intro: only after several repetitions of the video inception, i finally comprehended "the degree of badness" just how bad this video was.
is it a good video? the "notion" could be preservable in a summmary but the video is awful as a whole and even the action scenes are too broken and splinterd.
my driticism for those who saw it in end.
if i fall in a dream i awaken. what if i am drugd? and cant awaken and dream i am falling but cant awaken kuz drug. i wont be "lost forever."
the video is bad from the small flaw that at the end of the video "death while drugd pushes you to earlier dream" seen after two people experiencd different result in the first 15 minutes of video when drugd. logicly inside a multi level dream, death "could" equally "wake" you to the "dream nearer waking" kuz still in a dream, not further from awake. the video contains both conflicting possibilities saying that different drug. still dying on level 2 could still awake in level one. even if dying level one nearest awake drug prevents awake... simply a repeat to second since it was prepared as we saw in this story so to first to second each death in dreamland. same as actually occurd in minute 8 yikes conflicting the later "delay" causd by fisher dying, oops. and probably again in minute 14. yet still this is a small flaw in contrast to the much bigger flaw... the start of the video, the first unclear ten minutes, that show the same guys with huge changes... at the start, simply to baffle the first timers... when common videos slowly lead you into "magic" world in stages. will first timers even notice the change about "who is adornd with tie"?
how can anybody understand that the old man in the first minute is the same as the two young men in minutes 3 and 4 in different rooms. starting any story such is stupid.
they shoulda led you in steps showing a dream under a dream as i will fix.
in fact now that i finally realize that the opening scene is repeating the later story when the pro is "trying to save saito and will succeed" i finally realize just how bad such a start is. the word dream in minute two is meant to define the following "earlier" dream in minute 3 which is shown as a dream in minute four when the same guys are... sleeping !! but how can a beginner get that in four minutes? the earlier dream in minute 3 should not start the story either so we can learn this fictional world.
the video beginning is very stupid after we understand it but who can understand that the old guy was the same rescue scene... unless you watchd the end first as i did this time. so to hide that "you dont understand" most people simply praise the video too ashamed to admit that the story was unclear. a prediction the producers relyd on.
this is a story that needs replacing to preserve the small bit of cleverness, instead of the bad video i will replace with a summary.
SUMMARY of video inception. to spare you time watching this bad quality video.
first a guy lay in waves on a beach and sorry.... that is a dream... which must be skipd until later.
we must skip to an action scene before the boring explanatins which needs to be gradual.
we skip to... a man held a gun and walkd, from a kitchen out to a balcony. jt, he shot the gaurd from behind. killing the gaurd that is gaurding this villa. he is obviously not the owner but an invader. silently he stepd down some stairs and shot another gaurd from behind. he reenterd the hosts villa that he is invading yet opens a combination lock KNOWING its number and the envelope inside the small vault.
he takes the envelope from the safe and held another similar envelope... but the host caut him stealing from the lockd safe.
gaurds led in another man as hostage. the crook surrenderd n pushd gun away on table. they talk about dreams and a lady shot the hostage, named arthur i call him "robin" see below, in shoo who howld in pain when supported by gaurds until the crook slid across table and shot robin in chest... next robin opend his eyes, the death awoke him from the dream, same as we dream we are falling and awake.
his death in dream, causd dream end so awoke. robin opend eyes after shot so we know that death in a dream simply wakes you from the dream. and suggests that when we die from our years of life we will end that dream and awaken on a bed... clever. we see later that a lady will do that resulting in sad kids.
back to the story, robin [same actor as the cop who knew batman's secret in batmen "3 rises" named robin] adds drug to a sleeping man. back in "dreamland" where the hostage died, the lady does not shoot the crook so the crook ran from room and shot more gaurds. the villa trembles and the roof collapsed in some rooms. the host opend the envelope and saw blank new pages. the crook read the pages in the stolen envelope, until he heard gaurds chasing him so he shot one and ran but more follow and shot at the crook named cobb. the roof collapsed in more room on the gaurds so the crook read some more paper until a partner tipd his sleeping body into a tub of water. now the crook is awake from the SHARED dream that he shared with arthur. the water [not the tip kuz drugd] ended the dream out from the dreamland where the villa with vault was.
host also awoke from that dream, that several dreamers were active in, and shared, after roof collapsd on him he died and woke. so he hits a man and turnd to see who is behind him and aimd gun at robin. so cobb jumpd from tub and takld host pressd gun at host named saito.
outside window, violent rioters move nearer the building and burnd cars. at gunpoint crook and host chat. the host said "i allowd you into my dream to test you but in the dream i could tell that you were invaders." the rioters threw another burning bottle bomb that exploded and burnt another car.
surprise ! the same people are sleeping in a train with eyes closed as they themselvs also talk in riot land. the train rode quickly pasd the trees and another train sped in opposite direction.
on the train the musik guy playd musik to one of the sleepers, the builder. all hear it in his dream knowing that they will awaken soon.
in riot land, crook shouts "tell us the secret or i will shoot you" throwing the host down on the carpet. surprise ! host knows the carpet differd and knows that dying here he will awaken from a dream, same as when the roof collapsed in the villa and when hostage got shot. so he is not scared enuf to reveal the secret.
next an alram woke robin/arthur in train and saw cobb and saito asleep. back in riot land, host stood and praisd cobb for preparing a "dream within a dream" where awake into dream that can awaken from. [note this only happend to me twice in my life both long after i saw this vid and both in the same year. i awoke in a room, left bed and then awoke again in another room that i had slept in. and rememberd that i had awoken in a different room. this idea was also in comic "calvin hobbs" decades ago but not causing my dreams.]
next alarm woke builder and cobb... leaving host saito with the rioters.
cobb paid a helper and left. next saito awoke on train.
so that is a good complex start without the stupid first seven minutes.
next part of summary.
cobb fled from the company that hired him to steal from saitos mind. kuz he faild. after being a "good pa" talking to kids by phone, he went to a helicopter... to flee but inside sat saito and one of cobbs partners. saito spared cobbs life to do a job for him. he knew kuz the partner offerd cobbs location in exchange for not getting kild by saito for invading saitos mind. saito offerd cobbs hope to return to his kids if he used his skills to change the decision of a competitor.
cobb went to his pa. for the grandkids sake introduced cobb to a young architect. she talkd to him twice. the second time he askd her how they came to the table. she does not know kuz she is in a dream. the dream is: everything exploded and smashed until she awoke.
in next dream she bent the ground and folded the road until it is above them then they walk on each surface stepping 90 degrees and walking. she made a brij until a lady stabd her... awake.
cobb met a man and talkd about planting ideas. cobol company sent killers to avenge that they hired him and did not get the info. finally a decent scene. so i preserve it here so you wont be tempted to watch a bad quality video.
cobb ran and many agents chase and shot at him as he ran. he turnd and evaded until saito invited him into his car.
robin,arthur showd her some impossible stairs kuz dreamland allowed it. they walk up and up a loop of stairs to same place. it is both above and connected so they already walkd on it same as it appeard.
cobb met a chemist that made a chemical that caused deep sleep that even a shake wont interrupt... already used when they could not wake cobb until tipd in tub hence the tubing oops. and cobb did not wake until water yet death did nt cause "past dream" but hostij awakend lvel nearer awake as already happend in first dream levels proof only woke by water for sedative. why tubes? to connect the dreamers who share the communal dream and are active in ones dream. all refuting the later part of the story. too bad. at least the good parts will be in this summary.
the team lernt about the heir and his advisor who will say the idea "be yourself dont copy dad" impersonted by actors but then the mind will echo it.
hopefully for the competition, heir will sell parts of company instead of trying to outdo dad by growing the company. and for "good of world' preventing monopoly. just need to abduct and inject drug without consent not the end of the world.
cobb left u.s to flee murder ccustions. drug will caus deep sleep and faster in shorter time but can still feel if body tips.
she enterd cobb in a shared dream and saw his memories. regrets.
they enter jet from syney to l.a n cobb will be allowd in l.a with no murder accusation kuz rich will arrange they believe suicide.
heir enterd plane only tteam with him kuz rich bout jet company. waitress brout drinks to cobb who added chemical and gave heir the drugd dring. not strictly legal but told waitress to let him serve the heir.
drugd they start the shared dream. while on the long fliit.
the passengers attach tubes and get drugd and join a shared dream. in the first level of dreamland, the team steal a cab that builder-lady built into that level. taxi gets heir who now joins the shared dream that she built. heirs dream is scary for him as other man enterd cab and another guy pointed gun at him.
surprise ! a train crashd into them and people are mysteriously shooting...
just enjoy the mystery. people shoot rifles at the team as they ride thru a "maze" of streets and escape. she built a good maze. then one reveald the heir must have been traind to protect his dreams causing the train to hit those who invaded into heir dream. they will battle every level instead of simply planting the idea there. an actor sat by a mirror made to cause him to apear like the one the heir trusted.
the goal on this level is for heir to trust peter and hear the idea. the advisor said "the will-doc allowd you to split the company if you want to sell it." from then, the dream version of advisor repeats "be yourself dont try to replace dad". they threaten to kill advisorunless he said numbers so he said numbers.
they enter vanand drug heir. in van they enter the next shared dream not needing tubes kus tubes connect the bodys in jet. recall?
the defenders in heirs dream shot at team trying to kill the invaders. they escape in van andmove to next level where heir heres idea do your own idea not replace dad.
there more shooting and third level in hospital. heir went to see dad in dream after dad died. but lady killd heir.
now he could wake to level 2 kus still dreaming but video stupidly sends him further from awake.
so i summarize instead.
those on level 3 perform gun battles with garders of heir dream. also on level 2 garders wrestle with arther. also on level one garders shoot at the van. since all at same time each scene is interruppted by the ther levels to show same time many battles of shooting in different places at same time. level one shooting at van as it drove to the brij as pland.
level two in hotel arther wrestled with gards. level 3 around and insude hospital on snowy mountain with snow-mobiles and track-jeeps all battle but interrupted by each other. interspersd with the stupid addition of the unprepared level which is not prepared noor needed ku could awake to level above even if level one cant wake still could continue dream in level two that is prepared.. these action scenes are too splintered and short to be a story so we need the ending.
the heir returnd to level 3 and hears pa say "your efforts to be me make me sad." as echoed from the advisors message. the water in van wakes them to level one.
the helper on plane woke everybody but the heir. the happy ending cobb can enter america clerd from the murder accusation and his kids get their father back. the end.
this preservd the good stuff and avoids the "unprepared" level kuz not prepared. in fact no need to replace nor fix the first six minutes either. even the battle scenes are too interrupted and splinterd to preserve.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Friday, March 27, 2020
the "few" rich
did you know? the "few richest" just one percent of the families in the world, hold HALF the wealth of the world... at least in u.s the wealth is shared by many familys as i will explain. n
in america ten percent of familys, around thirty million people, share 76% of americas wealth as i will explain, so we know that the rest, 90% familys hold 24% wealth not just ten percent of the wealth as i have heard and read at bad websites which we must stop trusting.
those who are "fanaticly jealous" of the rich or who deny that communism faild, spread lies that the rich leave "so little" for everybody else, but at least in america the wealth truly is shared by many familys, so the democrats such as elizabeth warren is simply misleading people by hiding the "percentage number". so no "urgency" to follow nominee sanders who, same as nominee mrs.warren, is himself among the TEN PERCENT RICHEST IN THE WORLD and is not giving his own money to charity "an amount to drop below" the line to get out from that bracket.
worldwide there is a problem that wealth is not shared enuf like "wealth concentrated" among few people. at least america differs as above.
on the other hand "worldwide" includes the billions living under tyrany and warlords in africa so... we cant overthrow each of them. instead we must "define" the problem and then we can see that america is sharing wealth among many familys. then we can see that the problem worldwide is severe.
HALF the worlds wealth is controld by 1% as bbc publishd from a study. "bbc claimd that "worldwide" including some countrys that we cant check, the richest 1% of world has half the worlds money, leaving 99% of familys to share the other HALF of world wealth." this is far from the oft repeated propaganda that i hear n saw on opinon sites such as bad quora and bad yahoo that 90% people only has "ten percent money" kuz as reveald half is far from "only ten percent", the "poorer" 99% share half the worlds wealth not only ten percent kuz the phrase "as much as" simply means half.
NOTE: that same phrase could also mean "less than half" when hiding the percentage number as a bad democrat tryd to mislead people and as i will demonstrate.
still i claim that worldwide this is a severe problem that "half the wealth is concentrated among just 1% of the people" and they should share since they have so much... in contrast...
u.s differs. we see only twenty percent of american wealth is held by 0.1 percent of the richest so we can compute: 0.1% of 300 million population is same as one thousandth so 300 thousand pepl in around 200,000 familys share wealth. i mean "family" in contrast to separate citizens that could be in the same family some earn more than others yet the family is sharing the income so it seems more accurate to compare family units which share among themselves whether one earns more than another or the same.
the wealthiest 500 listed in forbes, dont have enuf money to balance the rest of the people in america nor even half of the people. in fact two of the richest listed in forbs, computer rich gates and stock rich buffit, each gave millions and each operate charity funds.
even the "richest 200 thousand familys own twenty percent of the wealth" far from half the wealth, based on tax returns which the irs inspects. we can contrast the worldwide problem of concentrated wealth: half held by just one percent, to america where even 200,000 richest familys are far from half the wealth.
the same tax returns can be adjusted "per capita" 0.1 percent of "people" scatterd among familys, only hold 15%, yet as above family shares among its members so i prefer familys and then the larger twenty percent is stilll far from half or 90% as i have heard. far from 90 percent. many people share the 90 percent wealth.
in the video "black knight rises" about batman, cat woman accused the wealthy of leaving "the rest of us with so litl" n i read n heard lies claiming "a few rich held 90%" wealth but as we see, even worldwide the "few rich 1%" hold half, far from 90%. in america the wealth is shared.
the richest 0.1% or 200,000 familys own 20% twenty percent of americas wealth far from even half and among thousands of families not just five billionares. it is entirely false to claim america has a problem sharin wealth as sanders and warren and other democrats claim at a time that they do not move themselves below the "richest" line.
the wealth in america is spread "so thin" that the ten percent richest is not purely millionares, but must include non-millionares. since we know that the 10% richest families hold 76% of americas wealth again far from 90%, and shared among 10% fmilys meaning 100*200,000=20 million familys, far from concentrated among "a few billionares", anyway... that leaves 24% for the "rest" 90% of familys from poorest up. if 90% hold 24, twenty four percent, then we can say "if 90% own 25% then the remainder richest ten percent own 75%" still far from 90 as the lies i heard n read,and revealing the deception of nominee warren exagerated, by targeting the ultra rich 0.1 percent which have less than 25%, only twenty percent so not "as much" but even combined many trillions less so her statement is far from accurate in this context the phrase "as much" is only 20% kuz not including the ten percent rich people that hold the remainder.... half the wealth 55%.
we can contrast in america 10% hold half in contrast to worldwide a few just 1% holds half so america is far better at sharing.
so we see that the wealth is shared and spread in america.
90% familys 25% money indicating spread n shared among 90%. not by family, "90% of people" own more wealth 29% but i prefer family units which share among the family.
10% americans 55% wealth not including the richest 0.1% people which means 200 thousand familys share 20% wealth. so the fact is america does truly share wealth now and in recent 50 years even as the rich become richer. as above a larger group ten percent holds half americas wealth but what about britian?
first we finish america, how many americans are the ten percent sharing 55%? 30 million people.
another different study showd top 0.1% only 15% of wealth but they separated familys.
