diner

comprehend analyze discuss: a christmas and new year story (

note: this story contains some rarely used short words, for example the adverb ter. links to the list of words with their meaning:

Molly waved quikly at a pretty waitress who hurried to her table and politely asked, while smiling, "how can i aid you?". The waitress wore a light blue dress with long sleeves and a white apron with squared corners. her hair was blond in contrast to molly's black hair. molly knew that people thout blond hair was prettier. she recalled daryl who had said he liked jet black hair best. molly asked for tea. the waitress who had blue eyes quickly jot it down and energeticly spun to get the tea. "ta" called molly. "sorry, what?" asked the waitress. "ta means thank you", molly explained. the waitress replied politely "yep" then walked to the urn to fill cups with boiling water.
a man enterd the diner from the lobby. his hair was dark brown. he wore an ugly tan suit. he scand the empty diner and then approached molly. molly quiverd nervously at the strange man walking toward her. he announced "i am tec cleg. you know like a private investigator". she responded "yea" kuz she knew tec meant detective. "i am investigating a crime."
somehow the waitress knew and brout a tray with two small saucers each under a small porcelin cup filled with hot water from an urn. she carefully lay each saucer on the table and then a bowl with tea bags and a tin with the word sugar to label it. a tiny disc held two bits of cake. molly protested "we did NOT order cake--we give free tits with the tea." the tec said "ta" too. the waitress replied "you're welcome". the tec swifly grabbed the tag of the teabag and lay the bag on top of the hot water. then he used a spoon to jam it into the water. meanwhile, molly slowly extended her fork to jab its tip into a tit of dark choklit cake. cleg lifted the tin of sugar and started to slightly tip it and then used a small spoon for the sugar. 
molly askd "how did she know to bring twa?" cleg tugd his tea bag and impatiently replied "tut". Molly said, "i am trying to write a novel". they heard the sound of "tum" from the amp. the tec finally replyd, "i hope it is not a crime novel". she responded "nope it is a drama novel". the tec said "ugh, i hate authors.  imaginary stuff. i like facts. that is the reason i became a tec--I wrote a tod of storys" she stated, glad he could not see that she hid her nervous squirming by curling her toes, in her white boots under the table. "i am certain your tod will grow to a ton of storys", he soothed her.
"which crime?" she askd. he explained that a tom specificly a tup was stolen mysteriously. she knew a tup was a male sheep. he coulda said ram. "Where was the scene of the crime?--"uh, on the tor east of the city". she knew that word too. "tor a prominent hill" she quoted. he concluded "the only witness was a tot--why wasnt the sheep tied?--the tot said he freed it and had held its leash as he walkd towing it from the garden. he decided to tye it, using a string from a toy, but before he tyd it the leash slipd and it fled." 
as he told the story, cleg pulled a fake leather bound booklet from his pouch. he pulled a tab that was tukd in a loop to hold it shut, and opend his booklet to review the facts. she  dipd her teabag in the water, and started to use a spoon to stir, but in her nervousness the spoon would tap the cup as she stird. cleg added ter sugar. then he stird and the spoon rattled as it banged the cup many times erraticly. much more noise than her stirring with a tap and another.
cleg continued "when the tot chased his tup, he was distracted by a wild teg, you know, a young female deer, not a doe but in her second year". "then he claims a man with a grey beard stole his tup. then he cryd kuz he wanted to free it and now it would not be free." the tec explaind.
she shout back to her m who cnstantly complained that molly was not productive. she had signed up for tat lessons to make things using knots. but she must not dwell on the past. now she was sitting with cleg p-i. "do you think the motive was to get the wool from the sheep? or to taw its skin?" she askd the tec. he replied "i thout tau was the  greek letter like the letter tee, not a verb--true but the same sound is like the words tew and taw, for methods of processing skin.--you are very educated, far from being a tib--wow, thanks, and speaking of greek letter one is zy but spelled using ex, the letter xi--i wot.  you say the letter zed insted of the letter zee--yup--anyway the tot recalls the man wore a tall hat cald a taj, and his face had a tic, and had been there at the tid, just when it escaped." when she heard so many words that started with t her mind wandered to her past when she played the game "tig", that was fun kuz the kids would run away from the chaser. then her ma interrupted the fun game for her to go up from the yard for uke lessons when she learned boring music including the tone ut. her teacher was an italian wop.  tig. in contrast to other sports that needed an ump tig was simple and fun running. returning to the letter t, she had once watched the paving of a road when they poured hot tar and then had started to ted it. but she must stop dwelling in the past. now she was helping an investigation. "how can i aid you--i need you to go and get more facts from the tot about the story. you will work like a nanny, take him to the zoo and question him--good idea kids enjoy seeing the variety of animals at the zu, will anyone else assist us?--nope.
 she imagined a tot maybe 3 or 4 years age thinking that freeing a sheep was a kindness or virtue only to feel great woe to see it captured again. she planned to watch the tot and before bed put him in a tub and then to tog him in pyjamas for sleeping. after she agreed, concluding the business part she switched to pleasure by telling cleg about her pet bird as she had told her ex-frends. he said,  "um, if i could have a pet bird it would be a tui, kuz my favorite letter is t--i guess you dont mind paying TAX she emphasized. he shrugged and added "i would put the cage on my tun" as he handed her a paper money. she saw it was a ten, to pay for his tea. "keep the change" he commented as he started to zip quickly away. she wanted to tell him that her favorite letter was u despite she did not eat the urd bean, she enjoyed eating uva. she watched him zig and zag around the empty tables in the diner as he hurryd toward the exit. she would tell him at their next meeting.

