year 7000 bc starts grind-lithic [explained below]. by river jordan 7kbc page 16, stone "grind" page 14, to sharpen stone tools as explained below. y7kbc also turkey anatolia page 17, 7000 bc likejordan river page 16 before mesopotamia 4000, page 16.
y3290bc bronz by river jordan page 41. everywhere else egypt or mesopotamia and distant used stone and continued stone until iron after 750 bc.
y3000bc writing in mesopotamia p29, before egypt p22.
y1000bc iron age in israel, the "late israel" 1000bc=iron [museum] to 580bc but far israel before iron age.
y750bc iron in greece but spread from danube river region. rest of europe later. like africa egypt stone continued. no bronze age in egypt despite writing around 2800bc in egypt.
earlier stone tools book 650,000 bc but see below.
we should define the first human as "wise enuf to grind stones" insted of chipping so no human before 7000 bc still animal til then despite larger brain and from then homo sapian not 250,000 page 3.
details: the start of "far lithic" is in conflict between several websites. book claimed stone tools 650,000 since "far ice" started 1 million,p7, after "sapien ancestor erectus 1.1m" p3, and stone tool started 2/3 p7. if so homo erectus the "ancestor" of homo sapien did not use tools until 650kbc. he is considered "human" with title homo insted of "pithicus" based on "skull bone more volume" kuz found bone. seprating human from animal pithicus. however this is a flaw to claim bigger brain since even homo erectus did not yet make stone tools acording to book itself and whales have big brains simply relatuve to body so large brain does not show more potential. so i must fix.
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