"ten percent people" as above 30 million familys, share 76% not just "far from 90% money" as cat woman n quora and other liars hosted, to make us UNJUSTLY hate the rich, and shared by millions of familys, so these propaganda is only from jealous people for example warren despite her own wealth has reveald that she is jealous of that 0.1% while not moving herself below the line by giving HER money to charity. mrs warren you suck. complaining about wealthy go fix yourself.
we can be more precise than "around 25%". if we group familys, the richest 10% americans own 76% implying that 90% familys share 24% wealth showing the wealth is shared and not a mere ten percent but 24%.
now obviously... people not millionares have less wealth. that would be fake news to emphasize kuz "non-millionares are obviously "not millionaires" hence hold less. the problem raised in bbc is the "few" holding so much as above 1% of rich worldwide, outside u.s... think russia and saudi arabia and "bad" in this context, oil countrys and china... that is the problem. what about america? *the top ten percent include "non-millionares" so the gap between them and the poor is smaller gap since not all of the ten percent richest are "richer than the poor by far" the GAP is less.
that ten percent held 76% so we know that the rest 90% held 24% as above far more than just ten percent wealth.
the "bottom half" holds 1% money meaning 99% wealth is spread thinly among 50% or 150 million americans many many people so not concentrated. not the few wealthiest. i am among the poor but as long as the rich didnt steal i am not jealous. stats show that america shines morally in a world where the few 1% hold half of the world-wealth.
now britian. you are considerd "ultra-rich" in britan, in richest ten percent, if you have fifty thousand pounds... yikes that is not lots and far from millionare.
similarly if half are poor, that total "half people same" as "sixty two richest" then that does not mean half the wealth... as some were misled by nominee warren, but there is a third group, still the "other half" spreads the difference as above 20+20 leaves 60%.
the richest 0.1% americans have 20 percent that is far less than the 90% americans with 24% as above, the remainder is held by the ten percent rich in america and the same for britian.
bbc claimd that "worldwide" including some countrys that we cant check, the richest 1% of world has half the worlds money leaving 99% to share the other HALF of world wealth which is still far from ten percent wealth, so in that group, "as much as" simply means half.
in conclusion, ten percent american familys, considerd rich, is far from the wordwide inequality "problem" kuz in america the few rich meaning 0.1 percent only hold 20% wealth, as above, not 90% as hate mongers claim, n hosted by bad quora and bad yahoo, so we know they host silly non-facts and should not even read those websites.
worldwide, a study in 2018 showd 93 thousand u.s dollars is enuf wealth "to be richer than 90% of people worldwide". so i am poor but i dont see nominee warren nor nominee sanders that do fuss about the wealthy, moving themselves below this line... so they dont deserve support... in contrast wealthy trump does not hypocriticly make that fuss and trump DONATES his salary to charity.
at least in america many people share the wealth, which is not concentrated. africas billions are enslaved by their leaders, so charity would not really get to the familys.
another stat: "the wealth" is shared by 102 million americans who each hold over 93,000 dollars showing that many are sharing the weealth.
at least in america this reveald the bad prpaganda of nominee warren who hid the number "twenty percent" when in fact america does share wealth far better than worldwide. her wording hid "20%" using phrase "same as" misleading 50% when in truth the number is only twenty percent and truly many people share the wealth.
in america ten percent of familys, around thirty million people, share 76% of americas wealth as i will explain, so we know that the rest, 90% familys hold 24% wealth not just ten percent of the wealth as i have heard and read at bad websites which we must stop trusting.
those who are "fanaticly jealous" of the rich or who deny that communism faild, spread lies that the rich leave "so little" for everybody else, but at least in america the wealth truly is shared by many familys, so the democrats such as elizabeth warren is simply misleading people by hiding the "percentage number". so no "urgency" to follow nominee sanders who, same as nominee mrs.warren, is himself among the TEN PERCENT RICHEST IN THE WORLD and is not giving his own money to charity "an amount to drop below" the line to get out from that bracket.
worldwide there is a problem that wealth is not shared enuf like "wealth concentrated" among few people. at least america differs as above.
on the other hand "worldwide" includes the billions living under tyrany and warlords in africa so... we cant overthrow each of them. instead we must "define" the problem and then we can see that america is sharing wealth among many familys. then we can see that the problem worldwide is severe.
HALF the worlds wealth is controld by 1% as bbc publishd from a study. "bbc claimd that "worldwide" including some countrys that we cant check, the richest 1% of world has half the worlds money, leaving 99% of familys to share the other HALF of world wealth." this is far from the oft repeated propaganda that i hear n saw on opinon sites such as bad quora and bad yahoo that 90% people only has "ten percent money" kuz as reveald half is far from "only ten percent", the "poorer" 99% share half the worlds wealth not only ten percent kuz the phrase "as much as" simply means half.
NOTE: that same phrase could also mean "less than half" when hiding the percentage number as a bad democrat tryd to mislead people and as i will demonstrate.
still i claim that worldwide this is a severe problem that "half the wealth is concentrated among just 1% of the people" and they should share since they have so much... in contrast...
u.s differs. we see only twenty percent of american wealth is held by 0.1 percent of the richest so we can compute: 0.1% of 300 million population is same as one thousandth so 300 thousand pepl in around 200,000 familys share wealth. i mean "family" in contrast to separate citizens that could be in the same family some earn more than others yet the family is sharing the income so it seems more accurate to compare family units which share among themselves whether one earns more than another or the same.
the wealthiest 500 listed in forbes, dont have enuf money to balance the rest of the people in america nor even half of the people. in fact two of the richest listed in forbs, computer rich gates and stock rich buffit, each gave millions and each operate charity funds.
even the "richest 200 thousand familys own twenty percent of the wealth" far from half the wealth, based on tax returns which the irs inspects. we can contrast the worldwide problem of concentrated wealth: half held by just one percent, to america where even 200,000 richest familys are far from half the wealth.
the same tax returns can be adjusted "per capita" 0.1 percent of "people" scatterd among familys, only hold 15%, yet as above family shares among its members so i prefer familys and then the larger twenty percent is stilll far from half or 90% as i have heard. far from 90 percent. many people share the 90 percent wealth.
in the video "black knight rises" about batman, cat woman accused the wealthy of leaving "the rest of us with so litl" n i read n heard lies claiming "a few rich held 90%" wealth but as we see, even worldwide the "few rich 1%" hold half, far from 90%. in america the wealth is shared.
the richest 0.1% or 200,000 familys own 20% twenty percent of americas wealth far from even half and among thousands of families not just five billionares. it is entirely false to claim america has a problem sharin wealth as sanders and warren and other democrats claim at a time that they do not move themselves below the "richest" line.
the wealth in america is spread "so thin" that the ten percent richest is not purely millionares, but must include non-millionares. since we know that the 10% richest families hold 76% of americas wealth again far from 90%, and shared among 10% fmilys meaning 100*200,000=20 million familys, far from concentrated among "a few billionares", anyway... that leaves 24% for the "rest" 90% of familys from poorest up. if 90% hold 24, twenty four percent, then we can say "if 90% own 25% then the remainder richest ten percent own 75%" still far from 90 as the lies i heard n read,and revealing the deception of nominee warren exagerated, by targeting the ultra rich 0.1 percent which have less than 25%, only twenty percent so not "as much" but even combined many trillions less so her statement is far from accurate in this context the phrase "as much" is only 20% kuz not including the ten percent rich people that hold the remainder.... half the wealth 55%.
we can contrast in america 10% hold half in contrast to worldwide a few just 1% holds half so america is far better at sharing.
so we see that the wealth is shared and spread in america.
90% familys 25% money indicating spread n shared among 90%. not by family, "90% of people" own more wealth 29% but i prefer family units which share among the family.
10% americans 55% wealth not including the richest 0.1% people which means 200 thousand familys share 20% wealth. so the fact is america does truly share wealth now and in recent 50 years even as the rich become richer. as above a larger group ten percent holds half americas wealth but what about britian?
first we finish america, how many americans are the ten percent sharing 55%? 30 million people.
another different study showd top 0.1% only 15% of wealth but they separated familys.
"ten percent people" as above 30 million familys, share 76% not just "far from 90% money" as cat woman n quora and other liars hosted, to make us UNJUSTLY hate the rich, and shared by millions of familys, so these propaganda is only from jealous people for example warren despite her own wealth has reveald that she is jealous of that 0.1% while not moving herself below the line by giving HER money to charity. mrs warren you suck. complaining about wealthy go fix yourself.
we can be more precise than "around 25%". if we group familys, the richest 10% americans own 76% implying that 90% familys share 24% wealth showing the wealth is shared and not a mere ten percent but 24%.
now obviously... people not millionares have less wealth. that would be fake news to emphasize kuz "non-millionares are obviously "not millionaires" hence hold less. the problem raised in bbc is the "few" holding so much as above 1% of rich worldwide, outside u.s... think russia and saudi arabia and "bad" in this context, oil countrys and china... that is the problem. what about america? *the top ten percent include "non-millionares" so the gap between them and the poor is smaller gap since not all of the ten percent richest are "richer than the poor by far" the GAP is less.
that ten percent held 76% so we know that the rest 90% held 24% as above far more than just ten percent wealth.
the "bottom half" holds 1% money meaning 99% wealth is spread thinly among 50% or 150 million americans many many people so not concentrated. not the few wealthiest. i am among the poor but as long as the rich didnt steal i am not jealous. stats show that america shines morally in a world where the few 1% hold half of the world-wealth.
now britian. you are considerd "ultra-rich" in britan, in richest ten percent, if you have fifty thousand pounds... yikes that is not lots and far from millionare.
similarly if half are poor, that total "half people same" as "sixty two richest" then that does not mean half the wealth... as some were misled by nominee warren, but there is a third group, still the "other half" spreads the difference as above 20+20 leaves 60%.
the richest 0.1% americans have 20 percent that is far less than the 90% americans with 24% as above, the remainder is held by the ten percent rich in america and the same for britian.
bbc claimd that "worldwide" including some countrys that we cant check, the richest 1% of world has half the worlds money leaving 99% to share the other HALF of world wealth which is still far from ten percent wealth, so in that group, "as much as" simply means half.
in conclusion, ten percent american familys, considerd rich, is far from the wordwide inequality "problem" kuz in america the few rich meaning 0.1 percent only hold 20% wealth, as above, not 90% as hate mongers claim, n hosted by bad quora and bad yahoo, so we know they host silly non-facts and should not even read those websites.
worldwide, a study in 2018 showd 93 thousand u.s dollars is enuf wealth "to be richer than 90% of people worldwide". so i am poor but i dont see nominee warren nor nominee sanders that do fuss about the wealthy, moving themselves below this line... so they dont deserve support... in contrast wealthy trump does not hypocriticly make that fuss and trump DONATES his salary to charity.
at least in america many people share the wealth, which is not concentrated. africas billions are enslaved by their leaders, so charity would not really get to the familys.
another stat: "the wealth" is shared by 102 million americans who each hold over 93,000 dollars showing that many are sharing the weealth.
at least in america this reveald the bad prpaganda of nominee warren who hid the number "twenty percent" when in fact america does share wealth far better than worldwide. her wording hid "20%" using phrase "same as" misleading 50% when in truth the number is only twenty percent and truly many people share the wealth.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
summary phineas ferb s4 four more storys
four more good storys from Phineas and ferb series s4.
pc403, "Bully Bust" seen January 18, 2013. included "Backyard Hodge Podge" seen April 19, 2013.
bully: pf made a ride with theme tooth. Beaufort=bf garded it to aid candace "bust" 'em. ddD made evil ray shooter that can move people into orbit.
DETAils: Beaufort=bf stood in pf yard. he will aid candace to "bust" pf kuz stuff always vanishd.
pp slept on phn bed until a paper card with a view-screen woke him. mm sent aP who flew to doc but ddd trapd ap in a cage. Perry lifted cage and wrestled ddD.
at pf yard, kids gather and made a "ride" about the tooth. also had balloons shaped like tooth. c watchd. kids rode the ride.
At lab aP pushd ddd down steps. doc stepd on a spring that threw him up hitting anvil. next ap kickd ddd. The ray from device zapd a chair near Bf that rose into orbit. bf preventid the ray zapping the ride, so it will not go away, by throwing stuff at each ray til he jumpd at ray, that movd him up. his special shoe string stuck to the tooth ride. as bf rose it gets puld up too.
ddd kickd but only shoe flew at ap. ddd shot rays at ap. Perry threw the shoe that moved device so ray zapd roof.
Buford separated lace from tooth which fell downward...
also Perry destroyd the device hence all the stuff fell. bf is safely hanging by tuff lace from tree.
Candace led ma to the... empty yard. the roof of ddd lab crashd in desert. Doc crawld out just before the tooth fell on it.
HOJ: bros attachd recycld parts from past inventions. diabolical doc D made a devilish device to ruin eyes.
DETAils: boys chat about zombys. isb asks "watcha doin" and phn explaind that too much trash so we will recycle parts from past stuff. the kids met a guy named parry.
perry is in kitchen after ate many burnt pies. ma baked another for charity sale but burnt many pies and this pie too.
ap **birthday is april 19. Perry rejectd birthday cake from mm kuz full.
ddd's bank account is increasing so ap must investigate. on screen, the other animal agents sang a birthday song for him.
pa added visual aid of costume n face paint, as c suggested.
aP enterd ddd lab but doc trapd ap on chair. ddd made a devilish device that causd ap blurd siit. Doc zaps himself to see if it blurd so now doc cant see. Perry jumpd and swung at d but misd.
in yard, kids sang.
at lab ddD tryd to hit aP but hit chair kuz both blurd.
in yard kids play.
at lab ap heard doc and by sound knew to hit. d tripd n fel.
ma saw bread bag dance, she knows impossible. Candace came home kuz ma requested. ma saw pa in platypus costume so went out. she saw the work of sons but does not believ her eyes.
d set device to zap again but fell. the ray zapd c. Perry zapd his eye to return good then broke it.
c stood by ma who cant believ her eyes. when ma askd "do yu see the thing i see" C cant.
ddD hung saved by a sign.
pc404, "Der Kinderlumper" seen February 15, 2013 included "Just Desserts" seen July 5, 2013.
DER: BREif: bros made vehicles and greeted candace at the end of the chinchilla-run. ddd made a device that can transform himself into a large scary "kinderlumper".
DETAils c wore princess dress for the Chinchilla-run where c ran with stacy alongside the animals.
ap enterd ddd lab by making a hole. doc sang a scary song that his mom taut him that causd him to produce a devilish device to transform himself into a large scary "kinderlumper".
ddd activated it, as aPerry wrestled him so the ray zapd both, transforming both into larj trolls. another ray thru the hole Perry made, zapd the chinchillas transforming them too. they topld a van.
ap broke the device n followd doc onto a mark X. there a cage coverd ap so ddd went to his bro.
At pf yard c warnd kids about troll-chillas. kids rode vehicles from pf home.
a helicopter came n videod the news.
the animals stampeded over the kids who are not harmd kuz fluffy. the vehicle with c hit a hydrant. so c ran.
At the "finish line" ddd came as "der Kinderlumper" but bro Roger smiled kuz their mom sang to roger that it givs gifts and not scary.
ddD aP and animals return form as effect endd. Candace ran to finish line n warnd about the troll-chillas. The kids and Stacy congratulated c for good job as princess n runner.
before ma can see the video to bust sons, the animals fly the chopper up.
during the names we see that the k is real.
JD: breif: bros made a "not-rock climb". ddD made a device that interferes and interrupts the activity of anybody who gets zapd.
