my sister just turned 19. her name is gertrude but i hate the part "rude" which she is not! so i call her gert.
her best friends are bert birch and burt birns. however she started to flirt with birt.
since then she flirts,
with those three birts.
my sister just turned 19. her name is gertrude but i hate the part "rude" which she is not! so i call her gert.
her best friends are bert birch and burt birns. however she started to flirt with birt.
since then she flirts,
with those three birts.
in february 1949, on 24 february THIS date during israeli war of... independence? nope, the brits left due to the time ending so not like independence from brits. it was a DEFENSIVE WAR when egypt LEFT its border and invaded young israel so israelis call it "tkuma" establishment but more accurately the RENEWAL of the jew government continuing from solomon dynasty but with elected representatives.
so... the war of renewal faced the massive tank and warplane army of egypt and other arab attackers. egyptian warplanes flew out of egyot border to bomb cities and tanks streamed up israel's west coast until after many months of battles and israel getting help from european allies and u.s. the strategy trapped an egyptian army and the worry caused the egyptian king to submit to conditions that they had previously refused but in the end submitted to terms.
the cease fire was achieved to end the battles on that border region. so a step toward peace which was significant due to the power of egypt... a major danger ended. despite the war continued against other arabs for example lebanon continued until end of march but from then the jews were able to move the soldiers from egypt border the same forces that had battled egypt army [for example golani 3] to move south and reclaim the southern part of israel including "eilat" mentioned in the hebrew bible. some accused israelis expelled arabs from their homes but the accuser must prove ant accusation not simply say slanderous accusations that generate hate and prevent the peace now due to arab hate and desire for muslim revenge for a false accusation without any evidence.
also near this date, SOON a sad loss for the allies at java sea that is the part of chang (pacific) ocean north from JAVA isle that is north from western australia. both sides had cruiser class warships [u.s. u.k. and exiled dutch against japanese] but no battleship class in this battle.
on February 27, 1942, the exiled netherland=dutch navy led the attempt to save the dutch colony. in a seven-hour battle allies lost 2 cruiser class warships and total 5 warships including two brit destroyer class. the Japanese invasion of the dutch colony continued. other allied cruisers survived for example USS Houston (CA-30 meaning standard cruiser class).
the following day, 28 [oops last day in february], in the sea west from java isle, in Sunda Strait, a night battle began. allied cruisers participated in a "fierce overnight battle" and sadly for the defenders, both allied cruisers got sunk by jap invaders. this included u.s. lost a cruiser during this battle on march, 1.
so march 1 should be a sad day with a "comfort meal of comfort food" for the significant loss of a large cruiser and its crew taken prisoner. with songs in the topic.
the survivors were taken as prisoners of war. ENDNOTE: until liberated at the end of the war when japanese emperor surrendered in 1945 due only to the soviet land assault that threatened the military industry south from amur river... the first atomic bomb did not cause a surrender... does that mean need a second? dnc president thought so but an atom bomb is WORSE than chemical weapons and far from accurate bombing of factories so dnc is guilty for ordering that wide weapon. once they saw it did not budge EMPEROR dumb dnc should understand that it would not "end the war" as dumb dnc claimed and the second was known to be "unjustifiable". instead of "one is not enough need a second" learn that even an a bomb and knowing the danger and threat of more, did not budge the emperor. the japs did not surrender the day after the atomic bomb in august nor the day after the second so the atom bomb did not "end the war" and was known to be unjustifiable and must not be used the second time even if the first one hoped "to end the war" but the second was wrong and knowingly unjustifiable.
only the treachery of the soviet seditious violation of their treaty ignoring it caused the ending of the war later in august and was justifiable to end the war and stop the killing on both sides and save the lives on both sides for a quick end. still the soviet claim to korea peninsula was dumb dnc submission when should have said "can't grab land" as soviets had done to poland in 1939. even the division was by the line that gave soviets more than half but dumb dnc c-in-c did not care about koreans and caused the following war in korea during 1950's which cost u.s. lives when coulda stood firm against soviets saying only take the japanese industry not more.
in fact considering soviet bad guy to poland, the decision to help soviets by dumb dnc was not only unjustifiable after they pushed nazis back from moscow but worse the dumb dnc was helping the bad guy who had divided poland. respect for human life would be not scattering u.s. soldiers all around sprinkled in algeria and italy and france but focused on the one who attacked u.s. that is japan instead of sending u.s. lives into danger... after all he had been "reelected" due to preserving neutrality until then but acted treacherously to his voters misused the declaration of war on japan to send americans into danger against germany.
