Monday, February 12, 2024

series steven universe fan fiction and summary of the disappointing conclusion

 the disappointing conclusion of the wonderful series steven universe with fan fiction.

first: my alternate ending because you already know the series and if not, the summary will follow.

+fan fiction: while white diamond was busy *gradualey taking control of blue and yellow diamonds, peridot flew the metal lid/platform holding connie's new sword from bismuth and surprised white. white lost its form down to a diamond that was... surprise! not really white. it was a quartz! translucent brown the inverse of rose quartz! this destruction freed blue and yellow diamond.

pearl imprisoned it so it could not take control of anybody. steven's families flew to earth in the leg ship. uniting 3 diamonds with the crystal gems' four gems sufficed to revert the damaged gems that returned home to homeworld with Blue and Yellow diamonds. blue and yellow no longer feared white diamond's control so granted independence to the empire. 

Yellow diamond went to enjoy its steam sauna freed from empire management. blue diamond went to its hot tub bath. they all lived happily ever after until... spineli came to earth!

SUMMARY: last ten episodes

s5 e19+20, Apart: Garnet felt bad due to Rose's secret so  became "Apart" so Sapphire ran away. Steven and Amethyst searched for Ruby and also had fun.

e21+22 Question: Ruby argued with Sapphire and went to be a cowboy. later, during preparations for the Ruby Sapphire wedding, Steven freed Bismuth to attend, as a big surprise.

e23+24 Reunited: at Ruby Sapphire wedding, the guests celebrated. next, Blue & Yellow Diamond flew to destroy Earth. the cluster was steven's *frend so battled a diamond while Crystal Gems battled the other. Steven wanted to talk but diamonds did not *beleiv him about Pink Diamond until he used his *sheild.

e25+26 Homeworld: Steven showd diamonds the damaged gems that he wanted to fix. they all flew to Homeworld to visit his family white diamond. Steven met White Diamond, but could not tell it about the damaged gems. he dressd like pink. *note: plot flaw! they already learned he was steven when separated from his human body so no connection to pink. 

this part exposed the bias writers who were so desperate even to violate the plot to be anti-bible and made him a cross dresser, without plot need except their need to be anti-bible. in a series specificly aimed at children as mentioned in season 5 while battling white. steven the "good guy and role model" can dress like pink diamond so can all the kids!

this bump helps notice the "stubborn" diamonds punished him for "fusing" but the "good" guy who wanted to help everyone, said fusing is fine! for their agenda to misuse entertainment for more anti-bible propaganda. now we understand why the strongest diamond who was evil was white... the same woke pattern of agendas.

these agendas: associated white with evil, also fusing is fine and anti-fusing is bad. also cross dressing is fine, all the woke agendas together using entertainment like that, to indoctrinate children is horrible.]

e27 Alone: Steven made a royal ball hoping to speak to White Diamond, who did not come. he and the #Crystal_Gems must follow the annoying local rules. Steven violated local law by fusing with Connie. diamonds got angry. the Crystal Gems tried to defend him so diamonds destroyed their image down to the gem. 

e28 escapism, Steven and Connie were imprisoned. he used psychic ability to fly and crash on earth. he was in the body of a Watermelon Steven and overcame many difficulties to ask his friends for help.

e29 the long conclusion title: Change: Steven argued with Blue Diamond until it felt bad for pink, and "changed its mind" so freed Steven and Connie. Yellow wanted to obey white so dueld blue. blue reminded Yellow of pink so Yellow "changed its mind" so led them to a leg ship for escaping. steven carried the Crystal Gems. White Diamond blokd them but arm ships attakd white. 

steven learnt that Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot repaired and flew the arm ships to join him, as he had asked. they made white listen by battling.

note: steven wanted to talk and each time talking was impossible or failed which is realistic and teaches talking does not help... until after war, but then the ending was a disappointment: tricking white diamond is still an evil trick. "you are not white you are flawed fix all the flaws like you". instead see my fan fiction, above, for alternate ending.

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