DETAils: bros made climb-wall, using organic stuff. parents chat about the rare bird flock. ma clapd a "high-five" for pas joke. Perry dove thru his water bowl to enter lair. mm sent so went using back-jet to lab to prevent evil with sugar.
At the Fireside Girls lodge c recorded for them. meanwhile bros made the climb-wall. kids climbd it.
ap enterd ddd lab where "gingerbread house" trapd him. doc gave ap a pair of gumdrop slippers.
bro will do dinner party that can make frends so doc made devilish device that can cause people to bring desert which will quikly end any dinner party.
then hopefully he will take over. Perry tosd a slipper at device causing it to zap the devilish doctor d who interrupts n brout cake. Doofenshmirtz repeatd action when zapd again kuz aP threw second slipper. when doc gave ap the cake aPerry bit doof's hand causing ddd to break the gingerbread house.
each jamd cake to others mouth repeatedly.
At yard, kids succeeded to climb to height of non-rock climbing wall.
at docs lab, ap n doof stop wrestling n jumpd as a result of sugar.
Candace saw climber as kids came down, n her voice is too dry from recording to tell ma.
the mayor dinner is beginning so ap ate from hat n chased device using back-jet. it zapd ma so offerd cake. aPerry pushd the "self-destruct" button n it did.
birds took away climber as ma came. she fotografd a bird in c hair. ferb gave c tea for throat.
pc403, "Bully Bust" seen January 18, 2013. included "Backyard Hodge Podge" seen April 19, 2013.
bully: pf made a ride with theme tooth. Beaufort=bf garded it to aid candace "bust" 'em. ddD made evil ray shooter that can move people into orbit.
DETAils: Beaufort=bf stood in pf yard. he will aid candace to "bust" pf kuz stuff always vanishd.
pp slept on phn bed until a paper card with a view-screen woke him. mm sent aP who flew to doc but ddd trapd ap in a cage. Perry lifted cage and wrestled ddD.
at pf yard, kids gather and made a "ride" about the tooth. also had balloons shaped like tooth. c watchd. kids rode the ride.
At lab aP pushd ddd down steps. doc stepd on a spring that threw him up hitting anvil. next ap kickd ddd. The ray from device zapd a chair near Bf that rose into orbit. bf preventid the ray zapping the ride, so it will not go away, by throwing stuff at each ray til he jumpd at ray, that movd him up. his special shoe string stuck to the tooth ride. as bf rose it gets puld up too.
ddd kickd but only shoe flew at ap. ddd shot rays at ap. Perry threw the shoe that moved device so ray zapd roof.
Buford separated lace from tooth which fell downward...
also Perry destroyd the device hence all the stuff fell. bf is safely hanging by tuff lace from tree.
Candace led ma to the... empty yard. the roof of ddd lab crashd in desert. Doc crawld out just before the tooth fell on it.
HOJ: bros attachd recycld parts from past inventions. diabolical doc D made a devilish device to ruin eyes.
DETAils: boys chat about zombys. isb asks "watcha doin" and phn explaind that too much trash so we will recycle parts from past stuff. the kids met a guy named parry.
perry is in kitchen after ate many burnt pies. ma baked another for charity sale but burnt many pies and this pie too.
ap **birthday is april 19. Perry rejectd birthday cake from mm kuz full.
ddd's bank account is increasing so ap must investigate. on screen, the other animal agents sang a birthday song for him.
pa added visual aid of costume n face paint, as c suggested.
aP enterd ddd lab but doc trapd ap on chair. ddd made a devilish device that causd ap blurd siit. Doc zaps himself to see if it blurd so now doc cant see. Perry jumpd and swung at d but misd.
in yard, kids sang.
at lab ddD tryd to hit aP but hit chair kuz both blurd.
in yard kids play.
at lab ap heard doc and by sound knew to hit. d tripd n fel.
ma saw bread bag dance, she knows impossible. Candace came home kuz ma requested. ma saw pa in platypus costume so went out. she saw the work of sons but does not believ her eyes.
d set device to zap again but fell. the ray zapd c. Perry zapd his eye to return good then broke it.
c stood by ma who cant believ her eyes. when ma askd "do yu see the thing i see" C cant.
ddD hung saved by a sign.
pc404, "Der Kinderlumper" seen February 15, 2013 included "Just Desserts" seen July 5, 2013.
DER: BREif: bros made vehicles and greeted candace at the end of the chinchilla-run. ddd made a device that can transform himself into a large scary "kinderlumper".
DETAils c wore princess dress for the Chinchilla-run where c ran with stacy alongside the animals.
ap enterd ddd lab by making a hole. doc sang a scary song that his mom taut him that causd him to produce a devilish device to transform himself into a large scary "kinderlumper".
ddd activated it, as aPerry wrestled him so the ray zapd both, transforming both into larj trolls. another ray thru the hole Perry made, zapd the chinchillas transforming them too. they topld a van.
ap broke the device n followd doc onto a mark X. there a cage coverd ap so ddd went to his bro.
At pf yard c warnd kids about troll-chillas. kids rode vehicles from pf home.
a helicopter came n videod the news.
the animals stampeded over the kids who are not harmd kuz fluffy. the vehicle with c hit a hydrant. so c ran.
At the "finish line" ddd came as "der Kinderlumper" but bro Roger smiled kuz their mom sang to roger that it givs gifts and not scary.
ddD aP and animals return form as effect endd. Candace ran to finish line n warnd about the troll-chillas. The kids and Stacy congratulated c for good job as princess n runner.
before ma can see the video to bust sons, the animals fly the chopper up.
during the names we see that the k is real.
JD: breif: bros made a "not-rock climb". ddD made a device that interferes and interrupts the activity of anybody who gets zapd.
DETAils: bros made climb-wall, using organic stuff. parents chat about the rare bird flock. ma clapd a "high-five" for pas joke. Perry dove thru his water bowl to enter lair. mm sent so went using back-jet to lab to prevent evil with sugar.
At the Fireside Girls lodge c recorded for them. meanwhile bros made the climb-wall. kids climbd it.
ap enterd ddd lab where "gingerbread house" trapd him. doc gave ap a pair of gumdrop slippers.
bro will do dinner party that can make frends so doc made devilish device that can cause people to bring desert which will quikly end any dinner party.
then hopefully he will take over. Perry tosd a slipper at device causing it to zap the devilish doctor d who interrupts n brout cake. Doofenshmirtz repeatd action when zapd again kuz aP threw second slipper. when doc gave ap the cake aPerry bit doof's hand causing ddd to break the gingerbread house.
each jamd cake to others mouth repeatedly.
At yard, kids succeeded to climb to height of non-rock climbing wall.
at docs lab, ap n doof stop wrestling n jumpd as a result of sugar.
Candace saw climber as kids came down, n her voice is too dry from recording to tell ma.
the mayor dinner is beginning so ap ate from hat n chased device using back-jet. it zapd ma so offerd cake. aPerry pushd the "self-destruct" button n it did.
birds took away climber as ma came. she fotografd a bird in c hair. ferb gave c tea for throat.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
my summary of series sg1 se.1 ep.1-8 and s3
intro: the "official" descriptions, of sg1 episodes, dont match the storys so i must fix them. also stupid questions "can they save" certainly they will, but how?
__sg1 series, season 1, ep.1-8
series description: the "stargate" is a big ring-device, that can make a path to another gate on other far planets. we found it and know that an ancient wise civilization made it. [they had fled to our galaxy when powerful wraiths defeated them as told in se. 9]. the mission for sg1 is "find alien allys."
__e1 brief: rescue mission for captured lady, but sg1 got captured too.
description: to replace the bad "official" descriptions that dont match the story nor describe the challenge accurately. "after destroying the guld named ra [the god they killed as told in video], now deadly warriors came thru sg' 'n captured a soldier. the team sg1 go for the rescue mission but get captured. a jaffa rebeld n helpd them escape but gliders shot energy blasts at them. that king stole n enslaved human bodys. the battle near the gate is fierce. how will sg1 get home?
e2 brief: a guld entered n controld a soldier. +d=details: a soldier had aches n found guld in neck. removd it but linkd 'n controld him. how stop guld?
e3 brief: a man abducted sam n tryd to trade her for a lady.+d: sg1 found tribes who maltreat females. a man tryd to trade sam for another lady. she knife-dueld a tribal leader.
e4 brief: broca: a virus made sg1 primitive n cure?+d: sgi went to a dark place n saw primitive tribe. a civilized group interfered. but the virus infected sg1 causing them to be primitive n brutal.
e5 brief: leader of sg9 acted like god n enslaved natives. how will sg1 stop him n save the slaves?+d: when team sg9 did not return, sg1 found the sg9 leader was acting like a god n enslaved people.
e6 brief: nano-bots accelerated oneill=o aging how prevent his near death?+d: on. got drugd. touching a native causd nano-bots to accelerate his aging. how save him n nativs from shortend lives.
e7 brief: blue crystal copyd on., n the replica will soon decay n blast its energy out.+d: oneill touchd a blue crystal. its energy threw him down n copyd him. the replica returnd to earth n faced the pain of mourning for son. how will replica get home before its energy blasts the surrounding people?
e8 brief: tealc in cave with a device that can kill guld, n a deadly host of guld. how will tealc escape?+d: a zap made tealc n on. disappear. they were zapd to a cave with the device that can free host from guld. it can kill the guld in tealc. how will teal escape the cave n device? how will they defeat the strong host cald unas.
see below for season 3 summaries
continued ep. 9 at
sg1, season 3
1 fire, guld in oneill, how free?
2 guld in u.s hid as cult leader
3 three guld came n negotiated. guld atakd earth.
4 legacy, touchd tablet n hallucinating
5 bring smart girl to teach sam technology
6 alternate carter fled her reality to ours
7 is it guld or tokra?
8 freed humans so facing revenj
9 sg1 joind a batl but both enemys shot at sg1
10 d.j. finally saw his wife
11 find sick past n present
12 try to save sam's dad
13 saved him
14 tealc with aliens
15 the trial
16 alien spore infectd minds
17destroyd stargate
18 on. stole device from aliens
19 join war
20 child of apophis
21 d.j touchd crystal skull n vanishd
22 onil vanishd n helpd the metal bug batl but one gets to earth... to be continued season 4 on submarine.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
my summary of hobbit 2012
my summary of the great video "hobbit" 2012.
elderly biblo, son of f, was a halfling, meaning from human and dwarf. he started writing that during his youth, he joind dwarvs.
their story was a sad loss from wealth of the gems from the ground, to losing their home. a drake atakd and burnt many people and homes. he broke his way into the mountain and threw dwarvs against the wall til they retreated.
they lost their home and wanderd in wilderness working for men.
many decades later the drake named smaug was now weak so the dwarvs decided to return but other dwarvs would not aid. the wizard gandalf chose bilbo and led dwarf band to b. the dwarvs and g ate b food and invited him to an adventure. in the morning he joind the adventure.they rode horses away from b home and through woods.
at night they heard orcs and told the tale of moria. the dwarvs had fout to retake ancient moria in a harsh battle. a huge pale orc was strong and killd the dwarf king. he killd many dwarvs until a brave prince atakd him. he knokd the prince down but the prince cut the orcs arm off. when the big orc was injurd, they had hope and counteratakd. the battle was feirce and dwarvs kild many orcs and chasing them away.
many dwarvs lived in moria after much more died in batl. this small band wanted to atak smaug. skip side point.
two horses were missing. so bilbo investigated and found three trolls. he reached for a blade to cut free the horses but was found. the dwarvs atakd the larger trolls and gashd the troll feet. until they threaten to rip bilb. the dwarvs stop fiiting to spare b but he is not spared kuz the trolls will eat all of em including the hobbit.
b said they hav worms inside and the delay is long enuf for the sun to rise. gandalf broke the rock [not like story already told in ring video] and sun changed the trolls to stone. d are free and find the cave where the trolls hid during the day. the separate some of the stolen gold and gems and bury separately for later. then continue the journey toward the lonely muntain.
a wizard told he followd "giant spiders" to a fort where a powerful sorcerer hid. w batld a dead warrior and "was cool" skild in disarming the spirit and striking with magical staff before the ghost could kill w. he captured the sword and ran from the sorcerer chased by bats.
his story was interrupted when orcs and larger wolves cald wargs atakd the small dwarvs. thoe smaller than humans the boldly fiit the 2 larger wargs. in a dangerous battle a warg takld a dwarv but befor biting a dwarf sworded the w. another w ran toward them kili the archer shot arrow injuring w so as it tumbld a d kild it with sword. they know that after fiiting trolls now they will battle orcs.
radgast rode a sled puld by many hares to lead the orcs and wargs away from the dwrvs. but one orc smeld and atakd dwarvs. kili shot arrow at warg causing it to tumble down then arrowd orc. swords kill both. but other wargs come and surround dwarvs. another arrow injurd a orc and he fell off a warg but many wargs and orcs surround them.
g had led them to a tunnel so as a warg charged to bite and prince hakd it with sword, most dwarvs slid down into cave to escape. also kili shot arrows at many orcs killing or injuring many. as they escape into a cave the wargs get atakd.
elf cavalry rode horses and shot arrows killing almost all the orcs and wargs in that band.
may 3 midspring not just start good but also mid worth marking, and midsummer aug 8? kuz midsummer can read map.
the orc leader returnd to report to pale orc with metal fork hand. pale orc kild captn. [pack for fatcat pak]
dwarf band walk... far along pretty plains near majestic mountin, to mountains and climb and along rij and higher until meeting the "stone-giants" living rok that batld each other and fout with hits and throws until one lost. then the quest continued.
d slept in cave until goblins opend hatches of hingd floor. goblins. yay. troll orc goblin exciting. after elf helpd read and translate about the secret door. goblins many overpower d disarm and take to goblin king.
b quietly hid and will meet golum after a sword fiit with gblin.
a goblin saw b crawl away and swung but b blokd with his sword. exciting sword fiit unti g jumpd on b and they tumble down the side of cave. both get injurd and b saw a being kill the goblin... importantly as the being that said "golum" his own name swung rok at g, a gold ring slipd, as if wanting to move, from golum's rag down to ground boucing [i add to story rold toward bilbo.] gl dragd his next meal away and b poketd ring.
gl n b chat. gb led d to torture til see the sword that kild many goblins. no time for torture abger kil now but gandalf wiz made magic blast all goblins fall weak. so dwarvs get ther wepons and fiit running over wood brij in cavern.
gl notisd ring missing so thru rok at bl. n chased. bl squeezd thru narrow gap and fell ring jumpd up so caut on finger... gl crawld past... bl is hid.
meanwile dw ran n gb blokd brij so cut rope to free pole and nok gb off brij. one gb fell on lower brij causing those gb to bounce far down deadly fall.
the harsh batl continued as gb rush to fiit them but skild dw stab n slice the gb.
two amazing brij stunts follow.enjoy seeing em. rent video or buy digital video.
the blade fiit continued and rok crushd many gb a dw ran to exit.but goblin that is largest so king bloks him.
wz hit gk with magic staff n sliced belly then as gk fell wz cut gk nek.
gk fell breaking brij that dw slid down to deep cave. yay.
gn led dw out from mount n bl saw. he spared gl now that gl not a threat, not knowing that we already saw same golum almost kill his familymember frodo by led f to giant spider that poisond frodo decades after this story.
they escape the many gb wanting to avenj king and run into... the orcs that had been chasing them. like jumping from the hot boiling ketl into the huge bonfire.
saw orcs n ran. wargs chase and atak. kill some that blok path. one almost gets behind dw that swung hammer back. yay.
d climd trees. warg climbd too and weit topld trees they fall into next tree but weit bends tree after tree until... g threw fire at wargs. the band lit many cones from wz magic fire and threw at wargs. but tree tips and roots are strainig... two dw slip but z extendd staff they grab.
