Saturday, March 30, 2019

the shape of pants

did you ever play the game of pushing SHAPES through the shaped hole?
if same shape, the 2 MATCH each other. therefore despite hearing that "men and women" must not wear each others clothing- i will show that is a misquote- not truly in "old testament" former covenant, something is BACKWARD about human society.
every female on the planet and probably many males know the shape of pants is the exact match for the shape of woman legs and between. yet society has reversed always buying the girls SKIRTS which do not match the shape of the female body in contrast to pants that is the precise match for a female body and not the shape of a male body...  requiring looseness so the pants "hang" low for the male shape such a culture is backward! logic demands the opposite women match pants not dresses while men do not match pants leaving the remaining option skirts or dresses because pants are wrong shape for man.
but the old testament forbade Israelite women wearing pants? WRONG the only command about clothes is "a man shal not wear the skirt of a woman" and luckily even that jesus freed the old testament laws in matthew 15. freed is good because that idea is logically wrong the woman "dresses" are a better match than pants- to the shape and form of a male body not pants which do not match the shape. the quote never said "a woman shall not wear clothes of a man" neither the word noun clothing nor the verb wear instead a different word than the verb by males. quote: "the utensil of man shall not be on women" no verb for "wear" a different verb than man, and no word for clothes because  that supports the idea that pants shape is BEST match for women body shape.
we must recognize the insanity of modern society "not matching the clothing
shape to the body shape" because pants is the best match for female and pants not match for male child body unless "hanging loose" so dress is better match for men unless riding a horse. apparently men rode horses and needed pants insted of dresses.  
in conclusion when we consider that pants are the best shape for female then girls logically must wear pants while a man needs pants for riding horse [or cycle] and still that is not the word "skirt" so man may wear even according to old testament the truly female pants all pants are truly female for women and girls based on shape and because the old relijis law was "skirt of woman" which as above is not a match to body shape for women anyway! perhaps only commanded because of men riding a horse. so based on that reason if you only rarely ride a horse we must not criticize a transvestite especially if they are not jewish israelite only israelites were commanded abut skirts of women and most jews are secular and the social idea violates the logic of body shape as above.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

book samuel the evidence to "not accept"

book SAMUEL see the evidence for yourself. we should not trust rabbis on the issue which books are "holy". we get a book volume containing books which RABBIS decided these are the good holy ones we must not blindly accept that from churches who rely on the decision of rabbis. what about Samuel?
before starting Samuel we must check if the book is good or not. who killed saul? we see the DISGUSTING DECEPTION of splitting Samuel into two 2 books to hide and conceal the different versions. the student reaches the "artificial end" of the book thinking one version then stops because it is the "end" and "hopefully will not notice" until separately studying the "second" book with other version in beginning of second Samuel don't you think god knows which version is truth?
since MISTAKE NOT FROM GOD one or both versions are not from god not holy but lies bkuz god would know which version is truth.. we must not include these 2 books just because the church received them from rabbis.
in fact jesus when telling the story of DAVID EATING the holy bread never said his source was book Samuel. only that detail was good but jesus never said the whole book was good nor even the name of the source !
yet we know god knows truth therefore the 2 books Samuel not from god not holy not even reliable to preserve. not even reliable source to summarize.
the quote of david is the same category as the quote in numbers 21.14 that did not convince anybody to include THAT book in bible group just because quoted from. so same for this quote about david.  also the quote in Joshua 10.13 not convince to include that book just human error to include bad books such as Samuel WITH disgusting deception to separate the versions and HOPE  the student would not notice. I have read the deceptive claim in misleading books sadly repeated by Christians that a quote from the book proves the book is good yet we know that is false from Joshua and numbers as above so we must battle the deception and reject books with errors such as two versions who killed saul and the wrong numbers for years in books "kings and cronicle" these cannot be from god because errors are not from god. we must not dirty the few holy books like Isaiah by grouping the bad error books as error certainly not from god with them. the only king story is the one inside isaia that is the only one to preserve not include bad books with known errors as above.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

a summary of "Star-wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)

