Wednesday, March 31, 2021

the giant battleships of france

in june 1940 when french surrendered they had SEVEN battleships,  2 around 700 feet long and 2 longer. all with long names... but two newest were incomplete.
by size order: r+j 800 feet.
1,  rich' went to a port, west coast of nile continent (africa.) soon in july 1940 brit bombd rich' there n it sank but... refloated. in sep' 1940 rich' SHOT AT brit ships as ordered by vichy french under nazi. end nov' '42 vichy surrendered there, so rich' used by allies in 1944.
2, similarly jean, on nov' 8, '42, on west coast of morocco, jean shot at  u.s. ships so u.s. sank jean. refloated but sat inactive in contrast to rich'. so if you were naive.... vichy did obey nazi, wouldn't they? brits expected this and acted: in july 1940 v the british attacked french battleships in two ports.  i criticise french for not keeping them at brit port. as above attacked on west coast and also  in algeria. 
3,4,5: ba' dun' and stras' each 700 feet long, similar story.  ba's dun' n stras went to south edge of med' sea=nile sea. brits bombd n damaged dun' in algerian port. str' escaped to south coast of france. after repair dun' went there too. in nov' 1942 nazi tanks and troops came so french crew sunk dun' n stra'. similarly:
6, ba' provence, shorter, brits damaged in july 1940, in port algeria. it went to port toulon, on south coast of france. lay inactive on the north edj of nile sea (med') until event in nov' 1942, scuttled.  waited inactive during april 1942. later nazi soldiers enterd t' in nov' 1942 so french sunk it same as other french warships. nazi refloated it... uh oh ! but did not use it in battle. nazi only refloated prov' as above for a cannon.
2 smaller ones:  6 bret', brits sunk it and damaged others at algerian port. scrapped bret' for metal kuz old.  that month brit attacked french rich' in west africa port.
7, ba' lo' was in egypt disarmed, in july 1940, thru april '42 and after.
nazi had six battleships but before 1942 brit sank 1 in May 1941: n-bism' sank a brit ship not ba'. br' retaliated many hits so its crew set bombs that sunk bis'.

Monday, March 29, 2021

passover 2021

this week some jews have a vacation... yesterday.
i fixd my summary to the story of the exodus... and ten plagues: "the israelite family came to egypt for food. due to the status of joseph, they dwelled there staying even after DEATH OF JACOB AND JOSEPH. EGYPTians AFFLICTed HEBREWS, MOSES [was saved from the river and raised in the palace and he] fout ETHIOPIANS, MOSES FLED OUT From EGYPT INTO MIDIAN, MOSES saw THE BURNING BUSH [at the mountain] AND there found THE ROD, MOSES RETURNED TO EGYPT and went TO PHARAOH, TEN PLAGUES hit EGYPTIANS, [until king sent, so] HEBREWS LEFT EGYPT, but EGYPTIANS chased, so moses used rod to divide sea FOR THE HEBREWS ESCAPING.
wind pushed sea to drown EGYPTIANS. moses taught laws.[most importantly have honest measurements and deter those who unjustly get money].
note: before ending book 2, but after fixing the moral law as above, now i must fix the exciting plagues in josephus 2, 14. TEN PLAGUES hit EGYPTIANS. [110 words+ plus the following lengthiness 306 words, which must replace the worse lengthiness that delayed the ethic of "accurate weights in business" in leviticus , meaning must inspect and even punish merchants who use weights that are not accurate.]
the EVIL bible lacks such a punishment, and even delayed the moral idea, so i must fix. 
Moses *foretold the river will have blood. it did preventing egyptians from drinking, but it was natural  for Hebrews. king said "Hebrews leave". [moses knew regret and did not report to nation yet] when plague ceased, king said "no go."
2, many frogs consumed plants and spoild food and water.  the country was full of filthy slime, and stinky odor, as they were born, and as they died. they also spoiled the vessels in egyptian homes. many botherd egyptians in their beds causing more miseries. so king freed Hebrews to go. frogs vanished, so retained the Hebrews, kuz granted that liberty due to fear not due to any good consideration. 
many  3 "lice" caused the egyptians to perish with misery. king feard destruction of egyptian nation, so told Hebrews go. plague ceased, he required children *and wives stay in egypt, as pledges of their return. 
therefore the next "oreb" the name of a bug or as jospus preserved the jew-faith  "various" pestilential  4beasts fild egypt. [but septuagint and philo explain that word is the name of a type of bug] the egyptians perished. any [animal escaping death] from that plague, illness 5 "killed" them and also people.  Pharaoh said go but children stay... so... another plague:
sixth: terrible boils=6 on egyptian skin that consumed  inward, killing many Egyptians. next huge 7hail-ice fell and broke trees. next many locusts=8 ate all the plants which survived the hail. king said if  "leave your cattle" go, therefore a thick 9darkness spread in Egypt. "thickness of the air" hinderd egyptians breathing for 3 days causing them to die in misery and terror.
after the passover lamb,  TENTH  the first-born Egyptians died at night. ergo Pharaoh told Moses the Hebrews must go. Egyptians gave Hebrews gifts to cause depart quickly, and others gave for friendship they had. israelites exited EGYPT, EGYPTIANS chased. moses used rod to split sea FOR THE HEBREWS ESCAPING  but wind pushed sea to drown EGYPTIANS.
note: end book two in antq'.

Sunday, March 28, 2021


Astrid was a teenage girl, age 15. She met a boy named hiccup at dragon training.  Astrid  was curious where he went after training session. her family life. anger ? try to win but outdone. Astrid follows Hiccup and they rode a dragon.


Astrid was a teenage girl, age 15. She met a boy named hiccup at dragon training. curious where he went and rode dragon with him.

 home life.

Astrid awoke in the morning. she was ready to start a new day. she lay an extra second to feel the soft mattress but... just a moment then she sat up. She slid her feet to the side and down. next she grabd her bra and yankd off her pyjama shirt. then she lay the bra in position and hookd the strap behind her. she wondered why society demanded expected her to wear an extra thing called a bra...

she heard a knock on her door. "wait" she hollerd as she puld a shirt over her bra. once covered she said "enter." the door opend and pa enterd.

"honey are you certain you wanna go to dragon war school?"--"yes. i was the one who asked you guys were not forcing me it was my idea."--"exactly, i mean you don't NEED to show you are tough just be a soft mushy girl."--"dad we have dangers dragons burn our homes and steal our sheep and neighboring tribes make war i will save my home." pa shrugd and left.

before the door could close ma entered "honey, look at the new dress i weove for you."--"no thanks, i will wear armor."--you really dont NEED to be a soldier-ett"--"its not cald soldier-et i just wanna protect YOU."-"well you still NEED a dress between battles."

ma hung the dress from a nail and left. astrid puld on the fabric leg-covers and then her armor and went to school. at school the teacher introduced a new student named hodin. the boys in the class said jokes about how weak and small and short hodin was. she ignored all of them and the new boys. she must practice her rolling and tumbling technoques to dodge the dangerous fire.

that day the teacher taught the lesson "first grab a sheild" then they practiced dodging a small young dragon.