thorin prince saw wargs fled fire so faced pale orc alone, orc slamd prins n warg liftd in teeth biting armor.
hit hilt handl on warg head. bilo saw prins dying and want to save life but kings n family is bad he will let prins die so dw can choose leader for limted time. they can reclaim home back without king.
bilbo did "the better thing"let orc kill prince for freeing dwarvs then after orc cut prins head off for paly, b stabd killer orc avenging the murder.
b faced orcs that wanted to kill dw this whole story. but dw aid. they slice at orcs til giant eagles save the hanging dw and drop a warg that stayd kuz rider, from hi.
they push tree topl n crushd orcs also grabd 2 wargs with riders n lift n drop saving dw.
next some e lift dozen dw to safety while others drop more wargs to death but not pale kuz he will fiit kili later. pal rode away with prins head "just hed not attachd" but e bring body fly far n over clouds n mount n valley n waterfall to lonely mt of dw lost home with dragon.
now that thorin dead they dare to reveal that they did not like king family anyway and are grateful that b avenged his death. they praise he is braver than they thout. dw are happy that they are near home n free from king. but weak old smaug awakend.
elderly biblo, son of f, was a halfling, meaning from human and dwarf. he started writing that during his youth, he joind dwarvs.
their story was a sad loss from wealth of the gems from the ground, to losing their home. a drake atakd and burnt many people and homes. he broke his way into the mountain and threw dwarvs against the wall til they retreated.
they lost their home and wanderd in wilderness working for men.
many decades later the drake named smaug was now weak so the dwarvs decided to return but other dwarvs would not aid. the wizard gandalf chose bilbo and led dwarf band to b. the dwarvs and g ate b food and invited him to an adventure. in the morning he joind the adventure.they rode horses away from b home and through woods.
at night they heard orcs and told the tale of moria. the dwarvs had fout to retake ancient moria in a harsh battle. a huge pale orc was strong and killd the dwarf king. he killd many dwarvs until a brave prince atakd him. he knokd the prince down but the prince cut the orcs arm off. when the big orc was injurd, they had hope and counteratakd. the battle was feirce and dwarvs kild many orcs and chasing them away.
many dwarvs lived in moria after much more died in batl. this small band wanted to atak smaug. skip side point.
two horses were missing. so bilbo investigated and found three trolls. he reached for a blade to cut free the horses but was found. the dwarvs atakd the larger trolls and gashd the troll feet. until they threaten to rip bilb. the dwarvs stop fiiting to spare b but he is not spared kuz the trolls will eat all of em including the hobbit.
b said they hav worms inside and the delay is long enuf for the sun to rise. gandalf broke the rock [not like story already told in ring video] and sun changed the trolls to stone. d are free and find the cave where the trolls hid during the day. the separate some of the stolen gold and gems and bury separately for later. then continue the journey toward the lonely muntain.
a wizard told he followd "giant spiders" to a fort where a powerful sorcerer hid. w batld a dead warrior and "was cool" skild in disarming the spirit and striking with magical staff before the ghost could kill w. he captured the sword and ran from the sorcerer chased by bats.
his story was interrupted when orcs and larger wolves cald wargs atakd the small dwarvs. thoe smaller than humans the boldly fiit the 2 larger wargs. in a dangerous battle a warg takld a dwarv but befor biting a dwarf sworded the w. another w ran toward them kili the archer shot arrow injuring w so as it tumbld a d kild it with sword. they know that after fiiting trolls now they will battle orcs.
radgast rode a sled puld by many hares to lead the orcs and wargs away from the dwrvs. but one orc smeld and atakd dwarvs. kili shot arrow at warg causing it to tumble down then arrowd orc. swords kill both. but other wargs come and surround dwarvs. another arrow injurd a orc and he fell off a warg but many wargs and orcs surround them.
g had led them to a tunnel so as a warg charged to bite and prince hakd it with sword, most dwarvs slid down into cave to escape. also kili shot arrows at many orcs killing or injuring many. as they escape into a cave the wargs get atakd.
elf cavalry rode horses and shot arrows killing almost all the orcs and wargs in that band.
may 3 midspring not just start good but also mid worth marking, and midsummer aug 8? kuz midsummer can read map.
the orc leader returnd to report to pale orc with metal fork hand. pale orc kild captn. [pack for fatcat pak]
dwarf band walk... far along pretty plains near majestic mountin, to mountains and climb and along rij and higher until meeting the "stone-giants" living rok that batld each other and fout with hits and throws until one lost. then the quest continued.
d slept in cave until goblins opend hatches of hingd floor. goblins. yay. troll orc goblin exciting. after elf helpd read and translate about the secret door. goblins many overpower d disarm and take to goblin king.
b quietly hid and will meet golum after a sword fiit with gblin.
a goblin saw b crawl away and swung but b blokd with his sword. exciting sword fiit unti g jumpd on b and they tumble down the side of cave. both get injurd and b saw a being kill the goblin... importantly as the being that said "golum" his own name swung rok at g, a gold ring slipd, as if wanting to move, from golum's rag down to ground boucing [i add to story rold toward bilbo.] gl dragd his next meal away and b poketd ring.
gl n b chat. gb led d to torture til see the sword that kild many goblins. no time for torture abger kil now but gandalf wiz made magic blast all goblins fall weak. so dwarvs get ther wepons and fiit running over wood brij in cavern.
gl notisd ring missing so thru rok at bl. n chased. bl squeezd thru narrow gap and fell ring jumpd up so caut on finger... gl crawld past... bl is hid.
meanwile dw ran n gb blokd brij so cut rope to free pole and nok gb off brij. one gb fell on lower brij causing those gb to bounce far down deadly fall.
the harsh batl continued as gb rush to fiit them but skild dw stab n slice the gb.
two amazing brij stunts follow.enjoy seeing em. rent video or buy digital video.
the blade fiit continued and rok crushd many gb a dw ran to exit.but goblin that is largest so king bloks him.
wz hit gk with magic staff n sliced belly then as gk fell wz cut gk nek.
gk fell breaking brij that dw slid down to deep cave. yay.
gn led dw out from mount n bl saw. he spared gl now that gl not a threat, not knowing that we already saw same golum almost kill his familymember frodo by led f to giant spider that poisond frodo decades after this story.
they escape the many gb wanting to avenj king and run into... the orcs that had been chasing them. like jumping from the hot boiling ketl into the huge bonfire.
saw orcs n ran. wargs chase and atak. kill some that blok path. one almost gets behind dw that swung hammer back. yay.
d climd trees. warg climbd too and weit topld trees they fall into next tree but weit bends tree after tree until... g threw fire at wargs. the band lit many cones from wz magic fire and threw at wargs. but tree tips and roots are strainig... two dw slip but z extendd staff they grab.
thorin prince saw wargs fled fire so faced pale orc alone, orc slamd prins n warg liftd in teeth biting armor.
hit hilt handl on warg head. bilo saw prins dying and want to save life but kings n family is bad he will let prins die so dw can choose leader for limted time. they can reclaim home back without king.
bilbo did "the better thing"let orc kill prince for freeing dwarvs then after orc cut prins head off for paly, b stabd killer orc avenging the murder.
b faced orcs that wanted to kill dw this whole story. but dw aid. they slice at orcs til giant eagles save the hanging dw and drop a warg that stayd kuz rider, from hi.
they push tree topl n crushd orcs also grabd 2 wargs with riders n lift n drop saving dw.
next some e lift dozen dw to safety while others drop more wargs to death but not pale kuz he will fiit kili later. pal rode away with prins head "just hed not attachd" but e bring body fly far n over clouds n mount n valley n waterfall to lonely mt of dw lost home with dragon.
now that thorin dead they dare to reveal that they did not like king family anyway and are grateful that b avenged his death. they praise he is braver than they thout. dw are happy that they are near home n free from king. but weak old smaug awakend.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
my summary 80 around planet
intro: the story: "going around the world in 80 days" seemd amazing... but only a hundred 50 years ago in year 1870. this is a summary of story with additions to make the story attractive and less illogical. many words will be spelld SAME AS SOUND
however considering the digging of two canals, the trip seems boring. a boat from london, to southwest around spain, to nile river and thru the CANAL of suez... or better yet... a hot balloon over france and train to marse, not around spain, then from marse, steam ship thru suez canal.
then southward to australia. kuz india coast and malaya peninsula extend south that boats must go around. thru canal of panama in 1914, there kuz less length to dig. the only excitement would be storms at sea. or sea monsters.
before 1914 cant use canal and still there kuz cross narrow land seems faster than across u.s .
to make the story intresting the author imagined that the primitive "indians" and indians were savages. thoe exciting still in terms of the trip, that is stupid kuz smarter in steam-ship not on land by train and worse considering the malaya peninsula would add time round. if goal is win a bet and come quikly then stupid plan "ship to hong kong" that is around mlp and north from flpin isles.
a smart plan route from suez south and along north ej of australia. then ride animal across land by narrow panama even before dug canal. also to make a strait line to marse better than ship would be a hot balloon and train as above.
also the start of the book is "very slow" many words with no events nor attractions. almost nothing to grab your attention, and even the kid version had very much talking so i summarize the "events".
title: my summary of 80 days and adding a "attracter":
chapter one the bet
in my year 2020, if we wanted to travel around globe, london to london, we can cheat and fly in a jet from london northeast to murmansk [for details see endnote] around axis bak to london... in less than one day. kuz the plan and wager did not obligate going around the longest route centerd between the axes. the book did not send him around the fattest part longest distance. or...
even nearer the fat part of sphere, fly in a jet from london to hong kong to l.a to london in just forty hours [see endnote] less than two days and half of 80... hours.
still, before fast jets, and before the canal was dug in panama, a trip around the globe in less than three months was incredibly amazing short time. some would say unbelievably impossible.
therefore when in the year 1870, the canal named suez was functioning and a man claimd he could use it to travel around the globe in 80 days, that claim caused many people to debate so the argument was a conflict.
RODD ROZE sat in the elite club named the "cassil" near the river temz in britian. he wore a simple wristwatch with a brown leather wristband. the only numbers on its simple face were twelv, three, six and nine. he was constantly checking the time on his watch.
the elite club had fancy decorations and everybody wore fancy clothing or else they could not enter the club.
that fateful day in the start of autmn, in the month SEPTember, roze saw the first violator arguing with the doorman. a cop heard and led the simply dresd fellow away. the guy punchd the cop but the cop was traind and easily knockd down the puncher and tied his hands.
roze shook his head at the horrible world around him. luckily he saw from a safe distance.
rodd sat at a table with three strangers. they were gambling in a card game named "rummy". the game was very quiet as each man focusd on his cards and tryd to assemble a group to win the gambling money.
rodd felt nervous at the silence and talked about the change in travel. now that they dug the canal by suez, a boat can pass thru the canal from italy to yemen. a man with blond hair askd "before that, a person could also sail from here south and around the nile continent near the orinj river region and also come to yemen", as he rubbed his shaved chin with his left hand.
rodd explaind that the time would now be much less kuz less distance. time is so precious that it cannot be purchased once it passed. he added that he was certain that he could use the canal to go around the globe in less than three months.
as they continued the card game, enriq eavz said, as he smoothd his dark brown hair, "that depends if... you travel without interruptions you can estimate the travel time and distance, however so many problems can occur sailing or steam engines of ships or trains that you will be delayd and cannot calculate how many months." rodd replied that he was willing to personally travel and show that he could in less than 3 months.
the blond guy, named liam lin, offerd a gamble: "we are all gamblers so lets wager that in three months he will be too delayd to return here."
the man with dark black hair, named ian iwamoto lay his cards on the table and announced that his religion forbids him to gamble. he should not even gamble for cards but only play cards without gambling. ian added that he thout rodd could use the canal and succeed in less than three months even traveling on land across u.s, then roze said "going across the narrow part of america would be quicker, yet still for the wager sake i will bet ten thousand british pounds that i can go around using the new railroads in u.s in eighty days... from now! he said this as he lay his set of cards on the table. the others showd their cards and the winner collected the gambling money.
the group shook hands on the agreement and immediately rodd hurried out from the elite club.
before he enterd a carriage, puld by two horses, he heard loud shouting, an angry argument about slavery in america. he watched as one guy kikd the other's leg, who then wrestled him. he was glad that he was in the elite club separate and far from the violent people. the horses puld his car to his home, as the coach-driver whipd the horses.
rodd enterd his home and politely requested that his butler, named tod toczi, would pack his small leather case with clothing. the aid did and offerd to stay and gard the home but rodd insisted that he needed an aid. the aid furiously argued that he would not travel such a dangerous adventure !!
rodd calmd him and assured him that travel was not dangerous anymore so they left and rented a car to the hot air balloon.
roze hired the hot balloon to take himself and his aid from that city, named temztown, southeast across the channel to the railway in france.
that night they floated across the channel into france.
the balloon came down near the train station and only a few hours remaind until the early morning train would bring milk to the citys.
the patrolman at the train station was suspicous that somebody flew there at night and chekd the news reports from britian. he read that a "bank was robd" in london that day and felt "a hunch" that this was the theif trying to escape with his money by night and travel far away.
he ran to the telephone and reported the strange and suspicious night arrival to his captain. the captain did not believe this was the same person, adding the balloon was probably from a french city.
the patrolman named cy cingil was so certain, that he left his post and went to question the travelers.
cy pretended he had a british accent and asked where they were traveling. rodd replied that they were traveling by train to marse. cy acted surprised that they were going to the same place that he was going. cy offerd to help buy tickets together and would exchange money for french money. rodd had french money so he paid for the tickets and they sat to chat until the train arrived.
next large metal casks labeld milk in french words, were loaded onto the train and it sped by steam engine along the rails. the two brits slept in the train and by the time they awoke the train had arrived in marse port of south france. the war with prussia did not bother them on that side of france althoe the aid bout a book and read about the violent battles.
cy cald his boss and begd for approval to arrest the bank robber and bring him to a judge. the captain refused by saying they had no evidence. cy lost his temper and argued about justice and saying his boss helpd crime and they had a huge arguing conflict until cy quit his job. cy was so angry that he puld off his uniform jacket and stretched it with a yell until it ripd. he wanted to punch his boss but knew that violence and inflicting pain was evil so he must not hurt any person.
from the french train the steamboat took them by sea on a smooth and uneventful trip. on the ship rodd met strangers and gambled with them in the card game rummy. he was lucky and won. the aid redd about the violent battles between france and prussia. finally a few days later the boat came to the northeast coast of the nile continent. the port was near the long river named nile.
the brits switched to a ship bringing grain to australia becuase it would have less stops than a boat to india. the steam boat plowed thru the NEWLY dug suez canal and southeast toward australia carrying dry goods such as rice wheat and flour.
cy tried to convince roze to travel to the port named bombay but rodd explained he was rushing around the world and did not have time for many port stops. he added that it would add time to go around the malaya peninsula. time was always very precious and especily now when the wager depended on time.
cy said "if you want something precious then you can go to india where the indians burn the widow with her dead husband... and save a life." rodd said his time was limited but cy insisted human life was very precious. so rodd said the women would protest. cy explaind that the woman believs in that faith and will not resist the flaming fire and they probably drug the widow too. rodd replyd that he did not believe that primitives still did that custom, adding "after all it was already modernized 1870 and now even america modernized and stopd bad slavery."
a few nights later strong winds from a sstorm with heavy rain tosd the ship. they had a difficult night in the storm.
sadly one of the crew fell over board from the tilting ship and slippery deck. the captain was certain that the sailor drowned to death in the storm and they had a prayer service to honor the seriousness of human death.