Monday, December 14, 2020

a christmas and new year story

 On a pale December noon, in the hi-tec tower, Molly Mohhiro was sitting by a broad glass window, and gazing, in kif, at the autumn snow, slowly falling.  She was eating a boring lunch in a diner, by the lobby,  with her frends Maddisen Mazzin and Mason Mabin. Mason worked at his job in the "help-desk" office high in the tower. His jo, m-m worked in a software firm on the same floor. They had met Molly at the diner and often ate lunch together. 

Today, Mason was complaining about holidays. Molly jagd her sliced turkey and thout "i hate that people always talk while they chew. She avoided talking while she was chewing. Althoe in the end of autumn, the festival thanksgiving had passed, Mason was still talking about it.  Molly thout ahead to the vacation of christmas that was nearing. Mason was complaining that thanksgiving is terribly racist and insulting to the natives. molly had never heard that idea in all her years. another empty fad, she thout, after all nobody gets injured by thanksgiving, so that was not an issue that deserved any fuss. However, Molly did not talk while she chewed. 

Maddy shook her head and replied, "Honey, this whole racism idea is wa-y-y out of proportion."

Her words irkd him and he replied, "I cant believe you are saying that. racism is not something to kid about--Real racism does not include even half of the stuff people make a fuss about. any ism is a theory... and most of that stuff is not truly the racist theory" an awkward silence followed. Molly finished chewing and commented "people make too much of a fuss about harmless words." 

 Mason exploded "i cannot be frends with you racist ladies, you ire me--calm down and talk about christmas" suggested Molly. Mason stated, "but i havent finished criticising thanksgiving yet! i mean think of the turkey... that is  bad enuf... cruel to helpless innocent animals but to make a holiday that involves the natives... that is just terrible." molly commented "we used to call them indians--DONT say that word" chorusd the ms together. "are you trying to control me?" asked Molly. Mason explained "no, just saying you cant be racist." Maddy jabd his ribs. Molly continued chewing her salad of lettuce tomato and onion. Maddy pointed out, "nobody insults the natives on thanksgiving..." mason rudely interrupted her "still, at the end of the day, just mentioning that era and the tragedy of the natives is terrible racism". molly asked "who gets injured by mere words?"

luckily, Maddy neutralized the situation by asking "Honey please pass the jam." Mason jerkd his arm at the jar, clearly angry that people did not agree with his ideas about racism. He felt saying the word indian or nigger was as bad as slavery. Molly copied her good idea and said "i cant believe they put ICE in the water pitcher, when the streets are icy." Then she rubd her jaw and pointed out "before the colonial era the natives battled each other"--"NATIVES" they chorussed as if correcting her. molly continued "they killed each OTHER and nobody took their cities." Maddy corrected her "but the americans took their land". Molly asked "did they own it?" Maddy replied, "anyway that is not its idea, thanksgiving symbolizes the cooperation of the americans and natives". Mason corrected her "sweety there were no americans yet, except the natives they were the only americans. the FORNERS came from britian and ruined everything with colonialism." Molly agreed "yup those weren't the americans." the ms squirmed as that phrasing, kuz shortening the "guilt era" grated on their emotions.

