Saturday, December 21, 2019

clair claus conclusion

3 after clair left skool, in the morning she kew that she was missing classes and lessons. inside she felt bad and guilty. she wished that she could be a true rebel and "not even care" but she did not deny that she felt guilty for missing lessons. still she acted in rebellion and decided that her vacation would be longer from today until end of january. only at end of february she would return to school because this was simply vacation.if she planned to retur  to school that proved she was only vacationing. this excuse did not change the feeling of guilt that she felt.
the first thing a rebel does is break the rules. she thought of the rules that everybody emphasized. no beer until age 18.that would be the first rule she wuld break as a rebel. so she looked around for a shop. she saw many shops for clohing but nonefor snax. she kept walking.
as she continued walking she reached the street interections. clir was having good luck that each time she came to the edj of street the lites told her green go and cross safely because the cars had the symbol red stop. if she would be told to stop she would do same as she had done before. make the crossing safe by using her illusion that car saw a red light-ball  to stop and she already crossed when red told her to stop.
clair continued walking. finally she saw a shop that sold news-paper. she asked the owner for a beer. the owner said "i dont want to sell to you". clair replied "certainly you want to sell each sale you make a profit" man: beer has alcohol and i dont want to break the law. clair: be rebellious like me and violate the law. but the man only laffed.
clair saw the warning on cig-arret. ugh. that is not the way to rebel to insert smoke inside her body and risk future illness. the word cigaret has the letter c the same as the sound in names "cima" and cicilia or cecilia. clair noticed that all the se words have "i or e" near the c like word city. but other letters cab cozy and cut have sound k. she realized that the name simon could have "ci" same as city so cimon. she would name her son cimon. that would be a good rebellion and logical too. no "common names" such as bob or ben or barry.
now that clair decided that the name would be a rebellion she was satisfied with her rebellion and decided to eat lunch early.
the time was barely ten am. not the time for eating. wrong for brekfast nor lunch, but clair had rebelled already by not eating brekfast and now felt appetite. she reached her hand toward her bag and realized it was not with her but in her skool locker. she decided to use illusion.
clair hurried to the fancy restarant nearby. she could not move herself into the building because "no such thing as magic" meaning no magic exists. so she walkd to the edj f the street saw the light showing green and crossed to the restaurant. she tried to make an illusion to go through the door but the dor was real and magic is not real.
clair did the next  best thing possible. she opened the glass door and moved her finger up and side. the door appeard closed then she announced "i wish i could enter" and as people turned to her shout she walkeed into the restaurant that appeard to have a closed door... clair smiled at her great rebellion against doors.
she walked to the line of people waiting for ordering.  clair did not want to wait she she waved her finger and the lady working the cash machine stopped seeing the line of people. clair walked alongside the line and said "i want a ham and jeez samwij". the lady named "buffi" as shown on her name tag, named buffi booker, turned to the only customer that she could see. buffi replied "yes dear. that will be one dollar". clair saw that beside her a man named pete pelton, or was name pawl pelton? stood surprised and frustrated that buffi ignored him as he offered the money.  clair saw her opportunity she was lucky enuf that the man held one paper a  twenty dollar bill. so clair waved her finger so it appeared like a one dollar bill  and as the man handed it to buffi the paper appeared, only the paper so  buffi took the one dollar bill. printed the paper receipt and handed it to clair with the samwij. clair freed the illusion and buffi saw the man. he said please give me the "change" buffi looked at the twenty in her hand and shrugged and gave the man the money between twenty and the price of his meal because she truly held the bill that said twenty 20.
clair sat at a table. she realized that the word change had a g that sounded same as j. but the word "gag" did not sound like j. she realized that e with cor g change the sound. so the name jorj can be with "ge" spelled georj. or for girl georja same sounde as gentle. but city had i and gift also had i yet did not sound like j. oof i am thinking about useless grammar when i need to rebel.
she enjoyed her ham and jeez samwij.
where can she go next? she wanted to go to the cinema. but had no money. so she walked out the door of the restaurant and made illusion that nobody can see her. then she snapped her fingers and a bird obeyed her and carried her almost weightless invisible body to the cinema. she enterd because nobody saw her. she chose the video that she wanted to see a comedy with romance. she walked past the man named "adan" who was needded to check that nobody entered to see for free without ticket payment but poor adan axel did not see her. she saw the story of the video. the emotions of the lady in the story reminded her of her feelings toward burt.
meanwhile as clair watched the video burt was at skool.
he noticed that clair had left the rom and not returned. he felt that she was missing and tearned for her to return so he could see her pretty blue eyes.
he was also bored by skool but for a different reason. burt loved reading and he read many books and knew almost everything that the teachers would say.
while clair was at the video izsabel claus prepared the home for her ma visit. izsabel waved her finger so all the stains and dust was not visible. there. now her mom named iva ishiguro would not see any stains. iva was now a widow because her husband had died. they were never married but iva had been tempted by the mans appearance. so they "made" a baby without wedding nor marriage. sadly he died of lung-cancer soon after their dawter izsabbel was born. in fact santas wife was named izsabbel ishiguro until her wedding to santa when her name must be changed to his name because they are married in one Family izsabel claus.
before iza was ready iva enterd. her eyes were shaped like japanese eyes.she complaind that the room was very dusty and clutterd. iza challenjd her to chek with her finger. so santas criticizing ma-in-law wiped her finger on the top edj of a picture. a place nobody sees nor thinks to clean. she looked at her finger and said "aha" but saw no dust because of iza illusion. iva changed the subject and announced that she had changed her family name to "isgar"  santa laffd "hohoho and said "do you think that hides you? everybody can see you are japanese." iza commented i like that name i will be iza isgar claus.
santa and his wife iza and her mom iva isgar went to the cinema. they also chose a romantic comedy. clair saw them entering late. suddenly the video stopped and the lites switched on.  a man named bif  announced that he was checking tickets. clair whispered to the girl beside her "what is your name" she answered "ava" and turned to see who had asked and clair felt relieved that ava showed a look of surprise that nobody was sitting beside her.
bif came to the isgars and said "please show your ticket" they did not have any because izsabel had used illusion to enter. but her peower was already weak from old age and bif saw her. clair realized that it was wrong to get a service without paying the same as everybody else. she decided she would end her rebellion and return to school.
but only at the end of the video and she woud still rebel by name her son cimon with c.
bif leed santa and his ladies connected by marriage out where they would pay a penalty larger than the price of a ticket and despite paying the penalty could not see the video.
clair enjoyed the video to the end and returned to skool.
when burt passed her and did not notice her she realized that she had not ended her ilusion and burt could not see her. she released the illusion and called "hey burt" he turned and said "clair you are back i missed you". clair did not know what to say. as they stood silently in the hall burt leaned foward and shaped his lips like a kiss. clair leaned forward so her cheek touched his lips and they kissed. she felt enchanted when he kissed her. they ate lunch outside of the skool. they went to the same samwij shop where she ha eaten the ham and jeez. burt ordered a soup with vejdables and clair orderd the fish. as he paid clair made the one dollar bill from her own bag invisible and added it to the pile of paper money that burt gave for the food. she had returned the money that she was supposed to pay and decided that she would never fool people about money again . as the lady buffi lay the twenty with the other twenties the one went with it. later she would see the paper was a one not a twenty.
they ate lunch together not knowing what to say. but looking in each others eyes they felt that they did not need to say anything.
later clair and burt had the most fun chrismas ever in their lives simply sitting near each other. they had a very merry crismas.
the end.

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