Sunday, January 30, 2022

abridged version for "alice's amazing visit to wonderland." edited by n. Tal

abridged version for "alice's amazing visit to wonderland." by carol, edited by n. Tal
intro: i saw two abridged versions which were justified due to the original having TOO much thoughts and rare words or outdated expressions. they justifiably did not include rhymes which were parodies of contemporary rhymes since that era had long passed.  however when i compared them i saw that those abridged versions wrongly cut out dialog which is important according to this book. a summary should minimize talk and say events but abridging should not lose dialog unless it has rare words. also they did not fix the rare words or left out too much so i will edit a new abridged version less flawed than both the original and the 2 flawed abridged versions that i know. considering the book has no danger the title "adventure is false" the title should be "alice's amazing visit to wonderland." 
CHAPTER one; Down the Rabbit Hole
  On a very hot day,
on the fourth of month May [chapters 6 & 7], 
by a boat that was moored,
Alice felt very bored.
Alice was sitting by her teen sister Alexa Agnis Allenson.  twice she looked in the book Alexa was reading, and saw no pictures nor conversations. She thought, "such a book is bad." She heard a brushing sound in the grass and looked. a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran nearby.  
the Rabbit stopped and took a WATCH out from its WAISTCOAT POCKET. This surprised Alice because she had never before seen a rabbit with a waistcoat pocket, or seen one with a watch to take out of it. it checked the time. She heard the Rabbit say to itself, `Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!' before hurrying away. Alice jumped and chased it. 
 She ran and saw it go down a large rabbit-hole. Alice crawled down after it and went straight until suddenly she fell downward.
 First, she looked down and saw that the well was very deep and dark. she looked at the sides of the well that had cupboards and shelves that she passed very slowly. from a shelf, She took a jar labeld:`ORANGE Jam', but it was empty, so she put it in a cupboard as she fell past it.
She fell faster and swished past more shelves. she heard the woosh of air. She was falling for a very long time. down, down, down. she thought by now she must be near the center of the earth. She continued falling and began thinking again: I wonder if I shall fall THROUGH the earth. I shall need to ask someone what is the name of the isle?
  Down, down, down. she finally landed on a giant pile of dry leaves. Alice was not hurt. she chased the White Rabbit along a long tunnel. it turned a corner, she turned the corner into a long, low hall. a row of lamps hanging from the roof lit it. she could not see the Rabbit. She walked to a little three-legged table, all made of  glass. only a tiny golden key lay on it. Alice saw many doors but one was a low door. the size of the key might be a hint.  she knelt down, tried it in the lock, and found that it fit. She opened the door. to her great delight she saw the loveliest garden you ever saw. she wished that she could walk among those bright flowers. The opening was too small, even for her head, and certainly for her shoulders. She thought "Oh, how I wish I could shrink like my wool sweater shrunk because here almost anything is possible."
 she went back to the table, where a small bottle now stood. a paper label was hanging from the neck of the bottle with the words `DRINK ME' beautifully printed on it in large letters. She checked that the bottle was NOT marked `poison' so Alice tasted it finding a mixed flavour of cherry with pineapple. she drank all of it and felt strange. she shrunk until she now was only ten inches high. she was now the size for going through the low door into that lovely garden. she felt a little nervous that the shrinking would continue like a candle burns and shrinks until nothing remains. 
 when she got to the locked door, she needed the golden key. she went back to the table for it, and found she could not reach it. she could see it through the glass, and she tried to climb up a leg of the table, but it was too slippery. after trying, she realized she could not enter the pretty garden. tears filled her eyes so she cried.
  Soon she saw a little glass box that was lying under the table. she opened it, and found in it a very small cake, on which were the words `EAT ME'. She ate a little bit, and felt very surprised that she remained the same size, same as when one usually eats cake. Alice had expected to change. at least it was sweet so she ate it. end chapter one.
continued chapters 2 and 3 at link:

