in the "pentatuech calendar" tomorrow called date 28 called thursday is a special biblical day the day at the "end of 150" when the boat of noa rested on the mountain called ararat.
in genesis 7+8 we see 150 from 17 of second month leading to the seventh month the same as trumpets in 7 month hebrew "trua" literally singing
we know the month named "abib" is the one "anchored to the season spring" in deuteronomy and "second" month counts from the first "abib" [source exodus 12] so we can assemble the pentatuiech puzzle - the season spring based on nature in jerusalem region [called juda and called israel in the new testament matthew] has the technical equinox on a certain date starting spring. +47 days later is the 17 of second month+150 days later at "the end of 150" is the 17 of seventh month [unveiling the length of a pentetuechal month] the same seven as trumpets, so counting the 150 days reaches date we call september 28 [unless the extra day in february changes the number of each date]
thus we can define the precise amount of error of the rabbis who were 28-17=11 who were nine 9 days away from the biblical trumpet feast and have missed the "biblical day of atonement" by using a different calendar with a different system and babylonian names since the return from babylon [book ezra] separate babylon calendar means do not attempt to try to align them because the rabbi calendar is from babylon. a separate culture.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
axis and allies only a game
INTRODUCTION i would play axis and allies in 1980's version 1984 and one thing i noticed as a child is the battleship of washington=W in pacific this surprised me then because the game claimed to base itself on "spring 1942" situation and if so that was when the US lost its pacific battleships and a justly prepared game would require using resources to build battleships.
CONSIDER setting the war in "spring 1942" allows the repairs until May 1942 so either start december 8 with w responding and require resources OR start before december 7 and let player for japan choose to delay attacking w navy or not. the decision after repairs then it should start japan begins not russia and waiting until may 1942 LATE ENUF TO COUNT the maryland gives w 6 battleships in pacific when equality was possible. choosing spring is a decision which saves w 24 units why spring? to help one side??
consider they returned to service in february=tennesee and march 30 =pensylvania and in may=maryland, joining the new-mexico, mississippi and idaho totalling 6, by spring 1942"
shows 3 returning to operate in february wrong about the maryland.
with 3 sent to pacific in january yet maryland operated MONTH MAY SEE
2 also we see 8 bs of japan near tokyo and four 4 more near siam in 1942
if 4 is enuf then tokyo deserves 2 representatives or do not decide "after repairs" for 6.
part 2 we see at the following link "all" the second wave returned well except 20, the battleships are "ineffective" in defense against aircraft EVEN when prepared in second wave so 4/6
66% is unjusly defined for defense. even attack cannot destroy a division of soldiers in attack and battleship barham lost sunk in 1941 by submarine failed to hit the sub without destroyer-type with many depth charges to be effective.
"all" returned beside twenty.
bs ineffective even as planes approached them and EVEN when prepared second wave. planes "nine in the first attack wave, 20 in the second) with another 74 damaged by antiaircraft fire from the ground"
so here is the history of that year
w moved 3 battleships to pacific in the first months of 1942 after the damage to the pacific fleet and similarly british had 3 battleships in med after the barsham sunk. we assume this is just.
if so how can 26 submarines not count as a submarine group represented in the game in the mediteranean for nazi. and if so japanese had 12 battleships TWICE AS many. if 6 counts as two groups how can 12 be less than 4 groups! this is unjustly prepared.
japan had 8 battleships near tokyo and that is one group in the game how can the british and w get 2 groups for only 6 total that is unjustly prepared and in terms of the game tilts the game in favor of allies which already have more resources also unjustly because brazil was neutral intil 1945 and same for mexxico all south of california was neutral and did not help nazi nor washington w until 1945. so w should have potential of 29 not 36 and need to use it if the strategy is to build battleship.
japan has many to represent many but if so tokyo should have two groups for 8 and south pacific another group of 4 while only london has 4 but 3 is too small to be represented. and the allies should be required to use resources if they want to build battleships.
furthermore why is eastern america more than potential of germany? it should be ten each and western america much less developed should be like japan 8 yet unjustly 22 4 to many and add to that the neutral which were neutral and this is unjustly prepared. and why is hawaii better than solomon islands besides the actual soldiers on the isles.
no justly preparing a game would mean washington has zero battleships after the damage and one aircraft carrier group survived the 3 battleships are olsd and too small to be a group otherwise japan deserrves two representatives in tokyo for 8 besides the group in malaysia...
