Wednesday, August 2, 2023

why the bleep did u.s. agree to soviet about israel

answer: de facto means adverb, "​in a way that exists as a fact" due to this being a LEGAL terminology and an existing reality , many Countries in U.N. recognized, Israel in 1948. the defacto, that in latin the word facto seems to mean: formal homeland.

I used to think simply "in 1917 brits expelled the turks and as conquerers made the Balfour declaration" but that is the wrong order, despite both same year, because the declaration was before the brits owned it. the reality is a bit more complex.

since the end of the 1800s Jews moved, from European countries to the "part of Ottoman empire by jordan river" buying land with approval of the ottoman empire. call them few? or many? that is subjective but the FACT is "even before the balfour declaration in 1917 a DE FACTO #Jewish "national home" existed. over 80,000 people Dwelled with approval of the ottoman empire. they established new towns, dozens! that they managed. this was UNDER OTTOMAN and with the legal game rules not simply "British colony" as i thought and the accusers complain: bad colonialism... "against the will of the native locals" they claim. the balfour was a RECOGNITION of the defacto return to the ancient home land and actual management and administration under ottoman, until ottoman turks lost.

the u.n. offered a LEGAL solution, same as EXISTING premise, to divide the unruled land to two parts same as they had done for india and Pakistan and Bengal in 1947, that nobody complained because that does not serve the anti jew agenda, and legally valid, equally same as in india, by jordan river, an eastern #arab part... far more than a fair half but just a bit to the jews. the only loud fuss is a poorly camouflaged hate jew agenda using indirect words.

so the accusations that "israel relied on a bad balfour colonialist" ignored the legal reality called de facto, even before brits conquered it and balfour wwas actually RECOGNITION of an existing reality which even russia (then called soviet) AGREED with strong u.s. was real. this was probablythe only thing those two soviet and u.s. ever agreed on! due to the defacto reality as above.

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