JUNE has longest days and shorter nights. what about london? n
around june 15 is the earliest sunrise meaning by the clock, light in the morning is the earliest time and "less than 24 full hours" between morning lights as the horizon "sets" to reveal the sun. then the time between first-sun-light [horizon sets] increases slightly causing less morning light and yet day-length continue to lengthen and nights shortening until june 21 then a REVERSE in pattern less light on june 22 altho still very long day with short night but less light so THAT DATE is the time to mark with a candle ceremony as sunlight is less we need to add human light with a candle ceremony light a candle at dinner to symbolize the reverse and "less sunlight" from then as the short summer nights increase dark time until winter.
Many people care about the holy land so: starting TOMOROW june 4 earliest sunshine for almost two weeks before "more time between" first-sun-shine making more DARK-time in morning AND DESPITE THIS day ADDS LENGTH to sunshine time until june 21 then light-time shortens on date june 22 [despite sunset time continuing later adding light time in evening yet not balancing the dark in morning as above] so that is the date to mark the candle ceremonyat dinner light one candle for a symbol REVERSE pattern from now less sunlight and needing human light THIS IS THE DATE for a candle ceremony this, as the nights lengthen throughout summer season until the longest nights in december.
so altho i was told summer is "longest days" that is only true in june but the season summer the day-length SHORTENS IN NATURE while in december longest nights and in winter season i was wrongly told "longest nights" yet in reality winter is when the night-length SHORTENS
in the north region CRAZY short nights! on date june 8 beginning midnight as we count dates... the sun still shines almost 3 hours after midnight in the north region then "the horizon rises" hiding the sun for barely 40 forty minutes only a short night, until the sun is visible again. this will be the last "night" in this part of the world for many months and vert short barely 40 minutes.
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