Wednesday, December 23, 2020

molly part 6

 molly 6

  note: this section has some rare words so a list s provided for vocab below the story if you see a rare word you can check its meaning.

continuing from part 5

Molly askd, "daryl, what are you working on?--i know that for you the main celebration is via songs is the  for you ergo i am trying to compose a poem for our new cycle celebration--that is so sweet, you show you care about things that are important to me." Daryl switjd off the music to explain "despite the fact that i differ. for me eating different than usual marks the diffference... [molly rolled her eyes] still i want our differences to be a harmony that blends peasantly together despite the differences--your actions show i am right that a song is the main thing--that would not be harmony" explaind daryl, "imagine four pianos all sounding the same key each time that is not harmony nor the art of cooperation. still since i know it is imprtant for you i will make effort for the things that are important to you and i hope you will flow with the things that are important to me." daryl concluded. molly commented "well that is a good method for dealing wth dfferences and feeling miserable--yep and i wont be the one SPREADING misery"  he explained. she then commanded "va" so he switjd on the music again. 

molly opend his closet and searched for a nice shirt to borrow. she found a blouse and started to accuse "is this CLAIRs's blouse--oof after i show you with actions that i am writing a poem for you, how can you vex me and  accuse me?--kuz that is what men do. as if you guys have a goal "sleep with the most ladys, all you can eat" like those buffes--gross, consider if a lady consents for a one-night fling, then that type of girl had been flinging with many before she met me, that is disgusting to think about. i even said a vow to only kiss the hesitant ones--but this blouse proves you had other girls sleep here--no! i left the tag on!--i ges so. also  i always take my blouses with me when i leave, so others woud too, unless the bra vanished under a couch cushion and she coud not find it"concluded molly as she searched and found the price tag, still attached to the new blouse. "thank you for buying me a blouse, i do like the lyt blue color and this vol for decoration" she added gracefully. her shoulder length jet blak hair hung down to the shoulders of the pale blue blouse with wavy fabric encircling the upper sleeve near her shoulders. then she waukd to the window and folded back the thik heavy fabric of the curtain. from the window she coud view the voe of dark water. along the narrow street below, the motion of a larj wyt van yankd her eye. she imagined a secret agent hiding in the back of the van. maybe an assassin hired by different countrys to kill spys.

she listend to daryl breathhe heavily as he strained to write a poem. which word described that?

vie? or vim or vis? they all related to strength and exertion.

daryl took a break from typing to compliment her unique eyes, "i love gazing into your eyes they are as dark brown as cola around the black pupil--and i enjoy your hair and your eyes and when we kiss i feel hypnotized" molly rymed. "hey you stole that from a hanna montana song," daryl said to give credit to the song. she askd if he woud want to own a pet. "i woud not hav time to care for it and what if it needed a vet" he explaind. sh agreed that pets shed hair and added that she does not like the way dogs wag their tails.

molly did like his hair style more than other guys he combed his dark brown hair to his ryt side. his brown eyes were boring and many red lines were visible on the wyt of his eyes which grosd her our but she had lied that she liked his eyes for the rym. his upper arms were lean and narrow but a bit muscular and the muscle often presd out from his shirt sleeves. his man nipples made small bumps in his shirt instead of "depressing" or receding under the pressure of the fabric. that was odd and unexpected kuz she HAD felt that his nipples were very soft and easily recessed so why would they bulge his shirts? but she liked seeing those little "chocolate chips" in a pair on his colorful shirts. beside the blouse in the closet hung soft cotton shirts with thik fabric each a different color one was a shade of red and several each diffferent shades of blue or shades of green. hmm she noticed no yellow nor white nor orinj. she knew he had pink sox. his pants were almost identical. many jeans and two slax one blak and a second dark blue that she never saw him wear. the music changed to the awful sound of a vox and she had the fortune that dayl skipd that song.

molly did not like that daryl's stomach was not smooth. a broad bowl seemed to hang around his belly button but men dont care about their weight the way she did. the one time she askd about his bmi he had said that he is within the range of healthy. in contrast molly spent much time each nyt before sleeping building stomach muscles. 

every nyt she squeezd her feet under a low vas, along the wall that supplys water to the vat for hot water and then she would apply  her vis with vim to acheev  fifty sit-ups and every other nyt she would add while lying on her bak, fifty leg lifts and a hundred knee folds which had evolved in one month to 250 knee folds. then she woud not have a swolled belly like daryl. she was annoyd that for him celebration meant food that woud swell his already swollen belly but as he said he was in the healthy range. she knew that despite limiting food her belly woud swell too... pregnancy woud stretch her belly and her skin would never return to her current length circumference. she knew that from a scene in gone with the wind.  daryl had a unibrow attaching over his two bloodshot eyes and she secretly liked that kuz she also naturaly had a unibrow that she plucked every nyt after exercise to give them shape.

"which shirt will you wear tonyt--i will decide based on my mood later" daryl replyd.


word list

 u va imp' continue playing music

 u van a large vehicle

 u vas a duct or tube

 u vat a large container

 u vet a pet doctor

 u vex to annoy

 u via through

 u vie to strive for superiority

 u vim exertion of strength

 u vis force and energy

 u voe a small bay or inlet

 u vol two spread wings which are joined

 u vow a solemn promise

 u vox an instrument producing tones like a human voice

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