Saturday, March 27, 2021

legend of berk

The legend of berk
where: very far north in the cold region. when? in the era of vikings around year 750.
A teenage boy, age 15 years, named h' worked as apprentice for a metal worker. He was the son of the tribal chief named stoick. h' was weak and thin like reed. he was also shorter than the others his age.
DRAGONS flew to the village named berk. they stole sheep and when the villagers fought back, the dragons burnt houses. they will need to rebuild homes... again. h' shot a net at one from the cannon that he made. the net entang'ld a flying dragon. when he reported his success, all the villagers, including his pa ignored him. Stoick talked with his buddy about his son H. they conclude sending h' to Dragon Training will be beneficial. then s' prepared the expedition to find and exterminate the Dragon's Nest.
the next morning, H'  went into the forest and searchd for the dragon which crashed. He saw a cracked tree, that led him to it. he saw it was tied in the net that he had shot. He lifted his blade to cut out the dragon's heart... as proof, but... showed mercy on the helpless dragon. h' cut it free from the rope net. the Night Fury dragon can now kill this human. it stared at him. H cringed showing fear. it roard n flew up, showing it has difficulty flying. H started walking away but fainted from the stress.
usually, the teens caught fish, or hunted or watched sunsets, but due to the dragons they needed dragon training. his first lesson of Dragon Training was with 3 teens who ridiculed h' for being weak. Another student, Astrid silently focusd on her skills. They learnt about various species of dragon. They even practiced facing a small one, protected by shields. [gap].
    H' held a fish so it cautiously approachd. when it opend its mouth h' saw it had no teeth. suddenly the hidden teeth appeared when it ate the fish. H named it Toothless, due to its hidden teeth that only appear when it eats. t' spat out some to share with Hiccup. when it watches to see if he will eat,  H bit some raw fish covered with dragon drool... disgusting. 
 when h tried to touch t',  it "flew"  to the other side of the cove. [followed by many times "cannot fly" yet did! so i deleted]. t'  walkd to see h'  tracing in the soil. he dug the shape of t's head. t' mimicd by breaking a tree branch and marking the ground  in loops. t' growld when he stepd on the mark. so he stepd over the mark. next, h  stared it calm, and moved near enough to touch it, but it stepd back. h stood still with his hand raised, then it presd its nose into his palm. Hiccup saw the injured tail flap which prevents t' leaving the cove.  he made an artificial tail fin, as an attempts to repair it. h attached it but noticed new obstacles. ergo he made improvements and tested new versions of the fin.
Hiccup learnd the responses of dragons from experiences with Toothless. at dragon school, h' uses his knowledge. the other students watch when H pushd a Hideous Zippleback into its cage... while carrying an eel. he knew dragons avoid eel. he waved grass at a Gronckle which tamed it... same as he saw t' rolling in garlic grass ["Dragon Nip"]. h' led a Terrible Terror into its cage, by reflecting light which it chased. he scratched below the chin of  a Deadly Nadder to calm it.
the villagers praise H for his ability to tame dragons. they respect his skills.
Astrid noticed that h went to the woods after training.  Hiccup improved the man-made fin. with it, it flew smoothly. they landed and h sat beside some "wild Terrible Terrors." He saw they truly are not "always" hostile nor a threat, as he had heard. 
at home, chief Stoick returnd from his failure to find the Dragon Nest. he gave Hiccup a helmet,  saying "i am proud"  about succeeding in dragon training. 
In the arena, h' succeeded again so earnd the honor to kill a Monstrous Nightmare. after school, Astrid followd H'. they came to the cove. he told the dragon that they must leave to avoid killing a dragon. she saw his connection to it. it saw Astrid and pulled her up to the top of a tree. Hiccup invited her to ride it. 
Astrid  +h rode it but it swung trying to throw her off. Astrid apologized to it so it flew them straight and smooth, for  a pleasant ride  "above the clouds. later it joind other dragons that were carrying food. Toothless landed on an isle and hid.
A&H saw those dragons feeding  the stolen sheep to a giant dragon. it also ate 2 dragons. that explained the stealing. A&H flew home. Astrid punches Hiccup's shoulder before kissing him on the cheek.
in the arena,  Hiccup was starting to tame the Monstrous Nightmare, but pa made noise that distracted it, therefore it chased h' who screamed. Toothless quickly scrambled up from the coast,  and was running through the forest toward his screams. Astrid enterd and tried to fight the Monstrous Nightmare. Stoick fought it so she escaped, but it blocked Hiccup. Toothless entered and saved Hiccup by fighting it, which retreated to its cage. some Vikings jump into the arena and try to tie Toothless. it defends itself against the Vikings. despite hiccup's command to flee, Toothless stayed and faced pa. before it burnt pa, Hiccup stopped Toothless. next some Vikings tie it. Stoick showd anger that his own son "befriended the enemy" that harmed and killd the villagers. when h was trying to explain, he reveald the Dragon's Nest, which pa had searched for, so the Vikings tied Toothless on a ship, to guide them toward the nest. the ships left.
Astrid came so h' told her the story about his pet dragon. they plan to free Toothless. the students flew the small training dragons out from the school. they flew toward the Dragon's Nest.
The Vikings traveld by boat to the Nest using Toothless as a guide. there, they shot boulders, using catapults to crack a hole in the Nest's wall. some dragons flew out, followed by the huge Red Death. it broke more wall as it flew out from the nest. it blasted fire that burnt a row of boats. 
Stoick and Gobber started distracting the huge red death. the students arrive, flying the training dragons which blast fire that injured the Red Death's head. 
Astrid flew a Deadly Nadder that transported Hiccup to the boat where Toothless remained captive. Hiccup strained trying to free it but was unable.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut, flew a bi-kneck Hideous Zippleback all around  the Red Death who blasted fire at them, repeatedly but they dodged. this was the idea in training to "exhaust the limit" of fire fuel. 
Snotlout flew a Monstrous Nightmare but Fishlegs flew a Gronckle. Fishlegs and Snotlout apply their dragon training by searching for a blind spot but it has 3 eyes on each side. they continue to produce noise by clashing shields. Snotlout's dragon bucked him off so Snotlout fell... so he grabd the head of the huge Red Death. Fishlegs tossed his hammer to Snotlout who used it to hit the giant's eyes. it trampled the boat which carried Hiccup and his chained pet. Toothless started sinking, with his chains, under the sea. Hiccup rushed to dive into the sea. he swam deeper but before he reached his pet, needed to breathe. he started drowning. pa was swimming down deep. he was strong enough to break open the latch and free the pet. he carried hiccup up to the surface. pa and son talked to heal their previous argument. then Hiccup flew Toothless toward the Red Death... to be continued.
toward the Red Death. Astrid instructs the twins to get Snotlout off the Red Death's head which they do. However, Astrid is almost sucked in and eaten by the Red Death until Toothless and Hiccup stop it with a plasma blast. Astrid falls off her Nadder due to the force of the plasma explosion but Toothless catches her. After dropping her off, Astrid silently says "go". 
   Hiccup angers the Red Death into following him with Toothless using a powerful plasma blast. After leading it up high enough into the dark clouds, they hide among them and while diving past at high speed, repeatedly blasting hole after hole into the Red Death's wings. In pain and anger, the giant blasts a long stream of fire all around it, setting Toothless' prosthetic tail-fin alight when the Night Fury can't avoid the flames. Knowing they have little time left, Hiccup dives nearly straight down, the Red Death in hot pursuit. When he hears the sound of the Red Death heating its gasses to fry them, he waits for the last possible moment, then shouts to Toothless; Toothless spins around and fires a plasma blast directly into the Red Death's mouth, prematurely igniting the gas and setting its insides on fire. Toothless twists away and slips past its head, as it realizes it's about to hit the ground. However, when it spreads its wings to stop itself, all the holes in its wings tear into even bigger holes, rendering its wings useless.
  As the huge dragon crashes at full speed and explodes, Hiccup is knocked off unconscious when Toothless is unable to turn away from hitting the Red Death's tail after his prosthetic fin burned. Seeing Hiccup fall towards the flames beneath, Toothless dives into the inferno of the Red Death's exploding body to save him. After the smoke from the battle clears, it is shown Toothless survived, with his prosthetic fin destroyed and his saddle empty and burned. Everyone believes Hiccup was killed in the explosion, reducing Stoick to tears. He apologizes, saying how sorry he was for not listening to his son. Toothless sees this and unfurls his wrapped up wings, revealing he has an unconscious Hiccup clutched to his body: his fire-proof dragonhide saved Hiccup's life. 
After about three weeks, Hiccup wakes up in his bed, which has been placed on the main floor at home, surprised Toothless is in his house to joyfully greet him. As he gets out of bed, after being licked by Toothless, he discovers he lost his left foot and lower shin (as Toothless was unable to fully enwrap those parts with his wings), which was replaced by a prosthetic made by Gobber. After taking a moment for the feelings of sadness and loss to pass by, Toothless helps him walk outside and where both of them are surprised to see the Vikings invited the dragons to live in the village. Hiccup is welcomed back as a hero and Astrid punches him for "scaring her" and gives him a kiss on the lips. After Toothless is fitted with a new fin and saddle that Gobber built, Hiccup, Astrid, and the other Viking teenagers ride their dragons through Berk as the new age of a Viking and dragon alliance begins.
the story was loosely based on the first book in a series by Cressida Cowell of the same name. The film was directed and written by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois and stars Jay Baruchel, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, Gerard Butler, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and Craig Ferguson. The film was released on March 26, 2010, by DreamWorks Animation/Paramount Pictures. It grossed an estimated $43.3 million in its opening weekend. With the success of the film, DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg formally announced in The Hollywood Reporter that How to Train Your Dragon will be further developed as a major media franchise for the company. DreamWorks announced a 2014 sequel named How to Train Your Dragon 2, a television series, an online interactive simulation, and a live touring show.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

