Sunday, March 24, 2019

the manner to fix english language

the English language was assembled from many words and we need to identify the words that we hear and read with their meaning even if the spelling is misleading as below, however we also can and should fix the words to "allow variant valid spellings" and not limit "correct" spelling for example when I see the word "when" I need in dictionary "when" to know the meaning of that written word  that people will read however we should also add spellings valid "wen" with 2 meanings "a skin-bubble of oil as a cyst" and also as a VALID SPELLING for "tell me which time".
sample one: words to fix by adding valid spellings:
C [note: b does not have this problem].
1 CHAIR the "h" shows different sound "chair" not k nor s sounds but new jj sound. so see below
2 c+a=k sound for example "cake" with "a" the c sound k like kake and prefer kaik like jail but "cake" old archaic. group c+a or with o or u sound k so fix language add valid koep kuut with cope and cute.
3 c+e=s sound: cell has many meanings the room or the tiny part of body one word can be used many meanings and sound: with e is "s" sound must valid add valid word "sel" no need for second l and this distinguishes from sell in contrast to bellow needs 2 "l" in fact add the meaning of "sell" to word sel too. same remaining vowels with I and with y cyst sist and sitty with cyst and city.
4 worse is bad "echo" must be declared as "wrong spelling bkuz should not have the "h" changer bkuz usually h shows to change as above! stupid brits we must fix the mess they gave us!
5 c=jj in name of item:
cello must have in dictionary to know "cello" that we read but add valid "chello" and prefer jello the string instrument. same "jair" the item to sit on must also be valid bkuz that is the word we hear.
6 righteous also "ryjis" must be valid bkuz same word. and stupid to have silent g. that should be marked archaic same as all the words with silent g's to discourage use.
7 question add valid kweschin [because q=k and u=w] but most "tion"=shin the h shows "different sound" for the s with it and no symbol for that sound so add to s the h.
8 natural also must be valid najjiril as it sounds bkuz that is the word therefore must also be valid and prefer najjiril.

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