star trek started for tv with around 80 episodes.
then it was "finished". the next space war was in 1977. star war 1977 was very popular the most popular of any video that year. top with 322m. apparently this CAUSED star trek to make a "motion picture" sw caused interest in st. but it was not popular. st 79 only sold tickets of 82m far less than sw. and was even less than drama.
1977 sw77 was top and 322m
1979 st 79 far less, 82m
1980 sw80, top 290m more than both st combined !
st82 only 79m even dramas were more popular
next sw1983.309m top all 3 most of their year even if woulda been the same year more popular than trek. so why do people speak Klingon? those who like it are intense. while star wars never tried to add a language so it appealed to many more people.
so I also found sw mre exciting while st too much talk. but I enjoyed both. not equally.
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