Friday, September 29, 2023

chinese traditions moon festival

 child: what is moon festival?

parent: because the moon fairy went up to the moon castle.

c, why did she go?

p, because she drank a magic potion to prevent a bad man drinking it.

c, but why did she drink it?

p, the potion causes the one who drinks to live forever and to fly up to the stars. a man came with a sword  to steal it and live forever. she drank it so he wouldn't steal it. then she became immortal and flew up to the moon castle.

c, but how did she get the potion?

p, her husband got it as a reward and gave it to her to watch.

c, why didn't he drink it?

p, because he wanted to stay with his wife not fly away.

c, why did he get rewarded?

p, because the queen of the sky saw he saved the  people in his village so she made this potion and gave the hero a reward.

c, how did he save the city?

p, that is the interesting part. now we only have one sun and sometimes we suffer so hot under the sun. but in the past were more suns, and people were suffering and dying. so he shot the extra suns to destroy them so only one remained and that is how he saved the village and earned his reward.

c, how did he destroy a sun?

p, it was already burning so he just shot at it and it exploded poof.

c, what did he shoot at suns?

p, i dont know  exactly but it was some mysterious weapon. i answered enough questions now  eat some moon cake with red bean filling.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

chromosomes against evolution

we know that dogs and wolves have 78 chromosomes same as jackals. but some wolves have 76 chromosomes.

we know how they reproduce half from each parent combined.

therefore we can be certain this species of 78 (same family but really all one species based on chromosomes despite external features, those identify subspecies) had parents 78 and therefore parents infinitely 78 each gave half.

certainly same total 78 because we know how they reproduce so parents infinite but not same ancestors as human 46. not common ancestor.

we can see the circular reasoning of evolution lie and the baselessness like saying "ants are plants. ants can grow two ways, cell reproduction like plants or growing tall like plants. since cell reproduction like plants is less random, it must have bren like plants therefore ants are plants" that is the pattern for evidence of evolution baselessly. the same elements.

offer 2 options both evolution pick one of the evolution and claimed that is evidence evolution.  it is as baseless as saying drinkjng water is illegal because it is a crime therefore it is illegal." but baseless.

hard to believe this but notice the elements,  whales dogs and humans have similar bone structure. either EVOLVED separately or EVOLVED from common ancestor.

since less random if common ancestor that is "evidence" of evolution. the same baseless circular as crime. also BOTH options were evolution. we can replace the word as a test.

"whales dogs and humans have similar bone structure. either created separately or created from common ancestor.

since less random if common ancestor that is "evidence" of creator." 

notice the same sentence and pattern as evolution. pattern is identical and can loop baselessly for anything. but the faith of evolution claimed that  as evidence!!

instead we can be certain due to reproduction that dog parents 78 and parents infinite were 78 therefore NOT common ancestor of human and whale not 78. 

humans we know 46 c. in 23 pairs each like a lina bean total  far from human in each sperm or egg. therefore must have had parents infinite 46 c. 

we can imagine a single cell bacteria with 46 c. growing into humans with 46 but bacteria don't have real nucleus.

some claim the ancestor of humans had 48 and chromosomes FUSED explained 46.

only if blind faith.

if we analyze the possibilities from known twins. an egg and sperm 24 total 48 ape pithicus gets pregnant. chromosomes fuse to 46 either by interfered or random without god no problem yet we can even assume most of the silliness.

the cell 46 grows into twins... like paternal twins same egg. now we have two human 46 to reproduce. tada?? they would both be same gender only male with female cells can reproduce not two eggs nor two sperm... we will have faith must have occurred?? but every human male has many sperm together sperm only attach to egg not sperm to sperm for total 46.

so the two can't be twins. we would be forced to have faith that the fuse was not god despite alteration that needs a cause and have faith that it happened at least twice because we need egg and sperm parents. the need of two in one event was imagined as twins but they would be identical not egg to sperm.

the two events of fusing would need to occur, despite randomly near enough for the two human parents to meet.