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

ali amazing adventure part 2

continued from
ali had more danger and bizarre surprises too:
it said, "obviously since only wizards can go thru glass."
"please go back in, i need a pet and i promise to take care of you and bring you lettuce that you like."
"but i feel trapped in the glass,
+same as you felt trapd in the drawer
 and cant go anywhere."
"still you can have as much lettuce as you want and i will always take care of you and pet you" said ali.
grover sighed "i do like that" so grover walked thru the glass back into the cage and ali kept his word and rubbed his hand on grovers kneck and shoulders. ali's dangerous adventures will continue!
chapter 2
grover gray said "we should play outside." ali worried that when he is so small ANYTHING could be a danger. he argued but very politely, "i can't go outside this size we must stay in the box where we are safe."
"can't?" it replied, "you are ABLE. explain yourself more clearly, what do you fear?" asked the hairy hamster.
"everything is a danger when i am this size. and you, dont you fear an owl swooping down to eat you?" al asked.
"nope," it answered in a calm voice. then added "first of all size is not the issue even a small bee can hurt a big human. anyway, you should not fear because even if anything comes i will grow big to scare it away same as when i fed you to the drawer."
as if proving his point a buzz warned them of wings. al hoped it was just a fly that did not hurt but... soon he saw the yellow like the yellow warning of the traffic light. al thought that yellow was easy to see how would it hide from predators with yellow? then he realized that the yellow bees WERE easily visible yet were not eaten kuz they STING and are like the orange panther family that can be easily seen but not fear attackers. despite easy sighting tigers and lions are fast enuf to catch their victim even if the victim can see them.
suddenly al heard a LOUD roar. he felt terror and jumped! he recalled the boom of loud thunder louder than a rumble. he turned to the sound and saw the dandelion, it had roared like a lion. he was still trembling from fear despite realizing no danger. albert did not understand why he felt fear when no danger. the dandelion explained that the bee had landed on it. when it realized it carried no flower seed it chased the bee away with a roar. 
the bee flew at al! now he had danger more than just a roar! he feared the sting. if his last sting had made a swollen bump what would the bee poison venom do now after he had changed size, when he was the size of a flower?
al barely had time to consider making himself large... but even large a sting would hurt same as the past. "aah" al screamed! he was so scared! luckily the sound scared the yellow bright bee. so it swerved and landed on the lip of the box.
"why did you wanna sting me?" whined bert.
"i have a family to feed." claimed the bee.
"they eat HONEY" sneared bert in a tone showing his disgust for the lie.
he was not exactly angry but disgusted by the lie. "adventurus tallus" he hollerd and started swelling big again. the bee felt scared of the growing human... and rushed in turning its stinger at the human... poor albert... was soon to suffer pain again... but a flash of red glowed and reflected from all the sides of the glass box as grover the gray saved his pal by killing the bee.
"oh no" moand the hairy hamster, "you changed too MANY times in the same day."
al now stood stuck between the size of a hamster and child size. he blamed the pet "you never advised me that i had a limit of changes".
it trie dto comfort him "it could be worse! some people change PART of their body when they try to stretch the limit. just imagine you try to shrink but only your thighs obey due to violating the limit then your tummy would be on your knee." it added a ryhme "knee tummy knee tummy."
al imagined his shin by his navel and added "yep or all my middle could obey but my face and chin would stay the same and my chin would be on my shin."
al giggled at the thought and at the rhyme chin and shin.
"seriously," warned the wizard-ster i did not know exactly how many times per day. some can change many times in a day maybe 6 times but your potential was less. you shrunk and grew for the butterfly and now you tried to grow again it was too many for you. 
"what if my ma sees me like this?" al whined. he must be only two feet tall now. it put a paw in its mouth thinking and then took it out. "i dont know." it began shyly. then added "at this moment now. um but i am certain i will find a solution um later."
"were you a human wizard that changed to a pet?" guessed al.
"precisely, but not willingly. a different wizard tried to change me into a toad. when i said my charm it was weaker than his so it only partly sheildded me." he concluded sadly.
"that makes sense" commented al logicly.
"explain yourself" said the wizard. "i mean explain your words you cannot explain YOURSELF now that you changed after you came home."
al argued, in a stubborn and stern tone, "i AM still myself but i meant he tried to make a large change from human with warm blood to a different type so that was prevented and you only had a small change within the mammal family."
"that is no comfort, either way i lost my form."
"it could be worse, you could be far from human form."
"what kind of comfort is that? saying think of worse that doesnot comfort my problem that exists."
"huh? but THAT is what you said to me! you consider that a comfort." whined al in confusion as he was the target of blame. and he was the one needing comfort changing so many different sizes.
"for you i knew you were a kid and that would comfort a simple child."
"oh." was all he could say realizing that it had worked to comfort him.
al tried to stand taller and straighter so he would be bigger than a toddler. 
grover complained back "before i tell you about my change i think you ought to tell me first."
"sure," agreed al, "tell you what?" he could not think of any good explanation what it referd to. he still had not recovered yet from the very unpleasant emotion of awkwardness.
the hamster changed itself into a toad, as if just to win the arguement, and disprove al's idea. it turned and hopped away and its tongue caught a fly the size of a raisin. 
"come back!" whined al then he asked, "what did you want to know?"
"sorry," croaked the toad, "i just saw the fly and realized i would only enjoy it as a toad. anyway i want to know why you did not get a puppy?"
"kuz my stupid parents wont let me."
"so get one by yourself."
"i cant. i dont know how. there is nothing else i can do. maybe you could change into a puppy."
"that is not your destiny!" it reprimanded him sternly. "we all told you to get a puppy."
"my parents dont let me."
"then face your DOOM!" roared the toad changing form into... a bird that flew its sharp beak straight toward al. poor al! he would seen feel the pain of a sharp beak poking his soft ear... "wait" he whined... luckily it turned and swooped in a wide circle and landed on the dresser. al continued "it's not my fault.... it is not in my power. i have no money to buy any pet."
"that is a lie you got ME."
"by ma's choice."
it snapd its beak together like biting causing al to cringe.
"i guess that IS an important distinction." conceded the orinj oriole bird. it flew back to the box and transformed back into a hamster again."
" i am relieved that you controlled your temper."
"yes i was angry that you ignored all those messages but i can control my anger."
it folded its arms and said "nevertheless you are still not accomplishing your purpose."
"i DID everything i could! i tried asking my parents is the most i could, and i did it, so that should count as if i accomplished it." al argued.
"yes yes hmm. if you did the most you could which is ask, then they prevented you and it IS as if you did your purpose." it conceded sadly.
"please wizard change me to natural size." begged bert dreading he was stuck as a todller due to too many changes like a jammed engine.
"you just think you are too small. you are a good size." it argued.
"think? that is reality!" al whined full of frustration.
"oh please!" it interjected annoyed, "i know child size you were short for your class anyway so returning you is useless you would still be too short for your class."
"i guess you forgot your magic. that is why you make excuses. i will stay the same size and freak out my parents."
"how DARE you!" it hollerd, "i remember my magic."
"you cant remember that is why you make excuses." al repeated and paused.
his strategy worked.
"classus tallus" hissed the wizard the new enchantment.
albert inflated like a tall thin balloon. he returned to his natural size and then STRE-E-E-TCHED to the height taller than the tallest kid in class so his head was elongated up.
"i would settle for not shortest but thanks." he thanked as he examined himself in the mirror. his body had not added just stretched and it was worth it despite different than he had asked and expected.
"actually you would have returned to your natural size in a few minutes as the  spell faded but you asked for MY help so i helped you the way i wanted to help." it explaind. then it added "which height do you prefer?"
"just the class average not to be the shortest anymore and make that bully who calls me short the shortest!"
"i can do that for you." it said this time in an agreeable tone.
it changed form again this time to a bright red robin. its left wing waved and al unstretched just a bit. 
grover the gray transformed back to its natural hamster form and explained "the tallest kid in your class is 61 inches. you the shortest were 46 inches this morning. first i stretched you to 62 inches. but now you are in the middle 53 inches."
"i appreciate your effort but that is not average i am still the shortest kid at 53 inches if most of the kids are 58." ali felt VERY weird as he realized his head was the same amount f stuff just stretched up.
"not short-EST i did make the bully 46 inches and now he is FAT smushed down." al stifled a giggle at the phrase and the image!
"please make me average. um remember i gave you lettuce when you wanted it!" bert bargained.
"dont blame me YOU were thinking about the tall kids when you asked so i stretched you tallest in the class. i only saw you and the tallest."
while harry hamster said this he waved both arms like a bird flappiing its wings which helped him see all 36 brats. " i offer you a choice. average of class or of boys, i know you SAID class but now that i see the girls are consistently shorter maybe you meant your own gender?"
"good point! i had not thought that the tallest girl is less than the tallest boy i should know that they mature slower."
"actually they mature, um i mean height is different oh whatever."
"bab ded fof" grover the gray announced slowly.
al felt a change,  a bit strange, and hoped at school he would fit in and not be shorter at all except compared to the unusually tall brats.
"i estimate that should do perfectly." boasted the wizard.
"now what do you want to play?" asked al.
"now that you are child size you are too big to play and i already changed you ENOUGH times each request now get out so i can rest."
al agreed. he left the room and hurried across the street to the girl who rode the bus with him to school.
he knocked on the door. "who's there?" asked a feminine voice. 
"albert. is alexa home?"
the door swung open and there stood alexa. her eyes widened as she saw him and without delay she grabbed his shoulders and pulled herself up and kissed his cheek.
he was stunned he barely knew her but he guessed she had not decided only instinct caused her strange behavior.
luckily her ma had not seen she was far from the door.
alexa's mind switched back on and she recalled what she had done. "i did not mean more than: i am, am excited to see you." she clarified.
"wanna play something?" he asked.
"no way! you boys compete against each other we should not be AGAINST each other like stupid chess and backgammon."
"okay okay we can be on the same side and shoot the americans invading kuwait."
"what we never invaded kuwait."
"i know it is just in the game people like to shoot americans so they made the game and it is very popular. anyway we can be on the same side."
she wrinkled her nose in disgust. but did not want him to leave. "we can talk about why i hate that game." she stalled.
"i get it, you think we should not shoot at americans even in pretend game."
"exactly and that is dreadful to think people want to shoot us."
"well they are jealous that we have freedom and power and wealth and they wish we were dead so we cant enjoy it."
ma's voice came "that just about sums up the world opinion of us sally." as she stepped into view and gasped. "that came from YOUR mouth?" ma was truly shocked.
alexa recovered first "he is the smartest kid in our class and he came to do a quest on my video game."
"keep the door open" sneared ma as she wrinkled her nose and moved her extended finger under her throat like a threat to cut his head off. " i am not like that" he shaped his lips slowly for each word.
they sat on  pillows in front of alexa's own  wide screen. it was thin and hung on the wall. it must have been 65 inches diameter and they could see the wide area in great detail. they played the quest on the same team helping each other gather items and overcome obstacles and get points and exchange stuff in trade with other players. it was a complex story which albert didnot comprehend but it was something interesting to do with her and be near her.
"dinner time" ma's voice roared. the hours had passed in the complex mission. they went together and sat on the simple stools by the tall table. ma ladled out pasta with tomato sauce onto each plate. "save room for soup" ma urged. she brought him a napkin and as he took it she pointed at it.
"ma!" hollerd alexa as she grabbed the napkin and unfolded it. alexa read the secret mesage "dont lie. if she offered you would do it."
"she could do my homework whenever she offered" albert announced hiding that he knew she was continuing from long ago before they started palying the video game.
"why would i ever offer to do your work?" she squinted not noticing that the action ws his. ali handed the napkin to ali who opened it and wiped red sauce from his lips onto the message.
"oh just in theory. i TRUST you to do it right. that is what she meant that she knows i trust you."
ma returned with weiners and announced "these are veal and turkey."
she rolled two onto her daughters plate and two onto his plate. the last fifth one went on her plate. while she stood she took the knife cut her weiner in half and extending half to him said "this is yours."
albert understood and instead of calling her a sicko he said "i guess your ex really hurt you." 
she nodded "men are dreadful. a merciful god would never create men."
"actually," ali corrected her "god did not create women."
alexa giglled and said "that was clever! he only made a man!"
ma was stubborn "that is not a refutation it just shows he is cruel god."
alexa annunced "time to chew." so they ate silently. after the normal meal of animal muscle well maybe weiners are not muscle, wheat pasta vejis and chicken soup from wings that had detached in the boiling water, albert announced "see you in school tmoro" as he headed for the door.
"i want you to sleep over" alexa said not so innocently. ma was trying to talk but no sound came out of her horrified throat.
"i would offer." she addded and then concluded "but not to do your homework."
"i am not like that" gasped albert as he fled from the strange girl.
he ran across the street and was lucky since he was too shocked to look whether cars were driving there. his parents were eating their dessert of hot mushy fudge. he politely said "enjoy the fudge." as he ran to his room and put his head in a pillow and cried and sobbed from fear that a strange girl wanted him that way. soon he was asleep and before he knew it the alarm was beeping to wake him for school.
he climbed out of bed in a dark daze. outside the window was the dark sky of dawn only a bit paler than night. he ran to the toilet room and drained lots of waste water. that caused him to rememebr he ate soup. maybe he should not eat liquids after 7 pm anymore. but then he would need to drink from 4pm to 6 pm so he would not feel thirty until 10.
he was already dressed so he just grabbed a different sweater and swapped it. said good morning to his wizard pet. pulled on his thick winter coat and went to the door to wait for the school bus. snow was falling. he saw alexa by her front window  ready for the bus. she waved and blew a kiss. and that in contrast to the previous night was not to anger her ma.
the bus finally arrived. they ran out through the strong wind. the door of the bus faced alexa's home so he had to go around the front and enter. alexa sat as usual by her friend helin, and his pal birt brok saved his seat. when people called them bert and birt he would correct them my name is ali we are "alibirt".
he told birt about the quest game. at first brit listened politely but soon  interrupted "did it have blood or death?"
"no it was amazing..."
"bo-o-oring." birt moaned. then birt boasted that he had killed more soldiers than anyone on his team... ali knew he meant americans and felt awkward that his friend shot americans even in a game. especially since birt was a muslim. he probably felt separate from america and wanted to kill all the infidels.
"which base was your mission" ali laid the trap for his pal to reveal his emotions. as birt told the story of their invasion of the american base in the video game ali searched his eyes for the joy of death to america.
but searching for hints was revealed as a waste as birt concluded his mission with the comment "serves you right for invading kuwait" as if it was not a game. that was too much for ali. he stood up and searched for an empty seat. as he sat down the brat said "you cant sit here get away from me you sex pervert." sadly the bus monitor was needed and present. "tommy you cant do that anymore."
tommy argued "everyone did it to me!"
"that was before i got hired." the monitor a fat overwieght actually obese 30 year old who DID look like a sex pervert who should not be around any young boys of any age handed the paper referal to tommy. 
they sat silently. finally tommy said "i did not think you were a pervert i just said whatever people said about me that got me mad."
"i did not deny it" ali said vibrating his head like he was hypnotized.
tommy turned very very pale and pressed hisback against the bus window eyes stretched open. 
finally the bus came to school and it was time for ali to see if his wish came true.
he entered the classroom and walked near the boys who were gathered standing and talking all looked exactly the same height and as he passed his eyes were even to each of them. "hey stretch" a voice came from far below. he had not even noticed the 46 inch kid. the same big bully but now his muscular arms were super thin and his tummy swollen like all his chest had been crammed into the belll.
the bully looked so, so pathetic that he did not even say the line he wanted to say "hi shrimp."
the other kids echoed "hey look at stretch" as if ali was different. ali pointed at charls cho "he is stretch not me." they all laughed "stretch is a freak stretch is a freak." ali felt awful... even though he was the height he wanted. everybody except two was exactly the same height excluding the bully and charls who was unusually tall. his 61 inches glared now that everybody else was exactly 57 the height for their age.
albert felt his arm yank. the shrimp had grabbed it despite being smaller he was the same person the same violent bully attacking the same freak business as usual but luckily he had no muscle and as he twisted his own hands to hurt him he was too weak to matter. "get off LEECH" he swung his arm and the bully flew several feet.
"oo-oo-oo" they brats chorusd. one brat said "ali thinks he is tough now."
he did not know why he felt so awful. he could finally defend himself and successfully defended himself but the brats still treated him acting like he was different they had ridiculed his size now what were they ridiculing that he was tough? that is not a flaw so why did he feel like such a reject.
teach enterd and the herd chorusd "ali called him a leech."
ali cringed in guilt he had said that mean word when he was attacked. before he could defend himself teach said "he does look like a leech and five points offf each of the rats. NEVER EVER get your class mates punished unless someone is bleeding.
"what if a girl is bleeding" asked one sicko.
"then you ought to report who pushed her."
"but sometimes girls just BLEED."
"oh then dont tell me."
meanwhile ali felt very very dizzy he looked around the room at all the boys exactly the same height no variety of just one day before. the girls had variety of heights but not the boys.
"i may be a leech but i still gave him a native american burn" boasted the bully.
"nice of you to confess" said teach. five bonus points for ali for not being a rat. and free period to ali for being a victim of violence. teach wrote a note. ali took the note and headed toward the computer lab to continue his quest online, using his new character. the hall monitor stopped him and hassled him. ali showed the paper but the idiot drunk with power kept threatening him and lying the note was a fake. so ali walked away to the lab the hall monitor continued shouting threatening you cant ignore me. but ali did. the monitor went and reported to the principal. the loudspeaker announced "albert alvirez to the principal office now. NOW."
something had changed in ali. not only his height. he was NOT himself and he stayed in the computer lab knowing the principal was too busy to come to him. and if he would he show the note and explain it was a false accusation to ruin his free period. so he just played and played and nobody disturbed.
when the bell rang the loudpeaker announced "everybody go home the snow is piling up and you might get trapped here school dismissed.
ali was happy to go home to his new pet when he could shrink and have more adventures!!
to be continued.
at link:

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

albert's amazing adventure

title: albert's amazing adventure 
when albert went to school as usual he did not predict the DANGER that he would face laterr that day.  he hated when people shortened his name. why do so many people try to change my name. almost every kid he met in school shortened his name. 
at recess break he would introduce himself to a kid saying "hi my name is albert what your name?" the kid did not even say his own name he just said "hi bert" and that made albert mad kuz they changed his name... and so many kids changed his name calling him ali or al... sometimes he would argue "you would not like of i changed YOUR name." but that did not work they would argue back that they DID have friend names and that they were GIVING a friend name. rebeka was called bekka by her friends. "we dont mind" they claimed so could do it to him. soon he realized that names were just for official purpose like a name on a test paper and when the teacher checked who atteneded the class, but friends could shorten a name. so he told people to call him ali.
ali thought that animals were talking to him. he had asked his parents for a puppy... because he thought the dog in the street told him to adopt a puppy.
ali's parents refused saying that a dog is much hassle and they do not trust him to spend time taking care of it. however they offered him a chance to prove himself if he could take care of the hamster responsibility for a year maybe next year maybe they will get a trained dog.
so they went to the pet shop and ali looked around and saw a very cute puppy. he thought it was talking to him so he begged "ma get me that one he wants to be with me". however his parents were as stubborn as ever and told him to choose one hamster or none.
so he chose a glass box and he spread the woodchips that he would need to change each day. he looked at the hamsters but each one told him that he should get a puppy instead. so he repeated to his parents "they are telling me to get a puppy." ma argued "you just make excuses due to wanting a puppy." ma lifted a hamster and said yu want this one or none?
ali heard the hamster say "hey put me down leave me here why cant you just get a puppy insted". ali knew arguing did not help so he nodded and his ma put the gray hamster in the glass box. 
ali asked the hamster what to add to the box? it told him "i need water and yellow flowers. then the hamster lay down to rest a bit.
ali carried the glass box called terrarium to their car. ma drove them home. the whole time the hamsterwas silent. ali asked the hamster what was its name but the hamster ignored him. maybe he was sad that he left his friends?
ma drove the ford car into the garage attached ot the house. ali carried the terrarium into his room and put it on the floor. then he ran outside to search for flowers. he saw the yellow weed called dandelion they were pretyy and yellow so he picked many yellow ones and also the white puffy ones.
ali hurried back inside to give his pet the flowers as requested. he put the yellow dandelions in the terrarium and "grover gray" said "i am very happy" about the yellow flowers. "i was angry" explained grover gray, "whne your ma picked me up."
"because you wanted to stay with the other hamsters?" ali guessed
"no! i always wrestled with them just i was scared of the big human. but now that you made my home nice with flowers i will show you i can do tricks."
then the hamsters did the SAME tricks that trained dogs do!
he held a paw to shake hands and rolled on  his back with four paws up in the air and stood in two hind legs without even leaning on the glass. 
grover gray said "if you throw me a round cracker i can catch it like a frisbee."
ali was amazed and ceratinly believed. so he ran and got a round cracker that was a pale orange color but not yellow it was a bit like li's light skin.
then ali folded his wrist and spun the salty round cracker toward the glass wall... suddenly grover gray LEAPED up far and high and grabbed the cracker like a dog grabs a frisbee.
"wow," ali praised," you are fer better than any dog and you jumped so high up. when did you learn the tricks?"
gr' said "all animals know how to do these tricks just we dont bother unless the human indicated that they wanna see. so we never need to LEARN them. just we did not know that the human wanted to see them. so you dont need to teach me tricks just bring me flowers whenever those dry out gr' pointed to them, "and i will show you tricks.
then gr' peed on the cracker.
what did you do that for?" asked ali. 
"it is too salty and dry. please bring me lettuce."
"LETTUCE?" ali responded in horror. "hamsters do-o-ont eat lettuce!"
"as if you know anything about us. go bring me some moist green lettuce."
so ali went to the frij and pulld a green leaf off of the ball of lettuce. he hurried back to his pet to bring him the lettce and joy.
gr' said "i wish you were my size the same size as me then we could play."
"if i become small, how will i ever return to enlarge again to my natural size?"
"in less than a second you can change sizes."
"how do i do it?" ali asked.
gr' taught ali the magic words to change size and urged him "do not forget". you dont need to eat nor drink anything.
first ali said the formula "adventurus shortus" and shrunk like a balloon losing its air. sadly he was outside the glass so he could not get in. he tried to climb the glass walls but they were slippery and too steep. the big question was how? ali looked at the flowers that were now just as tall as him. he ad changed to their height of their green stems. he did not see anything for the purpose of getting in. ali asked the hamster which words can move himthrough glass. grover said "only a wizard can move thru glass."
ali said the formule "danjurus tallus" and returned to his child size. than he stretched his legs over the top of the box and said the shrink formula... and his whole body moved toward his shoes... his head flew forward and soon ali with both sneakers fell into the wood chips. ali crawled to a flower and TRIED to lean on its stem to stand but the soft stem just bent and the yellow flower toppled down sideways.
"which game should we play?" asked ali.
"we should play tag so start in the opposite corner and i will chase you."
so ali and grover gray started chasing each other and dodging each other until ma came to check on the hamster. 
ali felt so hot due to running. he wished that he had an electric fan to cool him, but at his size it would probably blow him away. he looked around and saw a wide "shaving" of wood so he waved it to fan himself until ma entered the room she saw ali's sneakers in the terrarium and she hollerd "ali come here this instant! get your sneakers out of your pet cage."
when ali did not come, and she did not see him hiding behind a sneaker she pulled out the two sneakers and put them under the bed.  ma left but soon returned with a HUGE giant mushroom not like those little one inch ones but the size of a humburger bun! she gathered wood chips around its stem to hold it up. 
meanwhile grover the gray furry hamster said a formula and pretty red flowers grew up from some wood chips. near it. ali and grover were the same height.
after ma put the mushroom in, she searched for ali. she looked under his bed, was he hiding there? she looked beside the bed and checked the floor behind the bed by the window.
despite looking all around she failed to find ali. she saw he was not ON the bed but thout maybe he was under the blanket? first she folded the blanket on the side near her. then she stretched across the bed... she checked under the blankets on the soft mattress. the THING that was there was invisible. ma only saw the dark blue sheet on the bed and pale blue blanket. 
grover and ali watched thru the glass wall and their eyes quickly met the eyes of a butterfly with orinj wings standing on the bed where ma had folded the blue blanket. it was GIANT and each orinj wing was as big as a child's shirt. 
it rubbed its arms together like flies do. ma did not noticce it. the butterfly stood still as ma folded the blanket back over it... and the blanket was smooth on the sheet like NOTHING was thereno big butterfly or anything.
ali looked across to the butterfly who was now under his blue blanket. 
whe ma  left the room, it folded the blanket and appeared. from under ali's pillow it pulled out a long torquise towel. it and ali stared at each other.  it rubbed the long towel on its wings and when it finished it returned the towel under the pillow. 
it introduced itself, in a slow effortless calm voice "hi i am albert what's your name?" the hamster answered first "my name is harry the hairy hamster but he named me grover gray." ali then said "my name is also albert."
the butterfly argued "your name does not tell ANYTHING about you. i am a butterfly but what ARE you?" it asked.
that can start an interesting dialog. gr' said "i am a hamster." ali answerd "i am a little boy."
"little indeed!" emphasized the big butterfly.
ali did not know why he felt shy talking to the butterfly. the butterfly continued the interrogation "i saw little boys but YOU are something else! so WHAT are you."
"i am a small small boy." ali explained.
when it was silent ali continued "this morning when i awoke i was a young boy but now i changed into a small little boy.
"that is impossible. i know about changing. i changed from a caterpillar to a butterfly but you dont get smaller! you grow bigger!
"i AM the same one" ali insisted. the butterfly shook its head no. 
ali repeated very politely "i am the same boy all day, that is the clearest i can explain."
"firstly you are too small to be a boy i dont understand how you are so small yet your face looks like a human. 
"i used magic words to change sizes" ali explained. 
"magic is not real" it replied in a very awkward tone. 
"wait, you cant be sure magic is NOT real. just because you have not yet experienced magic. but you can try it yourself say "danjurus tallus."
it said different words... and was suddenly wrapped in a fluffy coccoon.
then from inside it ali herad more words and the caterpillar appeared.
"as you see i know about changing forms but only to my forms the caterpillar and its phases now i will switch back. 
again it changed into a coccoon and the butterfly climbed out.
"try the formula see for yourself."
"fine," replied the butterfly "danjurus tallus"
poof! the big butterfly was even larger!
"i see you are correct now how do i get to my natural size."
grover answered "say adventurus smallus".
it did and returned to its natural size.
ali complained, "you are too big for a butterfly i think you need to say it again and change to the size of ALL butterflies."
"dont tell me what to do! i can hurt you!" screamed the butterfly.
the giant butterfly flapped its wings and flew toward the little tiny boy.altho he was terrified by the huge butterfly he called out "adventurus tallus" and despite the worng words due to his stress he returned to normal child size and when the butterfly saw him big it turned away and flew toward the wiindow and THRU the glass so the danger ended.
grover said "i told you only a wizard can fly thru glass." then it  asked "how is a tiger like your dresser drawers?"
"i dunno" answered ali.
"they both can eat you."
"i agree that a tiger can eat me but drawers cant eat me."
"oh yeah?" challenged grover growing to the size of a child. it grabbed ali in its paw and hopped out of the glass cage and said "time for dinner".
to ali's horror the top drawer of the dresser popped out and a tongue waved from side to side as the hamster put him on the soft red tongue. ali was terrified that the drawer would chew him! but drawers lack teeth but he still did not want to get eaten. the tong wrapd around him and pulled him into the drawer. "oh no" moaned ali it DID eat me like a tiger. then once he was in the drawer it slid in and he was trapped.
on the floor of the drawer he saw a metal staple. "oh man that could HURT if it poked me when i dressed." good thing i found it before it got tangled in clothing as i pull them on. ali lifted the staple and poked the two sharp points on the wood drawer.
OUCH hollered the dresser and spat ali out... he flew across the room onto his bed. then he jumped back in to play with the hamster... but it was on the outside of the box.
"are you a wizard?" asked ali.
"obviusly since only wizards can go thru glass."
"please go back in, i need a pet and i promise to take care of you and bring you lettuce that you like."
"but i feel trapped in the glass and cant go anywhere."
"still you can have as much lettuce as you want and i will always take care of you and pet you" said ali.
grover sighed "i do like that" so grover walked thru the glass back into the cage and ali kept his word and rubbed his hand on grovers kneck and shoulders. ali's dangerous adventures will continue!
at link:

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

think about this scenario


in 2021, when biden did the religious oath and swore to be president, the leader of china congratulated biden. he also added that he is amazed by the american policy of drones. 

"yep we have 'em" biden answered.

" i meant the policy, understand the contrast to here in china we needed to limit births and the loss of soldiers life is bitter and sweet but you send drones rather than a person in danger."

"well honestly man, we encourage no-payment abortion here too."

"anyway" continued china's leader "i hope we wont ever need to face your many drones. you probably have some with anti tank missiles too."

"you already know man, i am new but i am sure you already saw whatever we have."

"i appreciate your honesty and yes you would be surprised how much information we have. anyway i hope we will not need to face your many drones."

"our drones are not for attacking. we will continue the policy of negotiation rather than attacking."

"i know. you could take all canada but you dont. have a nice day."

luckily for china, biden was easily fooled. if they say they fear drones then that is what we need MORE of, as a detterent. biden cut military spending to focus the bit of funding on many such drones with heavy anti-tank missiles. one month later china hacked the computers and sent the american drones which destroyed thousands of american tanks and planes. this already happened in 2021 while you were distracted buy covid. 

one month later, china sent its thousands of planes decimating the american  pacific navy. this already happened. again you were distracted by covid and didnot see any sea activity.

china knew biden would not use atomic bombs so in 2022 they were not deterd and therefore used a submarine, unstoppable due to the weak pacific navy as above, it launched twenty atomic bombs on the twenty most populous cities in california and new york.  why? china saw a win win. even if america retaliates they "had the need" to limit births, and more likely biden the pussy would not retaliate.

when the generals said we should retailiate with h-bomb, vp harris said "we will NOT stoop to the low immoral level of using atom bombs".

instead biden started to dismantle all nukes and all chemical weapons of mass destruction. mostly since they were not precise enough for morality and did not justify their use.

biden realized that with less voters on those two blue states he was at risk of dnc losing the next election. so biden called the chinese leader and begged him "please do not invade, considering we have few jets and tanks remaining [due to the american drones as above] i officially surrender with my authority of commander in chief" rather than risk losing the next election and claiming to save lives to prevent  invasion. 

for america and its capitalist style this was the end.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

alice in wonderland when "in wonderland"? d

query: from which point, in the story with title "alice in wonderland",  was alice "in wonderland"? and from when did the adventure begin?

we start the story searching for these answers and see several "missed wins". considering that the author himself said that "a story is bad if it lacks dialog" he missed his chance for dialog between alice and her sister! at least a bit! similarly we will see in chapter 3 a missed opportunity but there his flaw was bigger but we return to the query to answer it and offer a SOLUTION solution to soe flaws.

another flaw is the bad use of "very". before somebody is very bored they are already bored. the desire to to grab the reader with something extreme like a "hook" skipped both an emotion and a dialog... which is bad according to his own book. but we continue our search.

she saw the rabbit wearing clothing and loking at a watch that is niether an adventure nor in wonderland just near her. entering the rabbit hole is merely dirty not danger nor adventure. "padit gryaz!" is russian "i wanna get dirty."

when she FELL that is danger and adventure. also when she could put a jar "in a cabinet" indicates she already entered wonderland while she fell so before improving the story we can define that both the adventure and the "in wonderland" started when she fell.

now we can fix by adding a bit of dialog:

"chapter one the white rabbit

alice [plus picture on page 16 but half without table] felt bored. she asked her sister "please read me a story."

"not now." replied her older sister.

"why not?" argued Alice... trying to drag the conversation.

"because i must read this book for an exam."

[end page one due to picture and dialog. next page]

note: that fixed the internal flaw of missing dialog, and also the order of emotions.

"alice started to feel VERY bored. enough to look at her sister's book. she searched for a dialog but saw no conversation nor pictures in the boring book. alice heard the grass swish and saw a white bunny rushing by. he stopped and pulled a pocket watch from the pocket in his clothing. THAT was surprising. +pic on page 14. she jumped up and chased the rabbit.

she fell into a hole that she had not seen due to focussing on the rabbit. she felt scared and shrieked terrified as she dropped quickly and felt herself falling and heard the rushing air... but suddenly she fell slowly... slowly enough to see cupboards that she very slowly fell passed. she saw a jar and pulled it from the pantry. she was disappointed that it was empty so she put it in the next cupboard that she passed as she fell down down down.

she had time to think so she remembered her pet cat dina. finally, she landed on a large pile of leaves.

she hurried along a corridor searching for the rabbit and saw it turn a corner.

note: this skips the many thoughts and gets to wonderland. similalry in chapter 3 instead of quoting the boring section and missing the dialog "they talked ABOUT getting dry". these should be reversed. he reversed the methods and missed the dialog and instead was lengthy about boring stuff. we can fix this by swapping them "the mouse told them something boring and dry, until the eagler said "you dont know the words you are saying." instead reveal the dialog "about" getting dry and move the method of topic to the boring part. 

in summary he had VERY good ideas: a rabbit wearing clothing and looking at a watch... alice changing sizes... but ruined it by lacking dialog in several missed opportunities especially at the start of the book... and too much "thinking" just tell that she followed the rabbit until she fell into wonderland as described above.  without delay tell the wonders of wonderland not boring quotes from a dry boring book instead say "the topic was dry and boring" but they remained wet. oh and alice could not be DREAMING due to her FALLING when people dream they are falling we wake! so he wisely had her fall into wonderland! that was clever but sadly he ruined the bit of good with much more boring stuff and flaws.

sadly the author missed his opportunity but HAPPILY we have abridged versions of the book that select the amazing parts and i checked that they skipped some of the "thinking" to allow getting to the amazing parts.

also disney version in video 1951 is better, far better than the book. it motivated me to read the book but then i saw he=the author carol=dodgeson ruined it with numerous flaws as above. so the SOLUTION is to listen to an abridged version.

dad returned to school

a son swapd his father's form and went to pa's job. pa went to school. inspired by "freaky friday" but different.

continuity: pa had given the farm painting to his buddy whose name he did not know [lenny]. a son replaced his father's form and went to pa's job.

