Sunday, December 31, 2023

simon super hero part 2

continued from


simon felt very sad that his efforts to save her had been fruitless and for her death, and despite pulling her from the smoke. he felt a craving for a strong alcohol drink for comfort and realized that was the problem of using alcohol to face troubles. he recalled the deleted scene when superman saw that lois lane died. he drank alcohol to try and numb his mourning. 

in the film they did not show the scene due to deletion from the film copy. he decided to resist this craving urge. instead he would use usual supper for special comfort food. but realized it was the middle of the night and that he had no appetite anyway nor was it time for any meal. the pump trucks were still pumping water into the burning building.

for a moment he regretted his decision not to help people because he had gone in the fires and only hurt a bit and could save lives... but he did not know those strangers and most people are rotten so he might be saving some bad people and anyway they were strangers who he did not care about them and the one he cared about had died despite his efforts.

to deal with his grief for the loss of the lady who he cared about, he took a long walk and soon passed an alley. a lady was exiting her car by the side of the road. this seemed odd at 2 in the morning and now that he thought about odd why was his gal in an elevator when he and normal people were sleeping... it must be just a dream.

if i realize i am dreaming i should be awake... but he was not waking from this nightmare. he chose to pinch himself which you can't choose during dreams and he pinched his arm hard... that distracted from his sadness. so he held the painful pinch a few seconds until he heard a noise. someone in the shadow had grabbed this lady. 

before simon could think that he should not get involved he was down crawling on the pavement  until he saw the long hair of a dark skin lady or was it a man with long hair? whispering to the dark skin lady that had left the car. the black metal pistol reflected a bit of street lamp light. he watched the victim lift her purse over her shirt's bump pair to give to the dark skinned crook. 

this annoyed simon because guns should be used to interrupt crime not do crime so he zapped lightning at the metal gun which dropped from her hand. the victim wrestled free and started to run for the door. the thief, he now saw was a black woman with nice big boobs... who pulled a knife and swung her arm to throw it, to kill the witness and take the purse. so he zapped the metal knife which she dropped. 

while the black victim trembled so the key was missing the keyhole, the black criminal ran and started strangling the victim. he had to stop a murder so he zapped at the murderer who seemed to want to prevent a witness or to kill and after the kill steal? then he went to separate them in case the black criminal would awake and continue. 

he found both dead. dam! he had failed again. but at least this time he had not lost someone who he knew. that reminded him of the lady that he did care about her. he felt shocked. in a moment without even thinking he was in a phone booth and up into its bright white light ring and by wire back to the electric socket in his room. 

he looked at the clock. the glowing short hand was between the 2 and 3 so he knew it was around 230. then he dozed into a restless sleep. he awoke before his alarm and saw the clock small hand was near the seven, but how many minutes? so next he looked at the long thin hand and saw 6 minutes before the hour. 

the alarm would ring in six minutes so he could stay in bed but now that he was awake he felt the urge to drain the waste fluid so he jumped from the bed to the electric socket and to the shower room's electric socket and out. he stood by the toilet and drained the clear fluid. then instead of touching the toilet handle he just moved the metal handle without touching it.

it moved and the water flushed. he wanted to shower as he did every morning but then realized he would be going in the cold with wet hair. that was dumb he wondered why he had ever showered in the morning, daily, except when he needed to shower in the morning to get clean. but now he did not need that nor was in the mood. 

he went to the mirror and washed his hands. then he zapped at the mirror like superman burnt for shaving but his zap went from fingers to mirror and reflected to his black whiskers and burnt them to the pale skin. what would he eat for breakfast? he still had no appetite, despite skipping supper, so just a spoon of soft cheese. 

he saw the coffee pot. he drank it every morning. he thought of its bitterness that he used to drink just for waking up but he did not feel drowsy and did not enjoy it anyway so he did not switch on the coffee machine. he zapped into his room to dress and chose clothing just as the alarm beeped! he had forgotten to switch off the alarm. 

from his closet he zapped the clock and the electric clock stopped beeping. after he dressed he zapped by wire to the clinic. he zapped the timer to show he came to work and then went to check on the premies. one was floating around the room. the one that had gotten zapped so he flew to catch it but it flew away. 

four the chase

he chased but baby was faster and moved in surprising directions. he stopped chasing the baby and checked the diaper panels. many needed to change. fly baby flew near and watched so he cglanced at the color panel and again fly baby was dry. which surprised him because even he had peed after the zap?

he went to his job cleaning and switching the babies. he did not notice the smell now. which made the job easier than a necessary sacrifice for their needs. he checked the devices but felt that one was the wrong temperature so he zapped inside and changed something but the wires were touching inside so he tried to move the metal wires apart but they just fell back together.

he called the technician for maintenance. they guy checked and said "this is the type of thing that causes fires! he switched it off and went to get a different device from storage. fly baby grabbed the baby from simon's hand and flew it to his premy box to stay warm. that was when simon noticed that all the time fly baby flew she was not in the protected environment box. 

she gave her box to the one who needed it. he told fly baby that people would be scared if they saw her fly so when people can see she should pretend cant fly. fly baby lifted a finger... the one she should not know about. simon walked row to row checking panels and saw he had changed all the kids that needed it. then he went to his office. 

he zapped the computer keyboard and all the typing was done in moments with zero mistakes. he passed the time by connecting his mind to the network card of the computer. then he found servers where people had purchased videos and found the famous videos which he watched and enjoyed. hours passed... until the second film ended.

he noticed the time was 11,30 time for lunch and for yesterday burger waste to exit. he walked to the toilet room this time, so people would see him at work. benna waved hi. he waved back. he zapped himself to the metal support in the glass and out and sat on the toilet but no need to empty. he felt scared he had constipation.

also felt very light. somehow he knew that all the waste had burnt up inside and that was the same thing about fly-baby who just needed a change like changing clothing so he washed his hands as usual and went by wire and changed flybaby who was not flying and was clean, like changing clothing. he did not crave beef this lunch and again felt too dizzy to eat anything. 

he went to the soda machine. he knew he could make the soda come out without coins but saving 3 dollars for the drink, was not worth the crime. he noticed the coin tray was a slide tray. it only used the disk payment so the price can change without changing the number of coins. even 8 quarter coins for one can of kola was just absurd price. 

he had no appetite to eat and DID need the kola for his gross feeling and would not be buying the 3 dollar burger so he spent the money on the disks. he got ten disks so if the price went up he would not need to buy the other disks at the higher price. he popped a disk in the machine and chose a kola. he watched the shelf move up and the coil slid the can forward... but not enough! 

