Wednesday, October 6, 2021

new japan and ally strategy


new strategy

in the past i suggested that japan could use its naval warplanes in the war against china... supporting ground troops. however china has less resources than india.

a better usage of the warplans would be to overpower india and get those resources, considering that sunrise in japan is before sunrise in india and washington-s.


japan builds weapons for empire.

we can accept the estimate of production potential after japan wrongly i mean bad strategy- conquerd philipines. 25 built one warplane and 4 leg. 1pp.

priority is resources.

could use submarines to sneak at w' navy subs but... better the NEW strategum of resources caused BETTER USAGE to preserve it to later gard resources in kapuas rr isle named borneo.

next choosing targets.

TWO target resources in ganges rr. defended by 2leg and 1wp same balanced as japanese in nan rr.

add tanks from fuji mr, in transport two steps along coast to nan and tank second move nan to ganges. 1t kuz priority. not for soviet nor china less resources.

2l, 1t, 1wp, add naval wp: wc brings its group passing philipines where wp move first step to wc 3 remain. wc second step to coast nan. 3 zones reach ganges rr and land in could nan.

2l, 1t, 3wp add wp from japanese amur or south amur rr,

2l, 1t, 4wp how use bombers? coud bomb north amur BUT wait kuz less resources and treaty.

better usage to defend s. amur until reinforcements like sending b+wp there later.

BATTLE outnumber defense 4 times more kuz using naval warplanes.

two legs=artillery attack 6,1, t5 4wp2, 6, 1, 4. although the fourth has nothing to shoot at.

a destroyed one, tank faild warplanes destroy secnd and defending wp.

at same time defenders fired back

l5,5 wp6 even if two hits tank would conquer but outnembered four quikly ends british defenders and adds RESOURCES more than raiding china.

25+3+1=29 for later.

other attacks? coud without air support but defenders have warplanes so be patient.


2 low fuel landing in nan rr.

2=1 in nan and one on wc to south amur to defend from china warplanes.

heavy bombers safe in fuji mr and near enuf to bomb china later.

regroup navy: wc at nan coast due to delivering attack planes. submarine warship to gard borneo oil from brit transport landing the pair block sea access to philipines.

transport at magat rr [luzon] temporarily emptied magat rr 2a to nan kuz nan used in ganges there 2a+t now nan needs 2a. also from east jjang 2a join total 4a+2wp both transport groups used and no other significant group. the many battleships are included in transport for defending transports and allowing frog landings with non-fatal shelling.

if china attacks east jjang empty no loss of troops and can retake with bomber help if soviets violate treaty then south amur has 2 wp helping 2a.

next moscow dawn kuz china brit like india.

moscow few resources begs britian to biold tanks for them in east tigris. brit said we lost wp in india we wot help you unless you send leg and wp to defend temporarily moscow agree as due to few resources in tree east.

soviet 1+8 kuz ob includes moscow north from black sea=15 msk area, two same as australia, +3 east from caspian sea ural rr but lost ukraine area and half of caucus too!, plus 3 small east paz rr total production potential 15. build 5 artillery in ob rr.


preserve planes for industry in india but india lost so in east tigris.

sub sneaks at baltic 5, fail. risk battle or defend ally? defend kuz need industry.

tanks wait.

no land attack yet. so from 3t move 2 from ob thru ural rr to defend eat tigris second step. and fly both wp groups to e. tigris one from east paz and one from ob defendded by 8a and will have more once production completes so all far stuff to help industry.

east tigris 2t 2wp but third tank in east paz too far. 8+5=13a in ob 3a+1t east paz.

2a north amur not enuf tanks nor warplanes for effective battle in east.

brit build industry in east tigris hoping to save money on ships. how much potential is a problem kuz freed dakar end '42 when u.s. invaded moroco. how much potential remain? x preserve potential for industry. if not lose to japan.

use bomber to attack submarines +2 battleships in home fleet escort smaller ships as escort. but preserve 2wp for industry.

b drops bombs against submarines blockading south, 5 faild at same time sub shot back 1 as they ccame near shot brit lost transport group including the few battleships.

brit lost only major force outside of home. canada weak. brazil nutral,africa weak india lost outnumberd by many warplanes. and australia weak... except china like india.

china coud fight jap to north but has wp advantage over ganges rr no wp, for resources attackd india. 4a+wp to india risk all! 6,2,6,6 fail last wp 4 fail. defense 5,5,1only tank succeeds. b lost one 3a remain. try again: 5,2,3, wp 3 first success. 6,4,5 fail. 5,6,6 fail wp one! onlly tank survived. same time a+t 5,3. tank still threat to industry but will be outnumbered 3 to one besides warplanes. nazi can conquer west tigris but not fast enuf to prevent use of industry. if japan woud send bomber then as we know fighter planes defend and they are more effective than shells. bad game rule ignoring fighter warplanes ! and new industry has 2+2 plus 2t+t kuz brit have china resource so same turn despite u.s. advisors.

brit pulls 1a from west tigris and tank from nile rr to east tigris total 1a, 3t 2wp plus 2 wp from temz rr to baltic over dneper rr to east tigris by caspian sea. 1a, 3t, 4wp to face japanese 4 wp.

also abandons nile rr due to priority moved to west tigris to prevent nazi attacking baby industry.

they will blitz nile rr and even conquer west tigris but east tigris far enuf due to fat ball!

after nazi and wa' brit will build industry there for colony india and africa and later for freeing dniepr rr north of baltic sea.

soviet used turn to send tanks and wp but before british turn nazi dawn they can destroy egypt tank befre it can move to east tigris but nazi recall tanks to fyt soviets who have pushed them from moscow! transport will bring tank from huge atlas mr to visla rr to amass and destroy soviets need tanks against many leg. why not egypt? kuz soviet success prioritize... and for resources ob 8.

pland to use bomber on british fleet but soviet success many armies must use many warplanes. 4a all but sen rr, from po rr and myn rr over visla rr  n nipr rr to ob rr plus heavy bomber unchallenged kuz wp to industry plan... plus 3t but tank in myn too far but transport in po brings tank in atlas mr 2a+t escorted by few insignificant submarine to crimea and second step to moscow. 3a+4t+4a+b against 8+5 new=13a.

5,3,5 fail 6,5,5,3 one success 5,2,4,1 =3 lost b 3=4 lost. same time 13 shot back.

6,2,3,2,4,2,5,4,5,5,1,3,4 against all odds four success. nazi lost 3a t, and soviet lost 4a.

the ally risk paid off. even if long war still the indutry is safe.but this happened.

but if nazi woud use tank to blitz empty nile rr even if defeat west tigris still delayed from east tigris. but nazi before brits if build industry the tank in east tigris can attack? against many warplanes. and china already weakend the japanese attackers on brit attak. insted of potential to build ships for transport first build tanks and artillery for retaking ganges rr then retaking egypt then directly tanking north of black sea despite both before brit and moscow enuf artillery despite warplanes for industry plan. and all this beofre washington industry.

1 comment:

  1. fix error about east paz. nazi did not reach cauxus until end 1942, so could send tanks from east paz with leg artillery from WEST of caspian not 8 in ob despite moscow 38 degrees east still stalingrad further east and not cut off. even if nazi succeed in caucus after battle less.