sailors of varying religions wore many different styles of clothing to the ceremony. hindu priests said their prayer and christians said their prayer. roze was quiet and after the ceremony confided to his aid that all that prayer and ceremony had no effects and a "moment of silence" for the seriousness of death would have been more meaningful than many prayers of competing religions.
tod was surprised and said that as a christian he must say prayers when somebody died. rodd simply shrugd but announced this would be the last gambling he would ever do in his life.
then for the first time in his life he offered his aid to play cards without gambling. the aid was puzzled and baffled. "i never said that gambling was a sin" but rodd said that he made his commitment and anyway should not gamble with his own worker employee even if he hadnt committed to stop gambling.
the aid offered a toast of alcohol to honor the death of the sailor.
when roze refused the alcohol, an argument erupted.
the aid shouted, "this is for honoring the dead why wont you honor the dead." rodd roard back "i dont have to do anything you say". the argument became personal as tod yeld back "this is not my command it is for decency to respect death, you silly islamist", he cald his employer that kuz islamists teach that drinking wine or alcohol is a sin.
to his surprise, rodd burst out laffing. "did you just call me islam? hahaha"
tods eyes opend wide as he regretted his accusation and also shook in horror at his boss surprising response. "i am the farthest from any religion certainly i would never try to fast and not eat for an entire month". the laughter calmd the argument and rod apologized for not respecting his boss. after all he would drink TWO cups of wine.
good winds led them to the coast of australia sooner than the schedule and soon the ship arrived at the port city darwin.
the ship emptied its cargo and loaded food to return to the suez canal. they bout tickets for a steamboat traveling to america.
while they waited for the ship the aid talkd about people riding elephants t travel in india. there was danger of wild tribes. roze argued that nowadays there were no wild tribes in india. "you know that i am right thats the reason you avoided india" argued the aid. but rodd softly explained that a ship must sail south around the malaya peninsula and near australia anyway, so better a line than two sides of a triangle.
at the port a married couple needed money for tickets to los angeles. roze had enuf so he offerd to buy the wifes colorfully gemd ring with two briit diamonds each surrounded by a circle of red green and blue gems. they went to a gem dealer who said the gems were worth lots and as a ring worth 2000 british pounds. roze admitted he intended to pay 2500 and gave the paper money to the young couple. she had dark skin and said she was born in india.
while they waited together for the boat from darwin australia to los angeles america, she told her story thar she was obligated to marry a man from the same low caste she was born in.
this american tourist named gavvin genzel saw her crying at her pas bean shop. he askd why she was crying and spent his money for the extra ticket that he had not pland. instead of returning to america passing japan, he bout to shorter trips to sail from india to australia. the ring had been in her mas room kuz it was too precious to wear so when ma was away she "took her inheritance early" and left with gavvin. her name was now mrs. genzel. he also bout her western style dress so they thout she came from america with him. he also wed her at the consulate so she had american papers.
roze praisd gav for rescuing the lady from india. the genzels bout tickets and when the company realized there were many passengers it rerouted a ship from kapuas isle, the largest one in that ocean and that had the kapuas river, to change route and go to darwin to get the passengers. this benefitted roze in a way he had never expected.
tod the aid wanted to show he was right. while they sat at the dock, he asked the lady "what happens to a widow when her man died". she said that in the past certain tribes would burn the dead man with his widow, until a few years ago a budhist priest that was protecting the corpse wore the corpses clothing... so peple were scared that he returnd to life and fled screaming. then he saved the lady and taut that this ceremony was never truly requird ever. so the followers stopd that ceremony and only burnt the dead man.
roze commented on the story that a woman should not see a man switch clothing.
gail, for that was her new american name, assured him, that seeing a man change clothing did not cause women sinful thouts.
roze changed topic and said he pland to cross america by train. gav said if they went north to his city they could cross on a "wind sled over snow" with less stops than a train. roze calculated that he was right and they decided to travel together.
before they could enter the boat, a cop came to the dock, and arrested roze. roze demanded the accusation. cop said robd bank in london and the cop ignord his denial kuz all criminals deny. at the station the cop lokd roze in a cell. then he invited the aid to drink beer with him to celebrate justice.
they wawkd to a pub and tod sat. the american sent his wife, gail to get a judge to release his new frend so they would not miss the ship. he followd the cop to the pub named "purple pub."
the cop went to the cash box and payd for two cups beer. gav sat near the wall in the corner far from the door. he watched the server fill two cups and put on tray to bring to the table... but the cop acted strange and insisted he would carry it himself. this grabd the americans attention.
the cop put the tray on the wooden counter and reached into his jacket pocket. he pulled a white envelope and pourd wiit powder into one cup. the american reached into HIS jacket pocket and puld a revolver ! BANG BANG two bullets flew along the side of the counter and slamd into the chest and belly of the cop.
the cop toppld forward spilling the beers but the envelope was in his hand.
gav ran to the corpse and waved the envelope saying "look he tried to poison my frend." then he grabd tods wrist and hurried to the police station.
meanwhile gail had convinced the judge of the emergency and he took a break from his office to come to the jail.
they all met in the prison room. gav explaind that the cop arrested roze for a burglary in london but he was from a different city.
the judge replyd "now calm down nobody needs to prove that they are innocent." the judge askd the cop why roze got arrested. this cop said he got a telegram from the police in london to arrest roze. the judge then askd if he verifyd the message.
the cop had not. so he decreed as judge that cops could not arrest a man based on a telegram message alone. roze said "probably liam lin sent it so that he would win the bet. still i am willing to deposit money that i will return to britian and face judge there. but you must send the money when i keep my word." the judge said "that is cald bail" and wrote the document.
then the cops releasd roze and thanks to gail they all reachd the boat in time for entering the ship.
the steam ship rushd through the huge sea. one day later a messenger came to roze with a message from the judge. they had contacted london police who denied sending an arrest message. they had contacted the telegraph office and heard that the name of the sender was "enriq eavz" not the police. furthermore the cop that died in the purple pub was only in a costume of a cop but his name was the one that roze had mentiond... none other than 'liam lin." !! now tod understood the real reason he wanted to "celebrate" for himself and even poison him.
a few days pasd as the ship traveld northeast... until a voice shouted "sea monster". a tourist holding lenses cald binoculars [that is latin meaning "for two eyes"] pointed and cald everybody to see. a sailor looked thru the lense and said "that is merely the arm of a common squid".
as the crowd dispersed the man shouted again "the sea monster is breaking a ship". this interested roze who grabbed the binocular and saw a large warship probably a cruiser 600 feet long, with a relatively large squid arm wrapped up its side. the ship was not wood but grey metal which he had never seen on ship before. it had large numbers painted in white paint "CA-47". relative to that distant ship the arm must be over twenty feet across the width of the long arm !! that was no common squid. he could not believe his own eyes as the arm tipd the boat forward and the front went down and puld under water. the long aft rose until the sides bent... wood does not do that... and square grey plates fell apart like crumbs as the ship snapd in half. yes that was a sea monster.
he ran to the captain to change direction so the sea monster would not attk this boat too. the captin would not believe roze but the tourist with binoculars was a second witness. since they saw the squid southeast they turnd due north directly north to get away from the siit of the squid.
that niit roze could not sleep as he saw the horror of a giant squid pulling the ship under water.
he heard creaking sounds and thout the squid was attacking this wooden ship now.
as he ran to the deck of the boat he saw a dark patch blocking the many stars in the sky. on either side were many stars but not along this long wide dark patch, that hid more and more stars and then he saw in the light from the ship... it was a giant wide arm of a sea squid so much larger than any squid it was monstrous size.
as the arm wrapped around the front of the ship roze panikd... he saw thsi boat tipping forward and pulled under water and the wood would all crack even if he could float on broken wood he would lose the wager.
in desperation he grabd one of the ships lamps and ran to the kitchen where he grabbed 2 bottles of rum. the lamp swung from his teeth. as the arm squeezd the wood and the wood began to crack he held the lamp from its wire handle in his teeth and pourd two bottles of rum along the arm of the squid.for ten meters long across the width of the ship called "beam", then he broke the lamp and held the flame near the wet rum. the alcohol burnt and the flame of fire spread all along the arm. a line of flame roard ten meters long across the width of the arm and a huge patch of arm burnt kuz the rum had coverd downward too. the tentacle straightend and rose into the sky... all the sailors were witness as the long arm burnt briit and puld back into the sea. the sailors saw that the fence of the rail was damaged but the sides were not broken. roze had saved the ship from a giant squid in time. as thoe the dream had warnd him in a a message from the gods.
he wonderd which gods had sent the message?
a week later a huge storm tossd the boat. giant waves crashed over the deck and the boat tipd and turnd in every direction for several hours. within minutes almost everybody had emptied their stomiks cald vomiting from the motion. even those common with the sea waves including roze who had often traveld by ship was dizzy and vomitted. the boat survived the ruff storm and a week later arrived at the coast of los angeles.
then they rode north to the city where gav lived and began the train ride across america. the train went uphills and down over flat plains. the train rode as scheduled until it stopd suddely quicly slowing. a group of bulls were on the rails and the driver prevented a crash. the delay cost the train and roze an hour but that day the snow began to fall. sooner than pland roze left the train and bout a sail sled to slide over the snow. he aimed the sail to catch the wind at verying angles and zipd quickly across the icy snow and plains along the route gav had mapd for him.
danger ! wolvs chased the sled but luckily the wind is common in winter so they slid faster than the chasing wolvs.
in a shorter time than pland and faster than a train he crosd the continent. by the end of november he was in the ship from new york to liverpool on the west of england instead of december 11. [later that boat left early and woulda needed a boat to france and back west].
in the newspaper tod the aid read that a train had been atakd by savages. as the train rode between trees some native savages had jumpd down on the roof and swung their axes killing many passengers. the few people with guns only succeeded at shooting a few of the killers before the axes cut them. more native savages ataksd the same train as it left the forest from horses riding alongside. they climbd in nd kild almost everybody in the train.
he suspected it was the train from san francisco and made the effort to check... that it was the train that roze woulda used, after exiting the boat, if not for his frend gav that had led them north instead.
enriq had wanted to win the bet, so strongly that he paid natives to atak the train and "take revenge" for traveling on their native land. so theorized tod but rodd argued that the natives were simply savages who did not respect the life of white people.
either way had they been in that train the axes certainly woulda kild them too.
at liverpool ian was already at the dock greeting them. "i told them you would succeed". roze argued that he had not completed the circle but ian explaind that the coast of england was near enuf and showd a newspaper that they were less than 80 days. roze shouted angrily that the newspaper was wrong and that he had counted the days... but the day of the week was one day diffrent. ian explaind that they had crossd the international date line so the name of the day was different than rodd expected. he handed the money that liam and enriq had deposited by him. did he arrive in december? 80 days after leaving in december? no he left in september.
with the prize money he invited ian and tod on another trip this time... around the fattest part of the sphere centerd between the axes. tod protested that traveling thru the jungles of the nile continent was too dangerous a tiger orlion could kill them and better to enjoy the prize money.
roze said i am so wealthy i will give all the money to you just stay in the house until i return.
this time roze traveld west. he went to buy a ticket westward but the ship had already left. instead he searchd for a mail ship to brazil. it would leave the following morning. that niit roze stayd and partyd with tod and ian without alcohol drinks. they playd gambling rummy but nobody needed to pay moey so they just counted points. that morning rodd left on the mail ship to brazil.
2 weeks later tod got a card from brazil on paper from a hotel in brazil. he read about the huge storm in the sea. after the storm roze urged the capain to go faster.when he refused rodd had paid a large sum for the ship and instructed to use all the coal quickly. the steam boiled hot and pushed the ship faster south. when the stars showed he was midway centerd between the axes cald equator then he turnd west and all the coal was used and finishd before they came to brazil kuz the trip was two sides of a triangle insted of the plan.
then roze had orderd the sailors to cut wood from the mail ship to fuel the steam engine. this made the boat lighter less mass so less fuel afterward. the wood was enuf to get to brazil along the equator line as he had wanted. despite the longer trip mor length, still, the mail was deliverd earlier than scheduled.
ian and tod lived in the house and waited for the date that rodd had said he would return. they even prepared a party and waited at the dock of liverpool but when the ship came rodd roze did not arrive.
sadly they went home and canceld the party. they waited for a week and proclaimd him dead but at least they inherited the home.
gav visited britian that summer and contacted tod. he his wife tod and ian were all reunited and had a happy visit. the end.
endnote: details regarding murmansk [that is a city just 30 degrees of sphere away from axis of spin, and 30 degrees of sphere east from london called 30east.] then fly
northeast along coast of novia-zamalya [between axis and coast of ural-continent by 50e longitude across 130w].
regarding the fat part, flying at 500 kilometer per hour... oops i mean flying high where the air is thin and less resistant around 900 kilometers per hour, as common now, from london to hong kong in around fifteen hours for just 500 british pound money. [change jet in dubai] with flight time 7 and 7 hours.
leaving at night from london flying 7 hours east arriving where that time is called morning and then seven more hours east when that time is called night and in britian same time cald noon ! then to los-angeles in 2 hours plus twelv hours, from there l.a directly to london in ten hours, for around 400 pound. total time just 40 hours less than two days ! or... better yet travel westward.
london to l.a as above ten hours jet-flight. in london cald morning but there not yet light. to h.k as above 14 hours to london 14 more seems better.
however considering the digging of two canals, the trip seems boring. a boat from london, to southwest around spain, to nile river and thru the CANAL of suez... or better yet... a hot balloon over france and train to marse, not around spain, then from marse, steam ship thru suez canal.
then southward to australia. kuz india coast and malaya peninsula extend south that boats must go around. thru canal of panama in 1914, there kuz less length to dig. the only excitement would be storms at sea. or sea monsters.
before 1914 cant use canal and still there kuz cross narrow land seems faster than across u.s .
to make the story intresting the author imagined that the primitive "indians" and indians were savages. thoe exciting still in terms of the trip, that is stupid kuz smarter in steam-ship not on land by train and worse considering the malaya peninsula would add time round. if goal is win a bet and come quikly then stupid plan "ship to hong kong" that is around mlp and north from flpin isles.
a smart plan route from suez south and along north ej of australia. then ride animal across land by narrow panama even before dug canal. also to make a strait line to marse better than ship would be a hot balloon and train as above.
also the start of the book is "very slow" many words with no events nor attractions. almost nothing to grab your attention, and even the kid version had very much talking so i summarize the "events".
title: my summary of 80 days and adding a "attracter":
chapter one the bet
in my year 2020, if we wanted to travel around globe, london to london, we can cheat and fly in a jet from london northeast to murmansk [for details see endnote] around axis bak to london... in less than one day. kuz the plan and wager did not obligate going around the longest route centerd between the axes. the book did not send him around the fattest part longest distance. or...
even nearer the fat part of sphere, fly in a jet from london to hong kong to l.a to london in just forty hours [see endnote] less than two days and half of 80... hours.
still, before fast jets, and before the canal was dug in panama, a trip around the globe in less than three months was incredibly amazing short time. some would say unbelievably impossible.
therefore when in the year 1870, the canal named suez was functioning and a man claimd he could use it to travel around the globe in 80 days, that claim caused many people to debate so the argument was a conflict.