1 Intro, 2 main characters, 3 crawl, 4 events
NOTE: all details are already in the video; not my ideas; so the summary is based on the video.
INTRO: ani is a more skilled jedi now age 22.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Palpatine (I. McDiarmid), Obi-Wan Kenobi (E. McGregor), Anakin (H. Christensen), Amidala (N. Portman)
CRAWL: WORDS crawl that grievous abducted Palpatine. EVENTS: Kenobi duels dooku. Ani, now age 22, kills Dooku. they freed pl. but grievous captured them. jedi escape and battle the droids. grievous escapes the sv before an. crash-land it on Coruscant. there pl. trained ani. Anakin saw visions of wife am. dying in childbirth. 
Windu duels Palpatine but before he slays pl. Anakin stops him. sidious shoots force lightning at wn. until wn. died.
clone troopers who are fighting separatists in many places [as sent in atk clones] now attack Jedi, obeying sidius. they  surprised and murdered many Jedi.
ani. now named sith lord-Darth Vader murdered all the children in the Jedi Temple. then he went to am. to talk. next he went and murdered the Separatist leaders.
kn. on Utapau, duels and kills the mechanical Grievous.
pl. "scatters" and ends the galactic senate. In the Jedi Temple, k. and Yoda saw the bodies of the young dead in horor.  k saw the recording of ani muredering the young jedi. k talks with am.
am. flew to Mustafar. k secretly hides onboard. am. and ani talk together until an. saw k. and Force-chokes his wife am. showing his anger for her bringing the jedi. then k duels ani. near a volcano. kn. saber-severed both of ani legs and also left arm. Vader fell into lava and starts burning.
on Coruscant, Yoda duels sidius and defends against the force-lightning. he force-throws sid. in a fierce duel until yoda is forced to retreat. then Sidious came and pulled Vader from the lava. Vader gets machine limbs and black armor. he has mask to aid breathing. Vader screamed and destroyed things wen he heard am. died.
am. birthed a boy and girl together as twins. she named them "Luke" and "Leia" before she died. jedi bring Leia to organa family on planet Alderaan. they bring luke to a family on planet tat. that has two suns that we see.

the manner to fix english language

the English language was assembled from many words and we need to identify the words that we hear and read with their meaning even if the spelling is misleading as below, however we also can and should fix the words to "allow variant valid spellings" and not limit "correct" spelling for example when I see the word "when" I need in dictionary "when" to know the meaning of that written word  that people will read however we should also add spellings valid "wen" with 2 meanings "a skin-bubble of oil as a cyst" and also as a VALID SPELLING for "tell me which time".
sample one: words to fix by adding valid spellings:
C [note: b does not have this problem].
1 CHAIR the "h" shows different sound "chair" not k nor s sounds but new jj sound. so see below
2 c+a=k sound for example "cake" with "a" the c sound k like kake and prefer kaik like jail but "cake" old archaic. group c+a or with o or u sound k so fix language add valid koep kuut with cope and cute.
3 c+e=s sound: cell has many meanings the room or the tiny part of body one word can be used many meanings and sound: with e is "s" sound must valid add valid word "sel" no need for second l and this distinguishes from sell in contrast to bellow needs 2 "l" in fact add the meaning of "sell" to word sel too. same remaining vowels with I and with y cyst sist and sitty with cyst and city.
4 worse is bad "echo" must be declared as "wrong spelling bkuz should not have the "h" changer bkuz usually h shows to change as above! stupid brits we must fix the mess they gave us!
5 c=jj in name of item:
cello must have in dictionary to know "cello" that we read but add valid "chello" and prefer jello the string instrument. same "jair" the item to sit on must also be valid bkuz that is the word we hear.
6 righteous also "ryjis" must be valid bkuz same word. and stupid to have silent g. that should be marked archaic same as all the words with silent g's to discourage use.
7 question add valid kweschin [because q=k and u=w] but most "tion"=shin the h shows "different sound" for the s with it and no symbol for that sound so add to s the h.
8 natural also must be valid najjiril as it sounds bkuz that is the word therefore must also be valid and prefer najjiril.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

timeline: byzantine era 395-1453 not p.c.