the shelf lowered and the belt moved... nothing to the exit window. now that was not justice! he had paid! now was time to reactivate the machine which he did with no disk and got one cola the fair exchange for what he had paid for it. he thought of getting two for compensation for his frustration but decided he had only paid for one so only the one for which he had paid. 

simon went to benna to ask for another assignment. she said "look at the staff list. we do not need many workers... see who is the most efficient and who is less and who we can reassign to other jobs." he scanned the list of his coworkers and saw the ones who were less efficient but four were very efficient. two were medium. the rat who accused him of smoking was the laziest by his own records and he wondered if even that was a lie. time to spy!

simon called the rat on the intercom to check the premies. then went inside a security camera to watch. he waited about an hour, part watching the room and part watching the videos by wire, on someone else's on demand network, but the guy never came. simon zapd into his office and walked to benna. he asked her to check on the rat. 

she called him and he lied he had gone to the preemy room and checked all the kids only two needed cleaning so he changed them. "satisfied?" benna asked. before simon could say yes... rat was all angry "i know what you'r doing trying to make me look bad for revenge but you are the bad one! i know you were smoking you have a lighter.

meanwhile, simon felt very annoyed about the accusation and almost fried his enemy to death, just to silence him but held back because the punishment was too big so instead he made the computer show the security camera on benna's monitor. he pointed at the time and then fast forwarded so she saw for an hour nobody entered the room.

now sara entered the room. benna reached into her drawer, wrote on a pink slip and handed it to the rat. "leave now". rat argued "you cant fire me! we have contracts!-- which you violated," she finished his sentence. rat was furious at his supervisor and swung his fist! THIS simon had to stop! but just in time he recalled that suffering in prison was more suffering than death.

chapter five criminals everywhere

simon did not stop the crime. he did zap the muscles, slowing the fist enough that it would only make a small bruise and only by her jaw skin. slap... sounded her skin as the muscles froze before the knuckles could move through the thin skin to her jaw bone. then he zapped the rat like a tazer! by the time rat fell security had already come.

the black guard heard the shouting and saw the pink slip so he had run to them! rat was squirming from the zap. the black gaurd pulled the rat up and pulled him out the building. simon followed and saw the lady who he had saved the night before! he had thought that he had zapped them both dead! 

despite their hearts had stopped, from the powerful power zap, one or both survived. the lady yelled at her husband "stop being so brutal". he argued "i am just doing my job." this somehow motivated the rat who started pulling free. she shouted, "let go of him" and pulled her tazer from her bag and zapped her husband the guard. he dropped the rat... and hollered. he swung his fist at her.

she tazed him again. simon cussed and thought "i saved a bad person" tasers are for defense but she was zapping her husband. simon ended the domestic violence zapping all 3, the violent couple to death but the rat just a stun. then he zipped into the phone wires and to the police dispatch and found who was patrolling near the clinic. he made the radio send the cop car to the clinic. 

he zipped back and out from... the lady cell phone. he moved husbands hand to his wife arm. when the cop came he testified, "the guard was escorting out the guy who got fired. see his pink slip of paper? and she misused her defense tazer to attack. next simon lied, "he grabbed her arm... [which noone has time for] so the tazer zap hurt her too. the cop finished the sentence "so all three got stunned by the tazer."

simon nodded and added that this guy also punched his supervisor for firing him. he needs to be held without bail because he is dangerous until a court will decide how long his punishment [obviously deducting the time he was held until the court]. the white cop said aloud "too much paper work." he lifted the rat man and dumped him in the car trunk. 

cop also called an ambulance and drove away. in the trunk rat man struggled to get free. he clawed at the fabric of the seat between the storage trunk and the soft sofa chair of the back seat. he managed to get in but before he could attack the driver to get free, he saw he was in a cop car with a separate section blocked by tough glass. the cop cussed and pressed his gadget that sprayed air freshener. 

this was not air freshener. bleach from the air freshener can sprayed a long spray of vaporized bleach filled the air strangling rat man. cop drove to the pond with the crocodiles. he unlocked the back door and opened it so the bleach cloud would float away. then the hungry crocodiles were coming toward him he pulled his pistol...

aimed at one and shot it in the head. it stopped but the others were hungry so he aimed and shot all 7 others except one. then he pulled the corpse out onto the ground and climbed up on the car the croc dragged his meal back to the pond and into the water. the other crocs were recovering from the hot bullet blasts and two were crawling toward... his car. 

would he be stuck on the car roof? no way! he clicked the car lock, went in the far side of the car and turned and drove at the crocs he aimed the wheels to crush them. he listened to the cracking bones he looked back in the mirror to see both had crushed parts. he stopped and exited. he closed the back door. drove to the car park and lied that the prisoner tried to claw out of the back seat into the trunk.

the facts seemed to support that. so the repair staff drove the car for repairs. he then said that the suspect had escaped by popping open the trunk from the inside using the tire changer piece in the lock. so dispatch assigned him another car. cop retrned to patrol. on the radio the captain asked if he filled out the forms of the arrest. 

now cop told the lie i did not know his name he had no id on him, which was part true... after cop took his wallet with the driver id card so nobody would find it. back in the cop car he drove to a gas station.. he spent all the punch guy's cash, around 46 bucks on snacks at the shop. sadly that did not buy as much as he had hoped. then he drove home.

there he put the credit cards and other stuff in the sink grinder to destroy it all. the empty wallet would be a gift for some relative. at the clinic simon finished the report so half the staff got pink slips. 3 fired as punishment for not working well so no compensation but seven more with compensation. simon did not know that re-asssigned was not to this clinic just sent home. 

only nine staff remained but they were the efficient ones so simon watched videos for the rest of the day. at 5pm he met the night shift and told them the updates for care for the clinic, because he took the place of several workers.

simon walked to the car park and saw his car was missing! oh no! someone must have stolen it! he called 911 and waited an hour for the cops to come. at around 6,30 the same patrol guy finally came. simon explained that someone stole my car. aloud the cop said "i dont want to do all this paper work. you just forgot where you parked it." 

c6 a new friendship

simon pointed at the painted marker and the sign reserved for simon. cop argued "well maybe you did not drive to work." that was absurd but in this case he was right. simon said you are right i came by bus. cop said you want a ride home? simon did not need it but said "you are such a good person. cop said "yup i am the nicest one i know."

they planned to meet at a pub when cop shift ended at 9pm. they drove home listening to songs on the radio.

to be continued...