School for Good and Evil 2022, amazing symbolism
the story was AMAZING aside for the MARKETING of contemporary silliness, i mean that the popular idea of this generation of the "true love" being two women... that is "true love" more than man and wife. and the parents being "open minded" fiction at its extreme and hinting for parents tolerating a lady pair but other than that for marketing and attracting weak minded audience also for finding investors... the story was amazing... it even referd to a historical swap... of course those many weak minded people only see and refer to strong israel and weaker but strong enough to harm, palestinians but a previous status in 1948 was the change from a century ago when the "good" arabs went to war "for shielding the palestinians" who had never ruled in jerusalem but by ATTACKING as in this school story the arabs who invaded out of the borders of egypt and jordan i mean borders that had existed for 3 decades... the good "shielders of palestinians" attacked showing that the egypt and other arabs were truly evil like in the story of schools were truly the evil, while the "jews who appeared evil" taking land that at the time seemed to be arab but was never ruled by palestinians... those jews were the defenders as the TRUE good as this story symbolized.
admittedly netflix probably meant that the story symbolized the following stage when the jew defenders attacked egypt in 1967 but even THAT decade in 1973 the jews defended while the "seemingly good" arabs were attackers were the evil arabs. only by killing rafal aptly a negro as their reputation proceeds them... can we stop focussing on "words" that do not cause bleeding and not injure if i asay nigger or other words then we can focus in the real issues and end the violence from "islamic revenge" and jew defenders.
and speaking of bleeding... how can society be so very inverted to emphasize words that do not bleed while insisting on something that does BLEED... the infant circumcision without any medical urgency. if they can cut why cant i speak protected? and if even words are censored certainly we must deter the "mohel" and circumcisers and even the parent accomplice who hired the cutter... at least for causing bleeding without the surgery situatuon nor urgency while ditsinguishing words which do not physicaly cut deserve rotection whether i hate "white biden or black obama". hate speech is only speech and must be orotected unless it urges violence such as islamic revenge.... but opinions must be protected.
another THEME in this story is more noticeably emphasized in second book, despite less noticeably here, until second book or comparison with harry potter pattern, that is the equation of men in the evil school in book 2 but lady is the "moral hero" this element was already in this story, as i will select.
in contrast to story of potter where the author jk bothered to balance a "girl hermione with men harry and ron to battle evil" man wizard you know who and the murderess of sirius lady, this story tips the men as wrong both in the second book where evil is the men school and also in this story agatha girl was the SAVIOR saving tedros in the forest and later when tedroa was the "man moraly wrong" the moral heroes lady agatha protested and lady sofi while showing her ability to destroy did NOT kill only showing power on the wolf guards and stopping the men in the good dance and later stopping the wrong men in at the bad dance and more significantly the lady moral heroe killing the "man morally wrong" leader was a man which pushed the agenda bad man but lady moral hero, admittedly some men ARRE as bad as women but the equation is sexism which i and my girlfriend protested.
did you notice the names given by "scientists" for the time of dinosaurs? they must have been VERY bored to suggest "triassic and jurassic" but when they voted who would vote against such cool names tri-ass and jur=your-ass !
two brats argued:
tim:dinosaurs are so strong and cool
jim: bo-o-oring...
tim boring my ass!
jim you mean jur-ass!!
fan fiction: when dr. strange got captured he used the GREEN TIME stone to go to before thanos got the power crystal purple. he gathered all six in the order below. then used the six to destroy the five except the one that he had vowed to protect. this prevented thanos from getting them before he had gotten the purple power and blue space crystals.
intro: Dr. Jekyll did chemistry research in a lab.
STORY: A lawyer [according to author trustworthy... haha that is extreme fiction] went for his weekly walk with his pal, who told him the "gruesome tale of assault." a man trampled a young girl. people followed the murderer who entered a door and came out offering her relatives money instead of them suing him for money. he revealed that his name was Mr. Hyde. L' knew that name because Dr. Jekyll had prepared a will document that his will was to transfer all of his property to this same Mr. Hyde.
Later, l' visited another pal, who told him about the argument with Jekyll. he called j's research “unscientific balderdash.” later, l' followed Hyde to a lab attached to Jekyll’s home. Hyde told l' his address and entered the lab. after that Jekyll came out and told l' not to worry about Hyde his pal.