timeline byzantine era: year 395-1450
note: from 330 until 395 land of byzant was roman with capital in Constantinople. so start with separation.
395 Roman emperor splits land to two sons the western with capital city rome and the eastern territory including greece-land and egypt, with capital city named "Constantinople" built 330 and since 330 roman capital but now only of eastern territory. the eastern part despite ruled by rome for centuries still spoke greek and science in greek but law latin like west. the roman empire has 2 sections.
415 bishop of alexandria expelled jews
MANY battles byz against persia in tigris river regions probably both drafted youth to be soldiers and war disturbed everything
476 tribes from north capture italian peninsula and rome. end of western empire no "roman" empire. only byzantine empire.
527-565 byz empire spreads north and east from territory west and south of "black sea" to north and east including syria.
529 huge rebellion in jordan river region [page 125 of a bad book] wen official-country-faith cristian so people fought it murdered priests destroyed buildings until byz empire CRUSHED the rebels despite persian help. many captives sold into slavery. also this era emperor gathered roman laws and organized.
533 byz defeat vandals to control coast south edj of med.sea including carthage
535 byz battle and defeated goth who ruled italy since 476. byz capture almost all of the it.-pn. so under byz. control. even rome surrendered and ruled by byz emperor justinianus. goth king captured
551 captured another goth king  now byz control all it.-pn.
570 persia captures arabian pen. even south. by now byz army less soldiers than before after deaths and lack of money to pay soldiers.
605 a civil war in byz empire following many rebellions since 588 which
killed emperor maurice in 602. rebel so phocas new emperor until death in 610.
610 rebels kill emperor phocas
611 persia conquers damascus and later westward the regions of jordan river 614 and later also of  nile river.
614 persia controls jerusalem until 629
622 called year 1 for islam calendar. muhamed expelled from mecca for disturbing the peace. general m. teaches
and kills until 632 death in june.
629 byz. recapture jerusalem from persians. hold until 638.
632 june first "caliph" means "replacement" and many califs follow
638 calif omar occupied jerusalem."end occupation"? ah they only shout that at jews.
642 muslim conquest calif occupy egypt-land
651 final editing of quran text set, around twenty 20 years after muhamed died.
661-750 umayyad kingdom. iraqi king ruled jerusalem from afar. moved capital to... not jerusalem but damascus.
680 war separation of shia muslim sect.
750 end umayyad syrian kingdom. 750-974 iraqi abassid kingdom conquered including Jerusalem. move capital to... not jerusalem city was not important to muslims but move capital to bagdad iraq.
869 zanj revolt against abbasid. The Zanj slaves rebellion, year 869-883 near Basra near eufr. river.
1012 pogroms in germany kill jews beatings and burn houses too.
1055 byzantine empire captured bagdad
1096 people mass murdered jews in germany. angry people desstroyed jewish homes along rhine river probably for being different.
1099 crusaders free jerusalem from muslim occupation of 4 centuries. hold until 1187
1187 ayyubid kingdom of cairo occupy jerusalem. rule from afar cairo.
1250 mamluks take control of egypt and spread their rule over jerusalem. the region of jordan river experienced battles from both sides! mamluk conquest from west from egypt which succeeded and from east mongols succeed capture and destroyed bagdad.until: they met!
1260 mamluk battle mongols near jordan river. cairo defeated mongols
GAP in chart 200 years no major event after 1260? until 1453 ottoman?
so i fill in:
1290 king edward 1 expelled jews from england and same era rulers in southern italy also expelled jews.
1298-1350 many pogroms in germany kill thousands of jews
1305 philip 4 moved pope to france from italy.
1306 king philip 4 expelled jews from france. this would be repeated in 1394 to those who returned or came in between.
1453 ottoman replace byz. rule in turkey. ruled until surrendered to british in 1917.
1453 end byzantine era.