RODD ROZE sat in the elite club named the "cassil" near the river temz in britian. he wore a simple wristwatch with a brown leather wristband. the only numbers on its simple face were twelv, three, six and nine. he was constantly checking the time on his watch.
the elite club had fancy decorations and everybody wore fancy clothing or else they could not enter the club.
that fateful day in the start of autmn, in the month SEPTember, roze saw the first violator arguing with the doorman. a cop heard and led the simply dresd fellow away. the guy punchd the cop but the cop was traind and easily knockd down the puncher and tied his hands.
roze shook his head at the horrible world around him. luckily he saw from a safe distance.
rodd sat at a table with three strangers. they were gambling in a card game named "rummy". the game was very quiet as each man focusd on his cards and tryd to assemble a group to win the gambling money.
rodd felt nervous at the silence and talked about the change in travel. now that they dug the canal by suez, a boat can pass thru the canal from italy to yemen. a man with blond hair askd "before that, a person could also sail from here south and around the nile continent near the orinj river region and also come to yemen", as he rubbed his shaved chin with his left hand.
rodd explaind that the time would now be much less kuz less distance. time is so precious that it cannot be purchased once it passed. he added that he was certain that he could use the canal to go around the globe in less than three months.
as they continued the card game, enriq eavz said, as he smoothd his dark brown hair, "that depends if... you travel without interruptions you can estimate the travel time and distance, however so many problems can occur sailing or steam engines of ships or trains that you will be delayd and cannot calculate how many months." rodd replied that he was willing to personally travel and show that he could in less than 3 months.
the blond guy, named liam lin, offerd a gamble: "we are all gamblers so lets wager that in three months he will be too delayd to return here."
the man with dark black hair, named ian iwamoto lay his cards on the table and announced that his religion forbids him to gamble. he should not even gamble for cards but only play cards without gambling. ian added that he thout rodd could use the canal and succeed in less than three months even traveling on land across u.s, then roze said "going across the narrow part of america would be quicker, yet still for the wager sake i will bet ten thousand british pounds that i can go around using the new railroads in u.s in eighty days... from now! he said this as he lay his set of cards on the table. the others showd their cards and the winner collected the gambling money.
the group shook hands on the agreement and immediately rodd hurried out from the elite club.
before he enterd a carriage, puld by two horses, he heard loud shouting, an angry argument about slavery in america. he watched as one guy kikd the other's leg, who then wrestled him. he was glad that he was in the elite club separate and far from the violent people. the horses puld his car to his home, as the coach-driver whipd the horses.
rodd enterd his home and politely requested that his butler, named tod toczi, would pack his small leather case with clothing. the aid did and offerd to stay and gard the home but rodd insisted that he needed an aid. the aid furiously argued that he would not travel such a dangerous adventure !!
rodd calmd him and assured him that travel was not dangerous anymore so they left and rented a car to the hot air balloon.
roze hired the hot balloon to take himself and his aid from that city, named temztown, southeast across the channel to the railway in france.
that night they floated across the channel into france.
the balloon came down near the train station and only a few hours remaind until the early morning train would bring milk to the citys.
the patrolman at the train station was suspicous that somebody flew there at night and chekd the news reports from britian. he read that a "bank was robd" in london that day and felt "a hunch" that this was the theif trying to escape with his money by night and travel far away.
he ran to the telephone and reported the strange and suspicious night arrival to his captain. the captain did not believe this was the same person, adding the balloon was probably from a french city.
the patrolman named cy cingil was so certain, that he left his post and went to question the travelers.
cy pretended he had a british accent and asked where they were traveling. rodd replied that they were traveling by train to marse. cy acted surprised that they were going to the same place that he was going. cy offerd to help buy tickets together and would exchange money for french money. rodd had french money so he paid for the tickets and they sat to chat until the train arrived.
next large metal casks labeld milk in french words, were loaded onto the train and it sped by steam engine along the rails. the two brits slept in the train and by the time they awoke the train had arrived in marse port of south france. the war with prussia did not bother them on that side of france althoe the aid bout a book and read about the violent battles.
cy cald his boss and begd for approval to arrest the bank robber and bring him to a judge. the captain refused by saying they had no evidence. cy lost his temper and argued about justice and saying his boss helpd crime and they had a huge arguing conflict until cy quit his job. cy was so angry that he puld off his uniform jacket and stretched it with a yell until it ripd. he wanted to punch his boss but knew that violence and inflicting pain was evil so he must not hurt any person.
from the french train the steamboat took them by sea on a smooth and uneventful trip. on the ship rodd met strangers and gambled with them in the card game rummy. he was lucky and won. the aid redd about the violent battles between france and prussia. finally a few days later the boat came to the northeast coast of the nile continent. the port was near the long river named nile.
the brits switched to a ship bringing grain to australia becuase it would have less stops than a boat to india. the steam boat plowed thru the NEWLY dug suez canal and southeast toward australia carrying dry goods such as rice wheat and flour.
cy tried to convince roze to travel to the port named bombay but rodd explained he was rushing around the world and did not have time for many port stops. he added that it would add time to go around the malaya peninsula. time was always very precious and especily now when the wager depended on time.
cy said "if you want something precious then you can go to india where the indians burn the widow with her dead husband... and save a life." rodd said his time was limited but cy insisted human life was very precious. so rodd said the women would protest. cy explaind that the woman believs in that faith and will not resist the flaming fire and they probably drug the widow too. rodd replyd that he did not believe that primitives still did that custom, adding "after all it was already modernized 1870 and now even america modernized and stopd bad slavery."
a few nights later strong winds from a sstorm with heavy rain tosd the ship. they had a difficult night in the storm.
sadly one of the crew fell over board from the tilting ship and slippery deck. the captain was certain that the sailor drowned to death in the storm and they had a prayer service to honor the seriousness of human death.
sailors of varying religions wore many different styles of clothing to the ceremony. hindu priests said their prayer and christians said their prayer. roze was quiet and after the ceremony confided to his aid that all that prayer and ceremony had no effects and a "moment of silence" for the seriousness of death would have been more meaningful than many prayers of competing religions.
tod was surprised and said that as a christian he must say prayers when somebody died. rodd simply shrugd but announced this would be the last gambling he would ever do in his life.
then for the first time in his life he offered his aid to play cards without gambling. the aid was puzzled and baffled. "i never said that gambling was a sin" but rodd said that he made his commitment and anyway should not gamble with his own worker employee even if he hadnt committed to stop gambling.
the aid offered a toast of alcohol to honor the death of the sailor.
when roze refused the alcohol, an argument erupted.
the aid shouted, "this is for honoring the dead why wont you honor the dead." rodd roard back "i dont have to do anything you say". the argument became personal as tod yeld back "this is not my command it is for decency to respect death, you silly islamist", he cald his employer that kuz islamists teach that drinking wine or alcohol is a sin.
to his surprise, rodd burst out laffing. "did you just call me islam? hahaha"
tods eyes opend wide as he regretted his accusation and also shook in horror at his boss surprising response. "i am the farthest from any religion certainly i would never try to fast and not eat for an entire month". the laughter calmd the argument and rod apologized for not respecting his boss. after all he would drink TWO cups of wine.
good winds led them to the coast of australia sooner than the schedule and soon the ship arrived at the port city darwin.
the ship emptied its cargo and loaded food to return to the suez canal. they bout tickets for a steamboat traveling to america.
while they waited for the ship the aid talkd about people riding elephants t travel in india. there was danger of wild tribes. roze argued that nowadays there were no wild tribes in india. "you know that i am right thats the reason you avoided india" argued the aid. but rodd softly explained that a ship must sail south around the malaya peninsula and near australia anyway, so better a line than two sides of a triangle.
at the port a married couple needed money for tickets to los angeles. roze had enuf so he offerd to buy the wifes colorfully gemd ring with two briit diamonds each surrounded by a circle of red green and blue gems. they went to a gem dealer who said the gems were worth lots and as a ring worth 2000 british pounds. roze admitted he intended to pay 2500 and gave the paper money to the young couple. she had dark skin and said she was born in india.
while they waited together for the boat from darwin australia to los angeles america, she told her story thar she was obligated to marry a man from the same low caste she was born in.
this american tourist named gavvin genzel saw her crying at her pas bean shop. he askd why she was crying and spent his money for the extra ticket that he had not pland. instead of returning to america passing japan, he bout to shorter trips to sail from india to australia. the ring had been in her mas room kuz it was too precious to wear so when ma was away she "took her inheritance early" and left with gavvin. her name was now mrs. genzel. he also bout her western style dress so they thout she came from america with him. he also wed her at the consulate so she had american papers.
roze praisd gav for rescuing the lady from india. the genzels bout tickets and when the company realized there were many passengers it rerouted a ship from kapuas isle, the largest one in that ocean and that had the kapuas river, to change route and go to darwin to get the passengers. this benefitted roze in a way he had never expected.
tod the aid wanted to show he was right. while they sat at the dock, he asked the lady "what happens to a widow when her man died". she said that in the past certain tribes would burn the dead man with his widow, until a few years ago a budhist priest that was protecting the corpse wore the corpses clothing... so peple were scared that he returnd to life and fled screaming. then he saved the lady and taut that this ceremony was never truly requird ever. so the followers stopd that ceremony and only burnt the dead man.
roze commented on the story that a woman should not see a man switch clothing.
gail, for that was her new american name, assured him, that seeing a man change clothing did not cause women sinful thouts.
roze changed topic and said he pland to cross america by train. gav said if they went north to his city they could cross on a "wind sled over snow" with less stops than a train. roze calculated that he was right and they decided to travel together.
before they could enter the boat, a cop came to the dock, and arrested roze. roze demanded the accusation. cop said robd bank in london and the cop ignord his denial kuz all criminals deny. at the station the cop lokd roze in a cell. then he invited the aid to drink beer with him to celebrate justice.
they wawkd to a pub and tod sat. the american sent his wife, gail to get a judge to release his new frend so they would not miss the ship. he followd the cop to the pub named "purple pub."
the cop went to the cash box and payd for two cups beer. gav sat near the wall in the corner far from the door. he watched the server fill two cups and put on tray to bring to the table... but the cop acted strange and insisted he would carry it himself. this grabd the americans attention.
the cop put the tray on the wooden counter and reached into his jacket pocket. he pulled a white envelope and pourd wiit powder into one cup. the american reached into HIS jacket pocket and puld a revolver ! BANG BANG two bullets flew along the side of the counter and slamd into the chest and belly of the cop.
the cop toppld forward spilling the beers but the envelope was in his hand.
gav ran to the corpse and waved the envelope saying "look he tried to poison my frend." then he grabd tods wrist and hurried to the police station.
meanwhile gail had convinced the judge of the emergency and he took a break from his office to come to the jail.
they all met in the prison room. gav explaind that the cop arrested roze for a burglary in london but he was from a different city.
the judge replyd "now calm down nobody needs to prove that they are innocent." the judge askd the cop why roze got arrested. this cop said he got a telegram from the police in london to arrest roze. the judge then askd if he verifyd the message.
the cop had not. so he decreed as judge that cops could not arrest a man based on a telegram message alone. roze said "probably liam lin sent it so that he would win the bet. still i am willing to deposit money that i will return to britian and face judge there. but you must send the money when i keep my word." the judge said "that is cald bail" and wrote the document.
then the cops releasd roze and thanks to gail they all reachd the boat in time for entering the ship.
the steam ship rushd through the huge sea. one day later a messenger came to roze with a message from the judge. they had contacted london police who denied sending an arrest message. they had contacted the telegraph office and heard that the name of the sender was "enriq eavz" not the police. furthermore the cop that died in the purple pub was only in a costume of a cop but his name was the one that roze had mentiond... none other than 'liam lin." !! now tod understood the real reason he wanted to "celebrate" for himself and even poison him.
a few days pasd as the ship traveld northeast... until a voice shouted "sea monster". a tourist holding lenses cald binoculars [that is latin meaning "for two eyes"] pointed and cald everybody to see. a sailor looked thru the lense and said "that is merely the arm of a common squid".
as the crowd dispersed the man shouted again "the sea monster is breaking a ship". this interested roze who grabbed the binocular and saw a large warship probably a cruiser 600 feet long, with a relatively large squid arm wrapped up its side. the ship was not wood but grey metal which he had never seen on ship before. it had large numbers painted in white paint "CA-47". relative to that distant ship the arm must be over twenty feet across the width of the long arm !! that was no common squid. he could not believe his own eyes as the arm tipd the boat forward and the front went down and puld under water. the long aft rose until the sides bent... wood does not do that... and square grey plates fell apart like crumbs as the ship snapd in half. yes that was a sea monster.
he ran to the captain to change direction so the sea monster would not attk this boat too. the captin would not believe roze but the tourist with binoculars was a second witness. since they saw the squid southeast they turnd due north directly north to get away from the siit of the squid.
that niit roze could not sleep as he saw the horror of a giant squid pulling the ship under water.
he heard creaking sounds and thout the squid was attacking this wooden ship now.
as he ran to the deck of the boat he saw a dark patch blocking the many stars in the sky. on either side were many stars but not along this long wide dark patch, that hid more and more stars and then he saw in the light from the ship... it was a giant wide arm of a sea squid so much larger than any squid it was monstrous size.
as the arm wrapped around the front of the ship roze panikd... he saw thsi boat tipping forward and pulled under water and the wood would all crack even if he could float on broken wood he would lose the wager.
in desperation he grabd one of the ships lamps and ran to the kitchen where he grabbed 2 bottles of rum. the lamp swung from his teeth. as the arm squeezd the wood and the wood began to crack he held the lamp from its wire handle in his teeth and pourd two bottles of rum along the arm of the squid.for ten meters long across the width of the ship called "beam", then he broke the lamp and held the flame near the wet rum. the alcohol burnt and the flame of fire spread all along the arm. a line of flame roard ten meters long across the width of the arm and a huge patch of arm burnt kuz the rum had coverd downward too. the tentacle straightend and rose into the sky... all the sailors were witness as the long arm burnt briit and puld back into the sea. the sailors saw that the fence of the rail was damaged but the sides were not broken. roze had saved the ship from a giant squid in time. as thoe the dream had warnd him in a a message from the gods.
he wonderd which gods had sent the message?
a week later a huge storm tossd the boat. giant waves crashed over the deck and the boat tipd and turnd in every direction for several hours. within minutes almost everybody had emptied their stomiks cald vomiting from the motion. even those common with the sea waves including roze who had often traveld by ship was dizzy and vomitted. the boat survived the ruff storm and a week later arrived at the coast of los angeles.
then they rode north to the city where gav lived and began the train ride across america. the train went uphills and down over flat plains. the train rode as scheduled until it stopd suddely quicly slowing. a group of bulls were on the rails and the driver prevented a crash. the delay cost the train and roze an hour but that day the snow began to fall. sooner than pland roze left the train and bout a sail sled to slide over the snow. he aimed the sail to catch the wind at verying angles and zipd quickly across the icy snow and plains along the route gav had mapd for him.
danger ! wolvs chased the sled but luckily the wind is common in winter so they slid faster than the chasing wolvs.
in a shorter time than pland and faster than a train he crosd the continent. by the end of november he was in the ship from new york to liverpool on the west of england instead of december 11. [later that boat left early and woulda needed a boat to france and back west].
in the newspaper tod the aid read that a train had been atakd by savages. as the train rode between trees some native savages had jumpd down on the roof and swung their axes killing many passengers. the few people with guns only succeeded at shooting a few of the killers before the axes cut them. more native savages ataksd the same train as it left the forest from horses riding alongside. they climbd in nd kild almost everybody in the train.
he suspected it was the train from san francisco and made the effort to check... that it was the train that roze woulda used, after exiting the boat, if not for his frend gav that had led them north instead.
enriq had wanted to win the bet, so strongly that he paid natives to atak the train and "take revenge" for traveling on their native land. so theorized tod but rodd argued that the natives were simply savages who did not respect the life of white people.
either way had they been in that train the axes certainly woulda kild them too.
at liverpool ian was already at the dock greeting them. "i told them you would succeed". roze argued that he had not completed the circle but ian explaind that the coast of england was near enuf and showd a newspaper that they were less than 80 days. roze shouted angrily that the newspaper was wrong and that he had counted the days... but the day of the week was one day diffrent. ian explaind that they had crossd the international date line so the name of the day was different than rodd expected. he handed the money that liam and enriq had deposited by him. did he arrive in december? 80 days after leaving in december? no he left in september.
with the prize money he invited ian and tod on another trip this time... around the fattest part of the sphere centerd between the axes. tod protested that traveling thru the jungles of the nile continent was too dangerous a tiger orlion could kill them and better to enjoy the prize money.
roze said i am so wealthy i will give all the money to you just stay in the house until i return.
this time roze traveld west. he went to buy a ticket westward but the ship had already left. instead he searchd for a mail ship to brazil. it would leave the following morning. that niit roze stayd and partyd with tod and ian without alcohol drinks. they playd gambling rummy but nobody needed to pay moey so they just counted points. that morning rodd left on the mail ship to brazil.