A year passed uneventfully, until one night, a girl saw Hyde brutally beat an old man to death. cops questioned l' if he knew hyde so he led them to Hyde’s address, on a foggy morning that felt scary. they found that the murderer was not at home. l' again visited Jekyll, who claimed separation from Hyde. j showed l Hyde's note apologizing to him for the trouble he caused and saying goodbye.
part 2 STORY: [censored] For two months, Jekyll showed friendliness until Jekyll stopped being sociable and refused visitors. l's pal gave him a letter, while noticeably shocked, and just before he died. he told l' not to open it until after Jekyll dies. Later, L' passed jekyll's window. j motioned him to come, so they talked until suddenly j' exhibited horror and swiftly slammed the window shut. Jekyll’s butler asked l' to come see something frightening: Jekyll was secluded in his lab, which is strange but now the voice sounds different. they went back along windswept streets. at the lab, the servants showed worry. After an argument they broke the door and found the corpse of Hyde, wearing Jekyll’s suit. l' reported that he read two letters: one from his pal who wrote that he saw Hyde drink a fluid that changed him into Dr. Jekyll. The second by Jekyll who explained his study to separate his good side from his darker impulses. using chemicals he isolated the harmful shameless part which harmed freely. he called himself, Mr. Hyde. after an exciting and enjoyable freedom he would return to his natural mix. later, he awoke as Hyde, even without potion. this repeated several nights, until he murdered a man. when he returned to j' he felt regret and made a chemical to stay j which succeeded.
first inspecting the date claimed, second offering a better alternative and finally rescuing the conflicted versions in gospel.
a website claimed that romans killed jesus april 3 year 33. however we can estimate full moons using a 19 year cycle. 104×19=1976, 33+1976=2009 same as 2009 full moon was near 8 april prepare passover and same in 33 not april 3. only year.
still witnesses set month not calculated so if passover 9 april 33 like full moon 8 in 2009, then Thursday preparation buried in john 19 witness who "saw" in john 19.
nights after Thursday 3 until sunday morning "first day of week" matched kuz 6 hour.
other years not claimed nor match, years 32, 29 one night. year 31 longer except 30 same Wednesday but more likely y33 based on tiberius 15 year.
calendar pictures
if year 33 when full moon? how many 19 year cycles?
2023 is end 5 ap same 2004 prep 5ap so 2042 same.
2009 years/19=105+ cycles
105 x 19=1995, 2042-1995=47 47-33=14
2023-14=2009 lucky 8 april 104 groups
104x19=1976 2009-1976=33 we can test 33
if on passover time john april 8 Wednesday and buried then 4 nights. if ate passover and the next noon then matched but john "saw" in john 19. n paul said he passover so not 33. claimer 33 said april 3, was friday but not full moon but witnesses set calendar until amora, so near full moon. 19 year cycles only to estimate moon and within a day.
2008 at 32? ap19, too short one night til sunday first day of week. 2007 31, longer, 2006 30, 4 nights, 2005 29, 1n, not claimed nor match.
CONCLUSION this reconciled the "obvious and apparent contradiction" in the gospels. both versions agreed three 3 nights before rose sunday morning. john SAW and wrote died and buried on Thursday of preparation when passover started that year six hours after crucified end of Thursday. the other version in matthew AGREED thursday but wrote a different day due to MOON witnesses 19 years later. starting passover Wednesday if so must have been same in 33... so they added matthew after john with the version jew passover at the end of Wednesday... NO PROBLEM jesus ATE the passover on preparation day and still crucified thursday 3 nights before sunday. in other words the versions ONLY diffrr about the lunar calendar that was based on witnesses seeing the moon.
humans and earthlings baffle me... they call the sad funerals, funerals but they are sad-erals not fun-erals [because of the loss that families feel.]
when peter pan wants to hide, how does he travel?
"pan I am" airlines.
note: the video hook 1991 violated the limits of peter pan world, if forget to fly LOSE ability forever. also the PREMISE is a turn off ANYTHING about "grown up peter" VIOLATED that world "all children grow up except one".
in addition to these two fundamentals, also peter was NOT adopted instead wendy and FUTURE generations visited him so the premise conflicted all these. the SAME story should have been about a "lost boy" who WAS adopted especialy since the title was "hook"... not peter pan. a lost boy for example "curly" needed to rescue his kids and met peter pan. but for marketing they made "the star and peter and actor williams" all one... and it got many ticket sales over $100m and in top ten, sixth that year so marketing was a success at the expense of "sacrilege" relying most people did not read peter pan books.
people who are "emotionally concerned scientists" hide the fact that volcanoes not only eject certain gasses but also move heat from underground to atmosphere.
if like me people don't notice that volcanoes are ERUPTING now for example in hawaii since 1983...