a brief lesson about the early era of christianity

Christian teachers now, are emphasizing that : "knowing about the "early" era of church is not a source for "obligatory laws and customs" as some wrongly teach. just because those had certain customs in their era or city does not obligate your time nor city, the test is "did jesus say". almost everything in new testament simply preserves the ancient customs not "source for laws" as some wrongly teach: "you should act the same" yet not holy just local custom. for example lady head covering or other ideas was a local custom so wen taut "keep same" was simply teaching not to reject some of the local custom but not for all cities nor eras, in contrast to eating the bred in same chapter based on same test: that jesus did say as above. so the only question is how frequently to "eat the bred" well some messianic jews and Christians are legalistic eat bred often and sadly they brag "come to us we eat often" gasp but jesus never said often and paul specified not by "deeds so one will not boast" that is the bad boasting and boasters who we must not join.
in general all such excuses for laws how to do things are not laws just stories of the past. paul was teaching reasons to stay the same to that "custom" in that era as keeping the existing local custom not for other eras. those stories should not be used as a source to act the same as if "obligate" rules and customs to perform.
to know "about it" the roots really suffices "the stories in book acts" describes the earliest church and not so you should act the same as the first christians because only the holy teachings are important insted just know the story of the early church as told in book acts but what happened later suffices summary irenaeus of lyons etc. briefly. the "fathers" added catholic ideas which are unacceptable. but were useful in rejecting "speculations" in philosophy as ir. taut. also briefly justin taut around year 150. he left the philosophy study wen he heard about prophecy that the "one" would come and was fulfilled as described in the prophets. he moved from ephesus to rome and wrote ideas in year 151 for emperor antoninus. that is enuf a brief summary of i+j.
any "bakground" that is important was already included in book wether "which emperor" or the "ideas debated" as mentioned in acts and gospels so no need to be lengthy about background. and a bad use of time. note: book eph. taut not to separate gentile.
origen and others debated which books to include as holy but jesus never said which book was holy neither genesis nor others so we must not trust rabbis nor "church fathers" who simply did not reject the rabbis list and we should not trust those rabbis list.  some say jesus quoted so that proves what? that the quoted idea is good. he never said by name this book is all good. nor holy. even the quotes not named the book. only later debated which book and they were humans and the contents indicate that they choose wrong. so we must remove the books "with errors" certainly not from god to separate from dirtying the few good ones such as isaia and jeremia. centuries after events in book acts many debated which description of jesus "ology" yet it seems they included both opposing views: mark taut jesus saying that he is separate from god: i am not good only god is good excluding himself if he were the "same one" this would be a lie while also including john the opposing sect divine and both valid you can believe either way. and this is noticeable in book romans wen paul wrote "jesus is lord" the greek word is  NOT theo because the important issue is not if jesus divine or not either waay is fine. that is not the issue the other stuff like raised from dead is the factor if joined that sect or not.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

who ruled jerusalem after jesus era?

