Monday, April 8, 2019

summarizing the story of moses [josepus chapters 10-11]

x=Ethiopian neighbors to the Egyptians, invaded egypt. eth. took Egyptian property. moses led egypt troops successfully [note: this is the summary in the following chapter 11 that brifly summarized this chapter "envy at his=moses glorious expedition at the head of his[egypt] army" that summarized chapter ten.] moses saved the Egyptians by successfully beating back the ethiopian invasion. so some egyptians hated moses for his success. The king wanted "to kill moses" from envy at his glorious expedition at the head of kings army. moses friends warned him, moses escaped secretly, through the deserts. [note: this is the reason king sesostris wanted to kill moses. this is what ancient jews/pharisees believed so book exodus does not represent jewish tradition. hence wrong to include book exodus with claim jewish as bad rabbis wrongly included.]
moses left Egypt with money and went to midian, a city on the coast of the red sea. he rested by a well. seven sisters who were sheperds lifted water from this well and poured into stone troughs that can hold water, to give drink to the flock. other sheperds threatened the sisters; forcing the maidens away. before they led their sheep to use the water in the troughs that the sisters had worked for, moses gave aid by protesting that the women filled the trough. the sheperds agreed to wait. the sisters gave water to their sheep. then the sisters led the sheep back to graze.
one led moses to her father a priest. she told him the story that moses aided them. so pa named riel welcomed moses as a son. moses married one of riel's daughters. he appointed moses manager of his "cattle".
[note: so little "happened" in chapter  11 but the point is moses gave aid to the victims of injustice and their father welcomed moses.]
next chapter 12.

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