Tuesday, April 25, 2023

day for victims of hate actions

 victims of hate day, now

this will describe facts and not show any hate to either side.
we often hear on the news about "arab child injured or killed by israel army" and sometimes they find the photo was from a different story misused to falsely accuse the most moral military on this pathetic planet.
what about when the israel idf "returned fire" and a child got hit? was it an act of hate? the ACT differed the purpose and aim was at those shooting the deadly explosive rockets to stop the attempts murder which is the crime called attempted murder.
often the terrorist bully children as a human shield planning to use them for protection to deter israel returned fire and if israeli would shoot accuse them... STILL not an act of hate in contrast to islamic terrorism who hate israel and zionists, so instead of negotiating with jew leaders who ARE willing to give land, they COWARDLY  attack helpless civilians hoping the civilian wont fight back, no risk!!!  like the bully hitting the smaller student so the goliath is NOT the powerful idf because the attack was on civilians the big goliath is the rocket people of hamas etc. so support for the "underdog david" is the israeli civilian target people, not the arabs who want to obey the quran that undeniably repeated to destroy deniers so use any excuse from palestine #palestine to revenge to camouflage the religious oppression toward non muslims.
this explains why israel memorial TODAY NOW specified "victims of hate" to exclude death when aiming at the murderers when hitting civilians, not an act of hating the children but  necessity in contrast to arab bus bombs and rockets targeting civilians who coincidentally do not accept muhamed.
the TRUTH about the palestine issue is only to disguise the religious obligation to destroy those who deny muhsmed.
which arab country welcomes the so called palistine refugees? not jordan nor any brother arab because the point is not poor palestinians but a camoflage for kill jews. 

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