in the "pentatuech calendar" tomorrow called date 28 called thursday is a special biblical day the day at the "end of 150" when the boat of noa rested on the mountain called ararat.
in genesis 7+8 we see 150 from 17 of second month leading to the seventh month the same as trumpets in 7 month hebrew "trua" literally singing
we know the month named "abib" is the one "anchored to the season spring" in deuteronomy and "second" month counts from the first "abib" [source exodus 12] so we can assemble the pentatuiech puzzle - the season spring based on nature in jerusalem region [called juda and called israel in the new testament matthew] has the technical equinox on a certain date starting spring. +47 days later is the 17 of second month+150 days later at "the end of 150" is the 17 of seventh month [unveiling the length of a pentetuechal month] the same seven as trumpets, so counting the 150 days reaches date we call september 28 [unless the extra day in february changes the number of each date]
thus we can define the precise amount of error of the rabbis who were 28-17=11 who were nine 9 days away from the biblical trumpet feast and have missed the "biblical day of atonement" by using a different calendar with a different system and babylonian names since the return from babylon [book ezra] separate babylon calendar means do not attempt to try to align them because the rabbi calendar is from babylon. a separate culture.
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