star trek episode spock's brain

 this episode is in season 3 [e6].
my summary:  a vehicle with ion engine zipd thru space. ent' followd to study. a lady appeard in en' and presd her bracelet which causd kirk and bridge crew to fall unconcsious. she presd again and all on the enterprise fell.
when the crew awoke, mccoy told kirk that spock is attached to life support due to his brain removed.
they follow the "trail" of the ions. [from 5427 they chase the vee-ik'l for around four stardates. see end computation]. at 5431 kirk recorded that they have chased for 15 hours.
they came to planets which seem undevelopd. how could any of them build a space veeikl? uhura noticed and told about a "power pulse" so they went to that primitive planet.
kirk and his unit beamd down. their device sensed  some men on surface. Kirk's unit prepares as the natives approach. The natives threw rocks and simple clubs at Kirk's men until Kirk aims his phaser and zaps one who fell stunned. The others retreat.
after doc attached a device to control spock's body, they join kirk. they enter a cave which went down underground. kirk contacts spock's brain via the communicator. they zap a gard but as they advance, a lady presd her bracelet and all but spock collapse as their brain is fild with pain... but not spock.
they awaken wearing belts. they talk with the natives ane learn that spock's brain is attached to their computer.
in the cell kirk surprised one gard while bones and scott try unsuccessfully to wrestle with the large other. at first the gards are stronger but finally kirk jumped from a table to topple one and kick him. the others finally take down the second and they escape the cell.  when they enterd the computer center, a lady presd her bracelet causing the belts to inflict pain. kirk and his men collapse but kirk crawls to doc's controller to move spock to  grab her arms and press the button to free the belts.
doc wore the helmet and learnd how to reverse the device. after a long opertion with several obstacles, with suspense how he will succeed, finally with spock's guidance doc restores spock's brain. they return to en' which flew away.
note 1/2 computing the chase date: 5431 chasing brain, since fans agree about 7 per day for example year 2268 from stardate 3211.7 until 5784.3=2572.6 per year
7.05 per day. agrees with sarek calculation. 24/7 3.4 hours per each. so chasing his brain for "fifteen hours" is around four so,  at log "5431.4' after 15 hours chase they were:
*chasing from 5427
note 2/2:  my edit to memory alpha fandom
The Enterprise followd an ion engine veeik'l. A lady from that ship transports herself onto the bridge and presses her bracelet to render everyone on the Enterprise unconscious.
2+kirk and his unit beamd down. their device sensed  some men on surface. Kirk's unit prepares as the natives approach. The natives threw rocks and simple clubs at Kirk's men until Kirk aims his phaser and zaps one who fell stunned. The others retreat. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

star trek 5800's

 5800's have three adventures.
first: 5818.   my summary of 58 "century" "5818.4=ardana" v "cloud" cald e19 kuz before eden]
ent' flew toward Ardana, quickly passing many stars. Ardana was the only known source of zenite, the mineral which they need to end a "botanical plague" on planet Merak II.
Kirk orderd Uhura to send a mesage to the "High Advisor of Ardana". that we must hurry to the mine entrance. we dont have time to attend the welcoming ceremony".
On the surface, Kirk and Spock materialized on a platform. they look up at the cloud city named Stratos. they find the mine entrance vacant. suddenly, they get lassoed. they see four Troglytes, dressed in dusty jumpsuits, boots, and gloves. their eyes were covered by   silver bands, with narrow eye-slits.  three wore red suits. one wore purple.

(parallel "The USS Enterprise flew toward Ardana, under Federation orders, quickly passing many stars. Ardana was the only known source of zenite, the mineral which they need for ending a botanical plague on planet Merak II. Kirk ordered Uhura to send a message to the High Advisor of Ardana, that they must hurry to the mine entrance. They don't have time to attend the welcoming ceremony.

On the surface, the landing party (Kirk and Spock) materialized on a platform. They look up at the cloud city named Stratos. They find the mine entrance vacant. Suddenly, they get lassoed by four Troglytes, who wore dusty jumpsuits, boots, and gloves. The attackers' eyes were covered by silver bands, with narrow eye-slits. Bandanas covered the attackers' hair. Kirk and Spock are captured." end hook.
act 1  Kirk started to explain... but they begin fighting. spock puld his lassoe rope to topple one. Kirk kickd another. some attackers swung knives. they were all wrestling, until miss purple pind kirk. PARALLEL [my edit to memory alpha in case reverted] "Kirk demands to know why he and Spock have been captured. The woman in the group replies, "''interference breeds attack, Captain.''" Mistaking them for Stratos dwellers, Kirk starts to explain the situation, but she argued, so Spock pulled his lasso rope to topple one. Kirk kicked another. Some attackers swung knives. They were all wrestling, until three more men materialize on the platform. Two guards are wearing sky-blue tunics. The bearded man yells for the fighting to stop. Both guards raise weapons and shoot. The zaps hit one of the attackers. The other attackers manage to escape into the mine.

Three more men materialized on the platform. two gards wore sky-blue tunics. the bearded man orderd stop fighting. the gards raised weapons and zapd an attacker. the other attackers fled into the mine. The robed figure introduces himself as Plasus, the High Adviser of the Council and explains the situation. The Disrupters, a rebel group of Troglytes, have confiscated the zenite in order to force negotiations in their favor. He orders the guards to immediately organize a search party and invites Kirk and Spock to visit Stratos in the meantime.
Kirk, Spock, and Plasus materialize on a balcony in Stratos. K&S are impressed by the view. a lady met them,  daughter of Plasus named Droxine. 
Plasus shows them  art  until he saw a tool embedded in one of the artworks. Plasus invites them to rest while they wait for the zenite. When they leave, two sentinels led in a struggling prisoner. he wore the same suit as the attackers. he was leaving the city without  a transport card ergo suspected. Plasus questions him and then orderd they tie him. the prisoner puld free and jumpd  over the railing preferring suicide. he fell from the height, far down to the surface.
In the luxurious chamber, Kirk was sleeping on a bed. Spock sat on a padded chair, and was meditating. He went to talk to Droxine about Vulcans. a woman, wearing a blue dress, hid behind a column. she enters kirk's chamber and pointed a sharp tool to his neck.
Kirk moved her arm [not one move] they wrestle until he caused the tool to fall and pind her. because she was one of the attackers, he questiond her. she was named Vanna and wanted to take Kirk hostage. When Kirk releases her,  she  grabd the tool again so he grabd her arms and knokd it from her hand.
Droxine and Spock enter. they learn v' is a servant. she mistakenly believes that the Enterprise goal is quelling the rebellion. Droxine's words indicate that the Troglytes were considered inferior.
a gard led Vanna out. K&S argue with Droxine about Troglyte-servants. She insists that the system is perfect so no reason to change it.
gards tied Vanna's hands to a squared marble post. Plasus demands she tell the names of the other Disrupters. Vanna denies others. they zap her causing Vanna to scream. Kirk and Spock heard and came.  Vanna slumps unconscious. Kirk protested the torture. Plasus claimd it is necessary. they argued. p' orders the Sentinels to untie Vanna from the torture device. they obey. p' demands Kirk and Spock leave [without the mineral].
Kirk and Spock beam up. Plasus orderd to kill Kirk if he ever returnd.
ent' continues orbiting. kirk spoke with Dr. McCoy who said  gas emanates from unrefined zenite that harms the minds of Troglytes in that environment.  still, simply wearing gas mask filters should protect them. since Vanna was far from the gas, in stratos, her mind is better than the other Troglytes. they plan to persuade the miners to give them zenite, to save the plants.  
Kirk, Spock and McCoy told Plasus about the gas. he rejected their ideas and switched off the communication.
Kirk beamd to Vanna's cell and held a gas mask. He said he will return to mediate between her and plasus, in exchange for zenite. Vanna finally agrees. kirk hid when a gard brout food to Vanna's table. kirk aimd his phaser and stund him. They used his pass to escape... into a mine deep below the surface. Vanna signald by hitting a tool against the mine wall three times. two appear... and captured Kirk as hostage, without phaser nor communicator.  he  mined zenite with bare hands while Vanna pointed his phaser at him so he would work and not escape. one went to bring the gas mask to prove they have a hostage the High Adviser. the other, Midro has a different idea but went to warn the Disrupters of any Enterprise officers who try to rescue Kirk.  he suddenly jumpd up turning to knock aside the phaser. he tackled her and phaserd to seal them in. Vanna exclaims that Kirk has cut off their air, but Kirk says "i need a demonstration." He finds his communicator and orders Spock to transport Plasus to Kirk's coordinates in the mine.
on Stratos, Plasus stood near  Droxine talking about the vistors... ergo in ent' they can't obey kirk, kuz the duo were too close to transport p' alone.
a sentinel told them Vanna escaped, then left. Droxine said "Kirk is desperate"   she doubts her father's methods of dealing with the Troglytes. she walkd away... so they beamd Plasus up into the transporter room and immediately down into the mine. Kirk forces both Plasus and Vanna to mine the zenite in order to become exposed to the gas. Plasus challenges Kirk to a duel. he points to some tools. Kirk agreed.
p' charged at k' swinging both pointy tools. k' dodged and pushed him. kirk dodged and kikd one tool away. then he grabd p's arm and twisted til the tool dropd then they wrestled on the mine floor. 
Vanna  grabs the communicator, and pleads to the Enterprise to transport them away from this mine, before the two combatants kill each other. the three materialize on the transporter platform and hit each other some more. ultimately she gave kirk zenite and they talkd until ent' beamd up K&S with the mineral. it flew away. [not warp kuz only plants].
NEXT 5832