we know that roman EMPERORS ruled Jerusalem as part of the empire, occupying from afar in the era of jesus. what about between  year 30 ad until the end of byzantine empire in 1400s?
we will only briefly review the problem of pre-jesus:
wen jebus ruled jerusalem they had stolen it from the previous NATIVES [named what?] who built the city so the biblical story of war against canan was "not against" the founders of Jerusalem but against the jebus thieves who occupied jerusalem which existed with a wall since around 1800bc 600 years before jebusite occupation. if jews war against jerualem it was to out/oust the occupiers. altho that era lacks arceological signs of war so the legends of king david are baseless and pure entertainment of exciting battles like arry potter and same category as cinderella. also another flaw claim "1200bc jebus occupation of jerusalem" yet no such story in book judges for that era.
whether entered land in 1400bc or 1270  that would put jebus after jew entered... refuting bible books.
YEAR 30: romans rule Jerusalem from rome until year 395 wen the emperor divided the empire territory to his 2 sons. this event is 60 years after Constantine moved the capital away from rome and accepted Christ jesus.
395 byzantine emperors rule until reign of "Heraclius =, and his son Constantine III
5 October 610: recognized as emperor, ruled until "11 January 641: death"
during his reign persians capture jerusalem year 614 until 629. next h. rules j. as byz. until caliph OMAR 638 after muhamed died in 632
614 CE - Persians Capture Jerusalem
629 CE - Byzantine Christians Recapture Jerusalem from Persians
First Muslim Period (638-1099 CE)
muhamed died 632 of regular count called year ten of muslim calendar. called "942" for documents by the jews in that time.
638 CE - Caliph Omar Enters Jerusalem
661-750 CE - Jerusalem Ruled Under *Umayyad Dynasty v coroborated. until abassid. um. moved capital from iraq to... where? Jerusalem? no! that city was not important to muslims… instead to "Damascus, the Umayyad capital city" only in our era the deception muslims "cherish jerusalem and always have"  only lying in response to the Israeli government in Jerusalem. yet even wen they MOVED capitals it was not to Jerusalem. occupation from afar until year 750.
691 CE - Dome of the Rock Built on Site of Destroyed Jewish Temples
750-974 CE - Jerusalem Ruled Under Abassid Dynasty the ruler in kufa iraq took control from umaya in 750 and occupied jerusalem note ab. also MOVED moved capital to... can you guess? jerusalem? nope! that city is not important to muslims even wen moving they moved to bagdad iraq! in muslim year 140 [+622 counting from expel muhamed from mecca]  the bagdad rulers occupied Jerusalem from afar until year 974 bc today society tells us occupation is BAD... but only say that to revile jews not for other occupations such as roman ummayad and abbasid. the distincyion shows hate towards jews and must end.
hence we know that the byz. emperors only ruled near coast of north edj sea called mediteranean sea.
who were they? briefly: list byzantine emperors, from year 600
emperor MAURICE continues
Maurice born: Flavius Mauricius
13 August 582: recognized as emperor; bkuz married emperors daughter and replaced him. surnamed Tiberius
22 November 602: dethroned by phocas the next:
Heraclian dynasty (610–695) but not rule jerusalem as above.
Anarchy (695–717) until Isaurian dynasty (717–802)
many rulers in byzantine region until ottoman but not the topic now.
BYZ. rule even jer. from 600 as above also: emp. Phocas =, 23 November 602: recognized as emperor
5 October 610: death next: 
Heraclius =, and his son Constantine III
5 October 610: recognized as emperor
11 January 641: death
during his reign persians capture jerusalem year 614 until 629. then her. ruled jer. as byz. until caliph OMAR 638 after muhamed died in year 632
Constans II
the list ends because constans no longer rules the "byzantine empire" which extended far instead they only rule near the coast as above.
Constans =
641: recognized as emperor
668: death
we see byz. empire lasted most of seventh century. this is flawed because eth "empire territory" was lost before 668 and the later rulers only ruled smaller territory not the "empire".
as above byz. had rulers on small territory otoman "Byzantine emperors from the foundation of Constantinople in 330 AD, which marks the conventional start of the Byzantine Empire (or the Eastern Roman Empire), to its fall to the Ottoman Empire in 1453 AD"
many emperors of byz. from 30 ad until 600 ad. but then what happened?
**Maurice continued his reign in 600 as above and ruled even Jerusalem until 22 November 602.
was general. Married the daughter of emperor Tiberius II and replaced him upon his death. Named his son Theodosius as co-emperor in 590. Deposed by Phocas and executed on 27 November 602 at Chalcedon.
next Phocas:
Phocas =Flavius Phocas ruler 23 November 602 – 4 October 610
ph. led a rebellion that dethroned Maurice. heraclius dethroned ph. as below.
Heraclian dynasty (610–695)
Heraclius =Flavius Heraclius ruled 5 October 610  until 11 February 641.
revolt against Phocas in 609 and dethroned him in October 610. also killed Ph.
defeated Persians in war 602–628 meanwhile Muslim conquest of Syria. as above jer. changed hands in this era. Officially replaced Latin with Greek as the language of administration.  this matches the Israeli book claiming the east used greek in era of divide except for formal stuff now even formal changed from latin to greek.
next: Constantine III ruled 641 but not Jerusalem which was then occupied by caliph omar and his followers since 638. did muhamed ever rule Jerusalem? nope. he died in 632 and only later omar occupied jeraselem bad occupation. he shoulda returned it to the slomon dynasty.
last emperor listed is: Constans II
September 641 until 15 September 668
Reigned title Constantine while "Constans" is his nickname. Moved his seat to Syracuse, where he was assassinatedyear 668. as above list ends with constans 2.
the dynasty continues and more dynasties until otto man as above so no need for details in Jerusalem topic.
only briefly
Nikephorian dynasty (802–813)
Non-dynastic (813–820)
Amorian dynasty (820–867)
Macedonian dynasty (867–1056)
Non-dynastic (1056–1057)
Komnenid dynasty (1057–1059)
Doukid dynasty (1059–1081)
Komnenid dynasty (1081–1185)
Angelid dynasty (1185–1204)
Laskarid dynasty (Empire of Nicaea, 1204–1261)
Palaiologan dynasty (restored to Constantinople, 1261–1453)
Claimants in exile  wen ottoman ruler ousted them.
enuf for today

