Friday, March 1, 2024

my summary of star gate universe e8

 e8, continuity: they had ice from a planet for drinking.

on a jungle planet, after they used ice as water, a team of 13 came by gate. Eli was using the orb to keep records of the team's work. he would watch someone and suddenly, a new person where he switched it on again. Eli tasted a fruit but spat it out. each should only taste one type so if they react they know which one caused. one said they felt ill and another fainted, but not due to fruit! 

TJ told the team to stay, but not return to ship so they won't bring any illness on the ship. they informd the ship by gated radio. the team sat by the gate. a guy playd music so Scott asked him to switch it off, and he did considerately. we see as if moving near, like the orb nearing doc. nurse tj gave antibiotics. Later, some guys came to a tall mound, almost as tall as adults. 

They commented about the strong odor like sulfur. doc coverd his nose and mouth, then he lookd down the hole. suddenly, rain was falling heavily, at *nyt. so they  put covers over themselves. they heard noises. we see like the orb turning to a guy getting attacked by a snake that jumped on him. the troops started firing at more snakes. 

doc diald for evacuation, but something was wrong and mysteriously odd. they stayed. scott got attacked, but a guy, the one who got criticized for his music by scott, still helpd by pulling the snake off and killing it. A stray bullet hit the orb, everything moved up like we fell with the orb and like WE lay on the ground, watching a snake dig through Chloe stomach. 

she fell so it jumped out of her back. our vision widens we were watching a screen with the orb video. Chloe was watching her death with some others. they paused the film and were surprised how can this be recorded in the orb because they were only on the planet a half hour. wen cloe came they continued watching: 

Eli had recorded himself that: many died by nocturnal snakes, besides one by illness. communication failed by gate that lookd odd so can't escape. Scott was in a coma due to a bite. they went with Eli who helped carry Scott's cot into a cave, that is easier to defend. eli told tj about his parents. his ma was a nurse and caught hiv' so his pa left so it would not spread. 

she told him about her family. doc helpd prepare defense. eli confided to doc that he feared death. doc told him about ascending as comfort. "the soul lives as pure energy." while watching, Cloe fainted same as she had in the video. a guy died. others had headaches that become fatal in 12 hours! based on that tj gave antibiotic medicine.

they watched more video and saw Eli shot a long burst wasting much ammo. they put explosive and blasted the mounds of the snake home. night came again but the gate was still odd so feared going. They prepared flashlights to see the snakes at night. Eli used the orb's night-vision that saw heat of snakes cold blooded? not on this planet.

troops shot but some snakes enterd! danger! TJ shot some with her pistol. doc used all his ammo so ran to gate risking death rather than certain and painful death. a guy got bit by a jumping snake. tj explained the illness was caused due to a germ in the ice used for drinking! Scott finally woke from his coma and saw the corpses. he was  the only survivor. 

he gated the orb with a message, that he was the only survivor despite he got a bite and ill. this was the orb they had found that had traveled in time by gate to its past before they died. finding it caused them to watch it in the ship instead of staying. nurse TJ explaind the venom from his  bite cured his illness and can cure those ill. 

they came back to the planet to get a snake alive. in the infirmary Cloe's pulse slod down. a lady died and another. TJ cried. doc radiod the planet team that four died. the team got ambushed by snakes. the team shot but snakes killd all but Scott. he ran to the gate and diald knowing it will go to past like the orb that they found. 

he recorded a warning message with  the information. 1, that they got fatally ill from the ice. 2, the snakes also deadly but can save from the illness. 3, they attack at night so get a live one by day, when safe. so act fast or else everyone will die." the end.

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