NEXT    5832 v  eden
Enterprise chased the sv Aurora for its crew of theives. it tryd to evade until its engines overheat. Scott beamd the criminals aboard as aur' exploded.
Kirk and Spock meet n talk with the thieves. Among them is Tongo Rad, the son of a Catullan ambassador  and whose involvement prevents Captain Kirk, under orders from the Federation, from arresting the group for theft. Instead, Kirk is ordered to bring them to a starbase as guests. 
Rad and the group  sit on the floor barefoot. they demand Kirk bring them to the planet Eden which Kirk insists is a myth. Spock apparently seems to understand the group's gestures and motives, though they do not give him details, either. They chant Kirk derisively, "Herbert! Herbert!"
 "Captain's log, stardate "5832.3." The son of the Catullan ambassador is one of six we have beamed aboard from the stolen cruiser Aurora. We have been ordered to handle him with extreme delicacy, because the treaty negotiations now in progress between the Federation and Catulla are in a crucial phase."
Kirk goes to the bridge to have Lieutenant Palmer notify the starbase that they have the group alive. Another member of the group is Irina Galliulin, an acquaintance of Ensign Chekov and a dropout from Starfleet Academy. The group, led by Dr. Sevrin, a former university professor on Tiburon, rejects conventional society.
In sickbay, Chekov meets Galliulin after long separation. He asks what happened, and she says she believes in her path and knew Chekov would not approve. 
Dr. Sevrin is quarantined. Chekov joins the security officers guarding sickbay in pushing back Sevrin's followers from entering.
2  After being examined in sickbay, Dr. Sevrin is found to be a carrier for the deadly bacteria synthococcus novae, created by the very advances that make life in the 23rd century possible. The disease has no cure, but immunization is available. Kirk orders Dr. McCoy that boosters be administered to the crew, but that Dr. Sevrin must be put in isolation until he no longer poses a danger to the crew or his companions. Dr. Sevrin protests the action, claiming he did not know he was a carrier. Meanwhile, Dr. Sevrin's companions boldly circulate among the crew, attempting to incite the younger members, in particular, Sulu, to *join them.
"Captain's log, stardate 5832.5. The arrogance of Dr. Sevrin and his followers is creating an intolerable situation aboard the Enterprise. If it continues, I'll be forced to use controls which might not agree with Starfleet's suggestion that they be handled with extreme tolerance."
Kirk finally asks Spock to speak to Dr. Sevrin to persuade his followers to stop their actions before they are charged under Federation laws and barred from continuing their search for Eden. Dr. Sevrin then reveals to Spock 
he  says only a primitive world such as Eden can fully cleanse him from the disease. Spock counters that his presence would destroy any life on that planet, but Dr. Sevrin is unrelenting in his quest. Spock concludes that Dr. Sevrin is insane, but offers to help in the search for Eden by using the resources of the Enterprise.
"Captain's log, stardate 5832.6. I have asked Dr. McCoy to check Starfleet medical records to verify Mr. Spock's suspicion that Dr. Sevrin is insane. In spite of Dr. Sevrin's antipathy to us, he has promised Mr. Spock that he will order his disciples to conform to our rules and regulations."
Adam, one of Dr. Sevrin's followers, visits Spock in his quarters with a request to put on a concert for the crew. Spock agrees to ask Kirk about the idea. Adam spots Spock's Vulcan lute on a shelf behind him and Spock lets him try it out. Adam then hands the lute to Spock for a little demonstration on how to play it. Adam asks Spock to join him on the concert that he has proposed. Spock agrees.
Meanwhile, in auxiliary control, Chekov is assisting Spock's search for Eden, but he is distracted by Irina's presence. In trying to seduce the young ensign, Irina learns about the functions of the secondary control room. Adam and Irina then rejoin the rest of the group and there the true plan is revealed: the group is attempting to seize control of the Enterprise once Eden is located.
3  During the concert, Tongo Rad climbs up a ladder, sneaks up behind Sevrin's guard, 
and without hitting him, caused unconcious. he switche off the force field to free Sevrin. They make their way to auxiliary control and the others join them, they divert control of the ship to themselves and change course for Eden taking the Enterprise across the Romulan Neutral Zone and into Romulan territory.
On the bridge, Sulu *reports to Kirk that the helm is unresponsive. Scott believes it may have shorted out, but determines that helm control has been redirected to auxiliary control. Sevrin announces that he now has control of the Enterprise, as well as the ship's life support, and will not release control of the vessel until they reach Eden.  Scott started cutting through a wall into auxiliary control by phaser as  Kirk orderd. Sevrin stopd kirk's group by activating ultrasonics. the sound topples spock and kirk and the crew of the Enterprise.
4 Kirk, despite great agony, managed to switch off the sound waves. Kirk discovers that a shuttle is missing. Dr. Sevrin and his followers stole the shuttlecraft Galileo II to take them to eden's surface. Kirk [decides] chased after the stolen craft. 
many beam down. the legends are true Eden is a fabulously beautiful planet. However, they learn the beauty hides deadly secrets: the grass and plant life are full of a powerful acid, and the fruit is poisonous to Humans.
 [found after adam dead] Sevrin and his followers nursing severe burns on their bare feet from the acid in the grass "Adam dead from eating the fruit."
they found the shuttlecraft.
McCoy urges everyone to the ship for medical treatment, but Sevrin runs to a tree, takes a bite out of the fruit and quickly dies.
Back on the Enterprise, the followers lost their leader. . On the bridge, Spock urges Irina *t to continue their quest [bacteria?] for Eden. "I have no doubt you will find it … or make it yourselves," he tells Irina as she and Chekov then kiss goodbye.  The Enterprise flew from planet eden.  20v but dont continue ! kuz the following day "fever emergency" unpland stop.
 next 5843 v e19 for antidote.