simon fail

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Ken and Kasey

chapter one ken and cinemas
next, he said, "a great film is showing today." this was after ken saw the ad on a computer screen. it was a trailer ad for the action video. the tall thin man with a blond beard, and brown plastic glasses, named mr. jakes said, "you and Kasey, get in the car." Ken turned toward the door and saw mr. jak jakes walk out so he took a step to follow and found himself seated in the left back seat of a car. the soft couch was dark green. his green seatbelt was on over his left shoulder from the car door down to his right hip. ken sat behind the driver. beside his childish thin body was space and Kasey his host holding money. 
kasey and ken had met in summer camp. it was a sleep away camp for kids age nine and older, where the kids spent a week of sport activities and nights sleeping in common rooms in beds called bunk beds one above the other in long rows. 7 beds in each of two rows for up to 28 kids per bunk.
between sports kasey had followed ken and said, "hi i am kasi, what is your name?" ken replied, "i don't talk to strangers"=="that rule is for adults, but we are in the same bunk and on the same team in soccer." ken then revealed his name was ken. they talked about the soccer game. later between sports talked  together. at meals ken looked for kasi and sat by him at the same table of ten brats because his bunk, the daisies, had 2 tables and shared a third table with the second bunk named orchids oddly written with "h" but pronounced like kids. after a few days together  on the same sports team kasi had invited ken to stay at his home for the weekend. ken was happy because his parents were always very annoying. kan told kasi "my parents would not believe this so tell your pa to inform them." 
thursday night after a supper of franks with fresh frank buns and salads and boiled beans in basil tomato sauce, ken followed kasi to the huge car park.  kasi led him to his family car. pa sat by the wheel reading a thick novel. they had rode home and played computer games together as a team against other teams, until 10 pm.
at ten pm kasi paused the game and they each showered in the two shower rooms before wearing soft striped pijamas. 
at 8 am kasi had woke ken for breakfast. ken went as usual to brush his teeth in the morning but kasi said "just rinse with water because it will affect the taste of the food" this was true ken's annpying parents would not give breakfast until he brushed his teeth and then the toothpaste flavor ruined whatever he ate. he realized for the first time that his parents were worse than he had even noticed.
ken rinsed his mouth with only water. after breakfast they continued the team game until the ad interrupted. it was clips from the action video. all this ken remembered as he sat beside kasi. kasi asked which cinema were they driving to and pa replied the bay mall. kasi asked what if it is not shown there. ken answered we can go to the other cinema. kasi said we better check when and where the film is before driving anywhere. pa argued whatever is playing you can watch at the cinema. kasi responded wisely, "we need to know which film is the good one." 
the car changed into a large room.
chapter two gals
ken was now standing on a wood floor that shined from its gloss coating on its pale brown wood.the walls were wood panels with darker brown wood and not waxy. on ken's left were two wide windows with very clean glass. he knew a door was behind him to the metal balcony of the fire escape from this wooden building. in front of ken was a wide play area and the small door that was open and led t the stairway down to the first floor the entrance. ken wondered how he had gotten up here from the car. 
kasi rolled a soccer ball and said gah-gah the name of a bal game which was to gaurd your legs from the ball and try to hit it rolling to the others legs. two gfirls in the room said we do not wantto play. ken ignored the black and white soccer ball and walked across the room to the one window on his right side by a door that opened to a kitchenette. out of the window was the bricks on the outer wall of the kitchenette. it stretched a few feet long and then turned right another corner surrounding a small court yard below.
the ricks were red and seemed too near each other so ken examined closer. somehow they were large red bricks that had thin lines chiseled in  to seem like rows of bricks. ken heard a girl shriek. he turned and saw a big bug scurry along the wood floor almost the same color brown as the floor. one girl named gracey, wearing a pale milky dress pointed at the big brown bug. it was running toward her. she stamped her black shoe far ahead of herself, near its path where it would be coming toward her... but the bug curved to the side and jumped up onto her milky dress! ken saw it and kicked the swinging fabric the bug flew... toward the wall. he could not see it butsoon heard a smack as the big bug smacked the wall wood. the second girl named girty who wore a ink dress said, "let's leave this bug place" so ken awoke. he was still at camp. it was time for breakfast but now he knew to ignore his parents and for the first time and away from home he only rinsed his mouth wwith just water and for the first time in his life he enjoyed the sweet taste of the sugary cereal in cool milk.
the end.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

summary sg1 season 3

sg1, season 3
1 fire, guld controlled oneill, how free from guld and gards?
2 guld in u.s hid as cult leader
3 three guld came & during negotiation one guld did sabotaj!
4 legacy, touchd tablet so DJ hallucinated. 
5 smart girl came to teach sam technology
6 alternate carter fled to ours. must return so contacted asgard who zapd apophis. his troops fled.
7 is it guld or tokra?
8 sg1 freed lady from dril, so led to system lord.
9 sg1 joind a batl but got captured by followers of apophis.
10 d.j. again saw his wife who started to kill him.
11 sg1 found people lost memory. their desire to help caused problems.
12 went to free sam's dad
13 freed him, and killed a strong guld.
14 tealc with aliens in SGC
15 the trial of tealc who changed. reference 11 she changed as DJ told her.
16 alien spore infectd minds
17 onil stranded due to rocks destroyd stargate
18 on. stole device from aliens
19 join war
20 child of apophis
21 d.j touchd crystal skull n vanishd
22 onil vanishd n helpd the metal bug batl but one gets to earth... to be continued season 4 on submarine.

sg1 my summary s2 e10 to s3

continued from

e10 Teal'c got stung, a "big bug bite". he was so ill that even his snake can't heal him. agents took him for study but he escaped. sg1 tried to find him. how will they stop this problem from spreading worldwide? REPEATED e3 hi tec sent sg1 to a prison world. they made a deal with a lady to escape together but can they trust her? = e10 Teal'c got stung, a "big bug bite". he was so ill that even his symbiote can't heal him. agents took him for study but he escaped. a kid helped tealc contact sg1 who came.  how will they stop this problem from spreading worldwide?
s2 continuing from
part 1 summary

 e10 Teal'c got stung, a "big bug bite". he was so ill that even his symbiote can't heal him. agents took him for study but he escaped. a kid helped tealc contact sg1 who came.  how will they stop this problem from spreading worldwide?
e11 p1, Sam saw visions of guld memory, so SG1 went to a planet where tokra imprisoned them
e12p2, guld attack all evacuated
e13 SG-11 was expected to talk but did not. they seem missing. they were on a planet with a useful mineral that is very sturdy but lightweight. the planet's "Spirits" attack hq sgc dJ must negotiate.

