some BASICS of good parenting
obviously providing the minimum needs... shelter from cold and nourishing food... also when the child is sick. giving medicine and sometimes surgery if it is necessary- BUT NOT when the kid is healthy!
so that is another reason not to circumcise a healthy baby for good parenting and certainly when we consider the dangers of any unnecessary cutting and removing of healthy stuff.
i cannot bear the thought that each day more and more kids are cut and put through trauma and risk... and that parents ignore a basic idea of good parenting (for any excuse).
++while discussing good parenting one more detail is URGENT altho not about circumcision...
the moment always comes at mealtime when the 4 year old (or 5 etc.) kid eats a few bites and says "i am done"... it is URGENT at that moment when parents usualy say "finish what is on your plate" to consider that the child is feeling the "signal" to stop eating called satisfaction... for example age 4 [younger they just want to play] a signal that i was TRAINED AND CONDITIONED TO IGNORE therefore after blurting out "finish that plateful" it is URGENT to say, when you hear yourself saying that idea, "i changed my mind eat one more bite of protein and i will save the rest so in an hour you will eat some more"- why is this URGENT? see reply
because if- day after day- the kid feels satisfied but despite that parents push them to continue eating... 2 physical results are: they will become "conditioned with habit" to ignore the message signal of satisfaction that the body sends... after all the kids stomach is smaller than my adult one... unless i make the kid STRETCH it... which is the second result of eating more when you feel "satisfied" which leads to "overeating" later and in my situation from age 20-30 noticing that i never feel "satisfied" until the stomach stretches enuf to feel "full' but the goal should not be to feel "full" but instead to feel that "i ate enough..."--!
so instead as above say "eat onemore bite of protein and i will save the rest you will eat more in an hour".
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