Molly told them that she loved to decorate her Christmas tree and eat the ham. Maddy used her knife to cut another wedge from her tofu burger, that now had a jag, jutting from it, and said "dont even talk about ham that is an animal that lived and they killed it".  Mason nodded over his tomato soup that was already too cold. molly replied "you guys are so controlling, trying to enslave me with your opinions".--"dont say SLAVE" they chorusd together and smiled at each other for being similar. Molly lifted the jug of water and poured herself a glass. She thout "if these people try controlling my words, then they are not my ilk." She recalled the sound of the jow from the christmas bells. 

Mason jogd the salt dispenser as he  pointed out that christmas by name referd to christ ergo that is christian, therefore making it a public holiday is bad. Maddy said "we celebrate christmas and we are not christian". "neither am i" echoed Molly, "but i enjoy the decorations and the..." molly paused already swayed by her frends influence... luckily they finished her sentence by forcefully and urgently emphasizing, "DONT SAY HAM." Molly recalled a previous year when she met a guy, Darryl Davis,  at an inn for a pleasant christmas ham dinner by candle light. candles seem special in the era of electricity. he was swiss by the "jus" law meaning his parents were swiss despite born in u.s. same as herself. the dialog had been so different. he had complimented her jet black hair. they had spoken about pet birds. Darryl had a jay.  She said "i have a key". daryl asked "what do you mean? everyone has keys". she had explained that her pet bird was a "kea", and that birds sometimes have funny names such as the "kaykay". They had danced and she felt joy during the slow dance and the quick jig dance. he had boasted that he "kend plants with short names: koa tree and the kat shrub, like the kaka start with letter kay."

Maddy asked "we cant celebrate thanksgiving anymore and we are not christian, so what special days remain?" Molly responded "real christians DONT celebrate christmas considering the book acts never emphasized that the first christians celebrated it". Mason said "we can celebrate new year. Maddy argued, "but honey that is not REAL just a fake artificial calendar".

Molly felt sad that society had changed so much. She decided she would not meet with people who were bad bullies. Already they had stopped her from saying ham. wasn't the idea of liberty that people could choose for themselves? but they were limiting everything she said... for what? for mere words. the only reason she came to the diner was for her id, the instinct part of her mind to provide necesities but these people were not truly frends. just bad bullies veild by "holy" words.

Mason explained that he meant HIS new year when the sun cycle renewed. molly thout "finally something non-criticism. here is my chance to criticise HIM". Mason described the cycle of the longer nights and shorter nights, ergo the birth of added light after the longest night was the start of the cycle. molly thout the logic of the claim was flawless but would not pass the chance to criticse him... she pointed at his bowl and said "your soup is cold".

Mason exploded "I CANT STAND YOU PEOPLE". Maddy tried to soothe him "honey, you do talk..."  she stopd herself from finishing the sentence. Mason turned on her too, "honeying wont work anymore, i know what you were gonna say!--"im sorry but...--we are OVER" interrupted mason as he stood and rushed to the counter with the keg, to pay for his uneaten soup. Maddy called "but we are kin!" an awkward silence reigned, as Maddy sat shokd. then she turned on Molly "see what you caused!" Molly strained not to smile as her plan succeeded and pretended she was sorry. she said, "i apologize. i thout he could take just as well as he gives" as maddy chased Mason... a few paces and then paused. Maddy started to doubt if she realy wanted to be with a guy like mason. he had good ideas but did not act in the polite style "sensitive" people should act. he was not sincerely sensitive. maybe molly was right? but she liked mason... and molly had separated them... but she should not chase a man that would look desperate. and maybe he was not worthy of chasing... torn by opposing emotions Maddy stood thinking. molly enjoyed her victory. she had not told them the words that mason had blurted out, just a few minutes previously,  yet accomplished her goal to have a peaceful lunch. althoe quietness is lonely but being with liberals was far from liberty. Molly, like a mischevous imp, continued her plan. "maddy you look ill."--"bug off" retorted Maddy, as charged as an atomic ion. 

molly thout about maddy's name. what idiot parent would choose that name for a child? emphasizing that she got mad. she slipd her writing kit from her purse, chose the blue ink, and started to jot a note to think of names that were bad like maddy. replacing the note, Molly gazed in kef at the decoration of green ivy under the ceiling. Yes she would get back together with Darryl. maybe they could meet on the date 22 after the longest nyt to celebrate the new cycle of sunlyt together. as she planned what to say to him after work, she daydreamed about the great time they will have together, tomorrow.