oops other season had :where Tok'ra helped plan a raid. sg1 infiltrated anubis ship and destroyed its super power source for shield and zap. but they got scattered and doc got captured.
e12 p2 anubis flew to doc quin's planet and destroyed and killed so they gave him the power mineral called naquadria. in space, tealc convinced the first prime of yu and bal to join against anubis. meanwhile sam and jack went to help the victims of anubis attack so the scattered sg1 has been brought near doc planet. despite the jaffa compensating, unstable mineral exploded weakening the forcefield of doc prison so he escaped with dj and ringd to the planet... just in time to save sam. sam dj and doc bring the crystal to the base. 
leader betrayed so sg1 got captured again. bal fleet with tealc, shot at anubis flagship, weakened by the naqadria blast. the huge ship starts to break up with many explosions so great they shake the underground base. in the distraction sg1 tried to escape with a major firefight... and despite danger outskilled the jaffa force. sam tackled the jaffa who held the crystal and recovered it. anubis ejected in a capsule and escaped. sg1 got reunited so doc went home. 

e11 p1, Sam saw visions of guld memory, so SG1 went to a planet where Tok'ra helped plan a raid. oops wrong season. e11 p1, Sam saw visions of guld memory, so SG1 went to a planet where tokra imprisoned them

e12p2, guld attack all evacuated, sam pa saved sg1.

e13 SG-11 was expected to talk but did not. they seem missing. they were on a planet with a useful mineral that is very sturdy but lightweight. the planet's "Spirits" attack hq sgc dJ must negotiate.

e14 next
e10 Teal'c got stung, a "big bug bite". he was so ill that even his symbiote can't heal him. agents took him for study but he escaped. a kid helped tealc contact sg1 who came.  how will they stop this problem from spreading worldwide?
e11 p1, Sam saw visions of guld memory, so SG1 came to a planet where tokra imprisoned them. sam's pa had fatal illness. he accepted the snake to prove alliance.
e12p2, guld attack so all evacuated.
e13 DJ negotiated with a leader so SG11 came home from a planet that has a very sturdy but lightweight metal. in sgc, the "Spirits" attackd.
e14 SG1 got accused of stealing a device. odd *wether occurd on Earth. sg1 investigated the second Stargate, [from Antarctica] but found it was plastic. they searched for device. how will they get it before the victims freeze?
e15 a black hole influenced time in the sgc and can destroy earth. the gate won't switch off, so how will they save sgc and the world? note the official summary is false! not swallowed nor sent!
e16 jak's mind got overwelmd by data. he used it to improve gate, to visit advanced aliens who saved him.
e17 SG1 came annd tried to find the Tok'ra.  a guld jet crashd. Apophis crawleld out. under fire, they carried him to SGC'. a' was injurd. a guld
blasted the iris causing a threat, so gave a' corpse.
e18 SG1 met an old guy in a room with tec, who tricked DJ to swap bodies. worse Jack also swapd Teal'c. they hunt for the old guy and need to swap  back before Jackson in old body will die.
e19 SG1 found ill alien. a drone had crashed. plants made sound so sg1 made the right sound.
e20 A boy came to SGC' and warnd that invisible creatures rebeld against their government and will attack. their goal is: kill all possible guld hosts, meaning earthlings! five already hid in Sgc'. how will SG1 stop them?
e 21 sg1 got surprised to come to Earth in 1969. it is mysterious. they got accused: Soviet spies. they realized: a solar flare caused the Stargate to send SG1 to 1969. while traveling, young Hammond freed them. how will sg1 return to their own time? repeat: e17 sg1 found apophis crashed. under attack they moved him to sgc, where he refused to give information. a powerful guld attacked the gate with a dangerous weapon. how will they save sgc? should they give apophis corpse?
e18 sg1 got tricked to touch a device so an old guy stole dj body and jak swapd bodies with tealc too, only one way! how will they save daniel, from dying in the old body, and switch everyone back?
see endnote.
e19 SG1 saw aliens got mysterious illness. it affected jak too so they realize it is ultrasonic sound. how save the aliens.
e20 A boy warnd sg1 that aliens, ignored their government, and planned to kill humans so guld won't have hosts. despite tokra help, 5 invisible murderers already snuck into SgC. how will SG-1 stop their harmful plan. +fan fiction after they kill the 5 and the tokra left, they sent a drone thru to the base in an outgoing worm hole. it did not see any. carter said "they must have left to another base."
onil banged the computer screen and the connection switched on showing the many retou: huge human height scorpion creatures. onil pressed the zapper and a wide ray zapped and was sweeping along the middle of the crowd. the counter showed killing 100, 120, 150, 180 the others scattered and started shooting back.
sam switched on her enhancer and they found the groups scattering, around 20 in each group, so zapped some more groups, 225, 248, 267 until the drone got hit so turned back toward the gate. 
near the gate they saw a few groups converging on the gate. it zapped some more as it fell toward the gate reaching 289. it detached a small drone with one gun and a camera to aim at the gate. sg1 saw when the uav was nearing the gate many retu, were fooled so entered the gate... the uav flew into the outgoing worm hole and lost contact... sam said "it was destroyed". 
the trick worked and more retu followed the uav thinking it went home. on the screen sg1 watched from the mini-drone more retu followed the uav into the gate. the counter on the drone counted by fours... the clock ran 0.42, 43, 44 as the counter rose 80, 84, 88 back to the gate more pouring into the blue, back to the clock now 10.15, by the gate more poured into the outgoing wormhole. the clock 36.50 and the gate switched off. totalling another 244. sg1 lost contact with the drone when the wormhole closed but on that side the drone shot the gun at a few more, while zipping in zig zag and killing 8, 13, 19 until it got hit and exploded vaporizing the gun and the drone. 
the dialer dialed earth. 2 rows of 20 each entered but on the sgc side they heard bangs. on the retu side they diald a different planet and exited thru the gate. the threat continued. the end.
e21 sg1 went thru the gate but came out in the same gate room that changed to a rocket launch room in 1969. sg1 got captured and accused as Soviet spies. on the ride, young Hammond freed sg1. sam figured out that despite she compensated for the sun, a solar flare must have jumped out and caused the time travel. they got a ride from city to city until reaching the gate. under fire they jump to the future.
e22 jak awoke n heard his team died. they interrogated him to find his allys against guld. he heard doc and knew guld. will they make him a host! to be continued in season 3. end s2.
bdm bmd,
btj bjt
swap with other pair to get back bdd: btj/bdm> btm bdj, next bmd/bjt >bmt, bjd 
btm/bm, btj xj so d, now /m bringing t home btt,bmm 
last bdj/bjd bd xm so t, now j >bdd, bjj not bdm bmd bm xd bd xm, btj bjt bt xj bjxt
if dm jt, dm/j> td,  jm/dm moving m to his old, old body >do. td/tj move t to own body. last jd/do body used.
season 3 summary