2 weeks later tod got a card from brazil on paper from a hotel in brazil. he read about the huge storm in the sea. after the storm roze urged the capain to go faster.when he refused rodd had paid a large sum for the ship and instructed to use all the coal quickly. the steam boiled hot and pushed the ship faster south. when the stars showed he was midway centerd between the axes cald equator then he turnd west and all the coal was used and finishd before they came to brazil kuz the trip was two sides of a triangle insted of the plan.
then roze had orderd the sailors to cut wood from the mail ship to fuel the steam engine. this made the boat lighter less mass so less fuel afterward. the wood was enuf to get to brazil along the equator line as he had wanted. despite the longer trip mor length, still, the mail was deliverd earlier than scheduled.
ian and tod lived in the house and waited for the date that rodd had said he would return. they even prepared a party and waited at the dock of liverpool but when the ship came rodd roze did not arrive.
sadly they went home and canceld the party. they waited for a week and proclaimd him dead but at least they inherited the home.
gav visited britian that summer and contacted tod. he his wife tod and ian were all reunited and had a happy visit. the end.
endnote: details regarding murmansk [that is a city just 30 degrees of sphere away from axis of spin, and 30 degrees of sphere east from london called 30east.] then fly
northeast along coast of novia-zamalya [between axis and coast of ural-continent by 50e longitude across 130w].
regarding the fat part, flying at 500 kilometer per hour... oops i mean flying high where the air is thin and less resistant around 900 kilometers per hour, as common now, from london to hong kong in around fifteen hours for just 500 british pound money. [change jet in dubai] with flight time 7 and 7 hours.
leaving at night from london flying 7 hours east arriving where that time is called morning and then seven more hours east when that time is called night and in britian same time cald noon ! then to los-angeles in 2 hours plus twelv hours, from there l.a directly to london in ten hours, for around 400 pound. total time just 40 hours less than two days ! or... better yet travel westward.
london to l.a as above ten hours jet-flight. in london cald morning but there not yet light. to h.k as above 14 hours to london 14 more seems better.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
my summary ferb, four storys
my summary of PHINEAS FERB four storys from season 4 of pf series
intro: defining the end of seasons is easy if production code changed from 300 to 400 so the ending of season 4 was called production code 436 and 437 seen in november 2015 after halloween special and movies. that season started in december 2012 extending more than two years. however, instead of date, the production code is more helpful for identifying episodes so here is the list after episode named 334 at end of season 3 at end of november 2012 and soon after it december 2012 season four started code 402 on dec. 7.
PRC 401, has two storys. the 4 indicated the fourth season of the series "Phineas and Ferb". first title "Fly on the Wall", was seen in u.s. on January 11, 2013, a month after the seasons first icy episode. so, fly, BREIF: p,f built and flew a giant jet-powered swinger. Buford caused a ray that changed Candace. she became a fly. the devilish Dr. doofenshmirtz=ddd is evilly violating law by feeding the pigeons. perry came too late.
DEtails: Candace talkd, and her voicing by my idol tisdale, "Ashley Tisdale as Candace", about her surprise date with Jeremy. kids chat. song Summer [from second dimension and about ice cream. adding a new line about "running through sprinklers," not in song. link to song there.
Perry enterd his lair thru a secret stair on the steps. Major Monogram sent Perry to the park.
the kids built a giant jet-powered tire swing. Buford accidently causd the controller to emit a ray. this ray changed a person into a fly. c flew to ma and follwd into the car.
the devilish Dr. doofenshmirtz=ddd is evilly violating law by feeding the pigeons, in the park where forbidden. he could not make a device for "good ideas" kuz he is evil, so he made a device for.... bad ideas... which inspired him to feed the pigeons. YAY. also ddd drew art. song title: fly on wall.
the kids enjoy the jet-swinger, and feel the "wind" in hot summer [a month after icy december episode "For Your Ice Only" December 7, 2012 pc 402].
c heard jeremy when a fly. brij to ddd? the jet broke ddd devices.
401b title "My Sweet Ride" seen February 1, 2013 BREIF: ddd restored a cool car to get the prize. he built an evil device to change all other cars into rust as garintee he gets the prize. also p,f built a jet model car. then they also finishd restoring pas car, in time for jeremy to drive candace to Danville's "Doo Wop Hop and car show".
DETails: Candace and Jeremy, saw ma skating in the house and wearing outdated 1950s clothes with wig helmet. there Phineas and Ferb walk into the kitchen, also dressed like era 50s. pa shows c, his old car which he is restoring for Candace.
Perry is in his lair and heard: Doofenshmirtz will compete in the car show. Perry must stop whatever evil.
At DDD lab, the diabolical doc restored a car. he heard Vanessa humming and saw wearing fancy clothing. next, she lets Perry in, while she exits. rememory ddd childhood favorite car. ddd built the "Rust-inator" to ensure he wins by rusting all the compitition. He trapd Perry in steel cables in the car.
Ferb showd a jet-model for pas car. the model flew but exploded.
the moms go in one car following linda skating.
Jeremy rode his bike, to get candace. despite having a car. luckily, Phineas and Ferb already restored pas car and they toss the key to Jeremy. pf eject from the car so Candace and Jeremy can enjoy "alone time".
At the Hop, Dd drove his car up the stage. mm gave Carl binoculars. Carl saw mm's son Monty with Vanessa, but does not tell pa. there, Norm activated the Rust-inator but Perry set the controls for rusting d's car. it rusts the car and cables freeing perry. next, Perry activated the dynamite which exploded the remaining plastic gas tank.
the judge gave a trophy for pf work. f-pa now rold under the car. he woke and gave his kids get the trophy. they find perry when he climbd up from inside trophy.
PRC 402 has two storys. first "For Your Ice Only" was seen friday, December 7, 2012 with "Happy New Year!". these storys were televized one week after pc 334 of season 3. which is barely a break between seasons but ice is a different season.
ice, BREIF, pf built an "ice rink" as jeremy calld it. also kids playd special exciting hockey. Doc made device to change himself like monster.
DETails, p,f made a hockey stadium-floor in their yard including hockey goal nets. the kids chat, until they heard that pa arrainjd that they will perform during the break in a hockey sport.
agent pp went down a green-glass elevator. after update,a plane flew ap to the peak where ddd has evil igloo. ap enterd the chimney. ddd trapd ap in marshmellow. ddd made a device that can change himself into monster, bigger and scarier, like the "Abominable Snowman" so hairier too.
parents with candace and jeremy went to see the pf performance. Stacy helpd c talk sport until her sister enforced her privilege. Candace also repeatd stacy's words to ginger. too late realized she is not talking sport. there ma saw that her camera lakd power. She went to gift shop.
at igloo, ddd presd button of remote control to change, but the ray cut ap free.
at rink, time for performance. pf made amazing ice sculptors with flames of fire too. then kids playd special exciting hockey challenj.
at evil igloo, ddd's "back pockets" the place of the ray, chanjd... bigger, the weight tipd the igloo which slid down... ap n doc fout on sled til all of ddd bigger. so aP peald some wood and did snowboarding. he is safe when ddD crashd into trees. D got tangld in a tree that bent from his giant big body... until he returnd, when effect ended quickly. smaller now, the bent tree can straighten, throwing ddd far away. yay.
ma sent shop guy to look for old stuff. he brout a disposable camra.
Candace went to the edj of the rink to get ma. she cant pass so she went to get a sport uniform.
another ray changed the ice-smoother-vehicle bigger. it enterd the hockey rink causing Phineas to end the performance.
the ice-smoother erased the "Hockey Z-9" stuff. ma only saw the kids n fotografd them. she did not see the work of her sons.
BREIF for new year, Pf made "shiny ball drop", ddD made device that can change resolutions.
DETails, for New Year Eve, p,f visit isb. next, pf made a huge metalic ball to drop... from outer-space. buford painted on a layer of sealant coating. inside the ball are many levels with fun stuff and a giant bowl full with punch-drink, decorations and a ballroom for a "ball in a ball." also an "infinity slide" that a kid slid and loopd round and round endlessly.yay !!
agent p lifted a small domed hatch to enter his lair and hear the instructions. the computer in the lair is "frozen". yay. ap saw carl was jet skiing at a warm sandy beach.
ap came to ddd lab where ddd trapd ap in a larj bottle with image of apple. ddd showd his evil device, hidden in a bow tie, that can change peoples new year decision so they will obey ddd as their leader.
At the City Hall party, c and stacy enter and man-frends greet them. then c sat by a table and struggled with her urj to "bust" pf until she broke a peice from the table. Jeremy visited then and c is holding the broken table so she left.
ap came now, delayd by the bottle, until he had shook bottle of sparkling apple cider so the fizz blew him free. ap can only enter the "black tie party" at city hall wearing fancy clothing so ap added a tux. Perry wrestld ddD.
c heard that the resolutions start at midniit hence c quikly went home and saw Phineas work, a huge shiny Ball. it slid up the pole. meanwhile, ddD wrestld aP among the coats.
c returnd to City Hall party where Jeremy offerd her apple cider but she is too busy connecting the screen. everybody can see thru the internet the boys work. Candace searchd for ma.
during the countdown to midniit, the huge shiny ball began to slide down from outer space. yay !!
ap and ddd continued to wrestle among the coats until Ddd bound ap in a coat and ran to the stage. Perry escaped n ran at Ddd, holding a chair hi, hence doc protected his head until ap sat on it and motioned that ddd can proceed. so ddD pressd button of device and saw that it succeeded... everybody submits to ddd as their leader... but nobody really tries to do New Year's resplutions anyway.
kids including Fireside Girls, dance to song "new year" to celebrate "brand new beginning" of a new year on the calendar.
isb happily dansd with phn. the kids exit from the shiny ball. then a rocket launched it up skyward for multi-colorful fireworks. yay. then c and j perform "the midniit kiss tradition", yuck... i "get" why phn only danced with isb... !! next
more at
intro: defining the end of seasons is easy if production code changed from 300 to 400 so the ending of season 4 was called production code 436 and 437 seen in november 2015 after halloween special and movies. that season started in december 2012 extending more than two years. however, instead of date, the production code is more helpful for identifying episodes so here is the list after episode named 334 at end of season 3 at end of november 2012 and soon after it december 2012 season four started code 402 on dec. 7.
PRC 401, has two storys. the 4 indicated the fourth season of the series "Phineas and Ferb". first title "Fly on the Wall", was seen in u.s. on January 11, 2013, a month after the seasons first icy episode. so, fly, BREIF: p,f built and flew a giant jet-powered swinger. Buford caused a ray that changed Candace. she became a fly. the devilish Dr. doofenshmirtz=ddd is evilly violating law by feeding the pigeons. perry came too late.
DEtails: Candace talkd, and her voicing by my idol tisdale, "Ashley Tisdale as Candace", about her surprise date with Jeremy. kids chat. song Summer [from second dimension and about ice cream. adding a new line about "running through sprinklers," not in song. link to song there.
Perry enterd his lair thru a secret stair on the steps. Major Monogram sent Perry to the park.
the kids built a giant jet-powered tire swing. Buford accidently causd the controller to emit a ray. this ray changed a person into a fly. c flew to ma and follwd into the car.
the devilish Dr. doofenshmirtz=ddd is evilly violating law by feeding the pigeons, in the park where forbidden. he could not make a device for "good ideas" kuz he is evil, so he made a device for.... bad ideas... which inspired him to feed the pigeons. YAY. also ddd drew art. song title: fly on wall.
the kids enjoy the jet-swinger, and feel the "wind" in hot summer [a month after icy december episode "For Your Ice Only" December 7, 2012 pc 402].
c heard jeremy when a fly. brij to ddd? the jet broke ddd devices.
401b title "My Sweet Ride" seen February 1, 2013 BREIF: ddd restored a cool car to get the prize. he built an evil device to change all other cars into rust as garintee he gets the prize. also p,f built a jet model car. then they also finishd restoring pas car, in time for jeremy to drive candace to Danville's "Doo Wop Hop and car show".
DETails: Candace and Jeremy, saw ma skating in the house and wearing outdated 1950s clothes with wig helmet. there Phineas and Ferb walk into the kitchen, also dressed like era 50s. pa shows c, his old car which he is restoring for Candace.
Perry is in his lair and heard: Doofenshmirtz will compete in the car show. Perry must stop whatever evil.
At DDD lab, the diabolical doc restored a car. he heard Vanessa humming and saw wearing fancy clothing. next, she lets Perry in, while she exits. rememory ddd childhood favorite car. ddd built the "Rust-inator" to ensure he wins by rusting all the compitition. He trapd Perry in steel cables in the car.
Ferb showd a jet-model for pas car. the model flew but exploded.
the moms go in one car following linda skating.
Jeremy rode his bike, to get candace. despite having a car. luckily, Phineas and Ferb already restored pas car and they toss the key to Jeremy. pf eject from the car so Candace and Jeremy can enjoy "alone time".
At the Hop, Dd drove his car up the stage. mm gave Carl binoculars. Carl saw mm's son Monty with Vanessa, but does not tell pa. there, Norm activated the Rust-inator but Perry set the controls for rusting d's car. it rusts the car and cables freeing perry. next, Perry activated the dynamite which exploded the remaining plastic gas tank.
the judge gave a trophy for pf work. f-pa now rold under the car. he woke and gave his kids get the trophy. they find perry when he climbd up from inside trophy.
PRC 402 has two storys. first "For Your Ice Only" was seen friday, December 7, 2012 with "Happy New Year!". these storys were televized one week after pc 334 of season 3. which is barely a break between seasons but ice is a different season.
ice, BREIF, pf built an "ice rink" as jeremy calld it. also kids playd special exciting hockey. Doc made device to change himself like monster.
DETails, p,f made a hockey stadium-floor in their yard including hockey goal nets. the kids chat, until they heard that pa arrainjd that they will perform during the break in a hockey sport.
agent pp went down a green-glass elevator. after update,a plane flew ap to the peak where ddd has evil igloo. ap enterd the chimney. ddd trapd ap in marshmellow. ddd made a device that can change himself into monster, bigger and scarier, like the "Abominable Snowman" so hairier too.
parents with candace and jeremy went to see the pf performance. Stacy helpd c talk sport until her sister enforced her privilege. Candace also repeatd stacy's words to ginger. too late realized she is not talking sport. there ma saw that her camera lakd power. She went to gift shop.
at igloo, ddd presd button of remote control to change, but the ray cut ap free.
at rink, time for performance. pf made amazing ice sculptors with flames of fire too. then kids playd special exciting hockey challenj.
at evil igloo, ddd's "back pockets" the place of the ray, chanjd... bigger, the weight tipd the igloo which slid down... ap n doc fout on sled til all of ddd bigger. so aP peald some wood and did snowboarding. he is safe when ddD crashd into trees. D got tangld in a tree that bent from his giant big body... until he returnd, when effect ended quickly. smaller now, the bent tree can straighten, throwing ddd far away. yay.
ma sent shop guy to look for old stuff. he brout a disposable camra.