people might get fooled that humans are the cause and if dont "support the politicians who will restrict industry" we destroy the planet.... quite indirect and unnecessarily complicated propaganda.
however if people think if support such frauds the gasses will be less you are ignoring not only china uncontrolled pollution but also ACTIVE volcanoes.
where is etna? can you find it?
one worship song "invites come" holy spirit, but despite nice melody the words are problematic.
we can analyze "come spirit of god and fill my soul. lead us like children. only you we want. we invite you come. welcome"
this doesn't match the christian faith see 1 cor. 3, 16 ye are the temple of God, the Spirit of God dwells in you" only if you deny bible that it dwells in you, can you invite it.
similarly in the jewish part, isaia 63, "the angel etc. rebelled the holy spirit etc. placed IN him holy spirit" see verses 9 until end 11.
FIRST we swap "glory" instead of spirit to fix this problem, which matches usage in exodus 40, before analyzing further.
"Come the glory (spirit) of god and fill this place (my soul.) Spirit of God, guide (lead) my soul (us like children. only)
glory of God you we want. we invite you knowing you will come.
welcome here, welcome here, oh glory of god.
welcome here, welcome here, oh glory of god."
in source, we see from context a certain "angel" was called holy spirit that term refers to an angel and similarly the spirit of god in the creation story was that angel not as rabbis taught day 2, but before light already an angel existed.
the church teachers dared to write "holy spirit is less than jesus who is less than god" source one of the bible book listers. they are not the same one but jesus was less than god not divine nor other god but lord greater than angels and holy ghost or holy spirit which is an angel INSIDE as we see in above sources so not only is invite wrong it can only be sincere if deny holy prophet and apostle paul.
only the idea "lead" matched john 16, 13 "he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth" the teacher guide, but invitation is err and wrong and not possible. and not like children, like students.
invite and welcome are wrong already inside. we can switch lead for biblical "guide" as promised "teach everything". also why "fill" just dwell as source above and as elaborated later.
also the phrase "only" excluded god "only you" that excluded jesus and god and not same one as above even trinity said different person so saying only is wrong even if 3 persons are one god which is not the religion of prophets the prophet brought message that spirit is angel and in as above sources.
similarly in genesis story spirit of god is angel sent by god as in 63,9 called his spirit. not a third appearance of one god or similar trinity ideas but less than jesus not the same one god but both less than god and therefore not gods.
we should delete almost every word of that song if we trust the bible.
come spirit of god and fill my (soul.) lead us like children. only you we want. we invite you come welcome"
the soul despite being a spirit and from god is not the "his holy spirit" that is the name of angel as in isaia 63,9.
in addition to the part called soul mentioned in mat. 10, 28 which hell can destroy matching john 3 not pain forever, that part everyone has but another thing not everyone has holy spirit UNTIL accepted the gift of grace if accepted then "all baptised by spirit" all of us even before water which rejecting water is better, i did not come to baptise and acts 1, and other sources if baptism spirit and one in eph. then no other beside spirit which is in anyone who believes the gift.
so we reorder the remnant "spirit of god, we want you to lead our souls." instead of their song "(come) spirit of god (and fill) my soul. lead us (like children. only) you we want. we (invite you come welcome)" only if deny having can sincerely ask and want "it" but if have then not invite so we see that author rejected lessons in bible: dwells and in and "all baptised by spirit".
reorder finds 2 new flaws first the change from singular my soul to plural we. also if i already have a thing for example "a napkin" and i say "i want a napkin" that is wrong unless another but that is silly we can only "want" if think not have which rejected the lesson in bible so we must fix the order not "we want you." but as above want to be students.
we can defend the inconsistency which is forbidden in grammar by separate sentences where each one started separate but joined group yet still... as a song planned for singers they already gathered.
we could request fill as used in exodus 35, but still not fill soul just "filled him" so fill me but not soul because that would exclude body and OPPOSITE from song.... in fact the BODY is the temple as above... gasp. almost every word rejected the bible.
and... what is the difference whether fills or dwells "in" even in part just in heart or wherever as long as have. is fill more? of something infinite, if it is spirit it is infinite even without filling whether soul excluding body or body which is temple. the author denied many lesons so how could it this song be accepted by teachers? we must replace. and analyze as above... unless it and the teachers insincere as "row your boat".
an alternative is to swap out spirit for "glory" the usage "fill" is in exodus 40, THAT we could invite, "Come the glory (spirit) of god and fill this place (my soul.) Spirit of God lead my soul (us like children. only) glory of God you we want. we invite you knowing you will come.
welcome here, welcome here, oh glory of god, x2"