crawl: "long time ago and far away". text crawls telling that the "first order"=f-o rules [many systems] because already destroyed the republic government with the planets from which they governed. snoke leads f-o and wants to rule entire galaxy. lia leads the Resistantance=r to fight back. she hopes her brother luke will assist the battle. f-o discovered r. base and comes to atak so r is evacuating.= the resistance is evacuating because the evil "first order" is coming to attack. [end text]
from the planet, many space vehicles=sv go up for evacuation. meanwhile, f-o sv. arrive. a giant gun aims at the r. base. one brave pilot named poe, negotiates until he sees bads are aiming at him. he flies the small fast x-wing at the sv guns and destroys many of them. poe and his droid bb8 continue shooting at the guns of a huge-sv=h of the bads.
many tie-fighters come out to battle so lia orders r. to escape. po argues and orders bombers to destroy the huge dangerous sv of bads so they will never use it again. he thinks they must use the bombers to destroy h. now when they have an opportunity. the bombers attak h. but many get destroyed by the enslavers. po destroys many tie. paige drops bombs on h. which successfully destroy it but sadly the explosion kills her. the evacuation succeeded. r. escapes and poe goes to visit finn [the one who had been "brainwashed as a slave-warrior" for f-o until the trauma of seeing friend die released the mental conditioning of the enslavors] who is recovering from the injuries of a light saber.
snoke uses the dark side of the force to angrily throw his general to the floor. he also criticizes ren [who is connected to the dark side] until ren breaks his helmet in frustration. the bads follow the r. and attack them. they damage the r. the leaders shoot out from the sv. they all die in space except lea who used the force to fly back in. sadly she could not breathe and faints. When she recovers she interrupts poe's attempted mutiny.
rey flies to the planet where luke is. chui and the droid r2 are in her sv. she hands luke his light saber,[which she brought] but he throws it away. he avoids her but she follows him. he shuts the door to his hut until chui breaks the door.
she follows luke as he gets milk from a giant mammal and spears fish but he refuses to train her. later, r2 shows the old message, for obi-wan, to luke so he finally agrees to train her. he begins teaching her about using the force. rey sees a vision of a pit pulling at her. luke interrupts it because it means she is being pulled to the dark side. luke is very worried that she will jion the dark side especialy when she did not resist uin the vision.
she mysteriously can talk with ren. then she accuses luke of trying to kill ren [the night before ren killed many jedi] she battles luke angrily. Rey leaves. Luke walks to the tree which contains Jedi texts. Yoda's spirit appears and destroys the tree and texts [as luke wanted] by shooting a force-lightning-bolt. He tells Luke to train Rey and that the teachers "who fail for some students are the best teacher" for other students. [so far i have based on video aware that summary at imdb differs but i reject and wrote opposite of their details]
rose sees that finn is trying to leave the rs and zaps him. they go to a planet with fancy casino, because maz [who was fighting a fierce battle] told them to. they find the Master Codebreaker but sadly get captured and sent to jail (for illegally parking their ship.) In their jail cell, they meet "DJ" who manages to open their cell to help them escape to the "fathier" stable. they steal some for riding, but a boy sees them and reaches to push a panic button until Rose gives him her ring with the Resistance's symbol. They ride and the herd trample through the once fancy casino until they reach the sv. they find it is destroyed. DJ brings them another one, so they succeed at escaping from their pursuers. The trio dj, finn and rose fly to a ship of f.o. which captures them.
meanwhile rey came to snoke's shuttle.. ren captures her and takes luke's light-saber from her. then he brings her to snoke; the f-o leader.
+SPOILER ALERT maybe stop here and use summary as intro and watch. after seeing review ending.
rey manages to escape and fly to the resistance. then ren declares himself the new leader of f-o.
Resistance fighters fly to Crait. f-o fire upon them and destroy many sv. the pilot of resistance command ship realizes the painful loss of many soldiers which will continue hence she rams it into the First Order ship, splitting it in two and destroying other nearby ships. meanwhile Finn and rose are still captured inside the bads sv. BB-8 escapes and drives the AT-AT armored Walker to fire on f-o soldiers. Finn battles Phasma until he overpowers her. when the impact occurs [as above] sv breaks apart, and Phasma falls into the burning wreckage. Finn and Rose fly to Crait. on crait, gigantic walkers attack the Resistance stronghold. Poe, Finn, Rose, and others fly narrow speeders to fight back. Rey and Chewie fly the Falcon and attack TIE fighters. Some chase the falcon. Luke finally appears there to visit his sister lea. then he faces f-o who shoot at him but surprisingly he is unharmed by the massive amount of firepower. meanwhile the few survivors try to escape. they go to an exit but find it blocked by fallen rocks. rey leaves the falcon and uses the force to open the path.[huh? or lea?]
Ren goes to duel with light-sabers. he swings at luke and discovers Luke is a hologram... projecting himself while still on Ahch-To. meanwhile, the heroes return with the survivors and all board the Falcon to escape while Ren screams in frustration.
luke watches and enjoys a twin sunset. he smiles and vanishes and joins the force. the falcon visits canto and the people see it and become inspired. end of 8.
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