Wednesday, August 29, 2018

remotely ancient planet

1 the term "history" is used to refer to the time period which began when people wrote their stories. before that is called pre-history.
"pre-historic-" if history means the past, then that includes all of the past so how can anything be "before" the past? but see above.
so what happened on this planet before history-era? also what can we possibly know about the ancient world... almost nothing.... except studying old bones and tools.
we begin with this planet which we live on. not the sun or the universe but see appendix b.
if life existed on this planet earth for over 2.5 billion years [2.5*10^9] then the sun must be at least that old. scientists discovered that the sun is much older than the earth... not 3 days younger.... as religious book claimed, [well respond the rabbis, one day the scientists will admit that the sun is three days younger.... hahaha or as one kindergarten teacher taught us "the scientist did not see [observe] the sun created before earth" hmm good enuf to trick 4 year olds... yet there are other evidences to observe. if this dialog interests you see appendix a. or not.]
anyway-  the story on earth begins with "the crust hardening" but that means the earth was molten rock? how can claim it was molten when it is possible that the solid rock was always hard rock.
evidence as humans dig deep in the ground, they find the tunnels become much hotter than their body heat. there must be a great heat because we observe hot lava which is molten rock which comes out of the earth. this heat could be caused by pressure we know from physics that pressure causes heat. [we use that idea in engines combined with a spark.] so the mass of the earth from every direction causes pressure which causes heat and this could heat the earth enuf [=enough] for life not to freeze even without a sun [this refutes my assumption written above that life relates to the sun.] anyway we should focus on the planet.
we know today that there is great heat under the ground which melts rock into lava which comes up to the surface and we observe. as the heat goes out into space each night the surface cools and that is what happened when the first day of the solid planet. in other words "the earth hardened as it cooled from the previous state: molten rock". deep underground despite shaded from sun heat, yet still: deeper is hotter. so as heat escaped as we observe each night, the top of the molten cooled until the surface changed from hot liquid molten rock to a layer of solid rock a layer like the crust of bread the outer crust is harder but for the opposite reason. bread outside is hard because the heat dried it until it changed from moist cool dough to hot dry crust but the planet cooled from hot liquid to cool solid crust layer.
2 can life exist in molten rock? maybe yes maybe no? either way we would not find evidence as the liquid kept changing shape because liquids move. also we know that we use boiling water to "sterilize" equipment to prevent infections, the boiling water kills all life so we can be certain that nothing lived until the surface cooled enough for water to be a liquid. in other words "no life existed ON EARTH prior to cooling below the temperature of the sterilizer".
altho science claims that the simple small preceded the complex larger, the earliest signs of life did contain the complex "dna" and "rna" molecules.
on page 144 of book "genesis and the big bang" by astrophysicist schroeder, is something which needs to be mentioned at the beginning of a story of the planet. that life appeared, on the surface [leaving marks in the rock] of the newly formed solid surface, soon after the cooling, well in his words about geological time "almost immediately" is hard for me to define. also "this first life contained the complex genetic material that we call dna and rna".
based on what we observe in rocks for 2.5 billion years only tiny life of single-one-cell lived. i speculate that bigger life could have left a mark but earth shifts and vibrations cracked any ancient large marks so only tiny marks remain from that era which show the single celled bacteria. [ which creatures existed then? we should not speculate base-lessly. ]
2.5 billion years pass. in that era of 2,500,000,000 years we can only know that single celled life lived. one-celled life forms, as we find marked in fossils. observed sign of life with only-one cell; tiny and simple yet containg the amazingly complex molecle dna as above. after that era the multi-cellular life-forms are evident in the fossil record.
3 but a mystery is from non-living to living meaning from a chemical compound which does not move to a cell which searches for what it needs. another related mystery: why "almost immediately" after the surface cooled? well that means "around 250,000,000 years" so plenty of time to assemble. in other words rock deep 2.5 billion years old has marks of one-celled fossil but 2.6 b.y have no cells at all. we would expect millions of years for complex dna molecule to assemble on a new surface and inded 250 million years until the marks of single-celled life forms. the concept is CHEMISTRY from chemical to something moving based on its needs. if i put a solid on a table it will not move because it is solid if i put a liquid on a table it will spread on the surface of the table.... if truly flat not tilted haha. it will not search for food. it does not need food and does not move but life-forms such as bacteria search for food and water so they move because they are searching for something which they need.
i think this deserves mention before bronze age on page 32.
4 after we described the solidification from liquid rock [made from a chemical compound called feldspar which is a molecule with assembled silicon and gaseous elements] as above .we can begin the story. in the beginning of the planet the surface of planet earth solidifes from hot liquid rock to solid rocky crust. the gasses around the planet move as winds which erode the land like rain and rivers will later. tectonic plates which are like solid plates moving on the molten core bump into each other and the rock "buckles" raising into mountains such as the mountains on the east edge of mississipi continent which bumped onto the plate of the atlas mountain region forming thoise two ripples and then separating as we have now.
the earliet sediments already contain the first traces of life. the sole life-form on earth are "simple" bacteria "nucleous free" meaning no nucleious in contrast to the bacteria which live now. the era when such bacteria live lasts 2.5 billion years as above from around 250 million years after the crust hardens until 2.5 b.y., then "eukaryotes" meaninf bacteria with nucleous appear and eat each other and are dominant for 600 million years. still only single celled. until 3.3 b.y. from solidification of crust. after this era of 3.1 b.y, the first multi-cellular life appears also micro-size invisible to human eyes. what are they? plants or animals? they are too small "microscopically" small to be either one but they "move to get food" so like animals and no roots so not like trees.
were singele-cells the father of multi-cells? only some split into attached multicell while others SPLIT into separate single cell life forms caled bacteria
appendix 1: Note about title: a certain astro-phycist wrote a book named "genesis and the big bang" the contents do not match the order in the book "genesis" but rabbi liars who apparently only know the title, told me the book says that science said the book genesis is the same content. well i read it and it is not the same.
appendix 2 the change in inflation
in the first second of the expansion of the area with matter, no matter existed in atom form. also until 10^-36 second the universe expanded until suddenly abrubtly a change in rate from size "10^-24cm to 10 cm" diameter like those yellow grapefruits, this is called the "inflationary" epoch which was brief and abrupt sudden expansion afterthat time the rate slowed again. this one time sudden expansion was "faster than any rate before or after" some type of suden release of energy.schroeder "poeticaly called it" the "wind of god", altho the religious wind of god was "over the water" a very different description which was AFTER THE EARTH and water were already created "in the beginning" as verse one stated so in verse 2 a "wind was over the water" in genesis but hey the writer of genesis did not see what happened. so we must observe the particle physics to know.
schroeder describes this inflationary epoch briefly on page 93 and it occurrred as described at link below at 10^-36 second briefly and suddenly until the rate slowed again one website describes this epoch when something "releases an enormous amount of energy, enough to drive the exponential expansion of the very early universe." for a fancy descriptuion which i do noyt pretend to comprehend you can read this 
Anyway at 10^-36 seconds, the inflationary epoch begins. at that brief epoch only the particle named gluon exists later particles called "w bozons and z bosons" will exist when a pphoton breaks away from the special pre-boson type of boson.

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