Wednesday, January 10, 2024

princess percia 1

 in the year 2023, in the galaxy of planet pearla [galaxy m32 beyond m31]...

chapter one the two big bullies

in galaxy pearla, on planet pearla by the sacred pearla river, stood a college campus. in january 2023,  a theoretical physicist, was walking to lunch. his species had evolved like our dogs but two of their 3 fingers were longer than the other finger. most of this species called canien sapien walked on 4 paws but in college they were expected to always walk tall.

he was an obedient canien so he was walking tall on two paws to show students were higher than others due to education. this theoretical physicist was named butch. his fur was boring dull gray and his eyes were brown like milk chocolate. A jok sport student ran near butch and knocked the books out of his hand while mocking "nerd alert!"

this was the fourth time that month and this time butch was ready. he turned sideways and used his longer fingers to pull the cord on his black back bag. compressed air sent a dart flying out toward the jok named birt. its tiny heat seeker aided to follow the running jok who was laughing like a howl of laughter... until the dart hit! 

it brushed throo the smooth trimmed brown fur and poked into his thik hide. its point was exactly one inch, long enuf to go throo the thik leathery skin. as internal bleeding flooded the dart tip, the chemical on the tip mixed with the blood causing internal itching. butch had several darts ready in case bullies annoyed him. 

butch pretended to moan as he pikd up his books and gatherd his note papers that had fallen from the book pages. birt started to scratch near the itchy part but all he did was knock the dart free but the itch was under his thik hide where he could not scratch. the itchy juice was spreading as the internal blood spread. 

birt started rolling on the ground to scratch the itch. butch looked at his bully. he did not enjoy the suffering but knew the necessity. birt would be busy itching for weeks and not bother anybody nor play in sports. butch noticed that he only found 3 of his papers that were between the book pages. one was missing. 

he checked and saw the most important one was safe and the two less important ones were safe just the fun one had gotten lost and he remembered that formula which was incomplete anyway. butch reached the thik silicon double doors of the dining hall. his two longers fingers reached and twisted the round knob until the iron lok clikd so he puld the door open. 

as he waukd to the line of students waiting for food, another bully, a year younger than him, but much more muscular and wider and taller too said sorry and then pushed butch over onto his four paws. again the books dropped. this jerk named jude mocked "butch broke the rule you can't walk on paws here." butch growled. his girl friend named leea rushed to carry his books. 

butch leapd at jude who skillfully dodged and ran to the door. jude mokd "if you chase me you will miss lunch." butch replied "you are only stronger than me, you weakling!" jude replied "i am still stronger and faster than you." this reminded butch about his air pressure! as soon as they exited, butch puld the cord. fft a dart flew at jude.

chapter 2 the break-up split

Jude was running straight and fast toward the basket ball arena. the heat seek did not even need to switch on as the target was in a line ahead. it could not miss and did not miss. ow howled jude. butch slowed down pretending to pant, as if out of breath, as he slowly ran trying not to topple off his two hind legs. 

really butch could run faster but wanted the itch drug to spread before they battled. as expected jude fell and used a paw to nok the dart free. jude accused "you shot a dart at me.--i do not have a blow tube" butch replied as jude started rolling on the floor. butch jumped on him as he squirmed. about 6 yards away birt was rolling over and over toward them. 

jude did not roll butch off from him because he was rocking from side to side to try and rub the itch on the rough dirt. leea came carrying his books and said "geh off him!" without the letter t. she was scared that jude would hurt the man who she cared about. butch argued "he pushed me down". by now the chemical had spread very far and jude started howwling in agony.

leea complained "enuf you are hurting him." butch stood up and said "you owe me for being merciful this time" jude just moaned same as birt was moaning. another small student came to butch and said "impressive, a small guy like us brave enuf to attack the big jude."

"i did not attack he pushed me down.--i did not mean to accuse, just jude also hit me, so i am glad you taut him a lesson.--i am not GLAD just i needed to battle back. leea looked at the bullies rolling and moaning and said "you really hurt him, you monster!" she set the books on the dirt and turned. "i said i did not enjoy it! come back... you want me to be a pushover wimp?"

leea ignored him they were done. before butch could pick up his books the li'l guy was already carrying his hero's books. butch mokd, "jude the weakling even i takled you down" jude moaned. the li'l guy said, "my name is max, i will deliver your plate." butch thanked him and went to a table one foot tall. then he sat on his tail and lay the books on the table. 

more victims thanked him for beating up the two strong sport joks. he lied "i only jumped on jude" which was true but hid that he had truly also been the one to hurt the bully birt too. max walked holding a tray with a plate of ground human beef. as butch jammed his long snout and jaws into the ground beef with gravy , max joked man is our best friend. 

max dug his snout into the plate too because he braut it. meanwhile outside the two dogs were moaning so much they could not talk. the joks at the basket ball arena stopd the game to come and see the two moaning joks. they started mokking, "get up walk it off" and howled with laughter... for around a minute but then the mood turned serious. 

a team captain asked "what happened to you." jude tried to say butch, but only a louder moan like a yip sounded. the tuf joks rord with lafter. birt addded a yap. so they returned to the game. when max and butch finished eating they walked out silently. butch wanted to recover his darts in case he would need them later. 

first he went to where he knew he had shot birt. he found the dart with soft platiccy feathers for stability. he showed it to max and said, "wanna play darts? i only hav one." max said yes so they went to the dart room. max tossed it first and got 30 points. the judge puld the dart and put it on the moving rubber belt back to the throwers. 