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

hunger games fan fiction 75th

 how did the victors die [besides the six who didn't]?
victors fan faction
in 75th the victors fought each other. 6 survived so 18 died [name v victors v age v die v]
in order of districts because the order they got killed is known 
d1 m gloss 27y, v63, killed cimona 9f & wiress. killed by kat.
f cashmere 28y v64 killed seeder, killed by jo.
2m brutus 40y v51 killed chaff. killed by peeta 12m. last dead. 
f enob' 28y, v62 killed cec', jil, and dave. survived captive. 6 survived, 3 freed: beetee, fin' & kat captives: enob' jo' peeta 
3m beetee= B.T.= bek tad, 45y v45 but ff age 35y, v57 survived freed
f wiress 41y v52 killed by gloss
4 m finn' v65 so youngest just turned 14, 24y killed cymin & edwyn
survived freed
f mags 80y, v11, ff v70 22y killed by acid fog
5m edwyn ebsen ff v68 23y killed by finn'
f shauna shimtin 37y v54 killed by drowning
6m dave daniels 38y v53 killed by enob'
f dana davis 33y v56 killed by orange monkey
7m blyt v59 y32 killed by force field
f jo' v71 21y killed cashmere survived captive.
8m woof 24y v66 drowned
f cec' v61 29y, killed by enob' early
9m cymin 47y ff v69 21y killed by finn'
f cimona 36y v55 killed by gloss
10m jak janus 21y v72 killed by muttation
f jil 31y v60 killed by enob' early
11 m chaff v45 45y ff v58 32y, hid hoping to be alive to protect kat for plan but killed by brutus
f seeder 58y ff v67 23y killed by cashmere
12 m peeta v74 y16 killed brutus and survived captive
f kat v74 y16 killed gloss and survived freed
__list victors fan faction
50 haymitch sent by vote age 16
51 brutus,  52 wiress,  53 dave, 54 shauna, 55 cimona,
56 dana, 57 b.t.,  58 chaff,  59 blyt , 60 jil , 
61 cec', 62 enob', 63 gloss, 64 cashmere, 65 fin',
66 woof, 67 seeder, 68 edwyn, 69 cymin, 70 mags,
71 jo', 72  jak, 73 cato, 74 kat' d12

sg1 summary directory s1 and 2 and 3

sg1 s1 e1-8
__sg1 s1 e9-18
__sg1 s1 e19-s2 e9
___sg1 s2 e10
__sg1 s3

Saturday, December 16, 2023

warm friendship

 a warm friendship has joy and cheer
we can confide when we feel fear.

if our pain is: body or mind
a true friend helps he will be kind

we're together in joy and tears  
helping each other during fears

our differences will harmonize
like melodies, if a friend tries

a friend supports gentle as snow
when we lose hope or feel quite low

if you're feeling just a fifth of
true friends are there, loyal with love

life can sometimes make me fall down
friends are faithful so i won't drown

when we suffer and feel some pain
friends help, like sunny days or rain

Monday, December 11, 2023

the FOOD gamble

 one rich might lose get zero. one poor might lose get zero. shop always makes a profit risking small profit or bigger because gets all fees.

the risk, 2 rich pay 5 each, risking maybe get food more than 5 a profit as explained or lose getting food less than 5 or rare zero.

the poor buy in, pay 1 each, for which rich will win: risk maybe get food worth more than one dollar whichever rich picks, and all worth at least one dollar, or lose dollar only risk a small amount because poor.

the shop owner gets all twelve, 5,5,1,1 and risks giving one food worth 11 on a paper so only profit one or bigger profit. food valued by judges not sale price.

the four way gamble

the shop risks: on each side 9 papers each paper with food item. most of nine papers, 6 show food worth less than 5 dollar. 2 between 5-9 dollars and one 11 dollars. on each side, verified by the judges. the judges hide one cancel card on one side instead of a  paper of a cheap food.

TWO RICH buy the gamble 5 risking to get food less or more

two poor buy the gamble one dollar/euro risk on which winner.

rich left chooses to lift a food item from the 9 for example the pack of 3 franks. in deepest row uncovered paper.

if he will win, the poor for left winner gets the food rich chose, poor not know nor choose which, because rich chooses hoping for paper, but each food more than his dollar but might lose.

the paper has name of food for example chicken chest worth 7 dollar. more than his fee five.

rich right chooses a food item, for example, a chunk of shoulder in middle row uncover a paper. if paper more than rich left or the cancel then rich b wins. the poor who pay buy in 1 for rich right gets the food rich b chose: the shoulder worth more than one dollar but the other poor lost his dollar because rich left lost. rich b gets the food item on the paper if more than 7 because more than the paper of rich left so rich left lost and store gets the 5,5,1,1, buy in 12, guarantee to earn at least one so willing and maybe earn more. if rich got paper 11 he wins and splits half with his poor rich 2/3 so rich profit and poor gets some food but shop still profited one. 

the prize is food so one of two poor get food depending on what the rich pick. if rich b more than left, gets paper sometimes food worth more than the 5 buy in, rich b wins get the food on paper and poor for right gets the food rich right picked. rich b gets the food on paper because worth more than 7 or if got the cancel note, he cancelled rich left pick and wins the bet so the poor b gets the food that he picked by canceling rich a, the chunk of shoulder worth more than one dollar but rich b got nothing only cancelled a so the poor got food, only poor but rich lost if only cancel, or the rich got food on the paper the one with more one but other lost 5 for nothing but risk maybe get more than 5 value.

if rich b paper is less than rich left, then poor on rich b lost his dollar for nothing and rich left wins so poor for left gets the food that rich left chose: the franks narrow sausages. the rich gets the chicken worth more than his 5 buy in so he happy and poor guy got food more than a dollar because all nine food on each side more than a dollar but poor on b lost and rich b lost his five so shop owner got money risking for either get small profit one dollar or bigger profit

poor a and b risk one dollar maybe get food worth more than a dollar or lose the dollar for nothing.

rich a or b get the food on the paper worth maybe less than 5 or more. if cancel paper rich get no food only cancel to decide which poor one won. so the food that the winner took by choice inknown to poor gamble because depended on the choice of the rich which to pick but always more than one so poor wants to participate and always one poor gets food more than dollar. store owner gets back the package that the loser chose. so one poor gets food, two poor risk a small amount.

two rich risk bigger amount but might get more than 5 or less as above. only one wins so one rich might lose 5 for nothing and the rich winner might lose if less than 5 but might win more than 5. even a rare 11. the poor win a food based on which rich won either more or the cancel paper.


rich picked food from 9, a pack 3 thin sausages, uncover paper chicken chest worth 7.