Kirk, McCoy, and Spock beam down to gather ryetalyn, a rare element. they need it for the antidote to deadly Rigelian fever harming the crew. 
a hovering robot zapd at them. An old man, Flint, appeard and stopd the robot. his hair is silver and he wore a dark blue cape.
*t f. insists Kirk and his trespassers leave or die. Kirk argued they need antidote.  Kirk flips open his communicator, and orders Scott lock phasers at flint who sent...
 [flaw to skip "gives Kirk two hours to obtain x the ryetalyn."] the hover-droid named M-4 to get and bring ryetalyn.
while they wait for it, Flint invites them to his luxurious  home. there they see art, while Flint spoke with a lady. her dress is shiny silver. his pants were blood-red skin-tights.
When M-4 returns with the violet crystals cald ryetalyn, Kirk said he will leave but Flint offerd "to process the rare element." while they wait, flint led a lady, his ward named Rayna, to meet them.
2 Flint introduces Rayna to them. Her first time encountering men. Flint told her story: Rayna's parents were  employees who died in an accident. They placed her in his custody. while Kirk and Rayna play billiards, Kirk and flint discuss cruelty. Flint notes that the Enterprise has weapons [which threatend him]. Kirk replies that weapons are used for defense, same as you used a hover droid. he adds that they asked for the element but if they were evil, they would simply taken it.
Kirk and Rayna play billiards and then dance while Spock plays piano. McCoy returns with the report while Kirk and Rayna are dancing. He reports that the ryetalyn contains irillium in quantities sufficient enough to render the antidote useless. Flint offers to go with M-4 and collect more samples and to screen them himself. He offers to let McCoy join him.
Later, Kirk enters Flint's laboratory. He is looking around when Rayna enters. He walks over to her and notes that the room became lonely without her. She tells him that loneliness is "a thirst. A flower dying in the desert," something Flint had said to her earlier. Kirk  asks what is behind a closed door in the lab. Rayna does not know, as Flint has told her she is never to enter it. Kirk asks why she is here then, and she tells him she often comes to this place when she is troubled. Kirk asks why she is troubled and also if she is happy here with Flint. She says Flint is the kindest man in the galaxy, but if so, Kirk wonders, why is she troubled? As Kirk leans in to give her a kiss, M-4 arrives and prepares to attack him.
 3Rayna orders the hover-bot to stop, but it does not. before it fired at Kirk, Spock enters and  zapd his phaser to vaporize. Later, Flint tells Kirk that the robot was programmed to defend the house and its occupants. it did not anticipate Kirk looking around in the lab. However, another M-4 unit arrives in Flint's living room. He states that it is too useful a device to be without. Flint notes that Kirk should be thankful that he did not attack him, as he has twice the captain's strength, but Kirk remarks that, as Flint had said earlier, it would be an interesting test of power. Rayna is pleased that Kirk did not die in the incident and Flint states that death, when unnecessary, is tragic. He orders that Kirk wait in his study, "patiently, safely," while McCoy analyzes the quality of the ryetalyn in the lab. He reminds Kirk that his defense systems operate automatically and not always in accordance with his wishes.
As Flint and Rayna leave, Kirk and Spock realize Flint loves Rayna and is exhibiting jealousy towards Kirk. However, Kirk points out that Flint seemed to want Rayna and Kirk to participate in activities together, billiard and dancing. 
 Kirk contacts the Enterprise and asks for a status  the Rigelian fever. Scott tells him that the disease has infected nearly everyone on board and they are now operating with a skeleton crew. Kirk also asks for the report on a computer search on both Flint and Rayna. Uhura informs him that there are absolutely no past records of Flint, and later, of Rayna.
Kirk and Spock realize that Flint wishes for them to linger. In another room, Rayna and Flint are watching Kirk and Spock. Rayna  believes Flint had sent the robot there to kill Kirk, which he vehemently denies.  Rayna tells Kirk that she has come to say goodbye. they kisd. he invited her to join him but Rayna left the room.
in Flint's lab, Kirk joind McCoy and Spock. They discover the hidden ryetalyn and  earlier versions of Rayna. her human body was manufactured.
4 Flint then arrives and reveals his other secret; he is an ancient immortal, born in 3834 BC. Over the course of his long lifetime, Flint has taken on many names, such as Brahms and da Vinci. Eventually, he acquired enough wealth to purchase this planet. he work on a perfect,  immortal woman. Kirk had provided the final step in her creation, stirring her emotions to life. to love me.
Flint presd a button and shrunk ent' [not prepares]. they argued until Rayna enters the room and learns the truth.  she swayd Flint to revive ent'. Flint and Kirk argue for Rayna, and fight. she must choose. her new feelings overwhelm her so she shuts down. m' felt for a pulse.
Back aboard ship, the antidote ended the fever.  while Kirk sleep at his desk, McCoy enters and talkd about  love with Spock who rejected emotion. after McCoy leaves, Spock  places one hand on Kirk's temple, and whispers, "Forget".
next 5906 in 5900's

star trek the 5900's

star trek the 5900's

intro: in 1968, the third season of star trek was televized. it told the story from date 4372 until 5940's. this is 224 days since each date is around 1/7 of  a day it includes 1570/7=224 days. the numbers in the story, challenge the theory of the author. the series from  1329=4600 if we accept the theory of one day per star date that is more than ten years for a "five year mission" as repeated internally "even" in episode with 5900. the story indicates that each is less than a day, and a fan proved around seven per day. each one is around 3 hours. each decimal is around twenty minutes. so from 1329.5-1329.8 around one hour.
three adventures: two published [link at end] and 5943:
(3,23) "All Our Yesterdays" TOS, "stardate 5943.7" v 
intro: 2 days after flying away from the ringed planet....
  summary:  "stardate 5943.7", ent' flew to planet Sarpeidon. It started orbiting around this earth-like planet with blue sea and clouds  [in contrast to ring-planet, 2 days preceding this mission]. its star shines with a reddish glow, and will soon destroy sar' in its  supernova. kirk plans to warn the inhabitants.
Kirk materialized with McCoy and Spock in a room. [surface] they find the building is empty except for Mr. Atoz. [not none] His hair and skin are white but the top of his head is bald. he explained that the inhabitants were safe. they had already left, to avoid the supernova,  by traveling to the past, using a time portal called the atava-chron.
they walkd to see the library of discs and met a copy of Atoz who guided them to a room where another copy sat. Kirk showd surprise that the man he pasd is already sitting in the room. 
atoz opend a drawer with discs. he showed them a small disc which when put  in a viewer showed its video on its own round surface.  Kirk watchd the past era of horse-drawn carraiges. McCoy watched the Ice Age.  spock spoke with atoz. when [spok not Kirk]
offerd to evacuate Atoz, he explaind that he will  join his wife and family [in past]. Shockingly,  kirk heard a scream  [clarify outside] and ran toward the adjoining room. the portal repeatedly flashd and he was in the past. behind kirk stood a brick wall. people wore the style of clothing and hats like 17th century Earth. a man pushd a woman toward another man who caught her but pushed her away.
Spock and McCoy followd him, but step into a windy blizzard. a wall of ice stood behind them and ice also coverd the ground. more snow fell. they realize they went to the past era which he saw on the disc. they are now in the era five thousand years ago.
kirk saw the men continuing to push the lady. he ran to stop this evil, just as a man raised a fencing-sword [epee?] to slash her. kirk grabd his arm to save her life. when he swung his fist at kirk, kirk pushed him down. the other pusher dueld kirk as the swords clashed. kirk won the duel and both run away. then he learnt that he aided a criminal. she was a thief attempting to rob the man. 
M&S look behind them and see the ice. they feel for an exit but don't find any portal to the library. kirk also looks and sees the brick wall but no door to return to the library nor Enterprise. Kirk walkd to the wall, where he entered this place. He calls McCoy and Spock. They can hear each other but cannot pass. Police arrested Kirk for aiding a thief.
in the ice, M&S feel the ice wall but cannot find the portal. they go to try to find shelter. McCoy fell down. The cold almost killed them. luckily a "walking fur coat" led them into a cave away from the wind. a fire heated it.
McCoy lay on a bed [hinting that later we will hear about the link to the future]. spock covered m' in a fur blanket. The person puld down its hood, revealing she is a lady. While McCoy sleeps, she told Spock her story. she has been exiled, from the future [with a bed] to the ice age because one of her kinsman tried to assassinate the tyrannical leader.
in prison, a man was questioning Kirk. when kirk mentioned the library  he ran out.
in the cave, Spock talks with her and invited her to join their travels. She insists that she fears the portal harms people and if she or he go thru, they will die. [not "both"].
 in jail,  a gard brout soup. when he pourd soup into a bowl, kirk grabd the guard's arm, and twisted it so the gard feard it may break, ergo remaind silent. kirk grabd the keys, and unlocked his door. not "Kirk escaped". before kirk left the cell, he knockd the gard unconscious and hid the guard's body by the dark wall.
the Prosecutor came. Kirk grabd his arms and surprised him that the door was unlokd. after kirk overpowers him too, they talk until he realized that kirk was not prepared for the trip and will soon die. Kirk can only survive for a few hours in the past.  he led kirk to the portal. kirk puts his hand into the bricks... then the Prosecutor says he fears going thru. Kirk steps back into the library, leaving the past. he returns to his own time and tried to rescue his team. 
Atoz wont help so Kirk lockd him in a closet. Another replica came so Kirk knockd him out, for the purpose of rescuing mccoy and spock. finally "real Atoz" zapd kirk.
In the cave, Spock succumbd to the emotion love. Spock ate meat and noticed that in contrast to his de-emotion training, he enjoyd it.  s' hugd her. While kissing her, he even smiled.
in the library, Atoz put k' on a cart and pushd it. as it rold toward the portal,  Kirk rold off the cart before it went into the atavachron. He wresled Atoz until a' agreed to help locate Spock and McCoy.  they view some discs.
in the cave,  McCoy  argued with Zarabeth to reveal the truth to Spock. Spock grabs McCoy's neck and held him against the cave.  McCoy gasps and asks Spock what's happening on vulcan now. Spock admits that his ancestors were violent. McCoy tells Spock that he was adjusting to this past era. so Spock freed m'. the trio went to search for the portal. they came to the place where they had appeared. they hear Kirk ask for them. Spock  argued with her to join him.  Kirk warnd them the supernova is very soon. Spock wants to stay with her. when McCoy tried to go thru, he can't. Mr. Atoz explaind that they went as a pair so only together. Zarabeth left to go to her cave. Spock hesitated, reluctant to leave her alone, but realizing that staying would strand mccoy against mccoys desire to return to "his life". Zarabeth turnd and lookd at Spock, with a tear running down her cheek... spock went thru with McCoy. they rejoin kirk in the library where Atoz puts in a disc, pushes the trio out of his way, and runs thru the portal to join his family. Kirk tells McCoy that he (Kirk) is glad he (a') went to his destination safely. He orderd Scott to beam them up, and orderd maximum warp as soon as they're aboard. Spock tells McCoy by now  Zarabeth is long dead and buried.  they beam up. The Enterprise escapes Beta Niobe's supernova explosion, by warping out of orbit, just as the star explodes into a supernova which spread until blasting the planet to bits.
 5906=3,22, "The Savage Curtain"

