Sunday, October 29, 2017

halloween fun+celebrating peace

I apologize that my post on this matter is a few days late [i should have posted on 25 october].
it is Halloween-season a few days before october 31 when the daylight-time of November 1,  is a holy religious day for catholics for all the catholic "saints"  hence the name "all hallow-day' it is a daytime holy day in november, while other christians reject catholic ideas of saints and do not celebrate halloween which is daylight time in Novemeber.
now what about the eve of halloween? we know there is a christmas eve, could that mean that the eve before all hallows day is holy? that would be a bad guess because if we knew catholic style we would know they begin at midnight of christmas, not the evening before. similarly the evening before halloween is not only not a catholic "holiday" but something catholics actively struggle against teaching that "the special day is in november" to distinguish  not october to distinguish and divide and also publishing to dissuade people from=not to involve in the ghosts and devils of halloween. we can predict that non-catholics will celebrate halloween eve [but not catholics] and if so it is separate from "hallow" of the saints which is the catholic day and which the catholics distinguissh as above.
so anyway some have costume parties on halloween. i like the description of halloween in gravity-falls where dipper struggles with the idea of dressing up while the older kids do in fact have costumes too...
***however what if we could combine the fun costume party with something more meaningful?
it would not be catholic saints because that is seperate in date and idea. as above.
it could be the idea highly respected in western culture of "ending hostility".
after many wars between [in alphabetical order] arabic neighbors and Israel, the war of "yom kipur" so named because it began on the day of "yom kipur" a day of peacefulness and the "most restful" of holidays in the bible "rest of rests" and as we all know war shatters peacefulness, that year on the 9 day of ramadan, called october 6, 1973 the arab-neighbors of Israel jointly shattered the peacefulness of the most restful day of the religiou- Jewish calendar and tradition, and the soldiers=many who were secular and only go to the prayer house once a year were called from the prayer house to defend.
19 days later on october 25 "A cease-fire went into effect on October 25, 1973." so that is a "good" idea and since we emphasise such ideas in western culture with special respect we can include it in halloween and mention that this is the time of year when the HOSTILITIES ENDED in 1973.
similarly in 1994 after numerous wars between [alphabetical order again] Israel and Jordan and following a cease=-fire which did not include a peace agreeement, finally in 1994 on 26 october a peace treaty was agreed upon and signed between Israel and Jordan. so that is also worth mentioning in the halloween season becauseboth  arabs and israelis showed with actions they can co-operate and have peace agreements. and this idea is already cherished and emphasized in western culture so it seems reasonable to mention these dates in halloween seasion and on october 31 too.
we will not discuss why the war started nor blame anybody we will focus on the ending of hostilities as mentioned on 25-26 october of the years mentioned 1973 and 1994.
and all in the halloween fun costume party season which is not catholic...

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