STORY: pa sat at his desk. starting the work of the day, he realized that he did not know which of the jobs to beging with so he asked len "hey bud, which job do you think is the most urgent for me to do today?" len replied "the neo-nazi account seems the most urgent bkuz it must be finished tmoro.--tmoro? please help me the time is so limited--i cant bkuz i have my job--if you help me today i will help you. len agreed. 

they approached the desk. on it was only the complex phone with lights blinking. a clear working space with no files on it. pa pulled on a drawer but it was locked. so he reached into his pocket and searched for the key. dad found the small key and then unlocked the top drawer. sitting at the top of the drawer was the file marked in large black block capital letters neo-nazi. the lights on the phone were blinkind so pa told l "please begin the work on the file while i chek the messages" pa handed the pale blue folder to len saying this is its folder. then from the drawer he pulled a very thin and small computer 8 by 10 inches which was lying in the drawer and carefully placed it on the desk. this action revealed the tray with rows of pens in 3 ink colors each in a compartment like the spoon holder some people have in kitchen-drawers. there was also a block of square small papers. pa took some oranj squares and a pen with blue ink. then he lifted the phone and heard the dial tone. pa pressed the button that was blinking. "you have 6 messages please eneter voice code".

***dad froze bkuz he had never known his dads code so he simply said his name... that worked. the computer responded "voice recognized... date 9 at 4 pm... (a mans voice) "yo i need to talk to you it is urgent so call me" beep. perhaps "ken" coud "ken" [meaning to recognize] that  voice but there was no clue. so pa hurried to jot the date and time to check the phone records which number. the next messij was detailed with name and phone number so pa wrote them to call them. "next messij..." silence and a beep and repeated a'gen! 2 empty.

len interrupted "i see your report is not only written but also complete!". len handed the paper to pa. pa read many words which he had never seen in his 2 years of reading. dad replied"great i alredy checked 4 messijis so after i return the calls i will help you in your office and we can eat lunch break together.--i dont want to just sit here insted give me one of the phoning jobs. pa gave len the first mission. to find the phone number at the time and ask what they want. len slid his cell phone from his pokkit to search the companes records for incoming calls at that time. dad listened to the next message- a woman voice said in a sing songy romantic tone: "hi from oliv. i am excited with anticipation for our meeting this evening. i hope you picked a nice venue [meaning place] luv oliv". pa was in shok he had not known that his dad was secretly dating a jo [a sweetheart] so soon after ma died. this would be fun... pa ignored the 6 messij in excitement and called oliv by tapping the call button on the complex phone. it diealled the number of the messij... and pa realized that len coulda done that for the lazy guy who had not said details. actualy he could not while i chekd messijis using the phone. pa looked at len discuss something with that client as he waited for the ringing to lead to oliv answering the phone. finally after 6 rings oliv answered "hello?" she asked. "hi lov dear this is me. i think t is time for you to meet my kids. i told you i had 2--WONDERFUL the last time you were  so stubborn that they should not know so i am delighted you finally realize i was right! after 4 months they should know--great so come to my home after wor at around 6pm--i am SO excited!" she almost screeched as the phone clikd off. this would be interesting to watch thout pa.

he lay the ear part on the phone device and told len "now i assist you--your light is still blinking. pa cheked the last messij and heard it was oliv agen. sh ewanted eggrolls so either this time or next time make a reservation at a place that has them. well he decided this meeting would be at home so she must wait... althoe he himself also liked them and could be frozen prepared ones to heat in the oven.

the next few hours was boring work stuf which pa only did with his new buds guidance. they went to lunch together. the building had a cafe-teria called the cafe-tea. len took a plate and asked the server for a chik-staik with mashed potato. also he wanted the small salad no dressing. to drink he ordered the carrot juice specifying NO ice and NO STRAW. pa usualy liked mash potato but this time his id urged not to. insted he requested "i want the hotdogs and the roast beef with the cooked corn--sorry but you ar only allowwed one protien per serving--i see  then i want two servings one with hotdogs serving with pea-rits and the other roast beef with cooked corn kernels." it was great being an adult! his dad would never let him enjoy like that!

len made a stranj face looking at him and askd gently "will you have a salad with that?" pa grinned and said i only hav a limited space inmy stommik--yet it is important to eat vejis--corn counts.

the server man held one plate with raised dividers for sections. he put the mix of pea and carrot calld pea-rit in a section but one scoop did not fill it so he scooped another giant spoon full. pa wrinkled his nose at the vejis but was happy the server man was not stinjy. then he lay the plate on a scale pressed a button to reset and then clasped with tongs a few chunks of roast beef to lay on the plate and added until the screen showed one serving 250 grams.

pa was wide eyed at the honesty. that was the benefit of lunch at work. not those stingy shops that just put a bit. a serving must be a serving! next paddi, the name on the tag, probably short for patrick,  took the plate from pas hand and filled one section with corn and then repeated the scale procedure so 4 hotdogs lay on the plate and the scale displayed 244 grams.

the sight of 4 hotdogs made pa feel partly full already. pat asked if they wanted the coffee last like last time. len agreed.

then they ate a delicious lunch in silence bkuz their mouths were busy chewing and it is silly to try to talk wen you must be chewing. pa was happy that his new bud did not try to make dialog while their mouths were busy.

pa started with the tasty flavorful hotdogs. the first one was moist and soft and full of flavor. pa was surprised that chewing was so much easier than just yesterday! now he had more teeth each broader than his own childs teeth. he had chewd that hodo in just a few bites and fast chewing then he grabbed som pea-rits from the other plate and noticed that pat mixed up the positions! anyway the mixed vejis were a good match to the salty hodos. althoe pa had alredy chosen only t eat a bit of vejis each spoon felt like very little so he ate several spoons of pea-rit before the next hodo. meanwhile len tried to jag the meat with a fork but it did not separate so he decided to jab a fork into the  meat and to jib [cause to swing] the whole brest to his jaws so his teeth cut.

len finished first bkuz he only ate a few spoons of potato. most of the pile sat on the plate. len finally spoke "i hate that they call chik-stake bkuz steak is only for beef!" then to the server "paddi please bring my coffee--you can count on me. pat replied cheerfully.

then len apolojized " i am sorry for not talking as usual i guess i was just angry to see you let yourself eat two servings while i need to limit my food." as len started the sentence dad started to prepare to talk he lay the spoon down and finished chewing. 

"the truth is i was ALWAYS annoyed wen people talk while eating bkuz the mouth must be busy chewing and we would not chew properly if we try to talk.--hmm i had not thout about that but you are very right! i mean who said you NEED  to talk at dinner?" now pa needed to know how they met so he asked len "while i eat my beef please tell me the story how we met". just then pat arrived carrying the larj mug of coffi for len. as pat placed the mug by len he askd pa "do you want your coffee with caramel or with strawberry?"--no coffi for me today i will be full from the dubl protien--have a nice day" endded pat as he moved lens empty plate to the tray.

len sipped his coffi and began to reminisce in a tone that showed he enjoyed telling this story.

len began: 3 years ago in january 2016 i made an appointment to chanj my name from the jewish one that my parents gave me at my circumcision... [dad winced at that word] pa thout but did not interrupt with speech that cutting pieces even just one bit from anywhere and worse a sensitive peen-iss sounded dreadful to him. yet he noticed his bud was not disturbed nor upset just calmly stating the fact as if speaking about somebody else... not aware at his loss kinda like a dog does not complain after "nutering" meaning they "humanely" cut off the reproductive parts. simple minds jews and dogs- he thout but knew not to say. he knew that his peen-iss was better bkuz it was natural and complete and also knew not to point out the loss to the simpleminded victims. those primitive tribal rituals... thout pa. he would soon discover that in THIS  body he was missing a peece! these thouts zoomed by in a flash of feelings as len continued his story.