Thursday, March 11, 2021

my summary of "Turnabout Intruder" TOS star trek

date: 5928: 3,24,  "Turnabout Intruder" TOS
intro: around 3 days after Kirk dueld and kild and flew away from the lava planet, "stardate 5928.5".
   Enterprise flew orbiting a ringed planet. Mccoy and Spock beamd down with Kirk.
they visit Janice Lester who lay in bed. Surgeon, Doctor Arthur Coleman=dc was nursing her illness.
unexpectedly, Spock's tricorder detected faint life-form readings. she grabd kirk's arm so he stayd with her, while the other 3, go to investigate. Kirk talkd with her until he examind a device. she presd the remote-control so it trapd Kirk. she energeticly walkd to it, while smiling at the success of her trick. she stood beside him. it swapd their conciousness. now she is impostor captain=i.c', but he is in her body that the device weakend. ic' can fulfill her dream to be captain of a star ship. so ic' started to strangle her, to kill kirk. luckily for kirk, the others return so ic' stopd. 
McCoy reported to ic' that all the mission staff died. he debated with dr. c' which treatment for her. ic' lifted her and they beam up. 
a medical team pushed a bed to bring her to sickbay as ic' had orderd. there, ic' and Dr. C discuss her [the body containing kirk's conciousness]. despite dc's previous aid, to indirectly allow ic' to murder "Kirk," [delay mccoy's return], he refuses to actively kill her=Kirk.
McCoy came to treat his new patient. ic' orderd him to allow dr.c' to continue nursing her. McCoy intensley protested [his treatment differd and his patient now.] she awoke ergo nurse Chapel, an enterprise nurse, injected a sedative as dC directed.
ic' orderd Sulu to go to a hospital on Benecia. when Spock argued about the course, ic' showd anger, and went to Kirk's quarters.
there, "he" filed his nails, [hinting janice continued her habit], while mccoy askd to nurse HIS new patient, insted of dc' who has a bad record. ic' insisted dc' will continue. McCoy claimd that the captain is "under influence" ergo demanded a mental exam for "erratic" thinking. the bridge cald the captain.
In sickbay, she awoke and they argued. she demanded mccoy come and claimd a mind swap. Dr. Coleman told Nurse Chapel that she had paranoia for six months. He told Kirk, "You are insane, Dr. Lester." she lookd at her own face in a mirror and showd confusion.
later, she awoke and talkd with Chapel, who gave her a glass cup with juice. when chapel left she broke the cup and used its glass to cut the restraints.
McCoy spoke with Spock about the captain's odd behavior. the captain is under some influence of mental illness. ic' enterd the room. she ran along a corridor. before she coud talk with mccoy [not 2], ic' hit her, to mccoy's horror, and orderd her to isolation.
Spock enterd the room, escorted by one of the two door gards. she told Spock about the "life-entity" swap and askd for a vulcan mind meld. Spock saw the truth. the gard blockd the exit. Spock performd Vulcan nerv pinch, as Gard calld for help.
after McCoy examind ic', they hear by intercom that she escaped. ic' arrived where Spock also nerv pinchd the gard in the corridor by the door. spock surrenderd to ic' who broadcasted a call for a "court martial of Spock" for mutiny.
The judges gatherd. Scott questiond Spock, who claimd that by mind-meld he knows about the swap. Scott demands concrete proof . McCoy testifyd that his exams show ic' is mentally healthy. spock requested ic' bring her as a witness. she came and claimd the swap. ic' ridiculed that idea and accused Spock of mutiny, as ic's emotion intensified.
finally the judges consulted before the vote. McCoy and Scott agree that ic'  showd hysteria. 
if they vote spock innocent, then ic' will claim "you joind the mutiny".
ic' was recording this conversation, and accused them of joining the mutiny. ic' orderd the death penalty to all the mutineers. Chekov and Sulu protest "the death penalty is forbidden" [except one different law]. ic' angrily orders McCoy, Scott and  Spock imprisond. ic' orderd  a group execution.
while flying, Sulu and Chekov moved their hands away from their controls. luckily for kirk, the transfer started weakening.  ic' ran to DC in a lab to tell him. he repeated "i wont kill her." He gives ic' a lethal hypospray. they hurry to kill "her with kirk" before the swap will wear off...
ic' switched off  the cell's force field. before ic' can inject her, with "lethal hypospray" the swap effect wore off and ended. captain kirk, now kirk as before, holds the hypospray and does not kill her. she cryd. people talkd. ent' flew away to the next adventure.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

