Thursday, October 12, 2023

israel's terrorist neighbors p.l.o. and hammas

several news companies are abusing their websites to "edit history" people think hammas had elections... due to news website disinformation. so...

 i selected details from britanicca, now before someone edits their online version. why would they change britannica? and why news companies "summarize" disinformation? for the agenda of promoting terrorism, which would be bad, except now hammas fight israel so... they prefer terrorist  hammas. 

i needed to change order for easier reading those segments, which i selected for you.

when were the last most recent Palestinian elections? 2006 and 2005. quote "Elections haven't been held in Gaza since 2006," for the p.a. Legislative election. what about 2021?

 in year 2021, Palestinians heard about the "first Palestinian general election in 15 years." it would have been their first general election in a decade and a half. Palestinian Legislative election was scheduled for 22 May 2021, "but was indefinitely postponed." now years later israel remains the only democracy in the vast middle east. the last one was in 2006. see below.


Palestinian Presidential election was scheduled for 31 July 2021, but was also "postponed indefinitely." it would have been their first presidential election in 16 years. some arabs complained that abbas's term EXPIRED long ago.

the last Presidential elections for the #Palestinian Authority=PA, were held, 18 years ago, in January 2005.  Mahmoud Abbas defeated  Barghouti with 62% of the vote. 

after that in September 2005 Israel transferred the Gaza Strip to the PA. 

In 2006, Haniyeh became prime minister of... the PA, until "P. A. President Abbas, dismissed him". those elections in 2006 were the last ones. a similar quote "Hamas has not held a single election since then." Hamas then failed to maintain a unity government with Fatah, which resulted in "violent clashes"  referred to by some experts as a "brief civil war in Gaza". hammas "seceded" from p.a. and fought for separate control of gaza.

In June 2007, after armed conflict between the factions, "P. A. President Abbas, dismissed Haniyeh."

Hamas "took control" of the Gaza Strip, from p.a. they basically stole the land. hammas not humus had been recognized as a terrorist as dar back as 2006 due to its evil activities but now that those cruelty were done to israeli civilians, now countries and news companies prefer Hamas over israel so they lie that humus won elections hiding it was then a terrorist political party WITHIN  p.a. 

we see how strong the jew hatred is to make even terrorists seem like democratic countries... just don't ask why they didn't have elections in 2010 or 2011 when the term ended, that was not relevant once President "dismissed" the prime minister in 2007  as britanicca preserved. why britanicca?

the "they" can't alter britanicca as easily as changing unreliable wikipedia, which is easier online than in book fahrenheit 451

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