similarly in mediteranean the submarines of nazi do not "count" as enuf to be represented in the game so the same for the british ones in malta near italy not near north egypt and even the battleshiip group after losing barsham 3 is not a group or else tokyo with 8 should have 3 groups represented no 4 is the line and only one bs london for 4 and no bs nor ss in med because otherwise that is "bs"-! and so japan only one in south and stiull should have two bs in tokyo! 8 bs is two groups while truly 3 in pacific like 3 in med are too few to be a group a compromise of 5 in a group we can still pretend the south has 5 because tokyo has more than 5 while london has less than 5 and we can imagine one of med completes it but not 2 representatives because 3 is too few or else japan should have four japan only 3 not 4 bs, 2 bs in tokyo region while us lost so zero unless build with potential of 10+8+2=twenty like germany and japan. not enough for a bs because brazil and mexico are neutral so would need to save to build bs while britian has potential like japan to spend all resources on one bs unless lose west africa or egypt or undefended australia then 24 minus one is not enough like washington and china is own fighting since 1935 not providing washington with steel for a batlleship jeez jesus christ ! it is not a challenge when it is so tipped unjustly make the game like the situation and let the dice ROLL.
CONSIDER setting the war in "spring 1942" allows the repairs until May 1942 so either start december 8 with w responding and require resources OR start before december 7 and let player for japan choose to delay attacking w navy or not. the decision after repairs then it should start japan begins not russia and waiting until may 1942 LATE ENUF TO COUNT the maryland gives w 6 battleships in pacific when equality was possible. choosing spring is a decision which saves w 24 units why spring? to help one side??
consider they returned to service in february=tennesee and march 30 =pensylvania and in may=maryland, joining the new-mexico, mississippi and idaho totalling 6, by spring 1942"
shows 3 returning to operate in february wrong about the maryland.
with 3 sent to pacific in january yet maryland operated MONTH MAY SEE
2 also we see 8 bs of japan near tokyo and four 4 more near siam in 1942
if 4 is enuf then tokyo deserves 2 representatives or do not decide "after repairs" for 6.
part 2 we see at the following link "all" the second wave returned well except 20, the battleships are "ineffective" in defense against aircraft EVEN when prepared in second wave so 4/6
66% is unjusly defined for defense. even attack cannot destroy a division of soldiers in attack and battleship barham lost sunk in 1941 by submarine failed to hit the sub without destroyer-type with many depth charges to be effective.
"all" returned beside twenty.
bs ineffective even as planes approached them and EVEN when prepared second wave. planes "nine in the first attack wave, 20 in the second) with another 74 damaged by antiaircraft fire from the ground"
so here is the history of that year
w moved 3 battleships to pacific in the first months of 1942 after the damage to the pacific fleet and similarly british had 3 battleships in med after the barsham sunk. we assume this is just.
if so how can 26 submarines not count as a submarine group represented in the game in the mediteranean for nazi. and if so japanese had 12 battleships TWICE AS many. if 6 counts as two groups how can 12 be less than 4 groups! this is unjustly prepared.
japan had 8 battleships near tokyo and that is one group in the game how can the british and w get 2 groups for only 6 total that is unjustly prepared and in terms of the game tilts the game in favor of allies which already have more resources also unjustly because brazil was neutral intil 1945 and same for mexxico all south of california was neutral and did not help nazi nor washington w until 1945. so w should have potential of 29 not 36 and need to use it if the strategy is to build battleship.
japan has many to represent many but if so tokyo should have two groups for 8 and south pacific another group of 4 while only london has 4 but 3 is too small to be represented. and the allies should be required to use resources if they want to build battleships.
furthermore why is eastern america more than potential of germany? it should be ten each and western america much less developed should be like japan 8 yet unjustly 22 4 to many and add to that the neutral which were neutral and this is unjustly prepared. and why is hawaii better than solomon islands besides the actual soldiers on the isles.
no justly preparing a game would mean washington has zero battleships after the damage and one aircraft carrier group survived the 3 battleships are olsd and too small to be a group otherwise japan deserrves two representatives in tokyo for 8 besides the group in malaysia...
similarly in mediteranean the submarines of nazi do not "count" as enuf to be represented in the game so the same for the british ones in malta near italy not near north egypt and even the battleshiip group after losing barsham 3 is not a group or else tokyo with 8 should have 3 groups represented no 4 is the line and only one bs london for 4 and no bs nor ss in med because otherwise that is "bs"-! and so japan only one in south and stiull should have two bs in tokyo! 8 bs is two groups while truly 3 in pacific like 3 in med are too few to be a group a compromise of 5 in a group we can still pretend the south has 5 because tokyo has more than 5 while london has less than 5 and we can imagine one of med completes it but not 2 representatives because 3 is too few or else japan should have four japan only 3 not 4 bs, 2 bs in tokyo region while us lost so zero unless build with potential of 10+8+2=twenty like germany and japan. not enough for a bs because brazil and mexico are neutral so would need to save to build bs while britian has potential like japan to spend all resources on one bs unless lose west africa or egypt or undefended australia then 24 minus one is not enough like washington and china is own fighting since 1935 not providing washington with steel for a batlleship jeez jesus christ ! it is not a challenge when it is so tipped unjustly make the game like the situation and let the dice ROLL.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
sample of 1939 war starting differently
first cycle
as explained tokyo should begin the cycle.