if the random fuse, chromosomes 48 to 46,   was in east coast ape born male human 46c, and random fuse egg type far inland from coast they wouldn't meet to reproduce unless miraculously the chromosome fusion occurred at least TWICE two events near enough for the parent 46 to meet and reproduce so the simpler less unlikely miracle is one creation event because less likely many randoms... with desired results the same preference used in the above common ancestor ckaim less random indicated common ancestor similarly this possibility less random in less events and not randomly far anywhere in australia and asia but randomly fused 46, and miraculously near enough for egg type 46 to meet with sperm type 46 against random so we see for such a miracle, need "more faith against random" than faith that god changed dirt into man.

certainly dog not common ancestor despite   "the forelimbs of whales, humans, birds, and dogs" bone structure less random if common but can't be common as above for both reasons a, the parent infonite of dog known certainly 78 c. so not common ancestor of human 46 c.

the argument of less random prevent the faith in separate fusing events of chromosomes more than once but conveniently near not random places. need two for egg 46 and sperm 46. twins with one fuse event would be identical copies not egg type with sperm type. having faith that the fuse events must have happened randomly but not random locations as above is as miraculous as a wizard change dirt into human. in addition to nature and biology , not rejected biology but sometimes biology and dometimes magic so the preferred less ranfom principle in the false claims of common ancestor can be applied to challenge the faith in random fused chromosomes events but nearby.

well that was "under harsh sun" with u.v. rays in a certain sunny place? but u.v. doesn't change chromosomes.  we know how reproduce. 

 the same faith in fusion miracle is miracle of virgin birth, not conflict biology nor reject biology but also besides biology sometimes   magical virgin births, besides nature biology birth. not denied because some biology is true. the ssme faith as fused chromosomes in more events and not planned nor in random places.

if a miracle of such fusion is believable, even when considering the story required,  then certainly less random miracles of virgin birth and changed dirt to man.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

wikipedia is fraud

 people read Wikipedia and assume google suggested it. popukism talks about googling and check wikipedia instead of Britannica why? sometimes the source of wikipedia is Britannica so just go Britannica directly.

but Britannica doesn't  have some topics and wikipedia has them but is it accurate? the problem is FRAUD pretending to be a source of information with edit wars and people  HOPING an expert decided but anyone can edit even me not the expert writing with peer review.

even if i can't find a specific error the fact of edit wars proved not an expert writing and the winner of edit wars is whatever private agenda of wikipedia company. do NOT donate nor even trust.

if i or anybody makes a mistake it is possible and still have credibility because POSSIBLE to correct and not a fraud claiming i am flawless but wikipedia is a fraud letting anyone edit as if that will purify it the method is the fraud. so when we see the area of u.s. "source britanica retrieved a certaiin date" ask why? that was the day someone snuck a change into britanica to quote the wrong data before Britannica got fixed!!

the idsue is not sometimes wrong like myself but the problem is the method and the fraud hopingbthat if anybody can edit it will purify the errors and result in correct information that is the fraud pretending to be information after editing.

we must only use peer reviewed stuff to make sure the presentation is accurate.

case in point is area of u.s. less than china? paper books say china less. Britannica said china less but wikipedia BASED ON  britanica a certain date... the day they got the alteration in before fixing, has china bigger. we see the bias of this private company to lie in a way that makes u.s. look bad who knows how many other times wikipedia had opportunity forbthat and other bias.

we must stop using wikipedia not only because it has errors but because of the fraud in the methods as above.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

biblical year nebucadnezer 3348

 the bible gives years when son was born, according to bible the exodus was 2448 years from the first year if adam.

the bible said king solomon was 480 years after exodus in his 4 year, and the book lists years for other kings more than 420 years.

