Monday, April 3, 2023

solution end of prophecy

 the talmud b.b. 12 a and b,  said when the temple was destroyed prophecy was taken from prophets. huh? if that meant no new prophecy then the new guy wouldn't be called a prophet... that lacked prophecy.

it must refer to somebody who was prophet but taken.

who was prophet at time of destruction? jeremia and he called prophet for example 42,2.

if so the talmud seemed to refer to him who started prophesied and called prophet losing prophecy but that conflicted book that  got prophecy from god, after destruction in chapter 39 not only reading order but content order when gdalia killed after replacing zedekia and destruction if so one source seemed wrong was talmud wrong? not losing prophecy? or book  jeremia wrong to claim from god?

a solution is "that was the error of the people" who rejected his message saying not from god in chapter 42 because they believed after destruction, in 39,8 matched 52, prophet lost and they did not want to hear stay dont go egypt. still that was error as talmud clarified some prophets were wise and jeremia was wise so prophecy stopped from other prophets as rashi explained not wise just speak for god but wise did not lose "not taken from wise" so jeremia truly did get message from god as book jeremia claimed despite talmud also true that prophet lost taken from but not from wise prophet.

similarly zacaria could be prophet despite after destruction year darius if wise not only prophet messenger. still content temple of sacrifice not same god as hosea and jeremia so probably SAW something  the tricky devil angel claimed to be god to cause people violated jeremia truly not commanded sacrifice in jeremia 7 without the added word that is not translated a word in original  hebrew.

similarly when muhamed mentioned jibril gabriel in quran we can believe he saw something spiritual but due to conflicted prophecy jeremia 31 covenant in heart is the covenant must be from devil disguised to fool muhamed to lead away from god who wanted grace heart sufficed.

luckily even muhamed in earlier books wrote alnasra christian no worry in sura chapter teo 2 aya verse 62, certainty of reward even if stay christian despite wanted muslim followers still confirmed christian faith and admittedly later books he made a new law to kill deniers and make war on christian but also in quran first so if true the later message was just a trick to cause battled gods people because jibril the spiritual messenger was a disguised devil that led muhamed and millions away from god as above but still bothered to write if stay christian no worry as above.

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