tokyo had fought china for 4 years already. that did not cause a world war but now japan decided to focus more effort on resources in march of 1939 when nazi annexed czechoslovakia in march 1939.
25=4a+t+ts. good.
first only attack weak australia.
to attack need airforce so fp from philipins flies 2 of 4 to attack [unreasonable count for short distance see previous posts] and uses cs=carrier ship to get to australia coast and continues third into australia to support bs note bs "required for sea attack" and can land fourth on cs.
joined with ts bring one infantry=a from phl. and one a from new-ginee=2a+2fp.
WAIT holler the gamers that is illegal-!- philipines cannot attack australia--
consider that the distance from philipines to australia is LITERALLY HALF of the distance from san diego to hawaii- which USA can move in first step and continue an additional zone. in first step that is twice as far as japanese transport this is unjustly saving australia. since america can go to hawaii similarly philipine navy can go one step of two to australia coast. we revealed another unjust trick to save australia when in fact hawaii is twice as far as the distance from phlp to australia.
*another inaccuracy is borneo not south of philipines look at a map you liars! borneo is west of philipines.
on the bad map try borneo first ts step and get to---new ginee that is not justice because borneo is west of philipines not south. also the border is cut unjustly to get to new ginee must pass through an additional sea zone this inaccuracy is not justice and in fact the same way US transport can get to hawaii in one step the japanese ts can get to australia in HALF a step counted as one. so the game is horribly unfair and must be replaced for justice.
from philipe south enter new guinea not phlp>borneo>2ng because borneo is NOT SOUTH it is west this is a lie. also half distance as hawaii from san diego.similarly not phlp>car>2ng for same reason half distance so same as american navy-can go. we must consider one seazone of phlp with borneo [west] and with new guinea [east] all one large trapezoidal shape sea zone with several islands. this is justly attacking australia.
they protest but that is not justice. use a real map you liars. and draw the lines justly.
some think such a map is good for geography guess what borneo is west not south.
first bs shoots? no. battleship attacks sea ships not land it is needed to escort a land attack unless the region is empty that is the difference. need so comes too with cs.
real dice show me 2a=toss both together [not one cube each time! and must hit wall like craps dice game in box and idealy toss from cup so no spin.] 1 and 3 assisted by 2 fp they destroy the infantry quickly it responds 4 and australia is captured. that is truth. not "too far".
british potential drops still holds 24 units on card, and as above but future will have 22. japanese potential rises to 27.
PHASE landing 2fp to cs.
phase regroup. japan safe from invasion so all airforce to manchuria b+2fp. also set trap in china coast 2a south to strengthen siam=4a+fp facing threat from india and central china.NOT from west china that is inaccurate. why would they do that? we see decisions that reveal the game was made by someone who has a bias against japan.
ts of tokyo brings two steps to manchuria first 2a and second step tank=4a+t+b+2fp. strengthened coast. if china attacks the forces are thinned and can be crushed with airforce.
navy regorup too ss from solomonn islands to group in australia coast ac+2fp+bs+ss+ts+bs with 2a in australia.
china coast "empty like central russia and persia"
produced ts+t+4a so now tokyo emptied and new 4a+t strong defense many infantry. also sea bs+2ts
GET 27 of potential same as success in china but attack weaker first.
who is second? moscow?
NO-!- china is west between them at least until japan attacks USA and even then separate.
build-no factory.
has 4 like regions.
attack? could take china coast easily but then troops are thinned even one would leave no infantry with the fp so fp is in danger from b+3fp so regroup.
fp to moscow! 2fp. a from "sin" west china replaces so a in wc and cc 3a.
get 4=8 potential.
now moscow=m
truly 17 [from east 1+2+8+3+3=17] buy all infantry for defense. 5a=5i+two potential for later.
tanks are few so no attack. troops near leningrad DESTROY factories in region. realistically.
note: i would attack norway! but m did not and normal people do not, so i checked dice which showed for this detail preserve norways history enslaved until 1944 "oh well."
strategy joint british attack. exchange navy 16 for tank and fp. british will build factory at russian border [persia] will send men and women from africa ro tigris river in large boats to go from iraq to iran to caucus. locals will build rods and railroads from tigris.
