Tuesday, March 24, 2020

my summary of series sg1 se.1 ep.1-8 and s3

intro: the "official" descriptions, of sg1 episodes, dont match the storys so i must fix them. also stupid questions "can they save" certainly they will, but how?
__sg1 series, season 1, ep.1-8
series description: the "stargate" is a big ring-device, that can make a path to another gate on other far planets. we found it and know that an ancient wise civilization made it. [they had fled to our galaxy when powerful wraiths defeated them as told in se. 9]. the mission for sg1 is "find alien allys."
__e1 brief: rescue mission for captured lady, but sg1 got captured too.
description: to replace the bad "official" descriptions that dont match the story nor describe the challenge accurately. "after destroying the guld named ra [the god they killed as told in video], now deadly warriors came thru sg' 'n captured a soldier. the team sg1 go for the rescue mission but get captured. a jaffa rebeld n helpd them escape but gliders shot energy blasts at them. that king stole n enslaved human bodys. the battle near the gate is fierce. how will sg1 get home?
e2 brief: a guld entered n controld a soldier. +d=details: a soldier had aches n found guld in neck. removd it but linkd 'n controld him. how stop guld? 
e3 brief: a man abducted sam n tryd to trade her for a lady.+d: sg1 found tribes who maltreat females. a man tryd to trade sam for another lady. she knife-dueld a tribal leader.
e4 brief: broca: a virus made sg1 primitive n brutal.how cure?+d: sgi went to a dark place n saw primitive tribe. a civilized group interfered. but the virus infected sg1 causing them to be primitive n brutal.
e5 brief: leader of sg9 acted like god n enslaved natives. how will sg1 stop him n save the slaves?+d: when team sg9 did not return, sg1 found the sg9 leader was acting like a god n enslaved people.
e6 brief: nano-bots accelerated oneill=o aging how prevent his near death?+d: on. got drugd. touching a native causd nano-bots to accelerate his aging. how save him n nativs from shortend lives.
e7 brief: blue crystal copyd on., n the replica will soon decay n blast its energy out.+d: oneill touchd a blue crystal. its energy threw him down n copyd him. the replica returnd to earth n faced the pain of mourning for son. how will replica get home before its energy blasts the surrounding people?
e8 brief: tealc in cave with a device that can kill guld, n a deadly host of guld.  how will tealc escape?+d: a zap made tealc  n on. disappear. they were zapd to a cave with the device that can free host from guld. it can kill the guld in tealc. how will teal escape the cave n device? how will they defeat the strong host cald unas.
see below for season 3 summaries
continued ep. 9 at
sg1, season 3
1 fire, guld in oneill, how free?
2 guld in u.s hid as cult leader
3 three guld came n negotiated. guld atakd earth.
4 legacy, touchd tablet n hallucinating
5 bring smart girl to teach sam technology
6 alternate carter fled her reality to ours
7 is it guld or tokra?
8 freed humans so facing revenj
9 sg1 joind a batl but both enemys shot at sg1
10 d.j. finally saw his wife
11 find sick past n present
12 try to save sam's dad
13 saved him
14 tealc with aliens
15 the trial
16 alien spore infectd minds
17destroyd stargate
18 on. stole device from aliens
19 join war
20 child of apophis
21 d.j touchd crystal skull n vanishd
22 onil vanishd n helpd the metal bug batl but one gets to earth... to be continued season 4 on submarine.

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