"...adam cain. i never liked those ancient biblical names especially knowing that cain killed so i decided i must chanj my name. ever since i was young i wanted to chanj it but i had a hard time deciding which name bkuz there were so many options.

len continued his story as pa carefully chewed his bite from a thick slice of roast beef which was boiled in gravy and spices not truly roasted. "i could change to a short name very simple to write on cheks and whenever i filled out forms like "wu or wi" but they sounded very chinese i wanted to fit in here in america. at this point pa noddded. "me faverit actor was spock in the series star trek bkuz i loved his unique cool ears. however spock wluld be a weerd name for an american so i chose lenny. then i made an appointment to officially chanj my name from adam cain 8 letters to lenny only 6. a;sp my long last name leibowitz 9 letters to "doe" like those names on the credit card ads. pa thought about the context of dough which can refer to many for a credit card that was clever!

len continued: 'i was walking carefully on the icy pavement that winter and as i was entering the office for the name chanj we met. you were asking people where the office for name chanj was. i was happy to find somebody the same ilk as me who bothered to chanj to a name personally liked. so i told u to follow me. that was wen i first opened up to u that i LOVED the star trek series and wen you told me yu also enjoyed it i insisted that after our name chanjes we would meet sometime. that was the day u chanjed your name from... at this point len paused almost scared to say the old name... pa smiled and motioned with his hand welcomingly as he chewed a spoonful of corn kernels. "mayer" to...

pa interrupted in surprise and very loudly "MAYOR?? who names their son the job title??" bkuz that is how the name was pronounced. a long silent pause followed. len apologized "yes the last time i mentioned your old name you were also angry but you motioned me to say it.--i am not angry at you for saying the name  i am mad at the prents who would give a kid such a stupid name--well it comes from hebrew like light" explained len "but you wanted to change it to a common name."

len continued. that day after we got our new documents you insisted on a vejitarian place and since i had the day free i did not open my jar of jam which i had just purchased to use with the pakd bred and insted we went immediately to the "burgel burger" [i never heard of such a restaurant but if that name is already used i am not refferring to your place this is just a story] named for the burghul. it was located across from a small inn. there i ignored my hate for the ism called vagetarianism, we ordered veji soup and mushy tofu burgers on firm whole wheat buns. pa started giggling as he imagined biting on firm bread which only squeezed the mushy burger out the sides! len continued i felt joy that they gave a jug of gravy so i took the patty out from the bread... paddi interrupted "did you just call me for a desert?"

meanwhile at preskool "ken" was fed up and even felt ILL from those many brats and the big imp [meaning a mishievous child]. he wanted to tell each one that they irk him...  that he felt ire...yet he knew at that age none of the brats knew those words.

to be continued... maybe?

the exciting conclusion of iron man 2013

part 2, Tony dragd the MK42 i.m. suit over snow and into a garage [not "seemingly empty house".] he started fixing the suit.  a kid named Harley held up Tony by gun point, until recognizing his hero. "garage" Tony gave [not "later"] a tool in exchange for h's help. Harley called him i.m. but tony calls himself "The Mechanic" of the suit, hiding i.m.'s identity. Harley reminded Tony of the invasion causing another anxiety attack.

at the ruins of Tony's mansion, Pepper heard his voice message. meanwhile, h' led Tony to the bomb site. later, Tony met with Davis's mother who gave him a file. a lady cuffd Tony. She claimd to be a gov' agent. the sheriff demanded id' so she shot sh'. 

while she aimed at sh' Tony left the building still cuffed.

Savin blockd his path. tony fled and she followed him into a room where he opened the gas pipe, and used microwave with metal tags causing explosion that killed her and blasted her corpse up on a phone wire. 

Savin [x tries did] took Harley hostage. Harley [not overpower! gosh he is just a kid!] zapd him using i.m. tool. Tony blasted savin using i.m. rocket. then he picked up savin's car keys to drive to his i.m. suit after successfully killing both assassins no need to "escape".

Tony was driving, the Mandarin interfered with transmission threatening to  "murder the CEO of an oil company" unless the president called his phone. Despite the President obeying, the Mandarin shot him. [copying dc that batman paid penguin for freedom but penguin took the money and did not free him] he threatened that he would kill you=president.

Tony finds that the file was related to Killian's company. so he used a tv  van at a [at a conveniently nearby??] beauty pageant. Tony used rhodes code to read the secret files.  he watched the experimental treatment to regrow limbs but can cause an explosion. he said these explosions were not bombs. the terrorist covers the "flaw" in the treatment. [not the deaths cover].

Rhodes came to a trap. [not disarm just heats suit to unconcious not "knocks" not "steal suit]. they capture him.

jarvis trackd the terrorist to Florida. Tony, with improvised weapons overcame gards and found the mandarin... who is an actor [but not "oblivious" nor "clueless"] who did not kill anybody. Tony got captured and was strapped to a bed frame. Aldrich came and demanded stark fix the project. he threatend stark using Pepper who already started the process.  when maya threatened to explode, possibly killing  Aldrich he shot Maya.

Tony, was garded by two men.  the parts of suit flew and freed stark. rhode's suit the iron patriot flew up bringing Savin to join President Ellis in Air Force One.

i.p. shot the Secret Service agents. the suit flew the President away. Savin then blasts the plane. Iron Man burnt Savin's heart and chest. 

i.m. rescued the falling people by grabbing one who held hands with another etc. in a chain. instead of slamming into the water surface at high speed i.m. guided the chain forward to decrease the speed, and finally they splashed into the sea.

i.m. landed on the bridge where a truck crashed into him... the suit breaks  apart into its components, without Tony. it flew like a drone remote control. 

Tony and Rhodes came to an oil platform/ship yard. the prez [in 2013 obama] was hanging. rhodes asked for a suit but typical tony had programmed his suit that only he could control. in contrast to the government iron patriot that got STOLEN and was used for evil as armor while shooting and killing the secret service agents. v.p. [2013 was biden] agreed to submit to a killer for his daughter's cure. [you were all warned by fiction about biden now look at what you got!] 

Tony invited many various Iron Man suits, from the bunker after losing many.

Rhodes saved President ellis but a crane collapsed causing Pepper to fall 200 feet into a fire.

Tony dueld Aldrich who destroyed several i.m. suits. tony sent the modules to assemble and trap a'. it self-destructs. Aldrich healed. Pepper crawled out from a fire. and saved i.m. she threw her chemical at a' and that intense explosion caused Aldrich to overheat and vaporize. After the battle, Tony destroyd each remaining Iron Man suit.

Slattery and Vice President got arrested. Pepper reverted to normal. Tony's shrapnel is finally removed from near his heart. Harley found a lab with equipment from Iron Man. the end.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

hunger games 2 , 2013


in a forest, katniss is by a river.  she and gale hunt. she told him that she was only acting like she loved peeta. snow warns her that she better convince HIM that she did not intend rebellion but only spared peeta due to love.

K&P rode a train on the victory tour. 

in district 11 they give a speech for the memory of rue. a man whistled the tune for signaling rue. the gaurds suspect this is being used as a symbol of rebellion.. while katniss screamed in protest the arrest the man and shot him dead. in the train k' said that she should get engaged to peeta.

the tour led them to the palace where pretty and colorful fireworks lit the night sky.

katniss told gale they should flee into the wilderness as he had suggested. gale argued that he cant leave the others. when gale saw government brutality he tackled the gard. when the officer whipped gale katniss protested and the chief almost shot her. haymitch calmed him that snow would not want to kill 3 victors.

snow announced the quarter quell. this time the victors wiill  kill each other. k&p went to training. peeta announced that his lover k' is pregnant.

in the elevator tube katniss watched helpless as the gards beat her frend cinna. she screamed in protest and empathy.  she cried for him, but she must enter the games and somehow... survive? no she would rather peeta survive than herself. um so kill the others "before they kill peeta." huh? if he dies she can  stop pretending and return to gale? if p' lives she loses gale remember? she told gale peeta was an act? was that a lie? later she told gale she would escape with him. the story is stupid. no surprise that the fans did not return for the next part.

part 2 in the arena

k' swam and ran to get the arrows. she got their first and shot at one of the 24 tributes. he dodged splashing into the water. while she was busy a guy spared her. she turned the bow but saw he wore peeta's bracelet. he warned k' to duck and killed her attacker. that night 8 already died.

k' saw fog approach she extended her hand to test it ow! she discovers it is chemical poison. one carried mags while K&P ran from the poisonous fog. k fell. p' went back to help her up but got burnt. they try to run but cant kuz p' is poisond. mag ran to the poison so her partner can help peeta. but even with him and katniss helping, the fog overtook and burnt them all with chemical burns. only a force field stopd the fog.

they wash off the chemical. soon k's group got surrounded by deadly man eating monkeys. they fight and kill some as they retreat to the water. one almost drowned k' but p' killed it saving her.

a giant wave killed another tribute.

a tribute killd k's ally so she shot him to stop him killing more. a hovercraft takes some of the corpses. beetee plans to electrocute the other group. k's ally stabbed her arm. but mysteriously spared her. b' ran into a force field and died.

as lightning is striking k' shot the wire up at the force field. this burnt out the arena. but she was near the tree nd the voltage knocks her down.

a hovercraft broke into the arena and rescued her.

when k' herd that p was captured she screamed in protest. she cared about peeta too. they trvel to sector 13 to join the rebellion. continued in part 3 but that lost popularity. 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

the witch huntress in jerusalem

based on a true story. the year number is changed to hide the witch.

dear diary, today when i was eating at a restaurant in jerusalem the table by the wall had a group celebrating a birthday. one girl wore a shiny silvery crown while the other three girls sang "happy birthday" in hebrew. while they waited for the order of sushi, one girl, a young girl with long black hair, and big spectacles was bored and wanted to talk to me. i asked her to tell me a story. 