rich b picked shoulder chunk uncovering paper either a food more than 7 or the cancel, then rich b wins cancelled a so win but not get because only cancel, or a paper with food worth more than 7 for example 8 then rich b gets that food worth 8 and wins gaining 8 for 5. rich a lost and poor bet on rich a lost but bet on rich b won and gets the food rich b chose the shoulder chunk so food worth more than one dollar to one poor either by more or by cancel.

if paper less than 7 then rich b lost. his 5 for nothing and poor bet b lost his one for nothing but bet on rich a wins gets the food rich a chose the sausage and rich a would get the food on the paper the chicken worth 7 gaining for 5. the shop owner gives food that he wants to sell real worth 7 without its profit but profits the 5 between the 7 and the 12 buy in from the four competitors.

he might only get one profit but gets 5 profit and 12 dollars. if rich b got the cancel paper it cancels rich left so rich left loss and poor on rich left lost but rich b only cancelled not get food. only bet on rich b gets the shoulder chunk food to poor but rich b also not get anything lost 5 buy in for nothing because got paper cancel not food.

then both rich not get food but gambled maybe zero or maybe more than 5. one poor gets food the chunk chosen by rich worth 3 dollar so one poor always got more than a dollar for dollar risk but other nothing if his rich lost.

one rich gets the food on paper unless the one in 18 possible was the cancel that decided winner but no food to the rich which is a risk for the rich both lose, but gamble for a chance to get a food worth more than 5 but rich can risk five. shop owner always gets some profit because biggest prize 11 on paper so at least one profit and most papers less than 11 so more profit. 

rich guy gets food maybe more than the 5 depending on paper as above, so tempted to gamble 5, and the poor bets on WHICH rich winner risk lose small amount $1 because poor so only small amount risk to gamble get the food that rich picked. foods covering papers each worth various amounts between one and 5 to give food to one poor as above.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

simon super hero

one, the clinic

in a city, simon worked in a clinic for premature babies, who were born earlier than usual. one winter morning he was in the mood for soy burgers so he grabbed from the frij the ones he had wrapped in foil for his oven, and brought them to work. he worked in the office and supervised until lunch. 

the small toast oven was broken so he needed to use the microwave. the microwave was not working either. simon said that the broken oven probably broke the electric outlet. he decided cold was gross so he carried the microwave into the premy room. he plugged in the microwave and jammed in his foil wrapped tofu. he was a vej so he only ate soy burgers not beef. 

he sat on a chair to wait the minute for heating up but soon he saw flashes from the microwave oven so he ran to look... and as he reached the oven a flash of lightning spark shot from the metal foil out through the clear plastic door and started jolting a premy! simon jumped to open the door... so it would switch off. his body moved in front of the door so the zap hit him. he was stunned!

he started falling but punched his fingertips, of his left hand, at the release bar, which popped back and opened the door which switched off the oven... but the zap had already zapped him. he lay on the floor... and started craving beef. he had been in the mood for soy burgers but now he wanted beef burgers. a few seconds later he recovered.

simon recalled the zap that hit the premy so he went to check if the lightning had burnt the baby.  the baby seemed fine. he noted that the spot where he got zapped had also not burnt in contrast to lightning.

he also realized that if anyone saw him with foil they would complain "no foil allowed in microwave." since he was in the mood of beef anyway and was not gonna eat the soy and did not want to be seen holding the foil he simply left the room.

he told his supervisor the registered nurse named benna braun, that he was taking his lunch break. benna waved him off and said, "if you go to fast food get me a tower burger". hmm tower seemed even better. so he went to his parked electric car and turned the key and zipped to "some" fast food place. there he got a pair of the 3 bread and two beef tower.

he ate his hot and carried the second back to his car. he felt very light. could beef be that much more energizing than soy? he was shocked! but ran with a burst to the car. as he reached the car a zap of lightning flashed from him at the metal of the car. it did not feel like a static shock that goes out and hurts your hand when you touch the door knob so he figured it must have come into him.

he worried his battery in the car would be weakend. how would he drive back to work? simon beeped the remote key to unlock the door and slid into the soft seat. he started the engine and it hummed to life. the battery was full! not like he feared and not like it had lessened from his drive from the clinic. he was mystified why it was full. 

he drove back to the clinic and watched the battery lessen. it must have lessened when he drove from home to the clinic too... and from the clinic to the fast food? how could it be full battery? he parked in his reserved space in the underground parking, and carried the burger to benna. he asked her if she wanted it hot? benna said "yeh please nuke it for me", she referd to the microwave. 

he entred the preemy room and opened the oven and saw nobody had removed his foil. now the tofu seemed exceptionally gross. he wondered why he ever ate that stuff. simon leaned forward and moved the foil into the paper take away bag and put her tower in and switched on the oven. he stood by the oven as it whirred... he heard a giggle from behind him but from the ceiling? 

he turned and saw a baby hovering near the lights giggling! simon shrieked scared it would fall but watched as it hovered and did not fall instead it went slowly back to the crib. while watching the kid he checked the color panel on the diaper but the kid was dry... and even if not he was handling food for benna so must stay focused. 

he delivered the hot burger to her. he did not mention that he saw a baby fly, but went to his office to catch up on paper work. as he was typing he felt frustrated it was too slow. luckily a spark jumped from his finger to the keyboard so lines of words appeared on the screen. he said the stuff he needed to record and was finished much faster. 

he had not needed to fix typos because he had not used his fingers. his work done he went to benna and asked if she had any other jobs? she said no just be in your office in case we need you. he felt very light again so he ran to his office... he arrived in his office with the door shut and did not recall opening the door?

nor closing it?

he felt light so he JUMPED over his desk... and as his face flew toward the window he decided to turn around and his face was facing the closed door... without spinning!

he realized that he had many powers. this would be very convenient. he remembered that he had eaten lunch the day before. he should probably empty the waste... but he did not feel any urge , but he had time and probably needed to empty the waste from yesterday lunch so he went to the men room... but to his surprise nothing needed to exit.

he flushed in case someone saw him enter and washed his hands with soap as usual... he hoped he was not the only one in the clinic to do this... and instead of opening the door he decided to walk through it. but instead of walking through it... he realized his office was by the wall of the toilet room so he walked to the wall and tried to walk through, bang! ow! his forehead smacked the concrete. no powers.

two [c2 kuz 1,100 words in 1] the fires

he returned in a daze to the wood door and reached his hand to the knob... he realized he could not walk through doors but did plan on exiting this door but before he touched the metal lever of the handle with the back of his hand as usual... he was out in the hall. but how? what was the difference. he felt very confused. 

he decided to look back at the door that he had passed through to see if it was open and without spinning he faced the wood door and saw it was shut. he saw through to the blue stalls through the reinforced glass with wires for safety to prevent shattering. a guy appeared behind the narrow window in the door so simon jumped aside so he could exit. 