2 attack no=landing no.
PHASE regroup. 5a from caucus to persia bully government to build railroads from tigris through iran through caucus.
empty leningrad region a remain 2a +t+fp to caucus. why not use fp? avoid risk losing expensive fp for transport in baltic not worth it and need defense. 4a from moscow to caucus=6a+t+fp no factories near leningrad nor white guns anywhere that is strange. consider a bomber attacks a factory only a white gun can shoot not the local fighters? no way. no white gun must have fighters=fp.
as above trade with britian naval for equal value ss+ts=16 for fp+t=17. britian agrees.
to prevent war from "both sides" a+t move away from japan! tank moves two from siberia coast to west siberia first and second step to moscow. a to west siberia. a remains in coast to defend vladivostok port and trans-siberia railroad..
in reality russia moved fctories east so no factory in north russia. 2i+t+fp move to caucasus. leave only i in petersburg. moved 4i from moscow to caucasus leave fp in moscow defense. new=5i in moscow+fp. move navy to london.
GET 17=19.
nazi has 32? after czechoslavakia in 1939 attacked russia through cz>hungary>ukraine to stop russia resoure of oil in caucasus. poland not attacked [so neutral] because britian ally. similarly not attck france yet! first russia. so 26. and negotiate half of poland like before 1918 so poland half and returns german land with no invasion so poland now only in "east" poland and buffer between russia and neutral because no invade only reset border.
26 buy 7i +t. not enough i to attack m's 6a+t+fp so russia defense success nazi delay.
first use submarines. 3+5 both miss for surprise. ss to london miss and ss to gibraltor missed. seond all attack british navy
2ss+b+3fp against defender+s bs+ss+2ts, 3+3 missed again, 3fp=1+3+2 lucky! b=4 just enuf.
sink all 4. defense shoots3,4,4 ss+2ts all miss. bs 2 hit. nazi lose 1 ss. control london coast with ss no supplies neither "merchant" nor even transport unless bs and lost one bs only gib bs remains.
**war in africa. attack troops in egypt.
infantry from algeria annexes "aney" region of west africa which is vast desert=area of western canada and australia. one region extending from coast to
even south of libya until the tiny "aney" and beside it a similarly sized region extending from south of libya to south of egypt along 19 parallel until red sea.
low value not 4! only 2 and small egypt 1.
nazi up to 27. brit down 22-1=21.
region area is area of australia=western canada and siberia coastal region all big desert.
next attack egypt in steps. tank from libya annexes "souar" region of east africa extending south of egypt to red sea coast area like australia.
**nazi 28 second step to egypt with more...
2fp from italy and hungary+ts brings tank to libya and second step to egypt so a+2t+2fp attack.
a miss 2, not lucky this hit.
defense 2.5 one hit. lost a so continue with tanks. is enuf. defense 3 missed lost tank. egypt captured.
total of british lost australia2 and africa 3 24-5=19 potential.
nazi 26+3=29. 2t in egypt threat to syria and cape town like map of risk.
landing fp to llibya. fp returns greece. 3fp+b return to berlin.
PHASE regrouping ts second step cannot take gibraltor because of bs. brings 2a to libya 2a+pf. ts in berlin empties norway two steps brings 2a+t to berlin region. so norway empty.
ukraine moves 2a+2t to hungary region. only a in ukraine. all to hungary tank from norway second step plus 2t+2t+t totals 6t+5a+fp.
4a berlin to hungary 4+2+3=9a
*total 9a+6t+fp.
produced.infantry italy 6a to berlin with new t and b+3fp.
nazi get 29
first in west africa troops organize public, mobilize men to go far from home-city and switch, in west africa region dig water.
also on coast build glass water sheds to heat sea water and catch humidity for water. also many men with police and soldiers to build roads. also clear land and dig for agriculture.
non-blond in algeria and libya. nazi implement ss for racial trucking of young non-blond females from schools in algeria and libya to desert and lined in sun to dry, after hose from engine to inside with two young women teachers and tens of young girls which can walk loaded for a trip young girls because many fit in truck with valve ss check valve and load teachers and young girls to stand in truck and soldiers drive to desert where ss cut open to dry in sun. same on "aney" region of west africa coast soldiers move men to switch far from home and non blond young girls first in trucks with valve and bodies to sea. non-blond plan to kill hundreds each day before allies lliberate so hurry young girls first. also egypt but cannot in east africa because no soldiers to organize yet. so hundreds each day because small young girls fill many in each truck. highest priority for non-blons plan and calculate 9 men and one female is one child per yera but one man and 9 women is 9 children per year so priority female and priority young girls that can walk age 3.4.5 that wouold accomplish the non-blond ideology if it were legal so nazi make legal.