480+420+2448= 3348 time of nebucadnezer years from adam.

we know nebucadnezer was 586 b.c. which is 586+2022 years ago so the rabbis number announced at weddings doesn't match their own books. 

jews are truly free from law of moses

 jews believe in the books of moses, even reform books wrote these are divinely inspired just meant as symbols. 

jews also believe in book jeremiah that prophesied a new covenant so cannot lie no new, as maimonides lied, because truly a "new covenant not like the previous but INSIDE" fulfills.

the time when, is hinted there, in jeremiah 31, 31 where the covenant is described "inside and forgive sin" so when the prophecy of daniel 9 was fulfilled, the "messia killed before city and temple destroyed" , and messia died to pay debt of sin in isaiah 53, as even talmud said that is messia, so same as daniel 9, then the debt of sin paid so that is the time of jer. 31.

it all fits like a neat puzzle.

messianic jews struggled with this desire to "do stuff" for marketing to attract other jews instead of accepting the description in jeremia.

they wrote a book that is absurdly long... instead of simply assembled the sources as above.

on page 11 they have the list of chapters why on page 11? after an introduction? but the introduction starts on page 13 so stupid to start on page 11. 

in fact, they have 2 introductions filling 33 pages gasp... before starting the book. 

the book starts on page 45 after 33 pages of introduction besides 10 pages before the list of chapters but should start the book without long delay just a short introduction not 33 pages. get to the contents.

the issues they discuss are messia.

the purpose of the bible and goal was messia. this prejudice can influence stories and  cause a search for symbolic for messiah.

but that is not the main issue to emphasize, because even quran said jesus is mesia with arabic letters messia that is not enough to be christian. 

messia is defined as the one who died as described in daniel 9 as above at a certain time and place as above.

if they meant "end of the law" that is a different phrase in romans chapter 10, 4 telos end of law, matching jer. 31.31 not the "purpose and end goal".

they make lengthy discussions about rabbinic laws.... for jews who were customarily doing those customs instead of saying, the rabbinic stuff is  called "rabbinic" to distinguish it is not god's wisdom and the oral tradition has limits "must not add" even an extra sprinkle of blood is a sin in tradition so cannot add a law only "these commands" limits not from now as even talmud interpreted, not from time of book leviticus.

it has 3 chapters about rabbinic instead of one simple point: "adding was a sin so cannot accept rabbi additions". why scatter rabbinic in chapters 2 and again in 3 and 4?

certainly rabbinic cannot get added the only doubt can be about the books attributed to moses.

even the oral law is interpretation so interpreted the word "these" as a limit as above. the rabbinic additions were not "oral from god" because it is called rabbinic as above to distinguish it is from rabbis. the oral IS for explaining not for adding which is a sin.

if a jew believed in jesus does he need a ceremony to convert. messianic jews say yes... but that is external and does not match jeremiah that described new covenant INSIDE fulfilled.

as in book isaiah 28 the believer will not fear, worry, that fulfills jeremiah inside so inside is the fulfillment.

so the idea believing is fulfilling no need for more than faith thought belief, so no ceremony to convert.

the ones on the crosses, jesus promised them heaven but did they need baptism to earn it? no, and book said not sent me to baptise so we need to reinterpret book matthew.

the book does have baptise in spirit so not every baptise means water can be spirit unless specified water.

so belief faith is the factor matching jeremia inside.

since inside fulfilled, as god himself taught by jeremiah,   no need for the previous covenant of ceremony taking a branch and fruit etc. eat unleavened bread etc. working on a day of rest is no longer a sin because faith inside fulfills the covenant which new not the previous so god himself sent jeremia to say stop following that law, if not the same day, still later when sins will be forgiven as described by isaiah, for sins, at the time of messia in book daniel 9. from then new covenant inside so that fulfilled so no need for doing the previous covenant related to sinai and commandments.

not only can gentiles work on the biblical festivals because not israelites, but even israelites can trust jeremiah about a time limit, defined by jeremiah and other prophets.

even if oral tradition came from god it is the method for interpretation as demonstrated in the 13 methods and in even maimonides.

the source of maimonides that he brings is from scripture... not believe oral because oral said god gave oral... but maimonides said due to a scripture... the problem is that scripture quoted "that i wrote" so that interpretation WAS written not oral and no source remains for an oral tradition from god just rabbinic invention.

