remember the game "risk" with the cool shaped pieces and the world map?
something is dreadfully wrong
africa is divided into 5 regions yet africa is 4 times the area of australia. australia area is 7.7 million square kilometers and this game described australia 2 regions so africa with 4 times the area 30 msk should be just as hard to attack or defend with 8 areas...
and canada 9.9 msk= 3 and soviet union 22 million sk [now only 17msk] 3*2=6
now we can compare to the game axis and allies also cool pieces and in version of 1984 the area of 7.7 msk was one region how convenient...
imagine troops from philipines landing in the undefended desert of west australia... clearly a bias to make aust. easier to defend uet is that just?
well if africa was 5 regions because not industrialized then yes africa should be four regions and australia one.
canada 2 and russia 3 muscva river region bordering dneiper river region then ob river region then soviet amur rr because 22/7.7=3.
how absurd that the bias makes the game unjustly difficult for the axis... on all 3 conflicting issues preventing japan to land in australia while the conflicting idea cut africa into more than 4 parts so axis cannot capture... when empty and axis cannot capture the 8 zones of soviets when there is a conflict the same area should be 3 and 4
also the production potential as i pointed out in the pasty africa was not industrialized
the four zones in australia should be each one.
the nile rr including east africa similar to teh division of "risk" worth one. and orange rr worth one mostly jungle. madagascar worth zero and axis because of french especialy if the number 1942 was chosen.
and atlas mountain region should be all the axis land area same as ara of asutralia 7.7msk leaving one more region same 7.7 msk in french west africa for axis to call them french is correct but to give production pptential to britian? that is absurd the axis controlled it and as above worth for brits 2 and for nazis 2. not 11 for brits when controlled by axis...
and why china potential to america?? the potential there could not be used to build submarines in whitney mountain region... that is absurd instead the potentiol should be soviets and on soviet turn because resources nearby so compare justly
japan 20 pp 8+2+2+2+3+1+1+1=20 justly but 25 not justly
soviets 8+2+1+1+2=14 but 24 and many ice zones is absurd as above australia area so 3 regions and icy so 8+2+1 plus desert of china 1 plu 2.
and color of soviets and turn of sovietys unless uniforms.
nazis 32 because instead of algeriia 1 and libya 1 the axis controlled the fench stuff so atlas m.r. 1 and iger r.r. 1=32. total axis 20+3252.
brits new zealand not industrialized zero pp!
as facing sun 2+3+1 fior murray r.r. ganges rr and one long area like length of australia tifris rr the same as footsoldeirs in the east coast can defend the west same in tigris rr defend both nile sea coast and ganges rr border. 2+3+1=6 +2 for nile continent as above four regions 2 axis and 2 brits so 1+1=2. total 8+8+3+1= 20 same as japan.
last washington claiming 1942 i so brazil and mexico NEUTRAL no production apotential and mississippi rr same as main rr ten each [not 12 but same] and whitney mr 8 same as japan and brits temz rr.
and alaska icy only 1 total 10+8+1=19 while lua is same as solomon zeor and midway same as wake total 19+14=34 almost matching nazi 32 that would be a balanced game... for comparison the game the way it is is jsut absird. to make the allies win unjustly... what is the message? the axis was not a threat?? and
the allies strategy building ships is not efficient
use the chinese and soviet resources to build tanks in tugris rr assist soviets with tanks and soldiers from india and nile continent so many soldiers and tanks from the same side as soviets the brits would have ended the war in 1941 conquering berlin and removing the threat to the brits instead they said build ships the goal could have bben berlin. capture the berlin and the factories and no weapons the war would have ended in 1941 with the millions of soldiers from india and nile continent what idiot decide to sen dsoldiers into france... ah unemployment was high... no we understand...
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