body cut belly and to sea or lined up in desert to dry.
men in libya and algeria threatened kill family so must work far from home in many jobs as above. more african men sent to central africa to patrol border far from home city.
regroup as above tanks to hungary=4t+2t ukraine west to hungary=6t+3i+fp. 3fp+b in berlin. fp in hungary
hungary region=9i+6t+fp.
berlin 6 new+2a from norway=8i+t. new a italy and get 29
london next factory to help moscow.
as explained tokyo should begin the cycle.
tokyo had fought china for 4 years already. that did not cause a world war but now japan decided to focus more effort on resources in march of 1939 when nazi annexed czechoslovakia in march 1939.
25=4a+t+ts. good.
first only attack weak australia.
to attack need airforce so fp from philipins flies 2 of 4 to attack [unreasonable count for short distance see previous posts] and uses cs=carrier ship to get to australia coast and continues third into australia to support bs note bs "required for sea attack" and can land fourth on cs.
joined with ts bring one infantry=a from phl. and one a from new-ginee=2a+2fp.
WAIT holler the gamers that is illegal-!- philipines cannot attack australia--
consider that the distance from philipines to australia is LITERALLY HALF of the distance from san diego to hawaii- which USA can move in first step and continue an additional zone. in first step that is twice as far as japanese transport this is unjustly saving australia. since america can go to hawaii similarly philipine navy can go one step of two to australia coast. we revealed another unjust trick to save australia when in fact hawaii is twice as far as the distance from phlp to australia.
*another inaccuracy is borneo not south of philipines look at a map you liars! borneo is west of philipines.
on the bad map try borneo first ts step and get to---new ginee that is not justice because borneo is west of philipines not south. also the border is cut unjustly to get to new ginee must pass through an additional sea zone this inaccuracy is not justice and in fact the same way US transport can get to hawaii in one step the japanese ts can get to australia in HALF a step counted as one. so the game is horribly unfair and must be replaced for justice.
from philipe south enter new guinea not phlp>borneo>2ng because borneo is NOT SOUTH it is west this is a lie. also half distance as hawaii from san diego.similarly not phlp>car>2ng for same reason half distance so same as american navy-can go. we must consider one seazone of phlp with borneo [west] and with new guinea [east] all one large trapezoidal shape sea zone with several islands. this is justly attacking australia.
they protest but that is not justice. use a real map you liars. and draw the lines justly.
some think such a map is good for geography guess what borneo is west not south.
first bs shoots? no. battleship attacks sea ships not land it is needed to escort a land attack unless the region is empty that is the difference. need so comes too with cs.
real dice show me 2a=toss both together [not one cube each time! and must hit wall like craps dice game in box and idealy toss from cup so no spin.] 1 and 3 assisted by 2 fp they destroy the infantry quickly it responds 4 and australia is captured. that is truth. not "too far".
british potential drops still holds 24 units on card, and as above but future will have 22. japanese potential rises to 27.
PHASE landing 2fp to cs.
phase regroup. japan safe from invasion so all airforce to manchuria b+2fp. also set trap in china coast 2a south to strengthen siam=4a+fp facing threat from india and central china.NOT from west china that is inaccurate. why would they do that? we see decisions that reveal the game was made by someone who has a bias against japan.
ts of tokyo brings two steps to manchuria first 2a and second step tank=4a+t+b+2fp. strengthened coast. if china attacks the forces are thinned and can be crushed with airforce.
navy regorup too ss from solomonn islands to group in australia coast ac+2fp+bs+ss+ts+bs with 2a in australia.
china coast "empty like central russia and persia"
produced ts+t+4a so now tokyo emptied and new 4a+t strong defense many infantry. also sea bs+2ts
GET 27 of potential same as success in china but attack weaker first.
who is second? moscow?
NO-!- china is west between them at least until japan attacks USA and even then separate.
build-no factory.
has 4 like regions.
attack? could take china coast easily but then troops are thinned even one would leave no infantry with the fp so fp is in danger from b+3fp so regroup.
fp to moscow! 2fp. a from "sin" west china replaces so a in wc and cc 3a.
get 4=8 potential.
now moscow=m
truly 17 [from east 1+2+8+3+3=17] buy all infantry for defense. 5a=5i+two potential for later.
tanks are few so no attack. troops near leningrad DESTROY factories in region. realistically.
note: i would attack norway! but m did not and normal people do not, so i checked dice which showed for this detail preserve norways history enslaved until 1944 "oh well."
strategy joint british attack. exchange navy 16 for tank and fp. british will build factory at russian border [persia] will send men and women from africa ro tigris river in large boats to go from iraq to iran to caucus. locals will build rods and railroads from tigris.