is good different than evil? a star trek episode Savage Curtain

is good different than evil? a star trek episode. when? date 5906=3,22, "The Savage Curtain" TOS
5906 is around ten days after 5840, preceding episode. note: now announced again "five year mission" despite date 5900 and considering 5900-1500=4400, and author theory of one per day: not match if so 5*365<2000 yet story truly containd "five years" ergo each is less than a day and as a fan proved each around 3 hours kuz around seven per earth day .
  story: on date 5906, Enterprise was scanning a planet. its surface was molten lava.  the lights on the bridge flickerd, due to power from the surface that scand the ent'.  the crew saw a glow that transformd into Abraham Lincoln.
  Captain Kirk and crew wore fancier uniforms with decorations such as a shiny strip, to welcome the "former president" as he claimd, with Presidential honors. the planet changed.  solid land emerged from under the lava, it has plants and people and air.
In the transporter room, security officers stood ready with phasers set to "heavy stun." Scott beamd Lincoln aboard. music sounded with drums. Doctor McCoy scand l' and told Kirk that he is human. Kirk led Lincoln for a brief tour of the vehicle. next l' spoke with  Lieutenant Uhura and then with Spock.
kirk met with the head crew to talk about this impostor, which is probably a trap. meanwhile, l' talkd more with Uhura. Spock noted that the trap was illogical. considering we saw their power, to interfere with the systems. if their goal was to kill them or  destroy the ship, they already could. Kirk declares that their mission  IS to seek civilizations, and now is an opportunity for that.
Kirk beamd down with Lincoln and Spock. the crew find the devices, most importantly the phasers stayed on the transporter pads.
on land of planet Excalbia, Surak [a being in the form of vulcan] greeted them. Kirk stated they won't cooperate with the charade. then, a boulder transforms alive. its hands are lobster-like claws. the being explaind that they study visitors to learn other "philosophies". now the purpose is to compare good and evil. kirk must battle the ones "considered evil" in human philosophy. the four combatants are: the human Colonel Green, a deceitful and genocidal leader during 21st century. another human Genghis Khan the ancient conqueror. a klingon [a being in the form of the founder of the Klingon Empire], and a Tiburonian. these are considered evil in human philosophy. however the human lincoln is considered "good" in western human philosophy as well as the vulcan named surak who had successfully negotiated ending the "final" war on Vulcan. these 2 will help the K&S represent "good". 
Kirk noted  "trapping me and forcing me to battle is not goodness." however the being retransforms to a boulder... like arguing with a rock... so the experiment proceeded. from the ent' chekov, McCoy, and Scott helplessly watchd the battle. [spears differs from "contest"]
Green advised Kirk that all eight should join to battle the natives, [um rock beings?] Kirk replyd that he knows that Green usually attakd during negotiations, when unexpected. indeed, while green talkd with kirk, g' walkd causing kirk to turn his back toward g's henchmen. during the dialog, Green's henchmen attakd.  the four "good" wrestled with the four "evil" conquerors. 
u.s. president lincoln threw mongolian conqueror khan [oops not yet].
first, khan [fur shawl] heaved a stone. when kirk turned to look, green punched kirk. the 4 pairs started wrestling.
kirk wrestled with green [red shirt].  
klingon attacked lincoln.
t' [long hair] first quikly overpowerd surak, next t' started wrestling spock.
lin', crouching, threw klingon over his head and down to the ground, before he heaved kl' aside.
g' gripd kirk who jabd an elbow into g'. when g' pushed kirk down, k' kickd him using both feet.
after kl' fled, l' advanced and wrestled khan until l' swung khan away. finally, team evil retreated.
the natives harmd the ent's "antimatter" system. they warnd kirk that they would only fix it if kirk wins. the crew warnd kirk that the problem will cause an explosion, ergo Kirk prepared for the next battle, by cutting branches and sharpening wood spears. 
Surak went to urge green to stop, kuz he was a successful negotiator. s' ignored Kirk's protest that "even Vulcan logic will not sway treacherous people", because the test might be about preventing combat.
team evil also sharpend wooden weapons and tied surak. team good heard s's screams.  Spock reveals that he doubts surak is screaming. 
Lincoln pland rescuing Surak. K&S obey the plan by revealing their approach, as a distraction for the rescue mission from behind.  k&s each carryd many wood spears.
Lincoln silently crept around g's henchmen to find and free surak. 
spock threw a spear but khan dodged and lobd a rock. kirk dodged and threw a rock back. spock threw wood spears, and kirk joind that effort keeping team evil distracted. l' crawld and found Surak dead.  g' watched l' while k&s stood, ready to threw more wood spears, but no target. l's distraction idea was wrong. 
Lincoln returnd to the battlefield, [not the base] and reveald that surak died. suddenly, l' fell due to a spear in his back [probly the klingon avenged his honor for l' flipping him in humiliation and forcing kl' retreat. now he kild l' without honor from behind in revenge. when l' not a threat.] despite l&s died, k&s continued attak, despite only 2, for saving the ent's crew.
[note: other summary did not detail this battle. the many fans who could easily summarize the battle, did not, nor the previous wrestling, so i must type and summarize despite my weak memory, i needed to improve yesterdays version too, now fixd].
g' and kl' charge at k&s while khan again threw a rock. spock threw a spear but misd khan, so khan dueld spock, while t' attacked kirk. kirk toppld t' but kl' came and started dueling kirk. so t' crawled away from combat.  g' watched ready to help whichever needed aid, but kl' kept kirk busy. kirk kicked kl' while spock wrestled khan. even when spock pind khan, khan rolls and pushd spock down. kl' pushd kirk down too. spock continued wrestling khan. kirk continued dueling kl' until kirk jabd his wood spear into the klingon who fell dead.  [t' does not help, indicating kirk injured her. a casualty who cannot continue combat]. next, kirk ran to save spock by choking khan. from behind khan, he lowerd a wood spear over khans head and started choking khan. khan turnd and puld free then fled. also green fled, despite g' was fresh after resting, in contrast to kirk who was straind from fighting t', kl' and khan. kirk chased g' and takld g. g wrestled kirk and tryd to stab kirk using a pointy stick like a knife. kirk jumpd back away but grabd g's arm keeping the wood weapon away. they wrestled until kirk bent g's arm behind g's back and tackled g onto the point. g's own weapon kild g'.
now  two dead from each side. [when surak went to negotiate, team evil tied and kild s'. l' died by spear. kirk speard kl' [not exactly stabd] and now in combat kild green. t' was injured so only khan remaind]. khan ran from spock ending the battle.
the boulder-being, who had watched, declared "kirk won, but BOTH used violence and kild" ergo "no difference between good and evil."
Kirk explained the human western philosophy: the difference is "we resisted fighting, only compeld by the threat to my crew," but evil usualy fights to control others and for personal gain.
kirk and spock beamd up. aboard the Enterprise, Scott reported that  the anti-matter threat/problem is adjusting. after spock explained that the forms were images based on their minds, Kirk orderd Sulu to leave orbit. the Enterprise flew [not warping] away. to find undiscovered civilizations... leading to more adventure.

vegetarian and atomic bombs


vegetarian and atomic bombs

have you ever heard about the vegetarian who attacked the workers [human] in a beef factory? we would not want to connect with cruel vegetarians. even by association.

if the "good guys" perform violent actions, then what is the difference? why are they good? an episode in "star trek" [season three in 1969] deals with this issue so i introduce 2 ideas: 

1, we know that rules, such as "red lights" at intersection, do have exceptions. ambulances in action "violate" as an exception,  and this exception indicate that the "ends" do justify the "means" even the "same action" that violates the "law to stop at right lights." the law, which has a purpose to share the area of the intersection among many drivers going different directions, has an exception... everyone must stop except ambulances, to show that the ends do justify the means. using the ends to justify the means is "not evil" as my ma lied to me, unless the goal is evil. such as using the ambulance to selfishly get to the sport event faster than others insted of its purpose which is to quikly go to ill people and "move them"=ambulate, to the hospital.

that red light excepton teaches that the same action, forbidden to me,  is justifyd by the end goal. the only doubt is the "price." but the idea "ends justify means" is not wrong.

if someone is dying then that justifies exceptions in rules even for a doubt maybe the ambulance was called for somebody dying... or a prank.

the good guys use "weapons and force" for rescue missions, to save other people, for a different goal "ends" than the evil people. the goal does justify the violence while those who use violence to control others are by that definition evil.

for example in the following debate about vegitarian, the lady trying to prevent dialog was the evil one by trying to control other people.


once, many years ago, a group of guests sat by a table. the host and hostess served chicken to each plate. one guest, a young teenage girl protested "dont give me meat." i replied "what is your reason?" the hostess... probably based on past experience of people arguing, interfered and said "dont talk about that". the teen obeyed. i was stubborn. i askd the teen "do you want to say your opinion?"--"yes"-- if so ignore the bossy lady who wants to control you."

the one trying to hide opinions... despite good intentions: to prevent an argument, was evil for controlling other people.

what is the rest of the debate?

veg': meat is gross.--me: please explain--v:it is simply gross--me: you mean the taste is gross for you?--no! that is not what i mean--please explain--"it is gross kuz it was alive".--me: but this meat was cookd by the hostess so it is not gross.--that is not what i mean--me: it seems you lack any good reason to be vegetarian...

all this time the hostess was rudely interrupting, many times repeatedly, trying to stop the dialog.  interrupting is rude and bad and and in this case also bossy and controlling so i ignored the bossy hostess.

the teen continued "i do have a reason"--"ignore the bossy lady and say what it is... i gave you a chance to explain yourself but you dont have any reasoning."--i give up! you cruel meat-eaters would never understand"--me: you mention cruel. are you caling the hostess cruel? [strategy pit them against each other]. hostess "i am not cruel" teen: no i dont mean she is cruel just YOU.