butch who was skilled at darts aimed low and tossed... it hit the row of 20. "you won," howled the judge. max said "i am sorry you lost to me.--it is just a game" replied butch. let's have a race to the basket ball arena. so the judge returned the dart with the prize of five darts to max. max said "i respect you, you take them." butch accepted them and said thanx. 

chapter 3 royal princess

they ran toward the arena. the two injured dogs had been carried to the doctor office. butch ran curved toward where he had seen the dart fall out of jude. he hoped max would find it but max was focusd on running fast. so butch stopd and took the dart from the ground. he would need to apply new chemical mix. 

max stopd and yeld come on! butch lied, "i dropd my dart" which was part true it was his dart but it was not the same one that he had and dropd. he ran after max who let butch win to get to the rubbery arena first. they watched the joks run fast carrying a pink ball in their jaws. when they reached the line they needed to pull the ball from their jaw and throw it up throo the bottom of the basket. 

meanwhile across the campus, percia  ♀ the dautter of  king kevin the seventh was sitting on her soft bed eating her lunch of ground cow beef. she had been a carnivorian since  the start of the scool year when she decided never to eat human beef anymore. only other animals. she wanted a human as her pet but the king did not let her.

her room mate named ayjay [short for alice juda] was eating her ground human beef as usual. ayjay, who speld her name AJ wrinkled her nose "how can you eat that stuff cows are so smelly and eat grass and are only washed rarely but humans are clean you should eat them." percia explained that she could not eat her pet.

AJ argued "you never met this one! it was not your pet!--i meant it is the species of the pets i love and you are right they always wash so they are great pets and they are smart enuf to clean themselves too." concluded princess percia. AJ said, "my parents let me get a pet. we can buy one together and keep it in our room."

princess percia felt delighted and ran to her room mate and licked her furry nose. 

Then they listened to ♫ music ♪ for awhile.

meanwhile, the paper that butch had lost was getting blown in the wind toward the men dorm. an applied physicist named Cota ♂  was leaving the dorm when he saw the paper blowing in the wind. he jumped and grabbed it in his jaw because his paws were carrying his books. he rushed because he was late for lunch again. 

he arrived in the dining hall and put his books on the shelf on the wall. than he cheated and galloped fast on all four to the end of the short line. finally he stood and got his plate of ground minced human  in gravy. leea, who loved cota second best madde her move. "come sit with me." cota carried his tray with the plate of beef and sat by her.

she said, "i am done with butch." cota agreed "yup he is too weak for you. you need a strong guy.--he is not weak he really hurt jude today!" cota argued "that is impossible! i can't believe you call yourself a physic student! my mars! butch is so not butch! he is small and weak. he could not hurt even me "let alone" [slang for more certain] jok jude who is huge and muscular."

"but he jumped on him!" insisted leea, "stop defending the cruel. why dont you care about the victim?" cota argued "the victim is the one that jude bullies, you know what? we can't be friends"  leea insisted, "butch nokd his hed on the ground1" cota ignored her and carried the tray to another table. leea started crying that she lost both her lovers the same day. 

she started to doubt, maybe she was wrong. how could little unbutch butch take down jude. her cell rang. princess percia was calling she saw PP on her screen. she started to talk with PP and she already felt better. she accepted PP invitation to come to her room to help pick out a pet human. at the other table cota slurped the gravy fast.

he went to his books on the wall shelf and analyzed the paper that he had found and had stuffed between the book pages. it was a strange formula. if true it wood allow very fast travel and not even use space time. but that could not be the purpose because some of the symbols were wrong. he reread it and the way it WAS it was worthless and did not do anything it must be for fast travel.

 cota corrected the symbols and realized part was missing. he completed it and rushed to his lab to do a simulation. he used his long fingers to type on the small squares of the keyboard and ran the simulation. it would WORK! HE COULD ASSEMBLE A ROCKET  that can go as far as the second largest galaxy in the local group! he wondered if there was any life there.

chapter 4 intergalactic travel

cota also wondered, if life had evolved like here, if so was it intelligent life? [spoiler alert earth has life even sentient life but not intelligent life]. cota contacted the rocket department claiming he wanted to test an expiremental engine. last he gallopd on four legs to the door of his professor of applied physics. he stood and pressed the bell. the electric button rang the bell.

proffessor pammo buzd the door so cota entered. "my formula works! you will not believe the impossible! and since it um,  you know so it can use cheap fuel." pammo knew this was one of his best students and stood to follow him out to the lab. cota walked and led the way too excited to talk. pammo asked what type of vehicle? 

cota answered "int- i mean space travel but not exactly, let me show you." they reached cota's lab so cota ran the simulation. "very impressive" agreed PP. "we should contact rocketry." just then the agent from rocketry came. he delivered the permission paper for interdepartment cooperation which pp gladly approved.

"we are gonna win the bonel prize" teacher and student howled together! and that meant  honor and like its name forty long human leg bones to chew. pp called the proffessor of rocketry named randy, and asked if they had any shells 7 yards by 4 yards diameter. pr replied "obviously that is standard size but what kind of engine?"

pp explained "no engine just a transformer and a few di-nicklate batteries." pr argued, "if you were not a profesor i would say you were pranking me.--maybe i am--what?--no i was serious we need to colaborate and contact the king. the same day both professors and the king met to plan the first intergalactic trip to send royal princess percia  to...

the galaxy with earth! 

to be continued at



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