when she finished the story she asked me a math riddle then we alternated asking each other the infinite addition questions from 1 to 20. for example: if i have 7 and i want 11 how many to add? etc.

the spectacles of this girl, reminded me of a young girl that i met soon after switching colleges in jerusalem.

in the summer of 2011 i studied at a certain rabbi college in jerusalem. i struggled with male urges and tried to resist the sin which religions teach not to "squeeze out" male milk. each day the temptation grew and intensified. i decided i would wait one more day but i could not wait. the urge was so intense that i could not study. i shut my eyes and waited for the hormones to calm but they did not... i surrendered and started walking to a private toilet to sin and justified that i had battled the sin "plenty" before succumbing.

however on the way to the toilet i realized that if i walked outside i could delay the sin a bit more time. that walk led to meeting a woman who secretly helped me avoid that sin... but after a year i started complaining that the college lacked exams to measure if we comprehended. 

i felt that the students lacked motivation to study if no exams and people were insulting me "you do not understand" well "i think i do so we need an exam to see if i comprehended correctly." as i asked other student-rabbis if they wanted exams?, one student told me that another college for rabbis in jerusalem gave exams.

i was torn. i wanted to be near the woman but i wanted to measure if i was studying. more imprtantly than proving i did comprehend correctly which i was sure of was the environment. i needded to be around SINCERE students who studied earnestly not just passing the time and free to talk about sports with no exams to motivate study.

i rushed to the bus to that college and asked which day was the exam? a man answered me in hebrew "today" once each month. i walked into the meal room and saw MANY tables, surrounded by student-rabbis in their traditional black suits.

over a hundred SINCERE students talking a test to measure if they were really studying and understood and recalled.

wow. i wanted to be in THIS group... of course i would continue my weekly meetings with the woman secretly and i would need to travel across the city.

however one afternoon, soon after the switch in the hot summer of 2012, actually spring but hot spring sounds like water, i was studying and a young boy with dark brown hair wearing a white shirt with black slacks asked me in hebrew "you want 20 sheqel"? i blinked in disbelief and nodded. he had a black religious cap on his dark hair. he drew the paper from his pocket and said "somebody chose you for a business meeting." 

i considered that i had not worked since the babysit job when parents trusted me to stay at home while their blond daughter, who played after school but she was not the girl of whom, i was reminded of.

i walked outside and met a young girl with "long black hair and large spectacles". the rims were thick nerdy plastic but see-through-brown plastic. she wore the plastic "bow" i mean the curve shaped like a rainbow. it was dark blue with shiny fake silver studs.

she said in hebrew that her "power" was getting weak but if i would willingly give her her "fuel" she would create money a hundred sheqel bill so i could buy whatever i wanted.

that sounded unbelievable. i had never seen any magic making money appear. i asked in hebrew "what do you mean by fuel?".

i was surprised that she needed the male baby cream as magic fuel. i must be fantasizing... giving myself an excuse to "milk myself" for a purpose to avoid the sin of onan called wasting the male milk.

of course i agreed... i wanted to see what would happen. i did not yet ask why she chose me.

the girl not named magic-maggie nor the hebrew name vered, led me to her apartment building. we climbed the steps and she explained that even her own mother who was a witch did not know that she had already ripened in her potential. now her father the rabbi was away at some college studying rabbi books and her ma was out shopping but she needed fuel for her power.

she handed me a plastic bag and said "are you willingly supplying the fuel?". certainly. then i did the non-sin due to a purpose of supplying fuel.

i did not consider the danger of her or any girl using it to get pregnant and blaming me. i was very simple minded then. i was horrified when she dipped her finger in the bag of male cream and tasted it. she smiled like it was ice cream.

"is it sweet?" i asked.

"no, despite the sugar it is very very bitter. and i knew you were the best source and that you would give willingly."

i watched in horror as she held a plasti spoon and spooned the fuel into her mouth. ga-asp.

the next thing shocked me even more. once fueled the young witch vanished! in her place stood an adult woman. she giggled at my surprised expression then vanished again and was the same as the boy who had led me out to the business meeting. she now looked like the 3rd grade boy not named aviv. 

she explained that when she was leaving scool at the religious girl-only scool, she saw me by a bakery and could sense the intense energy i could provide. she wanted it. she had left her gals to see me and followed me into the bakery where i had ordered two rolls of fresh soft rolls. she had looked through the tall trolley with the many shelves and saw in my eyes that i would even supply willingly and she had been correct too.

she explained that evil witches in jerusalem used the same fuel but they imprisoned the men and took the fuel UNWILLINGLY and that made their strength flawed. with my fuel she could defeat even the strong witches and rescue the men.

obviously i could not believe that "she believed this enuf to drink male milk", but i had actually watched when she had transformed. wow.

i asked her about her power and she explained it was mostly natural inheriting the nature, the word "natural" surprised me kuz i thought magic by definition was supernatural but truly just needed the correct ingredients. and the fuel is not rare just given willingly is rare. anyway she explained that her nature allowed her to re-direct the "aura energy" in every human. that is how she discovered she could use her powers for good. when the mean girls would say mean words to the fat girls she would direct the energy to scrambling the sounds so the victim would not hear the harsh words. it succeeded!

later she understood that if she had the ability, she must have inherited it from her ma who must be a secret witch.

she used her natural ability to direct the internal energy of her life-force to finding her ma's spell book of sorcery. she read many spells and that some needed a powerful fuel... the gross and not rare at all: male seed. gross. 

she had asked men if they would give her fuel but they yelled at her for being disgusting. she had almost lost hope until the fateful day she saw me at the bakery.

then she had sent her neighbor not named aviv into the male-only college to get me and entice me with money.

wow that was awesome. after her story she said in hebrew loosely translated "speaking of money hold this tissue in your hand." she handed me a white new folded tissue paper. she whispered and it changed into a money paper. 100 sheqel over five hours of work in an instant. 

i said "it is hard for me to believe you have power to fight a witch."

she was surprised that her transformation of herself into several people and of paper was not sufficiant. so she agreed to let me see her victory. first she concentrated and held her hand up... her left arm. she sensed the direction of the dark power. she claimed to know that two men were locked in a witch flat. the witch had been milked both of them due to the poor quality fuel of their unwillingness. that is why she needed two.

she said she would attack now instead of at night just so i could see but i must wait outsde so i would not get zapped by their duel.

i follwed her in the direction that she had pointed and we entered the "holiest" most fanaticcally jewish section of jerusalem called maya sharim. the best hiding place for dark magic.

later she would explain that dark magic is not only used to enslave and imprison but in ESSENCE is a different type of magic which is dark. she would claim that when the bible forbade wizardry it refferd specificly to the dark magic not all magic.

"or else" she claimed "nobody good could stop the evil witches".

i waited in a narrow alley between buildings. i watched vered pull on the locked door of the dwelling. the handle was simply a bar on two curved bars. no handle to turn and the door was clearly locked. however now that she had drunk her fuel she could direct her natural energy to unlock the door simply by gazing at it. i heard the door klik despite no key. again without even touching anything the door swung open.

young vered back in the form of an adult woman entered to surprise the evil witch!

in a moment the young girl exited again and said in hebrew "look at what i did". i entered the dwelling and saw a common normal door but beside it a frame of glowing orange. a power portal. framing a rectangle around the green paint of the wall. she pointed to step thru the portal and i trusted her certain i would not bump into the wall... and as i stepped my leg thru the green wall i felt a cool ripple like cool water which was pleasant n that hot day in spring. how could i forget the pleasant coolness. on the other side of the green wall i saw a narrow corridor! not the inside of a home as i expected considering it was beside a normal common wood door.

the walls were bare wood planks on my sides that reached up to a wood plank roof. white light came down between the gaps in the roof planks but not from the gaps in the side planks. i moved forward at least twenty paces which must be far longer than the inside of the building in that crowded section of the city. i stared amazed at the body of an adult woman on the floor. her face shockingly charred black around bits of uncovered pale whitish yellow skull.

vered claimed she knew that this woman was an evil witch and had surprised her and fried her face off. and emphasized "THANKS to YOU. dont you see how important this mission is?"

i was so amazed i forgot about the fuel suppliers. vered pointed to a wood door on the left side that the witch had been garding. i reached for the door handle but my hand "was pushed back" like two magnets of the same plus side. the young witch giggled and said "open sesame" in english so the door swung open... inside were two men as vered had predicted.  but she could not have seen only sensed them.

they were tied in enchanted fabric and covered only in bed sheets one pale blue sheet hung over the shoulders of each man. vered zapped the fabric and it fell in ribbons to the tiles of the floor. we had done our first rescue mission. she generated pants the correct size so they could change from the bed sheets and go home. 

seeing the success  i told her i was eager to help save prisoners and defeat evil witches. she explained that mostly my own "will" to be willing to give for the fuel purpose was the enhancer of the energy beyond her own nature and the fuel itself.

once she had the power she could change form. i asked her her age and she said she was soon turning twelve.

i said "whenever you feel the power ebbing do not be shy send him to get me." vered explained that now that she had a source she would not wait for the power to ebb but would come each week before the power ebbed she would take the form of aviv and as a boy enter the male only college to refuel.

then i dared to ask "if you are twelve do you sometimes feel urges to use you secret part."

in her childish innocence she replied in hebrew "obviously! what is the doubt?"

an adult probably would deny and shout that i better not ask but she was truly less than twelve and as naive as myself.

