Wednesday, December 16, 2020

who wrote the bible book hebrews?

 who wrote the bible book hebrews?

other books in the new testament have a known source. the tradition taut that mathew wrote the book starting with the family lineage of jesus, called gospel according to matthew. paul wrote many short letters. tradition claims 14 letters by paul each starting with pauls name. despite this somebody who wanted to fake a letter would want and could write pauls name to cause people to accept his fraud addition.  indeed based on style some researchers claim that several of those books are not truly by the apostle. bible schools taut about the "deutero paul" like after paul only using his name to veil the fake content and get it in. some are not from the apostle.

what about hebrews? that one not even pretends to be from paul but from who?

i claim that there is a hint in the gospels who wrote the book. several times jesus said he came for the jews like hesitating to teach the samaritan woman and teaching the jew first and other examples. did he write any book? i claim based on those hints that jesus himself wrote a book to the hebrews and this is the only book jesus wrote. he wrote it anonymously and about himself for the purpose of preserving the ideas which he taut to his followers.

my commentary on the bible book hebrews will follow

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