2 attack no=landing no.
PHASE regroup. 5a from caucus to persia bully government to build railroads from tigris through iran through caucus.
empty leningrad region a remain 2a +t+fp to caucus. why not use fp? avoid risk losing expensive fp for transport in baltic not worth it and need defense. 4a from moscow to caucus=6a+t+fp no factories near leningrad nor white guns anywhere that is strange. consider a bomber attacks a factory only a white gun can shoot not the local fighters? no way. no white gun must have fighters=fp.
as above trade with britian naval for equal value ss+ts=16 for fp+t=17. britian agrees.
to prevent war from "both sides" a+t move away from japan! tank moves two from siberia coast to west siberia first and second step to moscow. a to west siberia. a remains in coast to defend vladivostok port and trans-siberia railroad..
in reality russia moved fctories east so no factory in north russia. 2i+t+fp move to caucasus. leave only i in petersburg. moved 4i from moscow to caucasus leave fp in moscow defense. new=5i in moscow+fp. move navy to london.
GET 17=19.
nazi has 32? after czechoslavakia in 1939 attacked russia through cz>hungary>ukraine to stop russia resoure of oil in caucasus. poland not attacked [so neutral] because britian ally. similarly not attck france yet! first russia. so 26. and negotiate half of poland like before 1918 so poland half and returns german land with no invasion so poland now only in "east" poland and buffer between russia and neutral because no invade only reset border.
26 buy 7i +t. not enough i to attack m's 6a+t+fp so russia defense success nazi delay.
first use submarines. 3+5 both miss for surprise. ss to london miss and ss to gibraltor missed. seond all attack british navy
2ss+b+3fp against defender+s bs+ss+2ts, 3+3 missed again, 3fp=1+3+2 lucky! b=4 just enuf.
sink all 4. defense shoots3,4,4 ss+2ts all miss. bs 2 hit. nazi lose 1 ss. control london coast with ss no supplies neither "merchant" nor even transport unless bs and lost one bs only gib bs remains.
**war in africa. attack troops in egypt.
infantry from algeria annexes "aney" region of west africa which is vast desert=area of western canada and australia. one region extending from coast to
even south of libya until the tiny "aney" and beside it a similarly sized region extending from south of libya to south of egypt along 19 parallel until red sea.
low value not 4! only 2 and small egypt 1.
nazi up to 27. brit down 22-1=21.
region area is area of australia=western canada and siberia coastal region all big desert.
next attack egypt in steps. tank from libya annexes "souar" region of east africa extending south of egypt to red sea coast area like australia.
**nazi 28 second step to egypt with more...
2fp from italy and hungary+ts brings tank to libya and second step to egypt so a+2t+2fp attack.
a miss 2, not lucky this hit.
defense 2.5 one hit. lost a so continue with tanks. is enuf. defense 3 missed lost tank. egypt captured.
total of british lost australia2 and africa 3 24-5=19 potential.
nazi 26+3=29. 2t in egypt threat to syria and cape town like map of risk.
landing fp to llibya. fp returns greece. 3fp+b return to berlin.
PHASE regrouping ts second step cannot take gibraltor because of bs. brings 2a to libya 2a+pf. ts in berlin empties norway two steps brings 2a+t to berlin region. so norway empty.
ukraine moves 2a+2t to hungary region. only a in ukraine. all to hungary tank from norway second step plus 2t+2t+t totals 6t+5a+fp.
4a berlin to hungary 4+2+3=9a
*total 9a+6t+fp.
produced.infantry italy 6a to berlin with new t and b+3fp.
nazi get 29
first in west africa troops organize public, mobilize men to go far from home-city and switch, in west africa region dig water.
also on coast build glass water sheds to heat sea water and catch humidity for water. also many men with police and soldiers to build roads. also clear land and dig for agriculture.
non-blond in algeria and libya. nazi implement ss for racial trucking of young non-blond females from schools in algeria and libya to desert and lined in sun to dry, after hose from engine to inside with two young women teachers and tens of young girls which can walk loaded for a trip young girls because many fit in truck with valve ss check valve and load teachers and young girls to stand in truck and soldiers drive to desert where ss cut open to dry in sun. same on "aney" region of west africa coast soldiers move men to switch far from home and non blond young girls first in trucks with valve and bodies to sea. non-blond plan to kill hundreds each day before allies lliberate so hurry young girls first. also egypt but cannot in east africa because no soldiers to organize yet. so hundreds each day because small young girls fill many in each truck. highest priority for non-blons plan and calculate 9 men and one female is one child per yera but one man and 9 women is 9 children per year so priority female and priority young girls that can walk age 3.4.5 that wouold accomplish the non-blond ideology if it were legal so nazi make legal.