in a moment he was at his office door and through its narrow glass window, and at his desk facing the door. he wondered how this happened but decided not to complain because it made life easier. he started playing with the drawers to pass the time and found a lighter. he saw it had some fuel inside through the clearish orange plastic. 

he rolled the metal sparker and watched the flame sway. he felt very bored so he made a game how close can he get his hand to the flame... he held his hand over the flame and slowly moved closer and closer he felt hot but not too hot... oops he touched the top of the yellowish flame so his hand jumped back but did not hurt. luckily he had pulled away in time before it burnt him. 

his skin looked fine. he did not know that he had not pulled away in time but he was protected from energy harm. 

he released the lighter... but too late someone passed in the hallway and swung his door open. "hey! no smoking in here! i saw you with that lighter.--i was not smoking--let me see your desk" said the accuser. simon felt ashamed that people would know about his magazines. so he blocked the drawers. "aha you are guilty! you were smoking! if you were innocent you have nothing to hide."

"you have no authority to search. go convince a security guard!--the fact you hid proves you are guilty, if you were not smoking you would let me see. simon stayed silent because he did have something to hide... his magazines! but he did not want the snitch rat to know about his magazines. the rat named rubin rabinitz went to benna.

he said "i caught simon smoking." simon did not hear her answer just the shouting of rubin. he moved the magazines into his paper delivery bag and locked the drawer. he walked out and heard rubin arguing with benna. rubin wanted to search the desk for the lit cigarrete. benna said "stop accusing! simon is the nerdiest guy he would never break any rule!" 

simon smiled and touched the elevator metal doors. he knew the elevator was there and zapped himself through the metal doors... oops it had been passing! he fell faster than the elevator and landed on its roof. he zapped through the metal roof and stopped on the tile floor. he had pushed some people so he said "excuse me." they ignored him. 

the elevator doors opened and he felt very light so he started running home but soon recalled that his car was parked in his reserved spot by the clinic so he ran back it was far! he had ran about a mile in five seconds. just as fast he appeared by his car. he wondered if he was as fast as The flash. he checked the dc website and saw that his speed was far less than flash and far less than lightning.

he drove home. at dinner time he had no appetite so he walked to the frij, looked around found the cottage cheese waved his hand so the metal spoon jumped out through the metal drawer inro his hand he scooped a spoon of cheese , ate it and returned the cheese to the frij. he felt too lazy to wash the spoon. 

he "moved it" and the new metal formed a clean spoon over the counter where it fell and smacked the wood counter top. then he went to his bedroom... through the kitchen socket to his bedroom socket and reformed himself pure without dirt and sweat just his body. he did not feel cold so he climbed under his sheet and fell asleep but only for a moment because he heard someone screaming!

orange light shined through his window. the building beside his was burning. people were by the windows trying to breathe as the smoke poured out around them. the orange grew. the people jumped out the window and fell far to the ground with their clothes blazing on fire. he felt sad for them but superman was not real.

he thought, nobody can save them not even god well. he could but god does not do miracles only rarely. simon heard his lady lover called from that building "help me i am trapped in the elevator!" he recalled that he had entered the metal elevator so he could save her... but people would say he was a freak and how in smoke would he breathe? 

he had masks from covid. the leftover ones had just sat there, on the shelf of the book shelves by the door, ever since the mask mandate was cancelled so he put on a dentist mask for smoke. simon zipped through the electric socket in his room out the building and across the city wire to her building. the elevator was jammed due to the loss of electricity in the building. he used his electric zap to activate the electric doors. they opened so she could get out. 

three the rescue

he lifted her and ran through the flames to the door carrying her. the heat energy only hurt a bit as he ran through the flames. he kicked open the door by the steps, and saw her clothes were burning so he rolled her off his hands onto the floor and rolled her back and forth smothering the flames it was a miracle but it worked and the flames stopped but she had fainted from smoke. 

he zipped down the steps and out the fire exit and carried her to the ambulance. they saw she had stopped breathing and declared her death. all his work had been fruitless he had not even saved her. he decided never to use his abilities to help anybody again... so time passed...

to be continued... at:


Thursday, December 7, 2023

fan fiction ballad hunger

 i completed the age details in the book ballad, the story of the tenth hunger game.

15 got killed in the arena, so before that nine died. Cori, a mentor traveled with 16-year old Lucy, his student. They came to the monkey cage, where they released Cori Snow. they didn't give food to the warriors, so some guides planned to bring food. undoubtedly, they gave food to the monkeys as usual.

when the pair from District 9=D9, felt hungry, they planned to steal food from the monkeys. when food came for the monkeys, Panlo, 16 years old, and Shif, 14 years old, took food from the monkeys. To their surprise the monkeys did not divide what was left, but united to attack the humans who stole their food. so Panlo and Shif died first.

When a pair of guides came, Sej gave food to his 18-year-old trainee, Marcus. the other made a fuss by mocking her trainee Brenda before giving the food, so 12-year-old Brandi grabbed the bread knife and stabbed her and took the sandwich. The cops shot and killed Brandi. 3/9.

when they went to see the battle arena, the d6 pair, 15-year-old Otto and 17-year-old Ginny, passed by a plastic trash bin which exploded. the bomb killed the pair. In the panic, others fled. The d1 pair, 14-year-old Vel and 16-year-old Fas' ran but cops shot and killed them. 7/9

Sabine, 17 years old, d2, fell to her death. when the warriors returned to the monkey cage, 17-year-old Hai died of asthma, a total of 9 died before the battle

in the order of districts

District 1 pair got killed when they fled

District 2 Sabine fell to her death

District 5 Hai died of asthma

District 6 A bomb killed the pair

District 10 Brandi stabbed her mentor, so coops shot her

A total of nine selected... due to the monkey riot killing the d9 pair. 15 remained.

The order in the battle is known so I will only arrange by district order:

District 2 Marcos, age 18, got killed by lamina's ax 

District 3 Circuit, age 13 killed by venom of a genetically engineered snake=GE Snake. Tess age 15 killed Miz. Trij killed her

District 4 Miz age 13 killed Tanner. Tess used rope on a glider to trip him to his death before she died. Coral age 18 killed Sol and lamina but a GE Snake bit her

District 5 Saul, age 14, got killed by Coral

District 7 Trij age 12 killed Tess by ax [+that he threw] but Lucy stuck a snake on him that killed him. Lamina age 15 killed Marcus but Coral killed her.

