Friday, January 26, 2024

stargate universe series my summary

 sgu, s1 e1-3

A very long space vehicle slowed. its *Stargate activated. a soldier came out from the gate and rolled and held his rifle, prepared for danger. from where? i will fix the order!

before this stargate event, Eli was playing a computer game that connected him with his pal. eli solved a puzzle. the next morning, soldiers came to his door. oneil [a star in sg1 series] explained that the puzzle was something secret. eli took papers and closed the door. suddenly, a flash of *bryt *lyt made eli vanish.

he found himself looking out the window from in a space vehicle in Earth orbit. [+the air force had used alien technology to assemble an advanced space vehicle.] dr. Rush explaind, "we need you." he offerd to help pay for his mother's medical expenses, [instead of her paying the copays from her salary]. The ship flew away. 

Eli saw videos explaining the technologies and called his ma when she got home. he went and met a lady. after just a few hours the ship slowed by a planet. on its surface was a Base. in a room 2 soldiers were "making out". they got interrupted when Young radiod him to come. Scott obeyed, so quickly dressed and ran.

outside, Eli, and others appear by the military Base in a mountain. They enter the base, and met Scott. he and Eli went to the gate. there Scott explained the planet core provided much energy. doc diald the nine symbol code. they use eli's puzzle solution. the ninth failed.

in a different time and place! in the gate room, where a soldier had came, more people followed and were showing panic. Scott radiod by gate to slow down. more people came. a guy checked the computers. the Stargate flashed oddly, when a soldier flew out from the gate just before it switched off. the place was dark. people panicd and shouted again. 

Young ordered Scott to oversee the group. Young's head bled. Scott askd Eli their location. he did not know that. they felt like a train moved sideways! they are in a vehicle accelerating! a soldier counted people as orderd. Eli searched for doc.


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