body cut belly and to sea or lined up in desert to dry.
men in libya and algeria threatened kill family so must work far from home in many jobs as above. more african men sent to central africa to patrol border far from home city.
regroup as above tanks to hungary=4t+2t ukraine west to hungary=6t+3i+fp. 3fp+b in berlin. fp in hungary
hungary region=9i+6t+fp.
berlin 6 new+2a from norway=8i+t. new a italy and get 29
london next factory to help moscow.
criticism of maps in games+with a fix
I complain while offering a solution
7.7 mk area [=continent named australia]
7700000/2900=2650 sk
test 2900*2650=7.7 v
this reveals the absurd stupidity of the "maps in games" consider=
in the game "risk" the region "kafue" [badly named "south africa" describing the section of the african continent using the name of a country], is almost the size of australia from the narrow tip until 9 degrees south from the equator is nearly 7.7 million square kilometer= the same area of australia yet australia itself they divide into... two regions--! this was needed for rules relevant to that game yet absurd. we must see a bigger picture with more details to compare.
if kafue is one region, then australia mostly desert can be one becuase only developed should be small like "north europe separate from east eu." or in a parallel map game caucuses+ukraine+eastern-europe are 3 regions. this othe game named "axis and allies"=aa, reverses the british regions--making australia one region, like the region "named sa in risk"---while cutting that zone from the narrow tip near cape-town, until 9 degrees south latitude by lindi tanzania into 3 regions---that is ABSURDLY stupid and inaccurate. it prevents the tank from libya/egypt, reaching cape town-unjustly because it should go through "east-africa" in first step and second step reach capetown at the coast of south africa which should be the area same as area of alberta region badly named "west canada" 7.7 msk of canadas 9 msk without water on SAME map, and as australia on same map and like kafue of risk map as above.
so what shall we say? should the division in africa be supported by the divison of australia? yet in map of aa, australia is one region like west canada. similarly the one who controls cape town can control the jungle around it the size of australia so instead only developed regions are small, as above, however each region can be the size of australia's area similar to area of "alberta" region 7.7 million square kilometers [of map aa badly named west canada] ---with the vast regions similar to map of game "risk" which is fair because britian and nazi can move a tank from egypt=libya to cape town equally.
all undeveloped [regions at the time the game represents january 1942]: siberia and alberta and australia and kafue are all regions the area of australia and this is fair because both nazi and britian can move a tank from egypt/libya to cape-town equally. in fact the names should be regional names not continental names="siberia" a region the size of australia area 7.7 million square kilometers of frozen dirt from coast called pacific, and reaching westward until the area and if so both "infantry armies" together in one region=like "alberta" the vast region in west canada and australia good name for complete continent and name kafue for the region 2.6 by 2.9 msk. and similar sized regions in the rest of africa [not 9- that is absurd-!-also madagascar was not controlled by britian until the end of 1942 so it should be neutral and worth zero empty potential]
next use square eastward from this line, the border of kafue which runs from lindi T to luanda A, a similar distance northward almost reaches libya which is good. going east from coast of atlantic [west coast] a similar distance reaches the west side of the niger-chad border near tiny ANEY, niger at 19 degrees north of the equator and the difference can be the libya-algeria region [one region named libya which reaches from 19 degrees north and northward until north coast and across along the north coast until egypt with both infantry armies together with tank division] reaching until 19 degrees north latitude and 13 degrees east longitude because that justly divides that length of africa with an area similar to kafue.
consider that "sa of map risk" which should have a regional name kafue, validates the detail of "australia region of aa" and similarly a=b so b=a like "alberta" [called west canada] is the same area therefore the map of aa should be one region like risk and a tank from egypt can reach cape-town on its second move like the map of risk and like australia=one region and the second "step" reaches to the coast by cape-town. one region from coast until lindi-t and luanda-a at 9d=s from equator and similar areas in east africa=FIVE africa is five 5 regions total long-region libya+egypt+ aney from western coast until aney of niger and without water can extend in the thinner part of africa divided by a diagonal to justly divide "aney" region from "souar" vast region which has an eastward extension. so the part of africa near 19 degrees north latitude is justly two regions TWO REGIONS [like risk map but not four] divided between aney and souar with a diagonal division for justice since the western region aney does not count the water in the square so justly a diagonal roughly parallel to the diagonal red-sea coast of eastern coast of "souar" by red sea.
image of africa surrounded by w-waves of water using letters
wwww---- \---------------w
this would describe the five regions of africa better than separating congo, total five l+e+a+s+k=5 same total as risk but divided justly and jungles not developed like desert so each worth one potetential except libya and egypt small and still worth one potential besides algeria potential to justly define potential. so 2p in libya because one long region and the others 1.