District 8 Bob, age 12, attacked the guide Cori, eventhough he did not compete so was not a threat. he tried to stab Cori who defended himself by hitting him with wood until he fainted so Bob died. Wovey age 13 got poisoned when she drank from a water bottle that Lucy had poisoned, as Cori, who was desperate for college scholarship money, had advised.

District 10 Tanner age 16 killed by Miz

District 11 Reaper age 15 died because the puddle he was drinking from was poisoned by Lucy. Dil age 14 died of an illness at the beginning of the battle

District 12 Lucy age 16 was not killed but won. Jess, age 18, died by falling.

this completed the ages how each warrior died except for Lucy who won

note: I guessed the ages by averaging years: 24, randomly selected between 12 and 18 averaged three for each year of age. i did not bother to guess birth days because too trivial and would not celebrate because killed. except lucy born on july 4. before the rebellion.

totals: age 12: 3 warriors like: 13, 17, and 18, 12 for 4 ages

age 14: 4 like 15, & 16, so 12 for 3 ages

It is also possible to attach any age to any chosen one whose age was not written, but I guessed as mentioned

Sunday, December 3, 2023

summary hunger games book 2 fire

continued from book 1   book 1   there.
book 2
Kat was in District 12, again, but instead of her poor home, her family lived in the luxurious part. Peeta's family and Haymitch were her neighbors. Kat felt she lost her best friend, Gale, who worked in mining 12 hours, like all the poor, and ended work too tired to see her. Kat felt bored because no need to hunt. her family has money, a good home, and a constant supply of food. to fill the time she went hunting to get food for others. Snow, the president of Panem visited. He warned Kat that she might have caused a rebellion because "during the last Hunger Games, she and Peeta ate poison berries to end the game."
if she doesn't convince the districts that she did that for love, he would make her suffer. she must continue her act on the Victory Tour, of the districts. she and Peeta pretended to be lovers. first they came to District 11. Kat met the families of the two from that district who got killed during the Hunger Games. Kat thankd them for sending supplies to her. one of Rue's siblings made a face. so kat told the story of Rue who had been a valued ally, and so Thresh spared her life. an old man whistled the four-note tune that she had used to signal that they were safe. 
the crowd gestured traditionally to show thanks to Kat. she saw a cop shoot the man who first whistled. Kat told Peeta about Snow who feared rebellion. Peeta angrily told her to stop keeping secrets from him. The Victory Tour was speeches, eating fancy. riding a train and repeating until they came to the Capitol. what about facing d1? who kat killed? during an interview Peeta proposed to wed Kat so she agreed. their audience cheered. Snow came and congratulated the couple. to kat he shook his head no slightly indicated she was too fake. Kat completed the interview.
Kat dined in President mansion. Many guests drank vomit-inducer to make room inside for more eating. the couple was traveling home on the train. Kat dreamt "terrifying nightmares", so Peeta joined her bed to calm her. at home they attended a huge party. Kat learnt that d. 8 was rebelling. Kat met with Gale who told her he loves her. she says 
***that she does not feel that for him. Kat told him District 8  rebelled. Gale replied here can rebel. he ran to tell people. Kat went to Peeta to ask him to run away with her. he agreed. they saw that Gale was getting publicly whipped by a cop. Kat stopped this so he smacked her face. Haymitch and Peeta came to save her. he whipped him until people yelled enough. The next day, a huge blizzard fell. cops prepare to prevent a rebellion by setting up guns and gallows and whipping posts to scare people about punishments. Kat went into the forest. She saw 2 cops. before she shot them, one showed a cracker with a mockingjay on it.
Part II: "The Quell"
The pair was from D. 8 so told kat about the rebellion there. They explained that the Capitol reuses old footage of District 13 indicating that was the enemey. kat gave the coops food that she hunted. when kat went to the high fence it was electrified. she found a tree to jump over the fence and climbed and jumped. She hurt herself and limped home where two cops waited. they accused she was in the forest. they want to bring her family for questioning. kkat claimed she slipped on ice and Haymitch, Peeta and Prim agreed. 
Kat ma found her foot broke. She stayed in bed healing all winter. Peeta sat with her. later, her prep team came to prep her for her wedding photos. [meanwhile more districts joined the rebellion Prim told kat about a mandatory television show. in it Snow talked about the time before the Hunger Games. and explained every 25 years they do a Quarter Quell. in the first Quell, every district was forced to vote for who went to the Hunger Games. In the second Quell, every district was forced to send twice as many tributes into the Hunger Games. 
Snow pulls an envelope out of The wooden box he held. this 75th is the 3rd Quarter Quell. this time the tributes will be from the victors, meaning kat because she was the only female victor in D. 12. She ran out of her home and into an empty house, and down to its basement where she screamed and cried. afterward, She went to Haymitch who said that Peeta wants to go back. She and Haymitch got drunk together. later, peeta emptied all h's liquor because they will be training for the Quarter Quell, so they prepared. 
On reaping day, Kat said goodbye to Gale. Haymitch got reaped as male, but Peeta volunteered in his place. In contrast to the previous reap, this time they left fast, unable to tell their families goodbye. they went by train to the Capitol. in Capitol, at night, Kat awoke from a nightmare, and visited Peeta. They hugged. a waiter brought heated milk. They watched more videos. Haymitch won the 50th one, 2nd Quarter Quell. Haymitch had allied with a girl. he found the force field around the arena that prevented escape. she separated only to get killed by a flock of birds that pierced her throat. 
only Haymitch and a girl were left. she chased Him so he ran to the force field. she threw her ax at him but missed. it was reflected by the force and killed her. He won. after the Ceremony, kat came to her room. she saw the same Avox girl, as she saw last year and also the guy who tried to interrupt gale getting whipped. all Avoxes get their tongue cut out. later, Haymitch advised them to form alliances by making friends. During training, Katniss befriended Beetee & Wiress. a force field separated the Gamemakers from them.
when Kat went to her solo exhibit, she noticed that the Gamemakers were angry so She tied a rope to a dummy neck and wrote using berry juice: the name "Seneca Crane," who had been the former Head Gamemaker who got executed. later, kat learnt that Peeta drew Rue. Kat scored 12/12. the pair spend time together. the prep team came into her room and saw them. Venia said goodbye. during interviews tributes complained "Snow should stop this if he is strong. Kat wore a wedding gown and apologized for not having a public wedding. 
She twirld burning her dress to reveal a different one. she saw the tv that she was a mockingjay. the audience cheered Peeta's speech. he went and held Kat's hand. all the tributes joined hands. 
__prelude to the gladiators:
Kat went with Cinna to the lift into the arena. she felt horror as she saw three cops came and beat him and dragd him away. she came up into THE ARENA. kat was surrounded by blue water
Part III: "The Enemy"

continued at book 3
book 3