Candace went to the edj of the rink to get ma. she cant pass so she went to get a sport uniform.
another ray changed the ice-smoother-vehicle bigger. it enterd the hockey rink causing Phineas to end the performance.
the ice-smoother erased the "Hockey Z-9" stuff. ma only saw the kids n fotografd them. she did not see the work of her sons.
BREIF for new year, Pf made "shiny ball drop", ddD made device that can change resolutions.
DETails, for New Year Eve, p,f visit isb. next, pf made a huge metalic ball to drop... from outer-space. buford painted on a layer of sealant coating. inside the ball are many levels with fun stuff and a giant bowl full with punch-drink, decorations and a ballroom for a "ball in a ball." also an "infinity slide" that a kid slid and loopd round and round endlessly.yay !!
agent p lifted a small domed hatch to enter his lair and hear the instructions. the computer in the lair is "frozen". yay. ap saw carl was jet skiing at a warm sandy beach.
ap came to ddd lab where ddd trapd ap in a larj bottle with image of apple. ddd showd his evil device, hidden in a bow tie, that can change peoples new year decision so they will obey ddd as their leader.
At the City Hall party, c and stacy enter and man-frends greet them. then c sat by a table and struggled with her urj to "bust" pf until she broke a peice from the table. Jeremy visited then and c is holding the broken table so she left.
ap came now, delayd by the bottle, until he had shook bottle of sparkling apple cider so the fizz blew him free. ap can only enter the "black tie party" at city hall wearing fancy clothing so ap added a tux. Perry wrestld ddD.
c heard that the resolutions start at midniit hence c quikly went home and saw Phineas work, a huge shiny Ball. it slid up the pole. meanwhile, ddD wrestld aP among the coats.
c returnd to City Hall party where Jeremy offerd her apple cider but she is too busy connecting the screen. everybody can see thru the internet the boys work. Candace searchd for ma.
during the countdown to midniit, the huge shiny ball began to slide down from outer space. yay !!
ap and ddd continued to wrestle among the coats until Ddd bound ap in a coat and ran to the stage. Perry escaped n ran at Ddd, holding a chair hi, hence doc protected his head until ap sat on it and motioned that ddd can proceed. so ddD pressd button of device and saw that it succeeded... everybody submits to ddd as their leader... but nobody really tries to do New Year's resplutions anyway.
kids including Fireside Girls, dance to song "new year" to celebrate "brand new beginning" of a new year on the calendar.
isb happily dansd with phn. the kids exit from the shiny ball. then a rocket launched it up skyward for multi-colorful fireworks. yay. then c and j perform "the midniit kiss tradition", yuck... i "get" why phn only danced with isb... !! next
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Thursday, March 12, 2020
my summary shrek 3
my summary of shrek 3
shrek has a family now. but daily chores are exhausting and he wished for the day wen people feard him. he made a deal to exchange one power day for a past day.
he was not born. s is angry and the witches attak. he grabd a broom and flew but the witches were strong. he met donkey who had never met him.
skip to donkey finds a trap and ogre lady trapd donkey. he sees fiona but she never met him. she is leader of the ogre rebellion with many ogres. f pland to capture rmp.
the piper used pipe to capture ogres. donkey saved fiona but kiss does not work so all captured. ogres do rescuemission from ball. but too late s fades away as f kissd him. the kiss helpd her and s faged away and... bak to his life of family. end.
shrek has a family now. but daily chores are exhausting and he wished for the day wen people feard him. he made a deal to exchange one power day for a past day.
he was not born. s is angry and the witches attak. he grabd a broom and flew but the witches were strong. he met donkey who had never met him.
skip to donkey finds a trap and ogre lady trapd donkey. he sees fiona but she never met him. she is leader of the ogre rebellion with many ogres. f pland to capture rmp.
the piper used pipe to capture ogres. donkey saved fiona but kiss does not work so all captured. ogres do rescuemission from ball. but too late s fades away as f kissd him. the kiss helpd her and s faged away and... bak to his life of family. end.
alternate endings sg1 insted of seasons 9 and ten
alternate endings to stargate sg1 season ten, and nine
intro, as season nine ends we feel like "chasing the dragon" with an emphasis on drag-in. they struggle to get the technology but the time is limited. the season ends leaving us guessing what could happen. we wish for the "happy ending". simply they "manage" to follow the instructions of merlin and asgard technology. removing the threat of the ori, with hekp from a rebel ori as previous patterns. because built the device and destroyed those enslavers that "ascended". and just in time. and that removes the major threats of ori, guld and replicators. we can imagine the season ending because they "certainly save earth's galaxy in the next episode, building merlin tech, which need not be televised." or the sadder alternate ending.
two, they are assembling the technology and not in time. the ori destroy earth as we saw in the video hitchhikers gide. the brilliant scientists at "beta site" after evacuate from earth... are smart enough to submit to ori to live rather than turn to dust.
only the team remain free. too late they build the merlin technology and destroy those ascended beings that encouraged slavery and killing deniers. sam and daniel now need to repopulate humanity as follows.
each say "gross but we do this for our species".
major threats destroyed but not happy ending for earth because the ori avenge the ascended, by destroing beta site killing the most learned humans. without power from ascended, ori are powerless as sg1 destroys the ori with asgard technology. the end.
but we can also summarize the dragged out season 9 and ten. and end the series the same sad ending in season nine.
instead of the entertaining season ten which leads nowhere.
season 9 disk one
mitchel walkd to gate. he rememory the battle over icy south-land. exciting battle between many aerial vehicles of guld anubis. delayd enuf for sg1 to use the tech of ancients to "destroy anubis fleet" that was attacking planet earth 2 years ago.
jackson packd and refused to stay in the sg team. tealc is in politics for jaffa. later we see sam on space vehicle.
m met soldiers to select. rememory that sg1 found weapon and used it to destroy guld fleet. visitors when m was healing after crash.
vala, who was a slave to guld, until tokra removed it, gave dan a tablet with code about a treasure on planet earth. she also lokd him to her. they use asgrad vehicle to find the cave. t came for the technology but cant help.
m and v and d and t find puzzles that they cant solve and the roof movd to crush them... 9.2 dn solvd the puzzle and aided m to solve his puzzle. they are saved but cave collapsing until return the stolen coin.
find gold and a device that allows d and v to see other planet.
they dont know the local customs so the prior of ori burnd vala to ash. then rebuilt her cells. they go and talk to leaders of ori religion. deny the relijin and get burnt again until m destroyd device in energy of gate freeing d and v just in time.
much talking
dan and val go, after ori guy heald vala, to ori city. d talks with prior and doci and with ori in doci body. meanwhile messengers of ori came to earth and other places teaching the path. also meeting with jaffa leader and human. and ori guy so in total much talking.
fannis led d to another device so d warnd earth until prior stops device amd starts burning d and v. on earth they threaten the prior who self burns. they toss the divice into the energy of the gate to free d and v as the body is burnt. now we know the power and danger of the ori.
4 next
until alternate endings... they find merlin instructiona and either build fast enuf.... destroying those ascended that enslave and destroy or too late as above.... saved twenty episodes that go nowhere.
intro, as season nine ends we feel like "chasing the dragon" with an emphasis on drag-in. they struggle to get the technology but the time is limited. the season ends leaving us guessing what could happen. we wish for the "happy ending". simply they "manage" to follow the instructions of merlin and asgard technology. removing the threat of the ori, with hekp from a rebel ori as previous patterns. because built the device and destroyed those enslavers that "ascended". and just in time. and that removes the major threats of ori, guld and replicators. we can imagine the season ending because they "certainly save earth's galaxy in the next episode, building merlin tech, which need not be televised." or the sadder alternate ending.
two, they are assembling the technology and not in time. the ori destroy earth as we saw in the video hitchhikers gide. the brilliant scientists at "beta site" after evacuate from earth... are smart enough to submit to ori to live rather than turn to dust.
only the team remain free. too late they build the merlin technology and destroy those ascended beings that encouraged slavery and killing deniers. sam and daniel now need to repopulate humanity as follows.
each say "gross but we do this for our species".
major threats destroyed but not happy ending for earth because the ori avenge the ascended, by destroing beta site killing the most learned humans. without power from ascended, ori are powerless as sg1 destroys the ori with asgard technology. the end.
but we can also summarize the dragged out season 9 and ten. and end the series the same sad ending in season nine.
instead of the entertaining season ten which leads nowhere.
season 9 disk one
mitchel walkd to gate. he rememory the battle over icy south-land. exciting battle between many aerial vehicles of guld anubis. delayd enuf for sg1 to use the tech of ancients to "destroy anubis fleet" that was attacking planet earth 2 years ago.
jackson packd and refused to stay in the sg team. tealc is in politics for jaffa. later we see sam on space vehicle.
m met soldiers to select. rememory that sg1 found weapon and used it to destroy guld fleet. visitors when m was healing after crash.
vala, who was a slave to guld, until tokra removed it, gave dan a tablet with code about a treasure on planet earth. she also lokd him to her. they use asgrad vehicle to find the cave. t came for the technology but cant help.
m and v and d and t find puzzles that they cant solve and the roof movd to crush them... 9.2 dn solvd the puzzle and aided m to solve his puzzle. they are saved but cave collapsing until return the stolen coin.
find gold and a device that allows d and v to see other planet.
they dont know the local customs so the prior of ori burnd vala to ash. then rebuilt her cells. they go and talk to leaders of ori religion. deny the relijin and get burnt again until m destroyd device in energy of gate freeing d and v just in time.
much talking
dan and val go, after ori guy heald vala, to ori city. d talks with prior and doci and with ori in doci body. meanwhile messengers of ori came to earth and other places teaching the path. also meeting with jaffa leader and human. and ori guy so in total much talking.
fannis led d to another device so d warnd earth until prior stops device amd starts burning d and v. on earth they threaten the prior who self burns. they toss the divice into the energy of the gate to free d and v as the body is burnt. now we know the power and danger of the ori.
4 next
until alternate endings... they find merlin instructiona and either build fast enuf.... destroying those ascended that enslave and destroy or too late as above.... saved twenty episodes that go nowhere.
my summary of shrek and 2
my summary of shrek and 2. I liked 2 better than one and didn't like the third.
a green being bathed in mud and cleand teeth with "paste". the government investigated many magical creatures including one donkey that wont talk.
a group of men with sharp hay forks and fire torch came to the green being to chase it from the forest. he scared them and explained that he is an ogre named shrek. later shrek sees many beings in his forest who say the king sent them there. shrek wants his forest back, so he complains to the king, who sends him to rescue a princess.
shrek batld the dragon and freed her.
shrek donkey and princess talk and go to the king. shrek heard the princess say something bad and thinks she spoke about him. she went to the king who wants to wed her to become a real royal family. donkey tells shrek she was not speaking about shrek so they rescue her from the king.
shrek 2
a prince traveld to kiss the fabled princess but she is not there. fionas parents invite her home so shrek=s made her happy and went until the awkward meeting. later s and pa argue.
king sends assassin to kill shrek. a cat attkd s and hurt him but s survived and spared the cat. they go to find a potion and the cat climbd up and got one. the workers saw them so they take the happy potion out. a chase. with exciting sharp arrows until s pourd a potion on the gards and they all change to birds.
donkey and s drink the potion and change pretty. can shrek get to fiona in time of courcse but how will he prevent the kiss... he wont. dad trikd everybody and reflected the hex onto the unjust fairy. so s and f and d and cat all dance.
see special features of one?
dark my 13 dk 3 glass and jkrs and kyub
a green being bathed in mud and cleand teeth with "paste". the government investigated many magical creatures including one donkey that wont talk.
a group of men with sharp hay forks and fire torch came to the green being to chase it from the forest. he scared them and explained that he is an ogre named shrek. later shrek sees many beings in his forest who say the king sent them there. shrek wants his forest back, so he complains to the king, who sends him to rescue a princess.
shrek batld the dragon and freed her.
shrek donkey and princess talk and go to the king. shrek heard the princess say something bad and thinks she spoke about him. she went to the king who wants to wed her to become a real royal family. donkey tells shrek she was not speaking about shrek so they rescue her from the king.
shrek 2
a prince traveld to kiss the fabled princess but she is not there. fionas parents invite her home so shrek=s made her happy and went until the awkward meeting. later s and pa argue.
king sends assassin to kill shrek. a cat attkd s and hurt him but s survived and spared the cat. they go to find a potion and the cat climbd up and got one. the workers saw them so they take the happy potion out. a chase. with exciting sharp arrows until s pourd a potion on the gards and they all change to birds.
donkey and s drink the potion and change pretty. can shrek get to fiona in time of courcse but how will he prevent the kiss... he wont. dad trikd everybody and reflected the hex onto the unjust fairy. so s and f and d and cat all dance.
see special features of one?
dark my 13 dk 3 glass and jkrs and kyub
Monday, March 9, 2020
fixing story ester
the story of ester should not be rememberd on a lunar calendar, anymore kuz the lunar calendar was wrongly brout into rabbi books from the Babylonians including bad Babylonian god names tammuz and others
instead it should be rememberd on the date when the longer niits change to shorter niits on march 16 in israel
the story must be fixed to remove the bad ideas and be "worth celebrating" and only on a solar date as above
the story preservd in jew and Christian bible has bad harmful ideas that are not worth preserving and which moral people have condemned.
instead here is a story worth celebrating, the story of ester corrected and on a better date
long ago in the days of king zedekia, and jeremia, a king wanted another wife.
a lady named ester age 21 years saw this as an opportunity to "expose" those who wanted to kill her nation.
she told her parents mr. asa and mrs. sara that she was going to the king to be a queen. her parents protested that a "nice jewish girl" should stay home and marry a circumcised man. but ester thout that her plan was more important. and thout that uncut was probably better and this was her chance to see for herself. and feel inspect for herself
that niit ester went to the kings palace and begd the king to accept her as queen. the king favord her more than any other and made ester queen.
immediately she told the king her plan to expose the enemies of her people the jews. the king agreed and kept her identity secret like her name ester. the king sent a decree that anybody who wants to kill the jews can organize for the 13 day of the persian month for the mass murder the jews.
thousands of people enrolld mostly those who had done business with jews and felt that jews were the cancer of humanity.
the queen encouraged those who enrolled to bring their friends and when the list reached 70,000 people, then the king reveald that ester was a jew and handed the list to the jews who killed all those wanted to kill them. there are no other important names in this story." the end.
so happy ester day
bible doc 1008ad
introduction to Leningrad codex 1008ad "The Leningrad Codex is an ancient manuscript. it is the oldest complete Hebrew manuscript," that survived. it contains the same bad wrong contents as the jewish bible that should only be reprinted in a corrected edition of book. or... for Christ s sake... with this warning
the document leningrad codex contains the harmful messages of the hebrew bible with marks for the "Tiberian vocalization. It is dated 1008"ad
many of the ideas, both story content and ethical ideas are known today as wrong or harmful or misleading therefore only reprint the contents of this document and similar versions, in an "edited corrected edition" without the information which today we know is wrong. also without any harmful messages and bad values which we must recognize as bad and condemn.
from rabbi noam
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