intro: I summarize the events described in josephus [book 2 section 9] of the affliction of Israelites for 400 years followed by the details of moses birth and rescue from death.
WHICH KING? historians connect the king of freedom to sesostris "built in Egypt, under Sesostris. who drowned in the Red Sea, see Essay on the Old Testament, Append. p. 132-162.--note Sesostris ruled from "1908BC" until 1875, centuries before hyksos began rule. drown in sea detail matched. other details are corroborated about 400 years earlier supporting this.
Summary of josp: egyptians saw israelite WEALTH so tried to destroy by labor for 400 years of affliction, meaning from 2300BC until 1875BC.
section 1 selection: Egyptians "envy at wealth" israelites earned as sheperds. "particularly the crown being now come into another family" MATCHES event and time of transfer to SIXTH dynasty in year 2325BC. we can compute "four hundred years did they spend under these afflictions" before sest. year 1908BC+400=2300BC when we know "Unas’s daughter married his successor, Teti, whom the ancient sources considered the founder of the 6th dynasty." so not son of unas not same dynasty ending dynasty in 2325BC truly "another family" match gasp. another match: unas pyramid shows "scene of starving people depicts a famine" in era before affliction. sesostris pa grabbed throne from previous dynasty in year 1938BC starting the 12 dynasty. then ses ruled in years mentioned above.
"Israelites slave for hard labors: to dig many channels for the river, and to build walls for their cities. also for river ramparts restrain the river also to build pyramids" meaning for the dead kings of previous dynasty another MATCH kings of 5 dynasty altho truly same family as 4 dynasty so same dyn. just merely named fifth dyn. when they died this dyn had pyramids for them at least seven of the fifth dyn. have pyramids.
FROM 2300BC until sesostris attempted "Israelites extinction" and "destruction" by hard labors.
we return to summarize josephus:
king decreed "drown every male child, which was born to the Israelites" in the river. for fear of prophecy that a child would bring egypt low. [not just to prevent increase so exodus flawed in this detail bkuz even less men still one man can impregnate ten women in same year so less men will not achieve goal prevent insted for goal less women so jsps version better than bible.]
this child, whom the sacred scribe foretold, was preserved in the manner following: A man Amram feared bkuz "wife then with child" [not take despite decree!] he prayed to God to show compassion to deliver from the miseries and prevent their enemies attempt destruction of the israelite sons.
Accordingly God had mercy and granted prayer so he saw vision for hope. the secret of birth and delivery was concealed egyptians did not know. parents nourished their son secretly "for three months".
am acted in faith of the prediction in the vision so put son in cradle for infant which was coated to keep out water. lay it afloat the river trusting god would protect son better than we can try. river carried the cradle away.
their daughter Miriam, the child's sister, "passed along on the bank" [not stood! exodus flawed.] and watched it. even the great effort of egypt failed son survived. [1-4v]
5. "Thermuthis was the king's daughter. She" was by the riverbank. she saw a cradle borne along by the current, and she sent one who could swim, to bring the cradle to her. they "came to her with the cradle" she saw the little child, and felt strong love so wanted to provide for the infant. even people who decided to kill for fear of the prophecy still wanted to save this infant.
Thermuthis asked to bring a woman to provide milk from breast the infant did not drink from many women. Miriam had followed the cradle and came to see the infant. she said these woman are not "kin" same nation. bring a hebrewess to nourish. tr. bid asked miriam to find a hebrewess. so she led her mother to tr. now the infant sucked milk from his ma.
Thermuthis chose name Mouses for Egyptians call water by the name of Mo. the egyptians said he was wise. he was taller than children his age and people would gaze look for a long time enjoying his beauty. Thermuthis adopted him as her son. one day she put the infant into her father's hands then he put his diadem on moses head, but Moses pushed it off. the sacred scribe tried to kill moses, but Thermuthis prevented him, and snatched the child away. the king [Sesostris] spared the infant and educated moses.
end chapter 9. next chapter 10 summary.
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