Monday, July 30, 2018

solve the hot summer

wow !! i really feel the heat of the summer now- even indoors...
i offer a solution below because - consider- my FOOLISH childhood. adults sent us to "bake" under the hot sun playing sports such as baseball under the hot sun.
that is cruelty to naive kids by making them suffer by "playing" under the hot summer sun. they should be in the shade, at least under a tree...
six years too late when my age ten i finally noticed the issue and after one inning baking under the sun in the outfield, i realized how inconsiderate even diabolicaly INCONSIDERATE the adults were for ignoring our suffering and insisting we go "out" specifically in hot summer.
so i refused to stand under the sun. the camp counselor argued with me so i compromised i would only "bat" as offense but not stand in the outfield.
even indoor basketball, if- as i saw- if it is played in a gym with no "cooling" of air-conditioning that is also cruelty to children making them suffer running around in a hot gym during the summer heat from june through august.
***instead we should teach the children to avoid the heat. TO stay indoors with a fan and not run under the sun or in a hot gym.
what will they do? watch tv for one hour? what about the rest of the day?
make a schedule they can choose one hour of tv from the tv listing- SELECTING THE SHOW THAT THEY PREFER, for a limited time with no interruptions. then around that "time frame" they should read books that they choose from a library obviously be "straight" so the library time is not cancelling the tv-show they selected.
also playing table-games indoors in the shade instead of running. not ONLY playing all day also some tv... and reading. and cold ice cream!
summer camps are evil. 

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