what is the jew identity? is it any ceremony or faith? if so what about a 7 DAY old infant boy or girl before circumcision are they jewish? undoubtedly due to mother before the circumcision and before  the child does any ceremony and before he has any faith the identity is jewish due to mother before he believes anything so that established the identity even  if he  sins later. whatever he thinks is just a thought even a sin like offer incense to idols that faith does not delete the identity of jew, despite sin and certainly going the SAME direction as jeremiah and isaiah and daniel is more jewish than the sinful additions by rabbis who were forbidden to add by traditional limits.

after believed in Jesus paul was still a jew as he called himself and correctly  due to his parents as above even after his faith. also no jew and no greek anymore, meaning  all one group.

again the messianic jew have a chapter about the moses laws, scattered in chapter 5 and 2, instead of simply quoting jeremia as above.

the tradition IS that the covenant is inside so no external physical additions can be accepted, which do not match  the prophecy which is tradition.

so this long message perhaps filling 5 pages instead of scattering moses law in separate chapters twice and rabbi laws in chapters just simplify in a few pages here. 

the challenge is: if you already respect jeremiah , can you change from the rabbis direction or from secular to SUBMIT to this message of jeremiah the prophet...  don't you believe that  the message by jeremiah is prophecy?

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

palestinian name and family

 the name palestinian, a different family

the arab nations connected themselves to ishmael in the festival of adha sacrifice when "abraham offered his son as a sacrifice". name? kuran doesn't say any name in that part of the story,  because quran relied on jew bible but later commentary interpreted as ismael. if so not from family of ham...
the name palestinian is similar to name philistines but were they same family?
if not same family, but arabs made war then that would be bad "occupation" the way they say about jews? we better check.
the name of nation plistim in josefus and genesis 10.6 is from
**family ham. so...
not same family as ismael from eber. and even quran said the book of moses was good and light so claiming it got corrupted violated quran itself. elsewhere quran said a problem they say things NOT in the book that is the problem but never that the book was a problem but as above the book is good and light so ismeal not same family as philistines  from ham.
ham dwelled in africa as book jubilee claimed and also in the land north east from jordan river as josephus preserved. and josephus specified plistim in "gaza" from family ham. in days of josefus plistim from ham were there, in gaza...
not the arabs who called themselves palestinian and stretch the word palestinian to say sounds like the ancient  philistine which was family ham... but were they ham? as above they themselves insisted on ismael as above by adha festival, not only jews claiming they differ but their own tradition separated, so not ham and not the dwellers named philistine just a stretch now to fool people.
some claim philistine came from isle of greece but they are from ham in gaza as josephus wrote.
solomon ruled until gaza maybe included? they expelled and extinct.

we should not split arpaksad name to kesed as the claim in genesis kasdim is source of abraham. but abraham family sem.
according to book genesis  israelites were from jacob and abraham, that jacob name changed... but we can't confirm that claim.
more likely israel was a name separate from jacob and... whatever unreliable lineage in bible.
better to detach israel from jacob. bible was just a claim to link to jacob by changing name, as if israel was the jacob who had a dream about land but even if true, still just a dream.
maybe book deuteronomy had a different version my father was aram like grammar lost way. if so family aram not kesed by wrongly breaking name arpaksad. so not from kasdim as abraham was but aram a different lineage than abraham.
still deuteronomy can't be confirmed either just serves as a challenge to book genesis because the grammar indicated my father was a lost aram different family than abraham from eber. not eber from arpaksad.
the interpretation a victim of aram doesn't match the word described the aram not cause form called transitive.
instead israel simply lived by jordan river, not came and not as genesis claimed from jacob who name changed not from abraham family eber because that is challenged by deuteronomy aram as above so israelite not from abraham as indicated in their own book deuteronomy which they believe is reliable but corrupted against the word in their own book. jacob is a different name so they claimed "change name same person" as above. but really same as solomon known in jerusalem was always there in past.