me: you probably refer to the PAIN of the animal.--v: exactly.--me: when we BITE this chicken does it feel pain?--v: stop ridiculing me!, hostess LOUDLY "enough! how many times do i have to tell you?" me to hostess "she said she WANTS to say her opinion so stop rudely interrupting." hostess fled to kitchen. 

host said "you hurt her feelings". i ignored both and presd the teen "i gave you a chance to explain your opinion but you dont HAVE any reason. if no pain not cruel."--v: the processing is cruel.--me: does that forbid the product?" silence. i continud "if not then you can eat the meat, AFTER the process, kuz you are not inflicting pain." 

the teen "whatever, i will try some." so the teen ate the chicken. surprise! that actually occurd.

in this story a veg would claim "the meat-eater is cruel" unless it is a lion, while in fact the bite does not inflict pain. the "indirect" is AFTER the cruelty and does not even CAUSE the actions performed by the meat killers. those who kill the chicken believe the action is not evil despite the harm, to the chickens body and life... because the action is FOR A GOAL the "ends" food do justify the means killing the animal.

so the same action "killing a pet dog or killing a chicken" depends on the goals. what? you would eat your dog? well if your pet found you dead, it would eat you....

so now the trek episode.

kirk and spock went to a planet and wrestled with some people known for their evil.

at the end: the space-alien askd kirk "you both used violence so what is the dfference between good and evil?" kirk explained the goal was different. "we were rescuing" when we used force but the violence performed to control others and take personal gain is the evil. so that is the difference. 

when u.s. invaded iraq was it the same action as iraq "invading" kuwait?  one difference was that u.s. was "not annexing" the land. and pland to exit and later did exit.

people claim evil u.s. started "every major war". assuming vietnam is considered major... still, north vietnam... long forgotten, attacked south vietnam who begd its ally for help. u.s. "saved them" by performing violence for a different goal than the violence of the north vietnam: to take the land and control the people under communism with no choices of leaders only one political group. no options.

what about world war 2? was that a major war? certainly... did the u.s. start it? truth is u.s. was nutral for two years. yet "quora" hosts questions that contain accusations "why did u.s. start every major war in the 1900's" is quora a source for information? now we know certainly not a qualified source. why not? before asking why we must ask if? "did u.s. start etc.?" nope. u.s. was nutral in BOTH of the major wars in the 1900's. u.s. ENDED the war by dropping an atom bomb on japan... when one was NOT enough to end the war... we all saw in action... the day after the bomb, still emperor of japan refused to end the war so needed more atomic bombs... only after soviets violated a treaty and invaded the "south amur river region: called manchu... then japanese emperor surrendered, nobody else in japanese military could surrender... even if they wanted to kuz the emperor was the shintto god. and even if the navy wanted to surrender stilll must obey emperor.

after saw one atomic bomb was not enough to end the war so needed a second and needed soviets to violate a treaty... the "means" seemd evil "violating a treaty" but still the "exception" like the exception of the red-light rule, was for the  "ends the end goal" to stop the war when people shot at each other... usualy bad to violate a treaty but at the time people were shooting at each other therefore the ends did justify the means of violating a treaty to save both: the lives of those that the japs shot at, as well as the jap soldiers who did not die in battle... as they wanted for their shinto ideas.

Monday, March 1, 2021

summary antiquity of jew with exciting plagues

   introduction for summary antiquity: the title is "jew antiquity" ergo must brif before the story of that nation named "children of israel".

 PART one

jews believed that God made plants and animals on the dirt.   naw-ay, a descendant of adam,  SAVED his family from the water flood. abraham was His descendant [5+6 must be briefer] and dweld in CANAAN.  

A FAMINE caused ABRAM to go TO EGYPT temporarily. after assyrians defeated SODOMITES, ABRAM rescued his relative by defeating those ASSYRIANS. fire destroyed SODOM. abraham had  descendants by concubines but fathered ISAAC by Sarra his WIFE, before she died. 

ISAAC wed RiBKA, before his father died. ISAAC fathered ESAU AND JACOB, who fled from esau TO MESOPOTAMIA. [better to end book one before the new era 

words? 92 for part one kuz  must brif before the story of that nation named "children of israel".]

  note: josephus claims almost 4000 years, between adam until isac died and this is not based on book genesis that has only a hundred years between births. josepus not only "historian who knew" but more importantly "preserved" the jews faith who "believed 200 years between each generation birth", which rabbis failed to preserve. this reveals that book genesis is not a reliable source and must be replaced. but by what? by this summary of antiquity.


Jakob [fathered sons starting the era of sons of jakob, children of israel and after that] returned and dweld in canan with his family. a prince abducted DINA. (end book one wrongly). note: now more detailed kuz about "jew nation" in title the children are these sons. still i must only BRIFLY summarize due to evil delay of ethics such as "honest weights" which jew leaders evilly delayed, until late in bible's third book, gasp, delayed in evil bible by almost a hundred chapters, demonstrating the sinister priority of the jewish leaders. such is very evil so i must prevent such a delay by summarizing the story. this delay is so severe that even ISOLATING isolating the religious laws still this law is delayed, after hundreds of laws that are ceremonies insted of moral. even studying the laws without story, will not reach it quickly and worse to delay by a hundred chapters by storys. or by offerings that jeremia said "god denied commanding," which reveals again the book "claimed" to be from moses are not from god nor holy. in fact a holy god would command "inspect and punish wrong measurements" first so i must fix.]

  JOSEPH told DREAMS to brothers, who [advised him to actualize the dream by going] to egypt.  JOSEPH went [willingly] TO EGYPT where he workd. CHASTITY OF JOSEPH. a lady accused JOSEPH so he IN PRISON. there he explained four dreams and pland for famine. DEATH OF JACOB AND JOSEPH.

EGYPTians AFFLICTed HEBREWS, MOSES fout ETHIOPIANS, MOSES FLED OUT From EGYPT INTO MIDIAN, MOSES saw THE BURNING BUSH AND found THE ROD, MOSES RETURNED TO EGYPT and went with aron TO PHARAOH, TEN PLAGUES hit EGYPTIANS, HEBREWS LEFT EGYPT, EGYPTIANS chased so God sent wind and split sea FOR THE HEBREWS ESCAPING  but drowned EGYPTIANS. moses taught laws.[most importantly have honest measurements and deter those who unjustly get money].

note: before ending book 2, but after fixing the moral law as above, now i must fix the exciting plagues in 2, 14. TEN PLAGUES HIt EGYPTIANS. 110 words plus: this lengthiness 306 words which must replace the worse lengthiness that delayed the ethic of "accurate weights in business" in leviticus , meaning must inspect and even punish merchants who use weights that are not accurate. the evil bible lacks such a punishment, and even delayed the moral idea, so i must fix. 


Moses *foretold the Egyptian river will have blood. it did. egyptians prevented from drinking, but it was natural  for Hebrews. king said "Hebrews leave". when plague ceased, he said "no go."

many frogs consumed the plants and fild the river. they spoild the water.  the country was full of filthy slime, and stinky odor, as they were born, and as they died. they also spoiled the vessels in egyptian homes. frogs ruind food and drinks. many botherd egyptians in their beds causing more miseries.

king freed Hebrews t go. until   frogs vanished. then retained the Hebrews, having granted that liberty due to fear not due to any good consideration. 

many  3 "lice" caused the egyptians to perish with misery

king  feard nation will be destroyed,   so told Hebrews to depart. when the plague ceased, he require that they should leave their children *and wives in egypt, as pledges of their return. 

then various pestilential 4 beasts fild egypt. the egyptians perished. any [animal]   escaped destruction from them, it was 5 killed by illness which also harmd people. 

Pharaoh said go but children stay so   terrible 6boils on egyptian skin that consumed  inward so many Egyptians perished.

next 7hail fell.  "larger than that which falls in the northern regions." This hail broke trees. many 8locusts consumed all the plants which survived the hail. king said  "leave your cattle" and go, so a thick 9darkness spread over the Egyptians,   thickness of the air hinderd egyptians breathing for 3 days causing them to die in misery and terror.   

after the passover lamb,  TENTH an angel of God killed the first-born Egyptians at night

Pharaoh told Moses the Hebrews must go. Egyptians gave Hebrews gifts to cause depart quickly, and others for friendship they had. israelites exited EGYPT, EGYPTIANS chased. wind split sea FOR THE HEBREWS ESCAPING  but drowned EGYPTIANS.

note: end book two in antq'