7.7 mk area [=continent named australia]
7700000/2900=2650 sk
test 2900*2650=7.7 v
this reveals the absurd stupidity of the "maps in games" consider=
in the game "risk" the region "kafue" [badly named "south africa" describing the section of the african continent using the name of a country], is almost the size of australia from the narrow tip until 9 degrees south from the equator is nearly 7.7 million square kilometer= the same area of australia yet australia itself they divide into... two regions--! this was needed for rules relevant to that game yet absurd. we must see a bigger picture with more details to compare.
if kafue is one region, then australia mostly desert can be one becuase only developed should be small like "north europe separate from east eu." or in a parallel map game caucuses+ukraine+eastern-europe are 3 regions. this othe game named "axis and allies"=aa, reverses the british regions--making australia one region, like the region "named sa in risk"---while cutting that zone from the narrow tip near cape-town, until 9 degrees south latitude by lindi tanzania into 3 regions---that is ABSURDLY stupid and inaccurate. it prevents the tank from libya/egypt, reaching cape town-unjustly because it should go through "east-africa" in first step and second step reach capetown at the coast of south africa which should be the area same as area of alberta region badly named "west canada" 7.7 msk of canadas 9 msk without water on SAME map, and as australia on same map and like kafue of risk map as above.
so what shall we say? should the division in africa be supported by the divison of australia? yet in map of aa, australia is one region like west canada. similarly the one who controls cape town can control the jungle around it the size of australia so instead only developed regions are small, as above, however each region can be the size of australia's area similar to area of "alberta" region 7.7 million square kilometers [of map aa badly named west canada] ---with the vast regions similar to map of game "risk" which is fair because britian and nazi can move a tank from egypt=libya to cape town equally.
all undeveloped [regions at the time the game represents january 1942]: siberia and alberta and australia and kafue are all regions the area of australia and this is fair because both nazi and britian can move a tank from egypt/libya to cape-town equally. in fact the names should be regional names not continental names="siberia" a region the size of australia area 7.7 million square kilometers of frozen dirt from coast called pacific, and reaching westward until the area and if so both "infantry armies" together in one region=like "alberta" the vast region in west canada and australia good name for complete continent and name kafue for the region 2.6 by 2.9 msk. and similar sized regions in the rest of africa [not 9- that is absurd-!-also madagascar was not controlled by britian until the end of 1942 so it should be neutral and worth zero empty potential]
next use square eastward from this line, the border of kafue which runs from lindi T to luanda A, a similar distance northward almost reaches libya which is good. going east from coast of atlantic [west coast] a similar distance reaches the west side of the niger-chad border near tiny ANEY, niger at 19 degrees north of the equator and the difference can be the libya-algeria region [one region named libya which reaches from 19 degrees north and northward until north coast and across along the north coast until egypt with both infantry armies together with tank division] reaching until 19 degrees north latitude and 13 degrees east longitude because that justly divides that length of africa with an area similar to kafue.
consider that "sa of map risk" which should have a regional name kafue, validates the detail of "australia region of aa" and similarly a=b so b=a like "alberta" [called west canada] is the same area therefore the map of aa should be one region like risk and a tank from egypt can reach cape-town on its second move like the map of risk and like australia=one region and the second "step" reaches to the coast by cape-town. one region from coast until lindi-t and luanda-a at 9d=s from equator and similar areas in east africa=FIVE africa is five 5 regions total long-region libya+egypt+ aney from western coast until aney of niger and without water can extend in the thinner part of africa divided by a diagonal to justly divide "aney" region from "souar" vast region which has an eastward extension. so the part of africa near 19 degrees north latitude is justly two regions TWO REGIONS [like risk map but not four] divided between aney and souar with a diagonal division for justice since the western region aney does not count the water in the square so justly a diagonal roughly parallel to the diagonal red-sea coast of eastern coast of "souar" by red sea.
image of africa surrounded by w-waves of water using letters
wwww---- \---------------w
this would describe the five regions of africa better than separating congo, total five l+e+a+s+k=5 same total as risk but divided justly and jungles not developed like desert so each worth one potetential except libya and egypt small and still worth one potential besides algeria potential to justly define potential. so 2p in libya because one long region and the others 1.
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