i offered that she should try satusfying that urge considering she could change into adult form.

she was willing to try "but not today" she explained that she only felt the urge once a week. i returned to the college amazed at the memory of men trapped and freedd from the scorched witch.

i impatiently waited the next day, for her to ask me for the next batch not knowing how long the fuel lasted considering she had used some to scorch a powerful witch. and when would she feel her weekly urge?

day by day my own urge grew but i did not wnt to drain the supply so it would be available for when she wanted to refuel.

day after day passed...

thursday i guess 4 days after the battle, aviv the third grade boy not like southpark kids in fourth grade but third grade, came and said he wants to study with me. i asked his age and he said age 12. this was impossible but i suggested we study the book called mishna due to the tradition "age ten is for studying mishna." if he was 3rd grade as he appeared i believed it was too young to study mishna he must wait to age ten but if he was not lying then 12 is older than ten.

i asked which topic interested him. he said weddings so i chose the book about weddings oops. that book starts with female anatomy. a "virgin should wed on the fourth day of the week due to the courts open on thursday" referring to the "day of entrance", he asked what is the connection to courts and what is "claim of virginity"?

i said i must not tell you about lady body or your parents will be angry.

then aviv said "i am a girl, i know lady body dont you recall"?

i was confused even if i knew vered could take the form of a boy i did not know if this boy was the boy or vered in disguise.

she insisted on showing me. well i was curious about that. she told me her plan. i would wash my hands in the toilet room where i could see which secret stall she entered than tap once on the door so she knew it was me. we entered the private toilet room but there were no sinks! her plan was ruined.  i stood by the door. young aviv found the first stall locked but opened the second stall. a man pushed past me and yanked on the frst door and like aviv found it locked.

he yanked on the second door and found it was locked. only two stalls he banged on the door three times and said in hebrew "how long". i said "he just entered you better go to the downstairs toilet room". he exited i went and tapped the door once.

in front of my amazing eyes the "male chested boy" changed into the twelve year old with maturing milk factories on her chest small yet noticable bulging from the white shirt. now i can explain the idea of virgin since girls know female body already. 

she argued in accented english "no. not enough! i want to show you what REALLY happens"

she transformed back into the boy form with the smooth white shirt and the face of aviv the boy i had first met.

then she yanked down her trousers and she was definitely not a boy.  even when her shirt was smooth she was always a witch even when she had the form of a boy. 

we exited and continued studying the holy rabbi book about female anatomy. i told her that girls are sealed but if a man claims she is not sealed he feels he is tricked so the contract should be less money.

"men are gross" she hissed in hebrew. we returned to the bench to study some more. finally she said "today is the day i feel the weekly urge but my ma is still home". 

i said "you must use adult form since i am adult body the activity is proably painful for a small body". the young boy form nodded and agreed. 

she had hoped to past the time studying with me until ma left but ma stayed at home. i asked "how strong is your urge" she explained "enough to try out your offer."

i suggested she use her powers to generate a new corridor right here, same as we saw.

she argued "that is dark magic, that scars the personality and poisons the user causing fake hatred and anger over nothing." i was silent.

"cant we go to your dorm room?" the young boy asked. i explained that the room lacked privacy and i shared with other boys. "for that i have a solution." he answered.

we walked to the room i rented by the college and entered the room with two beds. my room mate was there sitting at a table drinking cold cola.

"you could get in big trouble hanging out with young boys" he warned. i responded "only if i do whatever YOU are thinking of doing."

aviv raised his left arm again and a curtain of pink flame rose from the floor and widened  across the long room to the side walls then turned along the side walls and back toward each other covering the window with pink curtain of flickering flames. the area around my bed suddenly swelled in all sides far beyond where my room mate sat. the room seemed to be many meters on all sides.

the boy changed into adult lady form and we "tried doing the sin" of premarital intimacy. she said in hebrew "this is not working." i was the wrong size for her adult form. "i will be my natural form." i was terrified at the idea of a twelve year old. i had only done THAT when i was a minor but now in 2012 i was alreay 18 tyears old! if anybody found out i would be accused of rape despite her/his consent and even request. i was not "convincing persuading" that day she had requested claimeng her urge was strong.... but that was ignored by stupid laws. dont they know? from the age of potential pregnancy a women's nature is to use those limbs and organs??

i suggested transforming to a "between age" because her natural age seemed too small, and scared me. she only knew the spell for adult form. i warned in her child form this would probably hurt, due to the relative sizes of organs but she said "you look small." she was right.

her young body was the correct size,i could see she enjoyed the pressure with no pain. in contrast to her adult form when i was too small, err i mean "relatively" too small, now was pleasant.

immediately she climbed off and instructed me to empty the tubes. she held the plastic bag she had brought and i put it over the exit to catch the male milk for her fuel. i started rubbing. 

the young boy said "you are doing it wrong. he gripped the bag around the tube tip with one hand and pressed while the other hand slid along... and to and fro...  that was FAR better than my instinct, had ever been in previous years. soon i lost conciousness from pleasure and only awoke when the milk jumped out from the tube into the bag.

"now i wont get pregnant" she explained. but then i was soft. so we waited a half hour and she asked me to tell her about my child years. i told her the story and after twenty minutes she said "lets try again. i have watied long enough today. i waited for my ma to leave but she didnt, and i waited for you to rest lets go already." why cant courts comprehend the difference between pressuring and when a girl asks or in this case a boy chest with a female body.

again i failed. i was still soft. so she climbed on my bed and uncovered her covered lips. that was the key. seeing those lips caused my body to be ready. since she refused to use the adult spell i insisted she climb on top of me and slide down slowly.

to my horror she sat on my kneees and slid down quikly claiming "you are way smaller than you think".

well that DID hurt my ego. men like to hear how big they can get but i had the prize of a partner which was better than being lonely with a big tube.

soon i could see she was enjoying the rubbing and after that my own pleasure intensified so i did not know where i was... a long time passed in a bright heaven of pleasure. and then she stopped. satisfied.

she slid off and explained mission accomplished. 

she forgot the plastic bag with fuel. as she walked along the pink curtain.

i did not want the seed to be wasted so i reminded her of the bag. she said "wow you can imagine how much i enjoyed that, since i forgot even important fuel". i said WAIT my room mate is gonna see you leave as a boy and think i did intimacy with a young boy.

she changed form into an adult lady and the pink room shrunk and the curtains "poured down" into the floor of ugly beige tiles. my room mate saw me standing by an adult lady.

he shouted angrily "you cant just do prostitution with whores" she said "would you agree to tasting my body??" he said "yes." she accused "aha" and explained "you yourself would do the same action you are only jealous that i chose him."

then we left my room. i returned to my study chamber to study and wait for her to use her fuel. she went to find and hunt more evil witches in jerusalem.

each week we would meet twice a week once on her day of desire which changed each week. and again each week as she used the fuel for a second refuel each week. 

she claimed that she was finding and freeing men same as she had shown me on the first day i had entered the wooden corridor. the more witches she burnt,she claimed "more and more moved into jerusalem." however thanks to me, she claimed, she had enough fuel to overpower any of them and was extremely powerful due to the frequent refueling. she hunted and found one almost every week. apparently when one died the vacuum attracted witches from every other country to fly to jerusalem and fill the vacuum.

she visited me once on fuel day, as she used her ability, and once on desire-day satisfaction. i donated to the fuel bag each visit, to empty  the empty and satisfy her. i justified sleeping with a minor that she also had an adult body just i was too small to use that form so it was like being with an adult. the seed was not wated but went to the battle against evil witches and the freeing of imprisoned men who were locked in enchanted fabric only to supply male fuel. 

i decided this was more productive then getting married and even when the rabbis urged me to get a wife and in 2013 arranged me to date women i found excuses to reject them so i would be available to fuel the witch who was a witch-huntress. 

the years passed and her body grew. soon she was too big for me even in her natural form. however she learned the spell for a minor body. now i was certainly in trouble with the law! i was twenty something and she was both twelve in new form and in true nature. but again she had an adult body in case we got caught.

eventually though, she was bored of changing form and told me that her urges would be satisfied by a man with a "bigger tube." now you can be certain that i am not writing this "boast" because she did prefer someone else but i am happy that i supplied the witch who burnt the witches who imprison men as she had shown me the first day i agreed.

may the evil witches continue to diminish "amen."

now that she was visiting me in her natural adult form in 2018 and later to collect the "willingly given" fuel, i forgot about her 12 year old form until today at the birthday party in the restrant in jerusalem, when the young girl with spectacles wanted to talk with me just kuz she was bored... her hair and spectacles reminded me of the FIRST time i had met vered and that is why now is the time to publish this story about the amazing battle between good witches who free the men and burn the enslavers but, need the special fuel. the source of energy is something the witches cannot buy. luckily for the side of good, she was correct that i gave willingly and she used that to burn many evil witches as the jewish bible instructs "a witch must not live" and as she knew the simplest and most efficiant way to kill a witch is to surprise her quickly, when she thinks her door is locked, and burn her with the flame powered by male milk given willingly... a bit like the formula in "goblet of fire" in dark magic "blood of a foe unwillingly with a finger of a servant given willlingly" similarly enhancing the good magic using the willing offering of the liquid which nobody can buy. oh and of course she always turned the tissue into money so i could pay rent and even rent a private room with no partners. since this will probably simply repeat year after year we can end the story now since i will certainly live happily ever after. i am the milk man!