Monday, March 18, 2019

the HOPE rhyme

intro: last night i heard an israeli lecture about the israeli hope "we would not need to send our soldiers to fight" which reminded me of the song by Shemer on this topic in hebrew hoping we would  not need to fight. this hope of jews is in sharp contrast to the ARAB CHILDREN dressed in uniforms at summer camp. or praise as HEROES the murderous people who bombed many civilians or stabbed soldiers at bus stops or security check points at a moment of peace not battle.
so her song which TRULY fact was published inspired me to write a similar song hoping that Islamists would stop teaching their kids to be "heroic killers" so that the jewish hope of peace can finally occur.
the HOPE rhyme
by N.T. inspired by naomi Shemer hebrew song
Israelis wrote songs about "tomorrow"
HOPE to undress army uniforms
while muslims show a machine gun on FLAGS
jihad uniformed kid-campers, the NORM.
being taught "those who bombed civilians
are the glorious arab hero;
jihad or revenge or death for alla"
instead of Shemers song "tomorow".
each night i lock my gun and hope and yearn
that i will not need it tomoro
to shoot and stop any "akbar-stabber"
tomoro or tmoro's tmoro.
i remember her song of hopefulness
to lock my guns for next day's tomoro
or next day or its next or one after that
or next or next? when will end this sorrow?
when muslims reject  "jihad" idea
and only teach five prayers tomorow
then the danger of jihadists will be removed
the world will suffer far less sorrow.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

a summary of "Star-wars: Attack Of The Clones (2002)

my summary of Star wars Attack Of The Clones (2002)
NOTE: all details are already in the video; not my ideas; so the summary is based on the video.
1 intro
2 main characters
3 crawl
4 events
1 intro: Ani joined the jedi training and is now age 19 years. His life has some painful surprises coming.
2 main characters: the 4 MAIN ones:  jedis: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, who guard 3Amidala and battle 4Dooku.
3: words CRAWL that: the dwellers in "thousands of solar systems" intend to separate-secede from the galactic REPUBLIC. Count Dooku (C. Lee) leads this rebellion against the republic.--4--EVENTS: on planet-Coruscant, Amidala (N. Portman) survives a bomb placed in her space-vehicle=sv in an attempt to murder her. Jedi Kenobi (E. McGregor) and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker (H. Christensen) came and guarded her. Wesell, also tried to murder her. she failed so the 2 jedi chase Wessell until [somebody shot] a poisoned dart killed Wesell.
Ani continued to protect am. on naboo, but k. investigated who "needed w. silent," and who tried to murder am. . on planet-Kamino people are growing a clone army by cloning the genes from a certain bounty hunter named Fett. there k. chased his suspect who leads him to planet-Geonosis. Meanwhile, Ani and am. enjoy time together on Naboo. K sends his info to ani.
Ani saw a frightening vision that his mother is dying. so he and am. flew to Tatooine where tuskens abducted ma so he went to their camp. he finds ma is dying. when she dies, he killed all the Tuskens.
at the senate the senators grant Palpatine authority to send the CLONE army to "preserve the unity" of the republic. pl.
Anakin and Padme go to a droid factory on Geonosis, where they are captured despite Anakin's valiant efforts. Tf puts them and  Obi-Wan in the arena. three huge beings run to eat the tied pisoners. the Jedi come to the arena and battle the droid army. when the jedi are surrounded, Yoda arrives with the Republic's clone army which battles the droid army.
Obi-Wan and Anakin chase Dooku to a hangar, and battle him. Dooku quickly injures Obi-Wan and cuts off Anakin's right arm. Yoda arrives and saber-duels Dooku. Dooku weilds the force to pull a steel post to crush Anakin and Obi-Wan. Yoda must save them, allowing Dooku to escape. he talks to sidius. Obi-Wan talks to Jedi Council.
Meanwhile, Palpatine sends clone army to battle the Clone Wars [killing many jedi]. on Naboo, Anakin (with a new mechanical hand) wedded Padme.
end episode 2. if you enjoyed this summary you should see the summary of phantom a post dated earlier this month. link:

Thursday, March 7, 2019

a summary of Star-wars: Phantom Menace

my summary of Star wars Phantom menace
NOTE: all details are already in the video; not my ideas; so the summary is based on the video.
1 intro
2 main characters 
3 crawl
4 events
1. intro: After showing the story of the GALACTIC EMPIRE and the battles against it, [a story told in parts during years 1977, 1980 and 1983] this video shows [in year 1999] the story about the young boy who will later become that "darth vader". The direction of this story: On the background of exciting battles, 2 jedi meet a young boy who might become a jedi.
2. Main characters- four are main: 2 jedi named: Jinn (played by: Liam Neeson) and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor). also Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman), and Darth Maul (Park) and not counting young ani who will grow up.
3. WORDS crawl that: The "taxation of trade routes" is in dispute so the greedy trade federation=tf stopped shipping to Planet-Naboo as a hostile blockade.-EVENTS: 2 jedi fly (in s.v. Radiant VII) to the tf space vehicle=sv to mediate/negotiate ending the blockade. [when? in the year 9 Y.A.=years of Anakin, which is 32 years before the story of luke destroying the death star.--who? Jinn (Liam Neeson) and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) are jedi meaning: jedi and sith both can wield the force.]
the jedi wait inside the tf-sv in a trap until tf attack the 2 jedi with POISON GAS. the jedi battle against groups of tf droids and escape hidden in tf transports. these are bringing the invaders to the surface of planet-Naboo.
The powerful and EVIL Trade Federation=tf invaded peaceful Naboo with the immense droid army with numerous battle droids. they were obeying the Sith Lord [meaning connected to dark side of force] named Darth Sidious. 
On naboo the jedi save a Gungan named Jar Jar Binks, who brings them to his submerged underwater settlement. meanwhile tf captured Queen Amidala, as droids are conquering Naboo. jedi used submarine to go and rescue queen. then they fly to penetrate the blockade. tf damaged their sv so they cannot go to "Coruscant" which is the Galactic Republic's capital planet. instead, they land on the desert planet-Tatooine.
While the group searched for the needed parts, they met a boy age 9. his name is Anakin Skywalker and he is a good pilot with experience in the savagely dangerous racing. they gamble the current race about freedom from Anakin's master. Anakin flies a difficult and challenging race. despite the obstacles and dangers, ani wins the race so he is free from slavery.
Ani's ma sends ani with the Jedi. As the jedi group prepares to fly from the planet, Darth Maul battles jin until they fly away.
they fly to Coruscant.  There jin talks with the jedi Council about "Chosen One" in the prophecy to bring balance to the Force [which we saw in 1983 will be fulfilled when vader killed the emperor already]. they test ani.
meanwhile at the senate of Galactic Republic, a vote removed "Supreme Chancellor" Valorum from leadership, and the replacement is Palpatine. the queens hopes are shattered when the senate refused to fight for naboo's defense, so the jedi group flew to help Naboo defend itself. there Gungans battled powerful and hostile Trade Federation droid army. the jedi group fights its way into the palace. there they free pilots, who fly the vehicles to fight the gigantic sv which serves as the tf droid-controller.
the jedi group climbed the side of the palace and go towards the throne room. Darth Maul attacks and battles the jedi but the rest of the group fight through the palace corridors until the tf captured them. surprisingly, another group surprises the tf and grabbing a weapon they two units surround the tf leaders.  at the light-saber battle, force fields seprate o-b-1 from jin and Maul.
above the planet Anakin flies into the inside of the droid-control ship. from the inside he destroys it. this deactivates the droid army which drop... while the droids were taking Gungan prisoners so now liberated.
at the jedi light-saber battle Darth Maul kills jin so Obi-Wan continued the intense lightsaber battle. ob1 surprises and cuts mal in two. A large celebration is held on Naboo to celebrate the victory over the invaders (despite sidius not defeated as above.)
the story continued in part 2 called "attack of the clones"  shown in year 2002.
briefly the story is ani grows up and loves queen Amidala. he is angry about his ma's death and full of fear that his lover will die. these drive him to seek the power of the dark side of the force.